View Full Version : Has Pet Talk Changed?

03-13-2003, 04:36 PM
Since you first joined Pet Talk has it changed?

Are you happy with the changes?

If you could change anything about Pet Talk, what would it be?

(The word "improve" needs to be added here as well!)

03-13-2003, 04:39 PM
Since I've joined there have been positive and negative changes. With all the new members, its very hard to keep things as peaceful and positive as they used to be. I don't think there is any solution to this. Whenever you have a large, diverse group, conflict is bound to pop up.

I really like the layout change Paul and Karen did a year or so ago. Sheesh, I can't even remember when that was now, but I like it!

03-13-2003, 04:42 PM
I miss a lot of the people who used to be Pet Talkers and don't stop by any more. :(

Desert Arabian
03-13-2003, 04:42 PM
Oh dear, should I really answer that..um..um...um...I think not.
http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/sprachlos/speechless-smiley-017.gif http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/sprachlos/speechless-smiley-017.gif

03-13-2003, 04:48 PM
It has changed....I agree with Aly.

I do miss some of our previous members as well, Pam.

I love the new format! Especially all the fun colors and smilies! ;)

03-13-2003, 05:04 PM
It has changed alot. i like it better when i first joined.

03-13-2003, 05:38 PM
I guess this is subjective.

I too miss some of the members who were here a year or so ago, but they made a decision to not come back or come back less often. I don't know that any one person here is powerful enough to make any one person leave...well, Karen and Paul can make them leave, but you know what I mean....

Maybe we should start a thread for suggestions on how to improve pet talk and maybe get back some of the old members? I think I get bored with all internet chatting every now and then....but in general, enjoy hearing about and from everyone here. It keeps life real for me in many ways, and makes me wonder sometimes, if people have lives outside of this web site! I think I probably fall into the category some weeks!

So what about starting a thread...."If you could improve Pet Talk, how would you do it?"...

SAS and her Miley girl

03-13-2003, 05:39 PM
I would not allow people to send mean PMs. How? I don't know...

03-13-2003, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
I would not allow people to send mean PMs. How? I don't know...

Soledad, I find it interesting that you say that. I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but am wondering the reason why. :)

03-13-2003, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont

So what about starting a thread...."If you could improve Pet Talk, how would you do it?"...

SAS and her Miley girl

I completely agree - so let's include the words
"improve" as well as "change."

03-13-2003, 05:53 PM
It has definitely changed!

Positive: I love the new layout/format/etc!! And there have been many new & wonderful members contribute to the forum!!

In-betweener: Some of the older members/pillars aren't around. :( But I am glad when they remember us, drop in, and say 'hi!'

I'm going to step outside of my comfort zone to say this (and will probably receive some nasty PM's but...) I also disapprove of the 'newer' kids of pettalk. If they have something to say and can contribute it a positive manner, I'm all for 'em being on the board. But there are those who continually 'get my goat' by posing under different names/ages/etc. or joining in just to fight/argue/ridicule. (I think it's only fair to add that --while I don't have solid proof-- my instinct tells me not all the 'posers' on here are children.) These are the members I would like to see relocated to other areas of cyber-space.

As Aly said, a growing community cannot exist without a few tempers flaring. And there's not an easy solution to making it all just "go away."

But all-in-all, I think Karen and Paul do a marvelous job moderating esp. considering they have 'other' jobs, families, concerns, and one heckuva cute bunny to take care of! Kudos to you guys!

03-13-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
It has definitely changed!

Positive: I love the new layout/format/etc!! And there have been many new & wonderful members contribute to the forum!!

In-betweener: Some of the older members/pillars aren't around. :( But I am glad when they remember us, drop in, and say 'hi!'

I'm going to step outside of my comfort zone to say this (and will probably receive some nasty PM's but...) I also disapprove of the 'newer' kids of pettalk. If they have something to say and can contribute it a positive manner, I'm all for 'em being on the board. But there are those who continually 'get my goat' by posing under different names/ages/etc. or joining in just to fight/argue/ridicule. (I think it's only fair to add that --while I don't have solid proof-- my instinct tells me not all the 'posers' on here are children.) These are the members I would like to see relocated to other areas of cyber-space.

As Aly said, a growing community cannot exist without a few tempers flaring. And there's not an easy solution to making it all just "go away."

But all-in-all, I think Karen and Paul do a marvelous job moderating esp. considering they have 'other' jobs, families, concerns, and one heckuva cute bunny to take care of! Kudos to you guys!

Well said Tonya :) Iwas trying to decide how to word many of those exact thoughts and I think you did it very well!

03-13-2003, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
I also disapprove of the 'newer' kids of pettalk. If they have something to say and can contribute it a positive manner, I'm all for 'em being on the board. But there are those who continually 'get my goat' by posing under different names/ages/etc. or joining in just to fight/argue/ridicule. (I think it's only fair to add that --while I don't have solid proof-- my instinct tells me not all the 'posers' on here are children.) These are the members I would like to see relocated to other areas of cyber-space.


I honestly don't really remember much when I first joined...I know when I came back, the layout was different, but I don't remember how the layout was before.

We have some excellent members here, and some excellent members who are no longer here. :( Everything seems a bit negative lately, I think we need something positive to cheer us all up. Overall, I love Pet Talk, it's an excellent forum. :)

03-13-2003, 06:22 PM
In the recent months....I've had to 'watch' what I say. I've never had to do that here before. I'll go on the record as saying this site has become a lot less tolerant, in a bad way.

But....like I said before, I love the site...I'm addicted. ;)

03-13-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
It has definitely changed!

I'm going to step outside of my comfort zone to say this (and will probably receive some nasty PM's but...) I also disapprove of the 'newer' kids of pettalk. If they have something to say and can contribute it a positive manner, I'm all for 'em being on the board. But there are those who continually 'get my goat' by posing under different names/ages/etc. or joining in just to fight/argue/ridicule. (I think it's only fair to add that --while I don't have solid proof-- my instinct tells me not all the 'posers' on here are children.) These are the members I would like to see relocated to other areas of cyber-space.

Although I'm relatively new, but not a kid, i have seen in my short time a fair representation of what was meant here by zippy-kat, and it shocks me at how they can act...even towards the members who pop onto a post not saying anything against or to them...

I will say however, that the majority of people I have come into contact have been awesome, and that keeps me coming back despite those "punks" as i'll put it, who like to argue, and what not just because they think its fun, or whatever it is they think!


03-13-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
It has definitely changed!

I'm going to step outside of my comfort zone to say this (and will probably receive some nasty PM's but...) I also disapprove of the 'newer' kids of pettalk. If they have something to say and can contribute it a positive manner, I'm all for 'em being on the board. But there are those who continually 'get my goat' by posing under different names/ages/etc. or joining in just to fight/argue/ridicule. (I think it's only fair to add that --while I don't have solid proof-- my instinct tells me not all the 'posers' on here are children.) These are the members I would like to see relocated to other areas of cyber-space.

As Aly said, a growing community cannot exist without a few tempers flaring. And there's not an easy solution to making it all just "go away."

Bless you Zip for saying what I was thinking in a manner that wouldn't get me kicked off the board all together ;) In addition to what you have said, it seems like many of these "newbies" aren't always here for pets either, but use these boards as their own social gathering place (PM's people.. use the PM's!!!! :D)

I would have to say I liked it better even as soon ago as before Christmas. The whole feel is different now, but I can't really describe what that is.

However, with all the people that join here every day Karen and Paul do a great job. Maybe it's a good time to "hire" some more admin! ;) And, if nothing else, the wealth of information I have learned from this site about pets far exceeds the annoyances that sometimes crop up. :)

03-13-2003, 06:38 PM
I love Pet Talk, and the way everything is set out. I have been addicted to the Dog of the Day forever, and only recently (1 year ago) started commenting in the Pet Talk forum.

I have to agree - seems that people are getting nastier / or less tolerant.

In general though, everyone seems to be really friendly and helpful. Lets hope it stays that way.

03-13-2003, 06:47 PM
i don't know what other layout there was. the forum hasn't changed from when i joined. i hope i'm not one of those "young ones" who seem to piss everyone off :o

i love pet talk. i guess people who post under different names and ages get me mad too, but there are a lot of good things about this place :) i think zippy-cat said it the best :D

03-13-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by primabella
hope i'm not one of those "young ones" who seem to piss everyone off :o

MOST DEFINITELY NOT! You are a terrific member and I personally enjoy reading your posts and getting to know Mickey! ;) (Love your signature!)

03-13-2003, 09:17 PM
Cookiebaker - I meant exactly what I said! :) Just that I've received mean PMs and I would rather not have to look at them.

Also, I wish some people had better grammar, spelling and punctuation. Not out of snobbery, but there are some posts on here that are barely comprehensible.

03-13-2003, 10:32 PM
Primabella, you are definitely one of my favorites. I don't think you've ever pissed someone off!

I never intend to piss people off, that's why I've decided not to have anything to do with controversial threads anymore. The thing that I believe has changed the most is that people have become less tolerant of the beliefs of others. Karen and Paul definitely do a great job moderating, and I know they do the best they can. I was wondering if we can add a new board (like marketplace) for things in the news, etc. so that people that don't want to get involved, don't go to that board.............but then again, it might be a bad idea because curiosity can get even those avoiding such threads in the board. :eek: All I know is that this is a great board full of pet loving people, and that's what makes PT the wonderful board it is. Anyone that is compassionate enough to love an animal is a very softhearted and loving person. :) I hope things get better on PT from now on. I'm sure our love for pets can get us through all the hurt feelings of the past, and we can get back to talking about our pets and being friends. :)

03-13-2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Pam

MOST DEFINITELY NOT! You are a terrific member and I personally enjoy reading your posts and getting to know Mickey! ;) (Love your signature!)

I agree! :D

03-13-2003, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by primabella
i don't know what other layout there was. the forum hasn't changed from when i joined. i hope i'm not one of those "young ones" who seem to piss everyone off :o

i love pet talk. i guess people who post under different names and ages get me mad too, but there are a lot of good things about this place :) i think zippy-cat said it the best :D

Same here!:o How old are you, primabella? I'm 12.:) ;)

03-13-2003, 10:59 PM
Sarah - you are very mature and not annoying in the least bit. I love all of your posts and love seeing your beautiful Sadie girl :)

03-13-2003, 11:24 PM
Thank you Aly! I didn't think I was annoying, but if I was, I would want to fix that. :) ;)

03-14-2003, 12:05 AM
Sara, Primabella... you two are most definitely treasured members of this community!

03-14-2003, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn

I would have to say I liked it better even as soon ago as before Christmas. The whole feel is different now, but I can't really describe what that is.

Yeah, this thread has me thinking about it.....it seems since the new year everyone's been even more angry....well, at least it seems that way to me.

I'll admit, I'm one of them that's been on the crabby side lately. I'm sorry. It's just that some people drive me crazy....and I'm sure I drive others crazy too! Anyway, I think we *all* need to start being more tolerant of eachother.

Let's make Pet Talk the *happy* place it normally is! :D

03-14-2003, 12:34 AM
I know alot of people dislike me on the board, but I hope you're not talking about me. As my mom always says "i'm not here to win a popularity contest." Geez, my mom is so smart.:)

03-14-2003, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q

Let's make Pet Talk the *happy* place it normally is! :D


Former User
03-14-2003, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by gini
Since you first joined Pet Talk has it changed?

Are you happy with the changes?

If you could change anything about Pet Talk, what would it be?

(The word "improve" needs to be added here as well!)

Yes it has. I joined in August 2001.

Some changes are for good, but some not. I for example don't like how some people register with several names, why isn't one name enough? I also don't like that the people who have been kicked out, have signed in with new names and many of them. I won't put any examples, but few of you know what I mean.

If I could change PT... well, I'd probably add few more moderators. I'm not saying Karen and Paul are doing a bad job at all, acutally, you guys do an excellent job, as your forum is quite big! But few moderators more would be great, it's easier to keep control when there's more eyes on watch. And I would also get involved to this "hot" threads really fast and either lock them or remove them before flaming gets going on.

I agree with Noah's Mommy, you really have to be careful here now with what yousay, and I hate that. What happened to the fun people used to be here, when almsot anything was allowed? In good taste, that is

03-14-2003, 05:21 AM
I wasn't going to reply to this - and even PM'd Gini and told her why.
But Zippy has encapsulated it so well - I'll just throw in my twopen'orth (two cents!!). I think the tolerance level has fallen dramatically - often when reading a thread from the beginning you suddenly come upon a reply from someone who has taken umbridge at someone else and WOW - sparks fly so quickly. I can't quite understand if they feel so hurt why can't they just PM the other person and do it politly and calmly. It's all a case of I feel this and I say that, so I'm right - everyone's on their high horse and unable to discuss calmly.
Why? Maybe age does have a lot to do with this. Sometimes I just lose patience and log-off.
Let's all try and keep cool and talk to each other - properly.
I do miss some of the 'older' - not age wise!! - members who don't come round all that often.
Having said all that I must just add that I feel Karen and Paul do a great job in moderating and always seem able to pour oil on troubled waters. It must be a thankless task. SO - Thank You both :)


03-14-2003, 05:33 AM
All I can say is that I love PetTalk...I love this family & have met a lot of new friends. Paul & Karen do a wonderful job at moderating!
It must be a thankless task. SO - Thank You both
Yes...Thank You for opening & providing this forum. We appreciate it! :)

03-14-2003, 06:19 AM
I love Pet Talk, I've met so many new friends. I know a few people who are still angry with me for how I behaved a few months ago. I think I've matured a lot since then though!:)

If I could change one thing about PT, I would make another forum for testing pictures, signatures, and maybe Phred's picture instructions could stay as an announcement at the top for the newbies who are learning. :)

Also, I wish some people had better grammar, spelling and punctuation. Not out of snobbery, but there are some posts on here that are barely comprehensible.


And thank you Karen and Paul for doing a great job!:)

03-14-2003, 07:05 AM
I guess I qualify as an "old" one who doesn't post as often but it's for several reasons...some personal and some because some of the weird threads that had nothing to do with our furkids. I still lurk though. We did have two alternative moderators for awhile, Phred and SpencerTheLion. It worked great, especially when Paul & Karen had to be absent for whatever reason (they DO have a life you know). But when some of these threads started to get out of hand I can't blame anybody for not wanting to play sheriff. I now try to only participate in the positive, fun, informative threads and leave the controversy to others:rolleyes: One of the best times I've had in many, many years was the first PetTalkMeet in Texas with Karen,Paul,Sammi,Mike,Aly (and ReeceMan & Lolly of course) Chuck (and Ms Vicky & the almighty Spencer)Augie (from TX) and her son et al and all the good vibes we had there. Here's to many more:D

03-14-2003, 07:54 AM
Hard to say really... I think it's changed both for the better and the worse.

Better in the way that "controversial" threads are more allowed nowadays, and worse in the way that more people retort with personal flaming in said threads (like for example how some people called me a "sick freak" for posting about the kid who killed himself).

Purely technically I would like to see HTML allowed; I really miss that.

03-14-2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally89

If I could change one thing about PT, I would make another forum for testing pictures, signatures,

You can always test them in a normal area and then delete the test post after you see if it worked.

03-14-2003, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
I'm going to step outside of my comfort zone to say this (and will probably receive some nasty PM's but...) I also disapprove of the 'newer' kids of pettalk. If they have something to say and can contribute it a positive manner, I'm all for 'em being on the board. But there are those who continually 'get my goat' by posing under different names/ages/etc. or joining in just to fight/argue/ridicule. (I think it's only fair to add that --while I don't have solid proof-- my instinct tells me not all the 'posers' on here are children.) These are the members I would like to see relocated to other areas of cyber-space.

As Aly said, a growing community cannot exist without a few tempers flaring. And there's not an easy solution to making it all just "go away."

But all-in-all, I think Karen and Paul do a marvelous job moderating esp. considering they have 'other' jobs, families, concerns, and one heckuva cute bunny to take care of! Kudos to you guys!

I totally agree Tonya!! WELL SAID!!!
And with that I first and foremost want to say that I LOVE PETTALK!!! If I didn't I wouldn't come here several times a day!!
Yes, the forum has gotten HUGE which I good in a way, and Yes we have lost some of the familyness.
B/c of the more stressful threads and some of the younger members that DO come on DO stress me out quite a bit.
BUT with that I have met some of my closest, dearest friends here. And with that I wouldn't change for the world!
And thru here I have met other people. Like Thru Amy (Cincy'sMom) I met her mom, and now Keegan and I have Dog Park Buddies. :D
Karen and Paul you have definately made a very very special place here on the web that we can all get together and meet. THANK YOU!
There are some changes that should be made but I would have NO CLUE how to even begin to make them:(

03-14-2003, 01:27 PM
I joined PT the day after the new layout, so I don't know what the old one looked like. I like everything about this layout, it's very pleasant to look at. :)

Concerning changes, I'd like that signatures was limited to a certain size, many of them I find way too big, they take up so much space in some posts. Some of them are very nice, but still ...

It would also be nice if newcomers knew that posts can be edited - instead of posting 3-4 posts right after the other.

I also believe it would be a good idea to delete members who has joined in 2000 or 2001 and never posted.

Also, it would be nice to have a search feature where you could search for where the members come from - it could be country or state, but I realise that it would have to be typed into the members profiles.

Lastly, I'd like to say that I too agree with Zippy on her views! :)

Oh, and I also miss some of the oldies - like C. C.'s mom!

That's my 2 danish kroner. :D

03-14-2003, 01:32 PM
I joined around Christmas time, and havnt seen much change yet. I hope im not anoying anyone:o But i love PT! I guess Im really addicted, I finnaly found a place where I can go on and on about my pets and hear about other peoples pets!:) Glad i found this place. Thanks again karen and paul for making such a wonderful board! And thanks to all the great PT members for making it feel like home!:D lol ;)

03-14-2003, 01:40 PM
Gee - call me clueless, but I wasn't aware of people registering under multiple names. The only time I've seen someone with a new name was when something went haywire with their old name.

I like some of the "new kids" - I wouldn't ever want Pet Talk to get too cliqueish with just the same group all the time. New people introduce us to new points of view, new locations and experiences and even religions and I'm ok with that. It's really fun to know that I'm chatting with people from all over the world

I also like hearing from our younger members. I enjoy their youthful exhuberance. Also, some of them occasionally have some serious problems and I feel like we're able to comfort them and help them.

My solution to Pettalkers that annoy me? I ignore them. I don't respond to their posts and don't even bother to open new threads started by them. This works for me. But hey, we're a community, there are always going to be personality conflicts - that's a part of life. Just as long as we keep our main focus - our love of our pets, then we all have common ground.

03-14-2003, 01:45 PM
Well said catland!

03-14-2003, 02:06 PM
but I can't quite explain it. I guess it's because of new member and new thoughts. But this is good, change is good even though most of us don't like it:p
I'm glad I've found a place that I can share my dogs (problems or not) and share everyone elses pets too! I've found some of the most wonderful people here & wouldn't trade it for the world!
Here it seems everyone is not out to judge you, they like you for who you are (or should I say like your pets for who they are;) )
I love when we can talk and people listen to others views without the "flaming" that others have talked about. We are all different, we have different views on things. Isn't this what life is all about? Just think how boring Pet Talk would be if we all talked about or liked the same things!

Thanks to our founders Karen & Paul:D

03-14-2003, 02:25 PM
Well, I am a 'newer' member, having joined in September, I think, but a fairly regular poster. And, I am one of the ones that could be accused of being a flame thrower. I don't know what the old PT was like, and I like the format currently.

I would probably stick closer to the age limit, as I find some of the younger posters irresponsible at best. I don't like the blow by blow account of some of the more youthful posters. But, there are some youthful posters that I don't have any concerns with. So, I don't know how you make the judgment as to who is too young, and who isn't. I admit that youth isn't always the dictator. I can state with certainty that the one thing that peeves me to no end is someone with 5-10 posts to their name coming in and stirring up all kinds of trouble. I don't mean to imply that just because someone has a certain number of posts they have unfettered discretion, BUT, it is the same on the 'net as it is in real life, you gotta test the waters before you start screaming shark. ( I just made that phrase up!!).

But, on the other hand, I can say after getting to know some people, and I hope they won't be offended by me referencing them, cause I mean it in a complimentary way, like Popcorn and Floppsy, I have a different level of respect/admiration for them. Should I have had that initially? Sure. But, I now see things that I might disagree with, but, because I have some history with them, I am soooo much more tolerant, and able to 'listen' to their side. But, that does tie in to my statment that people with 5-10 or so posts should sit back and develop a relationship with the board before insulting half of it's members.

And, another thing, I think when I write as much as I did on this post, it should count as 10 posts, so I can catch up to Jen!!! :D

03-14-2003, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q

Yeah, this thread has me thinking about it.....it seems since the new year everyone's been even more angry....well, at least it seems that way to me.

I'll admit, I'm one of them that's been on the crabby side lately. I'm sorry. It's just that some people drive me crazy....and I'm sure I drive others crazy too! Anyway, I think we *all* need to start being more tolerant of eachother.

Let's make Pet Talk the *happy* place it normally is! :D

Well said Amy. I think I have been crankier then usual, and I also apoligize. Maybe it is "winter blues"? Hopefullt spring will be better for us all :)

03-14-2003, 04:16 PM
thanks to all those who complimented my signature and who sai di don't piss them off. glad i don't :D nobody gets me mad here unless they are posting under different names ect. nothing personal, it just aggravates me. :rolleyes:

sarah - i'm 15 :D i thought you were much older than 12! ;)

03-14-2003, 04:34 PM
I mostly like how if we dont really like somthing and enough people feel the same way, paul or karen try and change it for us. I also love how the interact on here, because on all my oher message boards the moniters never reply.

03-14-2003, 04:41 PM
lol @ how no one denied what i said. Guess i was correct. oh well.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-14-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Concerning changes, I'd like that signatures was limited to a certain size, many of them I find way too big, they take up so much space in some posts. Some of them are very nice, but still ...

This is my only pet peeve I guess. Like Randi says, some of them are very nice, but.....

I really like the "international" flavor we have here. I've been on other boards before, but this is the only one that has so many from other countries. To me, this is a good thing because it brings different ideas and different viewpoints for us to all think about. Sometimes these different viewpoints can cause tempers to fly, but I guess that is to be expected when the whole world is on edge.

It has been a long winter, which doesn't help the tempers any, and we've had a run of bad news and pet deaths here at PT which may be lending itself to the "negative" tone that is being mentioned. Maybe we could all just relax a little and not take every little comment so literally or so personally. Listen with an open mind and realize that just because someone has a different opinion, it's not necessarily wrong - it's just different. Another thing that might help is if you know you are having a bad day and are somewhat testy - don't post! Turn off your computer and go do something that makes you happy instead of taking your frustrations out here.

I have no idea what everyone is talking about with people signing in under different names and such, but the thing that really bothered me recently was when someone gave AdoreMyDog's thread about Minnion being sick a one star rating. That is just plain mean, and if there is someway to find out who did that, they should be banned from here.

Other than that, I love it here. Everytime I stop in I find something to smile at and something to brighten my day, and those posts/threads that have a negative flair I just ignore.

So let's all be happy....and bring on the newborn kitty pictures! ;) :D

03-14-2003, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
lol @ how no one denied what i said. Guess i was correct. oh well.

KayAnn! You know that's not true! You are one of my best friends! :D

03-14-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q

KayAnn! You know that's not true! You are one of my best friends! :D

you don't count :p

Felicia's Mom
03-14-2003, 09:47 PM
I have never noticed people using more than one name.
Just about everyone is very nice on this board. One person rudely answered one of my posts without knowing all the facts. Thats what the ignore list is for.
It does bother me to see the bad spelling, on all boards not just this one. If I am not sure how to spell something, I look it up or use another word.

03-14-2003, 10:21 PM
I love the PT.
I've never been down here on the general. I'm always over on the cat side.

Things I love are:

How it's divided into cats, dogs, pets, etc.

How the fire dogs come for special needs and condolences.

How concerned the people are for you and your pet.

What a wonderful job Karen and Paul do for us.

Things I don't love:

How anyone could right cruel things, without trying to mentor a new pet owner who may not know any better.

How sometimes people can get off topic.

How rudeness or fighting happens. (but this happens much less than I would imagine with 6000 people aboard)

How sometimes there are pictures of children or we are directed to links of their children with the pets.

What I love far out weighs the dislikes and find it no bother to move right over things I'm not interested in.

I always have a positive visit in PT. Although sad news can make me feel bad, that's part of being alive.

thanks to all

03-14-2003, 11:46 PM
Well, I haven't been posting here too long, so I haven't noticed anything different.

Well, maybe just a little ... it seems that maybe people feel a little more free to speak their minds and give their opinions lately. And I think this is a good thing, as long as it is done assertively, not aggressively.

When I first started posting here, I wasn't sure if I was going to stick around or not ... simply because it seemed that unless your comment was sticky-sugary-saccarrin-sweet, you'd better not even think of typing it ... JMHO. Now it seems like people are realizing it's ok to say, "Hey, I disagree, and here is why ...." That's a good thing; it's how we learn and grow.

Concerning changes, I'd like that signatures was limited to a certain size, many of them I find way too big, they take up so much space in some posts. Some of them are very nice, but still ...

I agree!!! Some of the signatures are HUGE, and if you are poor and have an old, slow computer (like me!), they take FOREVER to load!

lol @ how no one denied what i said. Guess i was correct. oh well.

I personally don't have a problem at all with you or your posts, Kfamr. I wouldn't take this thread so personally, if I were you.

How sometimes there are pictures of children or we are directed to links of their children with the pets.

I don't understand. You are offended because someone posts a picture of their pet with their child? Surely I'm misunderstanding you?!

03-15-2003, 06:15 AM
I think Rose meant she felt is might be a safety issue to post pics of your children with your pets. :)

03-15-2003, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I think Rose meant she felt is might be a safety issue to post pics of your children with your pets. :)

Glad you helped to clarify that Cataholic. I personally love seeing pictures of children with pets. After all they are the next generation of furmommies and furdaddies and it makes me happy to see their lives being enriched this way and a love for animals being encouraged. :)

03-15-2003, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by catland
I like some of the "new kids" - I wouldn't ever want Pet Talk to get too cliqueish with just the same group all the time. New people introduce us to new points of view, new locations and experiences and even religions and I'm ok with that. It's really fun to know that I'm chatting with people from all over the world

I also like hearing from our younger members. I enjoy their youthful exhuberance. Also, some of them occasionally have some serious problems and I feel like we're able to comfort them and help them.

My solution to Pettalkers that annoy me? I ignore them. I don't respond to their posts and don't even bother to open new threads started by them. This works for me. But hey, we're a community, there are always going to be personality conflicts - that's a part of life. Just as long as we keep our main focus - our love of our pets, then we all have common ground.

Hey, I couldn'd have said it better!!
I also like what Randi said:

Also, it would be nice to have a search feature where you could search for where the members come from - it could be country or state, but I realise that it would have to be typed into the members profiles.

Karen & Paul, thanks for this super forum, it is part of my life now, a part i couldn't live without anymore!!!

L. Wayne
03-15-2003, 08:05 AM
I do not know how many of you take the time to surf the net. I have found that there are many other "cat-chat" forums to choose from. But I have not found one that is as kind, non- juidgemental, and helpful (and not to mention, busy) as these folks on Pet Talk. Considering the legalists and other trouble-makers, which can be spotted easily on most of the other forums, I'd say that we have been blessed with such a great bunch of folks on Pet Talk because I have seen a few posts from the know-it-all legalists. As long as we ignore them, they will leave of their own volition, because they soon find out that we are not interested in arguing with them. As far as allowing the younger members, they are all welcome, provided they do not argue with us "old folks". Of course there are those rare occasions when it is necessary to bar some from re-intering the forum. I believe that we had a case of this just recently.

Our moderators have their hands full and this is a credit to them, as they all have outside jobs, and then come home in the evenings and have to face the demands of this very active and popular forum.

I think the only thing I would change is how we place the smilies on our posts. I have not found a way to edit them into a post, although they can be taken out with ease. This may appear to be a minor thing, but us men have a more difficult time in presenting emotions to our posts, not like the girls, and therefore, I personally depend on them to help fix-up my messages. What I would like to see with the smilies, is that when it comes time to edit them into a post, (which I edit mine most of the time anyway) that we can insert an appropriate smilie without ereasing all message after it's position has been determined.


03-15-2003, 08:28 AM
Wayne, you can always type them in by hand, you know! That's what I do since I hate having to interrupt my typing just to click one of the smileys.

03-15-2003, 08:29 AM
I am fairly new so I don't know about any changes. I like the look of the site and it seems well maintained. I love the pet photos that people post, and pet, cat, dog of the day photos.

smokey the elder
03-15-2003, 08:49 AM
Trying this again. Yesterday the PT glitch blocked my soapbox. Here goes. :)

First, this is one of the most polite, well-run site I've visited. For the most part, we can have spirited debates about many hot issues without it degenerating into a flame war. I've been on sites where people got in flame wars about CAT FOOD. Get a grip!

Second is my take on Internet communication. We depend solely on the written word, without any other cues like inflection and body language. Emoticons help but only to a point.

Because of this "one-dimensional" communication, rules and conventions have been developed. I think the best one is the admonition against ALL CAPS.

Many folks use abbreviations (u r here, for example.) This is from text messaging from cell phone screens and is spilling over. Like any language shift, it becomes more acceptable as it becomes familiar. My tenth grade English teacher would not have approved! This does not imply illiteracy, but with that in mind...

Many people here have English as a second language and I applaud that you are here. Before someones goes and disrespects anyone's grammar, spelling, etc. they should try to go on a Dutch, Russian or Spanish web site and try to write in that language. :p

Well so much for that soap box. I'm just interested in how folks communicate in different media.

L. Wayne
03-15-2003, 09:02 AM
Ann, OK on the typing them in by hand. However, I have never seen a web-site that isn't set up so we can insert a smiley into our post.:) I would personally edit more of them into my posts if it could be done.

Also, about spelling, considering that some of us do not spell very well, perhaps they could learn more and also learn how to put their ideas on the forum better, by simply reading the various posts. I know that I am not the best speller on the fourm, but whenever I run across a word that doesn't look right after spelling it or not knowing how to spell it, I keep a dictionary next to my computer to help that problem.


03-15-2003, 09:12 AM
Funny? No.

I, too, get aggravated when folks use abbreviations, incorrect spellings etc. that are so darn vague, that you cannot understand the thought. I am not talking about people using English as a second or third or fourth language. I am talking about the people too lazy to type a word correctly.

No wait, I am a poor speller and a fast typist and that is the worst combination. I wish this forum had spell check, but then, I would be adding incorrectly spelled words to "My Dictionary" on a moment to moment basis.

I think a happy medium would work for everyone. So that means, check your spelling as best you can, don't abbreviate as often as you can.....I am not talking about St. and Saint....it's the ones that make NO sense and it almost looks like the person had their hands one row over, on the keyboards.

So for all the "one row over folks", wake up and pay attention. We all have to read these posts or......................

Sas and her brat


03-15-2003, 09:30 AM
lol @ how no one denied what i said. Guess i was correct. oh well.

i don't have a problem with you or your posts. i did mention no one gets me angry in my post. oh well...:p i hope you don't not like me. lol, i didn't wanna say "like" that would sound weirdish ;)

03-15-2003, 09:37 AM
I don't have a problem with your posts either, KayAnn! I actually don't have a problem with anyone's posts, well except if they say something cruel about animals...but I haven't seen that happen yet. :)

Oh, and anyone who has a problem with my (NEW) posts, I'm sorry I did something or said something that you did not approve of.

P.S. Yes I realize my siggy is too big...I'm trying to resize it.:)

03-15-2003, 10:14 AM
Having met Karen and Paul, I know this site is most precious to them. I do believe they do a wonderful job in moderating and because of them and their hard work it has grown to be the premier pet site.
I don't come in and post as much as I'd like, but try to do the dotd and since so many people do the cotd, I try to post in the potd. There are so many people in here who love pets, I don't understand why more don't take a look and post in these forums.

Call me old fashioned, but everything in this site is geared towards pets and I don't believe politics should be included here.
If you are into politics there are many, many sites that are available. Perhaps this won't set well with some people, but didn't you all join because you love pets?

One of my pet peeves is this country being bashed, I have never, ever, heard anyone else bash another country besides the U.S. This is one reason that I have stayed away, I don't feel that has anything to do with pets.

I think most of the kids love their pets, just as us older people do and it's nice for them to learn how important pets are in our life, however there are a few who can be silly, and post silly topics.

The forum is really great, however I still can't figure out how to post pictures and gifs, and I probably never will, a little to complicated for this old lady, lol.

Being old fashioned I guess I do miss the ole sugar sweet posts of old, but there are a lot of wonderful new members too and I love reading about their pets. I would have to say this is a wonderful pet friendly site with wonderful friendly people. I have made a lot of great friends on here that I treasure.
Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

03-15-2003, 10:25 AM
Dear Jackie, we miss you so here and would love to have you post more often. I rather like the sugary posts more than the policitical battles and religious battles we have here from time to time. I, too, feel as though there must be other places to air your feelings about major topics other than Pets. I will have to admit to having posted other topics, but I don't think they were so contraversial. I don't think this is the forum for hurt feelings and rudeness. Have I ever been rude, well, probably, but we are not perfect, are we?

So Jackie deary, please do stop back more often and share more fun stuff with us!

Sas and her brat!

03-15-2003, 10:53 AM
I have only been around since October, but I have seen some changes. I felt the same way as Twisterdog, that all posts had to be sweet and positive, and sometimes that just isn't possible. Now I see too many rude remarks being made, and it makes me mad. I really think this winter has gotten to a lot of us--I know it has gotten to me, and even to my husband, who never gets depressed. A lot of us don't know everything that is going on in everyone else's lives either--it's very hard to judge emotion from a computer screen.
Anyway, I really despise people joining under more than one name just to spark an argument or stand up for someone--I think everyone who has mentioned that is talking about the same thread. That happened in a board I was on last year while planning my wedding, and I was in a particuarly stressed out time, and I typed for an hour about how immature they were--not that I'm the authority, but they never came back. I don't think we'll hear from the other ones again either, unless they feel the need to defend again. I also can't stand the abbreviations and words spelled wrong--that is just a personal preference--I have always picked apart everyone's spelling--even on aim I am constantly correcting my sister (and she does it on purpose)
Overall, I love this board. Although I have never met anyone in real life, I feel as though I have made some good friends, and I hope someday I do have the opportunity to meet you all.
Karen and Paul--thank you so much for such a wonderful community--keep up your hard work!!!!!

03-15-2003, 11:06 AM
I have only been on PT for a few hours:rolleyes: And there (of course) have been no changes so far! I like it here. Everyone is so nice and friendly, plus the pets are adorible!:) :p ;)

03-15-2003, 11:56 AM
To everyone, thank you for all the thanks!

Now, YOU are all what makes Pet Talk what it is.

I say that both to thank you all, and to remind you that while we moderate, you set the tone with every post! I never have a problem with honest disagreements, as long as they are all done respectfully. If anyone feels a thread is getting too angry, well, don't post in it, if you are angry yourself! Go skritch somebody's tummy, or rub a bunny nose, or in some way interact with the pets that bring you joy - and indeed brought you here. When your blood pressure is down, come back!

It has been a pretty sad, stressful time in the world out there, but here, we have our pets, and each other, in whom to find joy! :)

03-15-2003, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Karen

It has been a pretty sad, stressful time in the world out there, but here, we have our pets, and each other, in whom to find joy! :)

Wonderfully said Karen, and I could not agree with you more.

03-15-2003, 12:08 PM
AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!

Karen , YOU are the best!! Thanks for thanking !!

03-15-2003, 12:15 PM
PetTalk is such a special place. It is part of my life every day. All of you, young and old, furry or not, are part of my life, and I'm very glad! I hope that Karen and Paul, and all of the rest of you too, know that you make a difference!

So many good points have been made in this discussion. I believe that the "age" issue is really a "maturity" issue. So many of the younger contributors have learned and grown while here on PetTalk :cool: - and a few of the older contributors have acted shamefully immature :mad:.
Respect for each other is a key - We can continue to show our respect for each other by keeping grammar and language understandable, by keeping picture sizes modest, and by keeping replies aimed at the topic and not the individual.

I am proud to be part of this community - where people from around the world meet and share their passion for creatures of all kinds. Like any family, we have our troubles, but we are one great bunch!

03-15-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
I really think this winter has gotten to a lot of us--I know it has gotten to me, and even to my husband, who never gets depressed.

Yeah, I agree. There have also been a few *disturbing* threads in the dog forum that I think really put me, and possibly some others, in a funk and a very angry mood.

03-15-2003, 03:18 PM
My comments about spelling and grammar were only directed towards native speakers. There are many English-as-second-language speakers here, and I have never had a problem understanding their posts. In fact, they always seem to me to be impeccable! I was referring to laziness. Especially a lack of punctuation and basic grammar.

Oh, and I agree with the all caps thing.

03-15-2003, 04:15 PM
My comments about spelling and grammar were only directed towards native speakers. There are many English-as-second-language speakers here, and I have never had a problem understanding their posts. In fact, they always seem to me to be impeccable! I was referring to laziness. Especially a lack of punctuation and basic grammar.

I agree with this. From what I have seen on the internet, ESL speakers (or typers, as it were) often use better grammar, punctuation and spelling than many native English speakers.

The things that get me are typing "U R, prolly, 4" instead of "you are, probably, for", etc. I suppose it's cute the first time you do it, if you are eleven years old, but it gets old really, really fast. I also simply cannot bear to read a post that is 200 lines long, with no paragraphs. Yikes! :rolleyes:

03-15-2003, 04:23 PM
Soledad, I don't think anyone disagrees with you about the folks with English as a second language. I didn't read it that way at all. Certainly, those who don't use English every day, have a much stronger excuse to have mistakes. Also, folks who cannot type are at a disadvantage as well. Regardless, the better the expression of thought, the easier it is to read and read quickly. Sometimes the spelling is so bad in some of the threads that I just close the thread and move on.

There is one more thing that sets me off here too. I get ticked off when someone creates a thread that sounds life threatening i.e. "Help, my dog is in trouble"....and it turns out to be something really lame. I will admit that most of the time it is coming from some who are young and needing attention, but it is crying wolf all the time. Now, after seeing the same attention getting, lame postings, I don't even open those threads when I see the author(s). Oh well, life is full of choices and some folks have chosen to get attention in their own little fashion! Pet Talk rules anyway!

That's all. I am all through. I feel much better now.


03-15-2003, 04:35 PM
I just found out today how to add an image to a signature and was quite excited but after reading some of your comments about sigs being big, I guess I'll revise mine until such time that I can figure out how to make a picture really small! LOL

Being of "middle-age" I've learned that religion, politics and war are three subjects you just do NOT open up for debate on a forum like this. I'm not offended by it, I just don't bother reading or responding to them. Isn't that was MSN messenger is for??

And I must comment again that it amazes me how "like a family" we are. The caring and support that I see almost brings me to tears - I told you I was a sap! Many thanks to all who have shared your stories and pictures.


03-15-2003, 04:47 PM
The only thing that I don't like, would have to be the negative comments, arguments and making fun...It makes me sad to hear things and be in situations like that :(
otherwise, everything is great :)

03-15-2003, 06:21 PM
I don't know if this has been covered yet, but a change that
I would like to see is a limit to the number of threads posted
by the same person in one day. :rolleyes: Otherwise I think
Pet Talk is a great site. I do feel sometimes like we are all
extended "family". Paul & Karen have created a wonderful
site for all pet lovers.:D

03-15-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by slick
I just found out today how to add an image to a signature and was quite excited but after reading some of your comments about sigs being big, I guess I'll revise mine until such time that I can figure out how to make a picture really small!

As long as it's under 25k, that's fine. That's the limit we'd like people to stick to. So one 20k image is fine, but ten 9k images is not!

03-15-2003, 06:47 PM
Thanks Karen. SAS did PM me with some hints on how to do that. I just need to take the time to figure it out.

Thanks to you for a great site!! Even though I surf at work it's given me many lunch hours of pleasure and comfort!!

03-15-2003, 06:49 PM
LOL - I am poor at spelling and grammar and punctuation!!! Yikes I better just lurk. I spend too much time on here anyway.

Liz, just wanted to ask you, why you think limiting number of posts in one day? Just wondering!

This has always been a great message board in the past - Thank you Karen and Paul!

03-15-2003, 06:55 PM

" Liz, just wanted to ask you, why you think limiting number of posts in one day? Just wondering! "

Not a limit on the number of posts, but a limit on the number
of new threads by the same person on the same day. Ever log
on a find 4,5 or 6 new threads all by the same person? Thats
going overboard I think. Do you know what I mean? Liz.
Just my opinion. :D

03-15-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by sammi

Liz, just wanted to ask you, why you think limiting number of posts in one day? Just wondering!

Nooooooo! :(:(:( Please don't ask that. :( Sometimes there is a lot of important things to say. What if someone's pet is ill, or someone gets a new pet? We need updates. That would prevent people from posting, and they'll end up making new names just to post. :(:(:(

03-15-2003, 07:17 PM
Now I know how rumors get started. LOL. Pops, please read
what I said when asked the question by Sammi. Thanks.

03-15-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
Now I know how rumors get started. LOL. Pops, please read
what I said when asked the question by Sammi. Thanks.

I did! :D I just don't see why the number of threads posted by a person should be limited. :confused: I'm sure you have a reason for asking this. What is it, if you don't mind? ;)

03-15-2003, 07:29 PM
I think what was being brought up was the ability to hog the site by posting stupid topics just for the sake of it! I know, I know, stupid to one may not be stupid to another. I think the folks who need to be "seen" and have nothing else better to do with their down time, post for the sake of posting and not out of interest or with a sense of contributing to the site/threads.

I have PM'd persons in the past, mentioning that they might be "over doing it" by posting so many different topics and hogging the forum. As one might guess, I didn't get very positive responses! :p

I find some of the posts so childish and boring. Ok, now that I may have offended some of you, I rest my case and will not post on this topic again.

I like Pet Talk but don't like some of the posts....and I stay out of them for the most part! That is my choice. And posting stupid topics is a choice as well.

The end.

03-15-2003, 07:34 PM
All i really have to say aobut that topic, if they're so childish and boring to you, just don't click on it.

03-15-2003, 07:37 PM
I hope my posts aren't annoying! The only threads I made today are Floppsy pics, and the Kelsey thread.:(
I check each and every one of my posts before I post them; I reread them 5-6 times, change spelling errors (although sometimes I forget), and add anything else. I hope nobody has been offended by my January-Now posts, and if so, please tell me and I will find a way to make them less annoying.:)

P.S. I hope my sig is better-I tried to resize it, and now it's 48kb. I know it's still too big, but I can't find a way to reduce the kb anymore. If I made it any smaller, it would be hard to see.

03-15-2003, 07:55 PM
I started to post, then it got too long and I erased it. I agree with some parts of most of the previous posts. I just want to say, I'm sorry for the part I have played in the turmoil. I may not have actually set out to start trouble but I know I didn't walk away from it either. I have been bored/depressed lately, maybe that is why I have been in the 'general' part of pt so much lately.I guess if we don't want people to sign up as new members just to make trouble we should not do it either, it probably looks bad to people to look at pettalk and see all that, even tho most of pt is very good. Like they say about work, leave it at the office, don't bring it home, I guess that applies here, log on here to have fun, and talk about pets. Sometimes I do like to talk about other topics, but I guess we can chat on the internet with people to do that, and not on pettalk. some of the off-pet subjects are nice tho.
I guess if there is a subject that seems too controversial, we can choose to ignore it. Well that is all I can think of now.

also, I have noticed a difference, alot of younger kids here, since last summer, but it has just been the last month or 2 that posts have seemed to turn mean

03-15-2003, 08:08 PM

I thought your sig pics were fine just the way they were
before. You do have a lot of pets & it's understandable that
you would like to show them all.In the smaller size they don't
seem clear enough. Just my opinion.:D

03-15-2003, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
I just want to say, I'm sorry for the part I have played in the turmoil. I may not have actually set out to start trouble but I know I didn't walk away from it either. I have been bored/depressed lately, maybe that is why I have been in the 'general' part of pt so much lately.

You shouldn't feel sorry. I for one, don't feel like you have been a problem. I enjoy reading your posts. I wish I had known about PetTalk a couple of years ago when I was going through a bad spell in my life. To me, the "General" section is a place for us to get to know each other better. Since I only have cats, I don't go to the Dog or Pet forum. Here in the "General" section, I get to meet more PetTalkers.:)

03-15-2003, 08:21 PM
thanks catland. same with me, I am always in the cat forum, and lately have gone over to the general section. I want to start reading more of the dog section, becasue alot of people that have cats have dogs and other pets too, and I think I am missing alot of things from there.

03-15-2003, 08:21 PM
I have about 5 minutes to talk..but no more until summer:( I couldn't resist this thread..

Am i one of the annoying young one's?Please be truthful with me!!!!!

03-15-2003, 08:24 PM
Not to my recollection.

03-15-2003, 08:37 PM
I've only been a member here for almost a year so the only change has been that there are more members now. I love it here and wouldn't change a thing. :)

03-15-2003, 10:48 PM
I agree.......I'll admit, I'm not that good at spelling...I was horrible in English class. But (I hope) my posts at least make sense. I do use capital letters and punctuation. I think that drives me crazy the most with that is the page long post with NO paragraphs! I don't even bother to read it.

And I also agree that it's not necessarily an age thing, but a maturity thing!

As far as the signature, I have a really cruddy 56k connection, very very slow computer, and I've never had trouble loading pics. The ones I have trouble with are the ANIMATIONS....those sometimes even freeze my computer. I hope mine is not too big. :(