View Full Version : Reece is a star

07-01-2001, 01:51 AM
Reece was on tv today and will be on tv again tomorrow!!! He was on the telethon for the Humane Society.

I worked 14 hours at it today and I'm soo tired. I'll have to come back tomorrow and tell you guys more about it :)


[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

07-01-2001, 06:18 AM
Oh, I hope you had someone tape it. Of course if you did, you know that some of us would be begging you to see it.

Congratulations on your hard work for the shelter. I know many animals will benefit from your efforts. Bless you for allyour kind deeds and loving ways.

07-01-2001, 06:53 AM
Oh Aly, Reece has ALWAYS been a star to me!! I agree with Rachel..what a wonderful person you are to share yourself in this way and now to share Reece too! I wish I lived in your area. Bella and I would be planted in front of the TV!! Hugs and kisses to little Reece!

Aly, by any chance is that being broadcast on Animal Planet? Then I could watch it!

[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

07-01-2001, 08:58 AM
Congradulations Reece, STAR OF THE DAY and
Aly, THE MOST COMPASSIONATE PERSON OF THE DAY. Too bad we don't have more people like you Aly, the world would be a better place.
Reece is the cutest star I can think of. :)

07-01-2001, 09:21 AM
Aly, what Channel and what Time? I hope I don't miss seeing your little cutie on TV.

07-01-2001, 10:24 AM
Reece is a star!!! Oh, how I wish I could see you both doing what you do best.... Setting the finest example of what a life filled with kindness, compassion and commitment is all about; and the great rewards it reaps. I know you all must be exhausted. But it's a labor of love, I'm sure! Thank you for all your hard work. You both are so very, very special!!!!!

07-01-2001, 11:04 AM
:cool: Reece is just adorable!! Aly, you are the BEST! Be sure to tell us all about it when you get a chance. Did many get adopted? You are wonderful! :D

07-01-2001, 11:36 AM
Congratulations Aly and Reece!!!
You are such a wonderful pair :D Reece is not only a TV star but also a cyber star for all of us who look at his pictures every day. ;)

[ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: Albea ]

07-01-2001, 02:21 PM
Horray for little Reece!!!!!! :cool: :cool: Good for you aly!! Wish there were more people in this world like you!!! What time and channel will Reece be on TV? Is it on Animal Planet? If it is, then I could watch it! :)

07-01-2001, 09:08 PM
Hi guys. It was just televised in Austin and the surrounding areas. It was on CBS and got a lot of publicity. I was there for so long yesterday, that I had asked my neighbor to come over several times during the day to play with Reece and let him out. Well I got a bad feeling around 7pm and they let me have a break to run home and check on Reece. When I was walking to my front door, I heard Reece whining and yelping pitifully. I was thinking it was another relapse of seperation anxiety. When I finally got in and saw him, he was shaking. I picked him up and he could not stop whimpering. Well I had a pretty good idea that my neighbor neglected to come over. Sure enough, he came over when he saw my car and said he was too busy today. (He also mentioned sleeping until 2pm, :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: ) I was so MAD, but I was crying because I felt AWFUL.

I took Reece back up to the shelter with me. I was afraid I would get in trouble for it because it was complete chaos and I would probably be adding to it with an extra dog. They had sets and all the tv equipment set up all over the humane society. This is the first year they did it completely from the shelter. Previous years, it was done back and forth from the tv station and the shelter. Anyway, the director of the shelter and some other higher ups thought Reece was so cute. We put him on the phone bank table with a phone off the hook by him so it looked like he was answering phones. They all asked me to bring him back the next day to be a prop! I was so happy and proud. They are going to give me a tape of both days of the telethon. He was on the camera numerous times today. Towards the end, there is a darling shot of him in my arms falling asleep.

Instead of doing the few behavior spots with dogs, I was a phone bank supervisor. So I was constantly standing out on the air. Let me tell you, those lights they shine on you are HOT. I was sweating from the lights. Running around did not help any. I have not had a chance to sit down in 48 hours it feels like. I've never been so tired in my life. I kept getting such low blood sugar attacks that I got to have a Krispy Kreme donut! That was great.

We raised approximately $150,000 for the shelter. I think a little more because they still had some more counting to do. I worked 30 hours in the last two days but it was so worth it. I had a lot of fun and BROWNIE a dog that has been in the shelter for 2-3 months got adopted! I also think I found a home for Mocha. I told one of the phone bank volunteers about her and the woman is going to come look tomorrow.

[ July 01, 2001: Message edited by: aly ]

07-01-2001, 09:12 PM
Oh yeah, on Saturday we had 31 adoptions. Most of them were cats, kittens, and puppies though. I am not sure the amount we had today. We are full to the brim because we took in as many from the kill shelter as possible.

07-01-2001, 09:17 PM
Congratulations, Aly and Reece!
That's a wonderful story. Having an uncaring neighbor actually turned into a positive.

07-01-2001, 09:17 PM
Reece and you both are Stars!
Congratulations on raising the well
needed money and also for adopting
31 dogs out.

07-01-2001, 09:24 PM
Poor Reece, thank goodness you checked on him, but it all turned out well and he must have had a great time with all that attention and love. What a wonderful day you both had and as someone else said you are both STARS. :D :D :D

karen israel
07-02-2001, 08:53 AM
aly...you are the best! I so greatly admire your compassion and dedication! You are a special human being. I know you have angel wings, cause that's what you are..a living angel! I would love to see photos of Reece answering the phone and sleeping in your arms! What are the chances?

07-02-2001, 11:38 AM
Wow...A pet lovers worse nightmare.So glad it
turned out the way it did. Reese the T.V. Star!! It's always good to follow your gut
instincts at times like that.
Congrats to you and Reese.

Daisy's Mom
07-03-2001, 11:58 PM
Wow Aly, that's a lot of money! Congratulations! You are such a great person. And Reece, you famous little boy, on TV now!?! You go dog!

07-04-2001, 07:34 AM
Good for you Aly. And Reece is a star. I'm not surprised. No one could resist that beautiful face!