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03-10-2003, 04:12 PM
Whats your favorite commersial and that one that just makes you roll your eyes and change the channel commersial?

03-10-2003, 06:13 PM
We had a thread like this on another message board I was on, and it was so funny to read through all of the responses.
I love the commercial for Mastercard that says, "life with a dog--priceless", and I also love the cell phone commercial with all of the dogs--the guy says "I ordered oxen and all I got were these little weiner dogs"
I cannot stand the verizon guy (can you hear me now)--I just cringe when he comes on, and I also cannot stand Jared from Subway--those commercials drive me nuts.
I know there's a lot more, but I'll let some others respond!!

03-10-2003, 06:51 PM
agh! I HATE THAT STUPID VERISON DUDE! my whole family torchers me they know i hate it so much! lol

I like the daushund commercial where they go "stampede" and everything because the guy missunderstood him on the phone:D

03-10-2003, 07:27 PM
this might be inapproproate but i just laugh and laugh at the new viagra commercial! :D:D its so funny cause its dumb :p

i hate the verizon one too! :mad:

i can't think of any others right now..:rolleyes:

03-10-2003, 07:33 PM
I hate the Ditech commercials! The Geko ones are so weird, and then the one with the guy whos talking to his mom, but it's just him dressed up again...how dumb.:rolleyes:
I remember we had a discussion about this before, but I also hate that new Quizno's commercial.

I don't really know of any commercials I like, I just think "Oh geez, when's the show coming back on?!":rolleyes: ;)

03-10-2003, 07:44 PM
I hate those Jared ones too..arg, he seems so full of himself now, it just bugs me..And this cookie one..they're like clay ppl, and its this marshmellow sitting on a chair in a bus, and these 2 cookies get on and squeese in on either sides of the marshmellow and htey start singing 'I'm stuck, in the middle..' and this kid sitting ot the side of it BUGS ME!!!! lol, ok I know thats really funny, I mean a clay person, but it does..

Anyway, I love that Dodge commersial with the feet singing! I think its so cute! The 'Born to be alive' song..

03-10-2003, 10:01 PM
Ok, I HATE Jack in the Box but they have a pretty funny commercial running right now. Its the one where Jack is trying to say "chipotle". One of the times he tries to say it, he says "chipoodle" so now I always call Reece my chipoodle :D

There's also one for .... eeek I forgot what the commercial was for but a woman is with her dog and she does her hair the same way as the dog's and at the end she says "Grrr.... very GRR!" Its cute.

There are way too many commercials that annoy me. I don't know why I can't think of any right now!

Aspen and Misty
03-10-2003, 10:07 PM
I like the Grr very grr comercal to..Its for a large chain of Pet stores, like Petco, you know People who love there pets this much don't shop at a flee market come to petco, where the pets go, I think thats it? I dunno


03-11-2003, 12:58 AM
Yup, that one is for Petco.

I can't stand Carrot Top!!! I hate the Subway ones also. And the Verizon guy.

I like the "stampede" and the "life with a dog..priceless" one too! I like the car commercial where they have the 2 goldens and the german shorthair too. :)

03-11-2003, 01:10 AM
There are so many that drive me nuts! ;)

Subway...by far...I thought I was the only one who disliked Jared. Ick...a cocky nerd.

I hate the ones for Carl's Jr. "The $6.00 burger". Yea...like when I go to a diner, the dude sprays ME with cleaner. That is so stupid. And the singing one, like they are at TGIF....whatever. They are happy when they sing, not scary. Its just a STUPID concept.

The LAME Tiger Wood's car commercials. I mean come on...you're COOL when you drive a car like that?? Nope...

Those stupid Ikea commercials where the people are fighting in the rooms they want to buy. How sad is that??

I know there is a ton more...commercials are so stupid sometimes.

The ones I like:

I like the holiday Sprint commercials. "Put my hand in the what and do what , what????" (turkey) TOO FUNNY!!! :D

Love the Petco commericals. Too cute...especially the one you guys are referring to.

Love oxen/wiener dogs and the herded cats.

The MSN commercial is cute...where that guy is dressed as a butterfly, protecting "his" family from bad things. That's really cute.

Great thread!! :D

03-11-2003, 01:10 AM
OOh I hate Carrot Top too!!!!! He's so horrible! And I hate that stupid Quizno's commercial with chef jimmy :mad: :mad:

I love the new Chev. Silverado commercial. The guy backs his truck and trailer into a tight squeeze because of his four wheel turning capability, and his bulls are so suprised their eyes get big and the grass they are chewing falls from their mouth when their jaws drop! :D And the look on the driver's face when he sees them looking at him is hilarious!!!

I also like the Joe Boxer commercials with the dancing guy. He always looks so happy. I always laugh and feel like dancing after that commercial :p

Hallmark commercials ALWAYS make me cry.. especially the Christmas ones. I'm such a sap :D

03-11-2003, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Hallmark commercials ALWAYS make me cry.. especially the Christmas ones. I'm such a sap :D
ohhhhh! Me too!!! I LOVE those commercials! Did you see the one this year where the teacher was hanging her "family" ornaments on the tree in her classroom? :( :( TEARS!!!
Last year was worse though...its the woman sitting at her husband's family's dinner table at Christmas and they are talking about what everyone usually does for the holidays. She tells them and you see it. Then, she gets a bit teary eyed and the mother in law gives her a card about how she understands. Oh! The best one ever!!!

03-11-2003, 02:13 AM
I hate that Dell guy!!! But thank god he was arrested for possession of drugs & Dell removed his character completely & stuck a new guy in... But I still hate Dell computers. :o

Evil subway guy... I use to work at a subway & now I refuse to eat there... the deli meat smalls rotten when it comes out of the bag & they wouldn't let me wash the dishes with soap! I had to use warm water... yucky!!!

03-11-2003, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

ohhhhh! Me too!!! I LOVE those commercials! Did you see the one this year where the teacher was hanging her "family" ornaments on the tree in her classroom? :( :( TEARS!!!
Last year was worse though...its the woman sitting at her husband's family's dinner table at Christmas and they are talking about what everyone usually does for the holidays. She tells them and you see it. Then, she gets a bit teary eyed and the mother in law gives her a card about how she understands. Oh! The best one ever!!!

My faves were the one where the kid and the dad go get a Christmas tree, and after the kid grows up and moves away he sends a card about getting the tree.. OMG I cried every time I saw it. Another one I loved was a Bday one where a little boy gives his dad a bday card with Winnie-The-Pooh on it.. they tell the kid to go to bed because it's late but after the dad opens it he goes and gives the kid a big hug *SNIFF*

I have seen the family one, and I cried the first time but not after that. The above ones I cried at EVERY time. The other one I don't remember, but it sounds like one that would turn into a bawler :p

03-11-2003, 04:26 AM
:p I love the version guy "Can you hear me now?" Me & my brother do this all the time when we talk http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/person/phone.gif(I know, I'm weird!). And the "Stampede!" Is my favorite!

There are too many that I don't like to even mention!

03-11-2003, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
:p I love the version guy "Can you hear me now?" http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/person/phone.gif(
I like that one too:p Now he has a girl with him.
I hate carrot top.
And I hate one that has an old man picking up an old lady in a car, a convertable and leaving his dog on the side walk, cause now he has a lady. I don't even know what it's for. Just makes me mad.
LOVE Joe boxer
Love Petsmart/Petco where the couple are taking a bath with their dog:D
Love all the Hallmark ones.
There was one at Christmas where the family is inside having a party and all sorts of fun, they stuck the dog outside and he takes the cap off the air valve and lets the air out of the tire:p

03-11-2003, 04:40 AM
How about just silly, does anyone remember the Wendy's "Where's the beef?" commercials. It still gives me a grin. :D

03-11-2003, 07:07 AM
Oh, how about the one where there is an older man & an older woman sitting at a table & he gives her his teeth so she can eat, the candy bar (I think that's what it was)! I think that is sooo funny:D
Or the one where the guy is trying to drink his coffe & his friend keeps making the car jerk! Love it!

03-11-2003, 09:46 AM
I totally forgot about the Joe Boxer guy--what a riot--he has a website where you can go and watch the commercials--they don't air anymore, so it is funny to watch. My 5-year-old cousin loves it too!!!!
And for some reason, the geico commercials crack me up--the one where the lady is running on the beach with the gecko--I laugh every time:)

03-11-2003, 10:19 AM
I love the one of the guy sitting in a cafe and tells the server "I ordered my sandwich without mayo" so she wipes the bread on the table edge to remove the mayo. :D :D :p

03-11-2003, 11:30 AM
I don't remember what the product is, but there's a commercial
with a Wizard of Oz theme and they use a JRT... Errrrrrrr... So
annoying... JRTs are cute, But it's Wizard of Oz for zeus sakes,
Use a Cairn!!!!

I don't if anybody remembers that Cathy Rigby commercial
way back when, for Kotex, but I use to love to ridicule that
one. No matter where she went, there she was hauling out
a HUGE box of Kotex from her purse. Who in the world would
just by coincidence being carrying that much Kotex in their


03-11-2003, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by tomkatzid
I love the one of the guy sitting in a cafe and tells the server "I ordered my sandwich without mayo" so she wipes the bread on the table edge to remove the mayo. :D :D :p

As a server, I LOVED that one!!!!!!

03-11-2003, 03:27 PM
Ohh yeah I also love the dancing Joe Boxer guy. I saw him the other day on Entertainment Tonight and he was in a fashion show and all the models were backstage dancing with him. Sooo cute :)

All the 1-800-CALL ATT commercials are SOOOOOOOOO annoying!!!!!!!!!!

The Cat Factory
03-11-2003, 04:08 PM
I hate all the Herbal Essance's Commercials! I can't really think of any I like, except Star Trek Commercials :)

03-11-2003, 04:11 PM
I like the Dachshund commercial, especially when they yell "stampede!" I love that!! I also liked the Super Bowl commercial with the Clydesdale horses playing football, and the Zebra had to check the play to see if the horse's hoof touched the line! So funny!!!:D

03-11-2003, 04:25 PM
YEAH! The Herbal Essences commercials are AWFUL!!!!!! I really do NOT like those one bit. EWWWWW!!!!!!!

(Well, except the courtroom one, that one was kinda funny.. but did get OLD quick)

03-11-2003, 04:59 PM
i like the Sprint and Petco commericals. I also like alot of the Pepsi commericals, esp. realted to sports. During football there was the 4 guys on the couch, accidently touching each other and creepin themselves out. Then their team scored and they all started hugging. There was also the one with the little kid saying "Touchdown" for the"wrong" team...til mom comes in with that team's jersey on. And now the NASCAR one where all Pepsi truck drivers see the women swoon over Jeff Gorden jumping in his car, so they try it the next day at work...and miss horribly.
Home Depot has also had some really good Tony Stewart commericals :)