View Full Version : Taz

03-08-2003, 02:22 AM
Taz I can see why they fell in love with you. I have. And you are nothing like the cartoon Taz.
I love your name. I knew a gray cat like you who was the love of friends life till he passed away. His name was Godzilla. And it fit him.
Congrats! Happy COTD TAZ. Till your owners to give you a cyber kiss from me.
Sandy Frost:)

03-08-2003, 03:46 AM
Aw, Taz you are so very cute! No wonder your owners couldn't resist you ;)

Congrats on being Cat Of The Day, I hope you have a wonderful day with tons of treats and lots of love :)

L. Wayne
03-08-2003, 04:45 AM
What a pleasant surprise, when for the first time this morning we see such a beautiful Chartreax-mix kitten. Is it any wonder that your "owners" fell in love with you? Taz is certainly adorable, and what a rescue story, sort of a serendipidy account. But that is the way we find many of our favorite furkids- at least that is the way I found my last four. Congratulations Taz for being the Cat of the Day at pet talk.


03-08-2003, 07:46 AM
What a cutie...it is fun to see kittens on COTD too, and you're just purrrecious! Glad your purrsons "just stopped" that day...hope you and Jaz have a romping great life! "Because every cat should be a Happy Cat!"

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Cat Happy Pride

smokey the elder
03-08-2003, 07:52 AM
Oh, what a cute kitten! I love that round face and your great big eyes! Do you imitate a tornado when you run around the house, like your namesake? :)

03-08-2003, 08:04 AM
OOOOOOOOooooo , I am in love ....!!
Oh Taz , you are such a cutie !!
Have a great COTD-day , sweetie!!

Steffi N
03-08-2003, 09:09 AM
Taz, what a darling you are. You look so soft and cuddly. Your parents and you are lucky they stopped in at the SPCA that day. I'm sure you are growing into a beautiful and happy cat. Congratulations on Cat of the Day.

03-08-2003, 09:30 AM
:) :D :p Taz , you are one of the nicest looking Kittens that has been on the computer in a long time!:cool: :cool: I envy the years of fun and enjoyment that you and your Guardiand have coming to you , you little Treasure , TAZ THE TERRIFIC COTD!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

03-08-2003, 09:43 AM
Ooooooooooww, the cutest little kitten in the world. Taz, you're lucky I am not there to smooch you and eat your sweet ears.
Have a happy and healthy life!

03-08-2003, 10:23 AM
Oh, Taz, could our screens be graced with a more adorable baby this morning? I just want to pick you up and cuddle you all day!!!! Look at that face and big eyes!!!!

I laughed so hard with what "Smokey the Elder" posted too: "Do you imitate a tornado when you run around the house, like your namesake?"

I love how your name pairs so nicely with your sibling Jaz! I hope you two have a playful, fun and Be-daz-zling Taz/Jaz day!:D :) :p :cool: ;)

03-08-2003, 11:09 AM
Oh I'm in love with you too Taz. You are soooooo adorable.

Congratulations on being our KOTD.

Hope you get lots of special little treats on your special day sweetie. Oh I just want to take you and give you all kinds of kitty hugs and kisses. :D

03-08-2003, 11:32 AM
Now that's a whole lotta cuteness right there!! :) You are one little sweetheart Tazzie-girl! Congrats for being Our Cat of the Day adorable! :) :D :)

03-08-2003, 11:35 AM
What a bundle of cute you are! Sounds like you have a wonderful loving forever home now. Congratulations on being our spcecial Cat of the Day today, sweetie.:D

03-08-2003, 12:29 PM
Oh Taz, just look at that precious young life with curiousity galore right on my screen.

I could just scoop you up and cover you with kisses.

Have a wonderful life you cute thing! And Congratulations are in order for you being selected as our very special Saturday Cat of the Day!

03-08-2003, 01:04 PM
Just looking at too-cute Taz
drives me mad.

I think they call it

03-08-2003, 02:16 PM
Well, just one look, that's all it took, for me to fall in love!!:) Oh, I think you do behold the wonders of the world in those HUGE eyes, Taz!:) You are the epitome of kitten cuteness, sweet boy! Congratulations to you adorable little Taz! What an absolutely precious Cat of the Day you are! Long and happy life to you dear Taz!!:)

03-08-2003, 03:47 PM
You put the TAZ in FANTAZTIC~~

What a cutie pie you are, you little grey fluff ball. I hope your day is as precious as you! Lots of love, treats and scritchies to you and your whole family.

03-08-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Frostfrog
Just looking at too-cute Taz
drives me mad.

I think they call it

Yes, there should be a law against showing pictures like that on the Internet...now I have to get me a kitten.

03-10-2003, 01:09 PM
Irresistibility is a kitten's stock in trade and you've got it in vanloads, darling Taz! Have a happy, healthy and long life, sweetheart.