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03-13-2003, 06:16 PM
Hey every 1 How is evry 1 and their pets? Well we r good :D So i was wondering i just started to give my puppy "special treats" lol. Apples. They say for corgis {even tho she is not purebred but she still has it in her} can have fruits and veggies.. lol.. so i tried and they r sour when i gave it to her and u canshe her lil cheek just tighten up!! lol.. its soo cute.. She only gets this once a day.. So i was wondering what do you guys like to give to your pets as a little treat?? Just wondering!! :p lol.. Well i woulld like to hear form u!!

03-13-2003, 07:38 PM
haha kai gets everything...sometimes I think he gets better food than i do! He gets some rice from me..once in a while...bread..just a few crumbs..i don't want to give him too many grains. I tried giving him apples..didn't work too well. Then I moved onto bananas BINGO! He likes them! I froze them so it wouldn't be all mushy and sometimes just mix it in his dinner. I also have liver cut up into bits and frozen..I just give it to him once in a while. Kai is a spoiled pup lol..I buy him everything

03-13-2003, 07:43 PM
mickey doesn't get any meat scraps but he loves apples, fennel (weirdo ;)), and the tips of lettuce. we also gave him some watermelon once and he ran off with a pasta noodle that fell on the floor. lol. he also got a corn pop a few times. its so fun to see him crunch on that thing..:D

03-13-2003, 10:59 PM
Nebo will eat ANYTHING!! He does like fruits and veggies though...he really *loves* carrots..sometimes I'll peel a whole big carrot, and just let him munch on it. :)

03-13-2003, 11:12 PM
I give Sadie eathier a apple or an orange at least once a week. She likes apples better, though! Are carrots ok for dogs?

03-13-2003, 11:37 PM
yep i'm pretty sure dogs can have carrots. I give them to kai all the time, no problem at all!

03-13-2003, 11:38 PM
I read somewhere that dogs shouldn't have the seeds of the apple...something to do with cyanide? iunno...anyone know anything about this?

03-14-2003, 08:09 AM
Our dogs love fruits & veggies, plus it's good for them. But they also get the occassional chewy or soft dog treat.
They really like the new Greenies I got for them:D

03-14-2003, 12:07 PM
Lolly is pretty picky but I've finally got her eating green beans about once a week. I just put a little in with their food. Reece and Peka are piggies and eat just about anything. There are some things they won't touch though - lettuce, apples, grapes..

03-14-2003, 12:20 PM
I use sweet apples, like Delicious, peel and core it and then slice it into pieces or sections. Cody has to do something for it, just re-prarcticing, sit, down, over, usually with just my hand movement. Then, of course, I'll give him the rest, I try to keep it fun and him active since he's getting older. He used to eat veggies but learned that dried liver is tastier. basically, he'll eat everything and anything, being part Lab!!.

03-14-2003, 05:24 PM
lol yeah actually i heard that too anna_66 yeah i dont think they can have it either.. LOL.. funnny!! ive learned while eating popcorn cami will sure try to get some and sometimes she'll suceed! :D lol.. My sisters dog though loves marshmellows!! lol.. What about salty things?? they cant hav that stuff either right?? like any thing salty?? i dunno.. lol :confused: Well anything else??

03-14-2003, 06:11 PM
kai - i don't know about the seeds but when we give the apple to mickey, we cut it up first :)