View Full Version : Update on the "Book Club"

12-07-2001, 11:03 AM
I know this originally began in a different section, unfortunately, I can't remember which one! :o And wherever it is, it is pushed so far down that I can't find it. Anyway, I thought we should update "where" our books are now.

I have been hoarding two for quite a while. :eek: I am about to complete "Amazing Grace", which belongs to Staci, and I am loving it. Gracie is a character to fall in love with, and of course, since the story is true, it makes it all the better. I think I will order my very own copy to have forever. And if I'm not mistaken, it was next promised to Laurie Baker. Am I right, Laurie? I will be glad to get it out to you next week, if that's ok, but I need your address again. Lost it in the switch over to a new internet carrier last week. You can email me at [email protected] .

The second book I have been holding onto was sent to me by RachelJ. It is called "Tails From the Bark Side". Rachel sent it to me quite a while back, and I didn't read right away because I was in the middle of a series of 8 books. I will give you an update in a few days on what I think of it, and of course I'll love it, then I'll be glad to send it on to the next person. RachelJ said pass it on, and I have been "holding on" instead!!!

And where is "Pack of Two"? I know that someone said they were going to get another copy to put in rotation, so there would be two. It has been such a popular book!
Hope everyone is enjoying it. I only wanted to eventually get it back, just so I could see how many people had read and enjoyed it, plus how many bathtub readers there are!! I know there were some watermarked pages because of my bathtub reading!! LOL!!

Anyway. That's my update for now. Let's hear from the rest of you too!

12-07-2001, 11:12 AM
Actually I thought I was on the list for "Pack of Two" :confused: then I think BosMom or someone wanted it after me but can't remember :o :rolleyes: Any books mentioned sound good to me so I'll send my address along..aren't you on the Christmas card list Logan? My address is there too. Or are there two Logans ohdearohdear :confused:

12-07-2001, 11:45 AM
Logan, what this book club is?
I love 'pack of two'. I bought it at the book store, then I found out if I buy it from www.half.com, (http://www.half.com,) I only have to pay $2 for it. but it will be a used. I bought some books from the there before, they are in very good conditions.

12-07-2001, 11:51 AM
I didn't know we had a book club! I just thought that someone was letting Laurie borrow Pack of Two. I have never read it but would love to after whoever is next in line. I will check my book selection to see if I have any to offer for circulation.

12-07-2001, 11:57 AM
Quanzhan, you have started something!! :eek: I have never heard of www.half.com (http://www.half.com) . But what a great thought. I'm headed there to check it out when I leave here. I am a book fanatic!!! As for the "Book Club", one of our members, Bea (Iditarod Fan) came up with the idea of sharing our favorite books with others on this site. So we've been mailing copies of favorite pet related books around to each other, with the promise to make a note in the book of what we thought, and hopefully, including a picture of ourselves and/or our pets inside. You should join us!!! :)

And Laurie, Pack of Two, you will love. And i know there are copies out there floating around. But I will be glad to send you Amazing Grace. I have been guarding it against my paper eater, Butter, who has chewed the covers off of several paperbacks!! It is a beautiful book. I am on the Christmas card list, but as you can tell, I haven't really looked at it yet!!! I'll just get your address from there.

If someone comes up with the Pack of Two, over the weekend, then we'll discuss it again on Monday.

12-07-2001, 12:01 PM
My copy of Pack of Two is with Aly.
I am with Logan, I only wanted to eventually get the books back, after everyone has enjoyed them.
Aly, Leslie, Logan, Molly- don't forget to sign the books!

12-07-2001, 12:04 PM
Eeek yes I still have the book! I'm going too slow because of end of school semester chaos and working full time hours at the shelter :eek: Sorry about that! I'll speed it up!

12-07-2001, 12:12 PM
No rush, Aly!!! Just arrange with Laurie to send it to her when you are finished. School work first, Reece and the gang next (I know they are actually first :p ) and then worry about the book. You do not need to rush. Obviously, I haven't!! :o

12-07-2001, 01:05 PM
I have Bea's The Company of Dogs and like some of the rest of you, don't seem to be able to find the time to pick it up. I am going to make a point this weekend, I promise. Then will need to know who wants it next.

12-07-2001, 02:52 PM
Please put my name on the list for any/all books making the rounds. I am a voracious reader, especially animal stuff.

How do I get my address to you?


12-07-2001, 02:54 PM
Iffin anyone wants to borrow any Sylvia Browne or John Edwards books I have they are more than welcome. I am silly that way where I read alot of life after death books and spirits...yada yada yada.....

12-07-2001, 03:58 PM
Be watching and when a book comes available, the first person to say "I want it next" gets it. You just have to promise to send it on its way, at your own expense, after you read it.
So be watching. Looks like some folks will have some available.
Augie, I don't know anything about those books.....tell us more. This is a "book" club, so inform us!! :D

12-07-2001, 05:24 PM
I also have a Sylvia Browne book it's called Adventures of a Phychic, but I haven't read it yet. She has been on Montel Williams show many times, quite interesting.
Like everyone else, I can't seem to find the time to read.

[ December 07, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

12-07-2001, 08:46 PM
Logan darlin..
Sylvia Browne is a Psychic reader and has
written may books. I have about 4 of them.
She very interesting reading actually. John Edwards has a televison show on Sci-Fi channel. He um, well, he talks to spirits that have crossed over. hence his shows name Crossing Over. I also hav a ton Of stephen King books and some paranormal books about ghost and spirits and NDE's.

What can I say, I'm a goofy reader..

12-07-2001, 09:07 PM
Augie, have you called Miss Cleo yet? :p

12-07-2001, 09:24 PM
nah, ms cleo is a fake...heh heh heh

I'm tel ya'll these books are very interesting reading, but ya'llcan think i am crazy if ya'll wanna think that...

hey zippy.... :p :p :p :p

12-07-2001, 11:02 PM
Gosh, i'm lost. :confused: Our "Book Club" was under "Books and Movies". Don't know what happened to it? :D Can't remember what books I even have floating around the good old USA. :) Augie, I think we're all a bit crazy. Sure seems to me "Pack of Two" is everyone's favorite book. I loved it, too! :)
I've got a couple new Iditarod Dogsled books, but haven't read them yet. So little time for reading. Boo hoo, Boo hoo! :(

12-07-2001, 11:32 PM
I LOVE Sylvia Browne!!! I see her on Montel all the time. She's amazing.

Now Miss Cleo is puttin it all on Front Street suga! Don't tell Miss Cleo no lies cause she see da truth!

Heheh, sorry. I get a kick out of Miss Cleo. I consider her a big joke. But Slyvia I really do love.

12-09-2001, 08:32 AM
This is absolutely the craziest site I've ever been part of :D But then I've never taken part of another :rolleyes: but anyhoo, keep on keeping on..I just can't keep up wich all y'all :D :D
p.s. one of my son's kittens, Slick, keeps walking across the keyboard so who knows what will show up here :p

12-10-2001, 05:13 AM
hi guys!!! i am afraid that i am guilty as charged!!! i have "pack of two"and " a friend like no other"...i promised p.o.t. to lbaker...and i am almost done...i have your address and will send a.s.a.p...my apologies...i work in retail and my hours have been from he-- lately...i am done with a friend like no other so if the next person wants please e-mail me at [email protected] like how everyone not only signed this book but put photos of their furkids in it!!! i will include one of delilah...again,my apologies for taking so long...but i assure you that the books are safe and intact.....the delidog ;)

12-10-2001, 05:32 AM

12-11-2001, 04:53 AM

karen israel
12-11-2001, 07:46 AM
Before I beg for Tails from the Bark Side I just want to say that my mom just LOVES Sylvia Browne but unless I'm home, I miss it. But I was able to see John Edwards and like Augie, I just am so awed by that stuff.
He had mentioned once on his show that the person's dog was by his side so THAT made me feel so relieved (to tears).
Augie, I would LOVE to borrow on of his books from you if that's ok...
Just email me at work today and I'll give you my address!!
Thanks all for the great reading suggestions!
I'm sure they'll keep me awake on the train home, as I missed my stop 3x in a month!! :eek: :D :D :rolleyes:

12-11-2001, 10:12 AM
K9karen darlin,

I either didn't receive you work email
address or I must have deleted it??
Sorry..can you send it to me at
[email protected]. That's my work address
so I'm sure to read it. Let me know what
books you want. Sylvia Browne or John Edwards? or both...heh heh heh

12-11-2001, 10:27 AM
I heard about this, but never realy followed through...anyway, tell me a little bit about it.

01-23-2002, 04:18 PM
OK, I am ready to ship Staci's copy of Amazing Gracie to the next one that would like it. It will be well worth it for anyone who wants to read it. Just email me at the address in my profile, with your address, and I'll get it out in the mail immediately. It was wonderful, and I have been finished for a while, but I have been negligent in getting this note posted! :o
Anyway, since I'm reviving this post, why don't we do a "head count" of where everyone's books are now. I know I have a copy of "Pack of Two" floating around out there somewhere. I think delidog had it most recently, but she might have had the second copy that someone else put in the rotation.
Check in everyone when you can.


01-26-2002, 08:39 AM
well I haven't seen any of them yet...but then, we here in DC have had some problems with mail delivery for several months (anthrax and all that, :mad: sumbitches) so if that's what keeping you from sending to me let me assure you...seems to be OK now. Aly, didn't you have Pack of Two :confused: or was that waaaaay back there :confused: anyhoo....just let me know if I should be expecting sumpin...(so the kids don't chew up a package :p ;)

01-26-2002, 01:43 PM
Would you like Amazing Gracie in the meantime, Laurie? I think I have your address on the Christmas Card list, don't I?

01-26-2002, 05:45 PM
I do believe so Logan, iffin not here it iz..don't care if it's out there...have nuffin to hide.4300 Glenrose St/Kensington MD 20895 Now iffin I git weirdo's k-nockin at my door I'll jus let the six doggies and 4 kits et um up :D haw haw :p laurie

01-26-2002, 05:54 PM
LOL!! I'll mail it Monday, Laurie!! :D

01-26-2002, 07:57 PM
..thanks, time for me to go to bed wiv my guys...chat wiv yuz guys tomorrey... HAH