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View Full Version : Anyone know of any good dog books?

03-13-2003, 10:48 PM
I was looking through some of my Dog Fancy magazines, looking at the book reviews. Has anyone read anyone good dog books? If yuo have, what's the title and author? Thanks!:) ;)

03-14-2003, 02:00 AM
I'm currently reading
The Other End Of The Leash by Patricia McConnell

I think it's awesome!

Here's A review taken from Amazon.com:
The Other End of the Leash begins with an eloquently simple premise: "All dogs are brilliant at perceiving the slightest movement that we make, and they assume each tiny movement has meaning." With that in mind, all of Dr. Patricia McConnell's recommendations for communicating with your canine make immediate sense. Don't we all automatically bend forward when coaxing a dog to come and play? Break eye contact when we wish to avoid a confrontation? While these instinctive behaviors are right on target, a number of other habits aren't so positive, and McConnell helps us break them with both humor and common sense.

Chapters are categorized by senses such as sound, sight, and smell; specific pack behaviors such as dominance and play also merit their own sections. McConnell uses the same humor and patience she recommends with dogs on her readers. Whether she's referring to maggots as "a value-added commodity in canine economics" or ruminating on attempts to verbally cue her dogs to exit the house one at a time, her wise and gently self-deprecating book brings training--of both dogs and humans--to new levels. Jill Lightner

03-14-2003, 02:16 AM
I also have read The Other End of the Leash and I recommend it too.

I also recommend:

Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson
Dont Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor
Power of Positive Dog Training by Pat Miller (I am going to an internship with her this summer)
On Talking Terms with Dogs by Turid Rugaas
Excelerated Learning by Pam Reid
The Dog Whisperer by (Is it Bruce Fogle??? forgot this one)

03-14-2003, 07:23 AM
With the risk of repeating myself; Thor (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10056) and Plague Dogs (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11572).

03-14-2003, 07:26 AM
It's not a book it's a magazine called Dogs Today and you can pick it up at any good supermarket:D

03-14-2003, 01:02 PM
This is also another REALLY good book:

The Art of Raising a Puppy
by New Skete Monks

Here's a summary from amazon.com:
The monks of New Skete have been breeding and training dogs at their New York monastery for more than 20 years. Their philosophy of raising dogs accentuates the essential human-canine bond, whereby owners must learn to understand a dog's instincts, needs, and behavior. Understanding a dog, the monks say, is the key to successfully training him. They first published this philosophy in their 1978 classic guide How to Be Your Dog's Best Friend. Now the monks concentrate on the first three months of a puppy's life in The Art of Raising a Puppy.

The book observes a litter of monastery puppies from birth to 12 weeks. Tender photographs and dialogue reflect these precious first few weeks of life. Even at this time, the human-canine link is vital; the monks stress the importance of gentle touch to help forge this connection. Basic puppy training techniques are explored and executed, all of which puppy owners should find easy to implement. Virtually all types of dog problems and dog training are examined in the book, always in compassionate and easily comprehensible language. The monks also look well beyond surface training techniques to analyze the roots of dogs' problems and explain how training can help. Owners are taught how to gently assert dominance over their dog, which will make for a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship. Beautiful black-and-white photographs of monastery puppies will pull at every heartstring.

AND if were going to get into magazines, I LOVE The Whole Dog Journal, it's subscrition only, but totally worth the $20 for 12 issues
from Amazon:
The monthly guide to natural dog care and training. Whole Dog Journal advocates natural and holistic feed, healthcare methods and successful nonviolent training. Whole Dog Journal does not accept commercial advertising.

03-14-2003, 06:16 PM
Thanks everyone! I have like $30 in gift certificates to the bookm store, and I think my dad and I will be going! Thanks again everyone!:) ;)

03-14-2003, 06:29 PM
I like "The Hidden Life of Dogs" by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas.

03-14-2003, 09:15 PM
Here are some more.

Mother knows best
Dog training for kids
Dog Problems

The three above are written by Carol Lea Benjamin, She is in the front ranks of American Dog trainers today. She also has a column called "Dog Trainer's Diary" in American Kennel Gazette. She has also written several novels The Wicked Stepdog". and Nobodys Baby Now. she has also written articles for Better Homes and Gardens, The German Shepherd Dog Review, Runners World, Off Lead, Pet Lovers' Gazette, adn many others.

next is :For the Life of your Dog Written by the Greg Louganis, the four time olympic gold medal diving champion.