View Full Version : the same post from dog behavior

03-10-2003, 04:05 PM
Another Post!!
HELP My puppy hasnt learned to be housebroken yet!! shes about 4 months.. And she still goes to the door if she needs to go outside but its times we dont see her she'll go.. Especially in my room!!

But now she has this thing with biting all the time!! Omg it hurts sooo bad her bites! lol.. What should i do? It seems if we smack her on her nose for being bad she just gos nuts and bites us harder! please someone help... I dont know what to do with her!! And if she gets to excited she will just pee..

Now she doesnt do it as much as she did when she was younger but she still does it.. But she has been learning not to do that?? So if she goes in the house do i smack her and shove her nose in it or do i ignore her and clean it up...

If anyone needs this information to think about why why why.. She is a corgi/eskimo mix... She is about 4 months old.. March 30 she will be 5months.. umm she is good other than the biting and not being housetrained!! PLEASE HELP

PS. I have a question about image station is it free? I dont know.. Sorry for the inconvienence if thats how you spell it.. Sorry though! Thanks

03-10-2003, 04:12 PM
I have always crate trained my dogs and it makes housebreaking to me so much easier.

And yes imagestation is free.

And if you have any problems posting pics, everyone here is so nice, I know they all helped me and after a week of trying, some even posted for me. The Phtreds instructions are the best. It really helped me.

Good luck. :) :)

03-10-2003, 06:03 PM
Don't hit your pup for going in the house. The attitude I went with when I got mine, is that when they make mistakes, it is MY fault. Take her out more, play with her more, and ignore her when she bites. If you 2 are playing, and she starts biting, ignore her and walk away. When she is ready to play nice again, you can play again. Eventually she will learn that the biting results in no more play time, and hopefully she will stop.
Does she have an adequate amount of toys and chewies to stimulate her? She may get bored sometimes. I know those little puppy teeth can hurt!!!

03-10-2003, 06:17 PM
You can buy this stuff at the pet store called Bitter Apple. It tastes really bad to a dog. Spray some on your feet and legs and when your puppy bites you, she gets that bad taste in her mouth. It won't take her long to think that you 'taste bad' and she wil stop bitting. Don't worry , you won't have to spray it on your legs long. After a couple of times getting a good taste of that stuff, they get the idea.

Have you tried the housebraking pads? Some people swear by them. They worked really well for my mom's sheltie, but my boxer thought they looked like a good thing to chew into pieces.:rolleyes:

And listen to what lovemyshiba said about playtime. Corgies AND eskimo's were both originally bred as working dogs, so they are really hyper and need lots of exercise.

03-10-2003, 07:09 PM
i agree with lovemyshibas advice. don't hit a dog for its behavior. when mickey didnt pee when we took him out, we would crate him or leave him sitting by the door. then we would take him out a few min. later. reward and praise when she goes in the right spot. mickey is 5 months and potty trained but it took a lot of patience. remember when they are younger, there bladder is tiny and just by getting excited, drinking and sleeping, your pup will have to go. keep your eye on her and remmeber that once she pees on your floor, mask the scent. we used baby powder. good luck! :)

ps - for more "potty training" help i got my advice from this site (http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com)

03-10-2003, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by primabella
keep your eye on her and remmeber that once she pees on your floor, mask the scent. we used baby powder. good luck! :)

Yeah Liana's right masking the scent is very important. We have also used, Brampton's OUTRIGHT! and Nature's Miracle. We've had the most success with the OUTRIGHT! if used properly it not only masks the smell, but it really eliminates it. (We usually keep a damp towel on it for a couple of days)

03-11-2003, 01:12 AM
Please do NOT smack her or rub her nose in the accident! This is completely the WRONG way to go!!

If she goes in the house, and you CATCH HER IN THE ACT pick her up, say "Outside!" and hurry and rush her in the back yard. If she finishes going, praise her with lots of treats. If she goes and you do not catch her in the act, just clean it up and don't let her watch you. Make sure you clean it up VERY well and get out the scent.

The best way to stop getting a dog to go potty without you seeing, is to keep constant watch on them.....keep that pup not more then 10 feet away from you. Always in the same room, never out of your site. And when you are not able to watch her, train her to be in a crate.

Please don't smack her on the nose when she bites you, either. My husky, Nebo, was VERY bitey when he was younger. They *do* grow out of it, for the most part. I tried the Bitter Apple on my hands, and it didn't work..but I'm sure it'd work with other dogs. I also tried squealing "Ouch!" or "No Bite!" And if he didn't stop after that, I'd just get up and ignore him for a few minutes. Try something like that, and see what your pup responds to. Good luck!

p.s. yes imagestation is free

03-11-2003, 06:45 AM
and timing is important. at 4 1/2 months, she's still very little, so setting up a rigid schedual is important, you gotta train yourself to get her outside. for example when alex was a puppy..... alex eats breakfast at 6:30. i get up at 6:10, pull on my sweats, take him out of his crate, dry, lotsa good doggies as we walk outside. we're out 6:15-6:25, he does a little whiz lotsa good doggies, on a few things, we're back in, i visit the bathroom, then he eats. back outside for a short potty time, he does his business, lotsa good doggies, back in so i can do morning things. he stays in the kitchen with me, as i drink my coffee, eat my breakfast, we do a walk(a tired puppy is a good puppy) then into the crate with a safe chewy as i shower for work. a short potty break right before i leave at 9. he's had at least 3 trips out in 3 hours in the am, a dogs' digestive system is very active in the am and eating, play and nap. the next door neighbor, a dog lover, lets him out at 12:30 ish, potty time then back to the crate. i'm home between 5 and 5:10. immediate outside. if the crate is clean good doggy, if not, i just clean it up. dinner for both of us, a post dinner stroll, plastic bags in my pocket for the inevitable. evening time, a potty break around 8:30, final play and outies around 10. nighty night in the bedroom crate. i keep a pair of sweats for a quick pull on if needed, and a pair of clogs near the door if we need a late night visit.
when the puppy is little, it's like an infant, losta time and attention to their needs, cause they go first for those 4-5 months. i learned his body language, when he was looking for a place to potty, and just sniffing around for fun, i never hit alex for a mistake, i just cleaned it up with simple solution and a little green machine. i really believe there aren't any bad dogs just stupid human behavior.
there are a lot of training books and videos through the library, so you can choose. good luck, enjoy these baby days.

03-11-2003, 10:20 AM
Thanks for all your replies.. Thats true no stupid dogs just stupid human behavior!! lol.. thats cute.. Im gonna try the bitter apple stuff. It seems like it will work pretty good.. We havent been smacking her on her nose really since i saw the replies..:D Oh im enjoying the puppy days only when she isnt making a lil suprise for me to clean up in the house.. :rolleyes: lol.. So im looking foward to hearing more replies... :) Oh yeah and im glad image station is free but i cant understand it at all.. Well when i pup the picture in the lil thingy that says put your picture here it comes up and justis reallllyyyyy big.. lol.. :confused: im sooo confused! lol.. Well thanks evry1 and if u guys have any more info on how to use image station im all ears..! :D :rolleyes:

Thanks alot!!

03-11-2003, 02:42 PM
ahh, i had your problem with resizing too. you can use any computer program to upload your picture onto and resize it. i use paint but i hate it. i'm not allowed to download any of those programs because the last time i did, my hard drive crashed :rolleyes: i hope i can convince my dad to buy a program. uhh, so yeah...back on topic! ;) using paint, you can resize your pics. then just save it to your disk and upload it again into imagestation :D

03-11-2003, 02:57 PM
If you need any help posting pics, see this (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406).:)
Good luck with your dog!