View Full Version : Ricky's new baby sister

12-07-2001, 07:17 PM
Last night we picked up Ricky's new sister, Lucy Tu. She is really a doll but I can't for the life of me remember how to put her picture here. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it.
Lucy Tu is an 8 weeks old long-haired chihuahua. She is black and white with a little tan on her face. She has the cutest white tip on her black tail and I think she may already be spoiled. Ricky is getting accustomed to her and today they even took a nap together.

12-07-2001, 09:00 PM
Oh, MHMomma, I am so glad that Ricky has a sister to play with, he must be in heaven right about now. What a cute name Lucy Tu, you have quite a wonderful family and I'm sure they will keep you busy.

Cinder & Smoke
12-07-2001, 09:06 PM
We'd all like to see Lucy Tu :), so here's a link to the 'small book' :rolleyes: that Dad posted on the subject of Posting Pictures on Pet Talk...

"posting Pictures, by Phred... (http://PetoftheDay.com/cgibin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=21&t=000384)

Enjoy :D

12-07-2001, 10:10 PM
Reminds me of Ricky Ricardo and Lucy :D I'm sure they'll be inseperable in no time.

Congrats on your new baby!

12-08-2001, 03:33 PM
How sweet of you to name your new baby Lucy Tu which I am sure is in honor of Ricky's recently departed best friend kitty, Lucy. This little one will be a help to heal some broken hearts. This makes two baby Wawas on this board right now.. your Lucy Tu and Purrley's Tess. You two need to compare notes.

[ December 08, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

12-08-2001, 04:27 PM
Oh, hurry and read Phred's tutorial!! :D We can't wait to see Lucy Tu! What a precious name! WaWas abound on Pet Talk!!! Yea!

12-08-2001, 04:39 PM
Here she is, I hope this comes through.

12-08-2001, 04:57 PM
Thanks to everyone for helping us celebrate our new arrival. She is really helping Ricky although I am not sure he knows it yet. I had to run to the Thrift Store today to pick up a couple of baby blankets for Lucy Tu. Ricky has two and he doesn't want to share them and I didn't think he should have to. When I find blankets at the thrift store, they are already soft with age and I just give them a good washing and a little downy and the pups love them and they only cost about a $1 each.

12-08-2001, 05:20 PM
Lucy Tu is a real sweet cutie. They will keep each other company and be best friends, maybe they just don't know it yet, give it time. What a sweet family you have there.

12-08-2001, 05:26 PM
how adorable!!

12-08-2001, 08:14 PM
Lucy Tu is ADORABLE !!!

Thanks for the tip on blankets,Great idea..
Hope everyone gets to enjoy her 'growing up'
right along with you.

12-08-2001, 10:15 PM
Lucy Tu is so cute!!!! What a great tiny family you have built! Please let us know how things go with these two special pups! The two of them look like the best kind of trouble! :D :D :D

12-09-2001, 11:11 AM
OMG, she is soooo precious. I love her coloring...almost like a sheltie. You can really see how teeny tiny she is in the picture with her next to Ricky. Congratulations on your new addition. What fun. Really you have GOT to talk to PURRLEY. Her Wawa pup is her first and I bet she could use some Wawa raising advice.

12-10-2001, 07:37 AM
OMG! Lucy Tu is a doll! How adorable! I want one!!

12-10-2001, 07:46 AM
MHMama - Oh my - what a cute little sweetie. I just bought be a little chi last week - her names is Tess - shorthaired chi. Boy she sure looks naked compared to yours :D Got some pointers for me - do you confine your pups during the day, how bout potty training - how do you handle chewing. Yesterday I took Tess out for a potty and she took off up the street - would not come to me for the life of her - so I chased her up the street in my pajamas - finally got her - no more time outside without a leash!!! Boy the neighbors must have got a big laugh if they saw me :D :D

12-11-2001, 07:26 PM
I do keep Lucy Tu confined during the day and evening. She is only out when someone can be with her and play with her or such. She is much too small to have run of the house yet and it confusing them during their "potty" training time. Too many things around for her to get hurt too. Her confinement is a 5ft by 4 ft hallway with a baby gate where she can see all the activity in the kitchen.

12-12-2001, 07:15 AM
MHMama, you better watch out, Wawa's can be addictive. I have a friend who now has five of them.

12-12-2001, 12:01 PM
MH Mama:
I just have a question about confinement - Am I being cruel to keep my chi puppy locked up in a crate all day while I work. This isn't one of those little potty
training crates - it' fairly large. I sure worry about this. She is so glad to see me when I get home. I let her out all evening when I'm home to watch her. What
do you think? I'd appreciate any feedback from other dog owners as well.

I have no area that I can block off - my whole house
is carpeted. I have a little 1/2 bathroom but it really
isn't too much bigger than the crate I keep her in. The
big bathroom is carpeted.

12-12-2001, 07:34 PM
I don't think that is cruel. It would be more cruel to have her loose in the house and getting hurt. As long as the crate is big enough for her to move around in.
Does she go potty during the day? Does she have plenty of food and water? I always leave a radio when I have to confine my pups. If you have food and water and she needs to go potty during this time, make sure she has papers or something that is not close to her food. You don't want her to get into the habit of thinking it is okay to poop where you eat.
So you live in Utah, we have a daughter in Richfield. I hear it is really cold there. It was 83 again today.
Take care and don't worry.

12-12-2001, 08:56 PM
Just wanted to tell you that I think your Ricky & Lucy Tu are really cute. So happy that you got a playmate for Ricky it sounds like he would be very lonesome after he lost his Miss Lucy. :)

12-12-2001, 10:27 PM
What a precious pup!!

12-13-2001, 07:04 AM
MH Mamma - thank you so much for saying that I'm not being cruel - I talked to my vet about it yesterday and she said the same. It just so long to keep my baby confined - I just worry about her all day. Yes, she has plenty of food and water - the water and food containers are attached to the side of the crate so they can't be stepped in or tipped over and I leave the TV on all day. I also leave the door open so the cats can come in and visit (maybe this isn't too good an idea) - just trying everything I can to ease my mind while I work, and you're right about her getting hurt if let to run loose - at this age they're capable of anything and I wouldn't put it past her to chew up one of my favorite things (whatever that may be) :D :D And yes it's very cold here now, I actually like the cold better than the heat, but I maybe should have thought about the winter puppy thing - potty time is a little brisk for both of us

[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: purrley ]

12-13-2001, 10:40 AM
I have to say, these little dogs are absolutely adorable!! It's such a wonderful feeling getting new puppies/dogs isn't it? Even with all the extra work, it's so nice to come home at night! :) I've been reading these posts and I've noticed that I would know absolutely nothing about how to take care of one of these little guys. Until now,I never really thought about all the considerations that have to go into raising one when they are so much smaller than what I'm used too! People always think bigger dogs are harder to raise because... well just because they're bigger! But I'm not so sure now! Thanks for the knowledge!!

12-13-2001, 11:43 AM
They are soo cute!

12-14-2001, 07:57 AM
AHHHH! I'M IN LOVE!!!! Lucy Tu is so precious! Oh my goodness :D! I just want to reach into that picture and grab her and kiss her and hug her and squeeze her and make her my own!

MORE PICTURES PLEASE!!! Congrats on the new arrival... LOVE the name :) My sister and I had brother and sister cats that we named Lucy and Dezi and my best friend named her horse Dezi (much longer official name of course) and her GSD Lucy. Gotta love that :D!

karen israel
12-14-2001, 08:17 AM
Aw.... such a cutie-patooey I can't stand it! Those eyes would have me reduced to putty! Purrley, I think you are doing just fine! I too was a 1st time dog owner and fretted over everything (okay, well sometimes I still do) but I learned so much by experience and getting really good advise. (The "come" part, never did "come", but Cody knows what it is, he's just a brat) Just enjoy every day to the fullest! It;s worth every bit of hassle. I LOVE little Chi-chi-WaWas!

Golden Smiles
12-19-2001, 06:14 PM
Oh DEAR.....what a teeny weeny cutie patooty!!! LOVE that wittle face!

12-19-2001, 10:33 PM
Since K9Karen and Terri (Golden Smiles) both live in PA and both say "cutie patootey" and both have "goldens" (YES, I think cody is part golden), you guys need to meet, in fact you HAVE too!!! Set it up!!!!LOL!!

12-20-2001, 01:12 AM
1) I am total love with that puppy!
2) I wanna be in on the meet tooo!
Terry and I talked about meeting sometime!
Karen you can come to and what about Candy? wouldn't that be fun!