View Full Version : My Snow Cat

Edwina's Secretary
03-06-2003, 03:27 PM
We FINALLY had a nice snow. Edwina asked if she could go outside for a bit...YIKES!!!!


Five minutes later she has forgotten all about her cold feet and is begging to go out again!

03-06-2003, 03:30 PM
Brrrrr!! Edwina....don't you know that snow can chill you to the bones?? But you look so cute and cuddly.

Up here we have beautiful sunshine today :D

03-06-2003, 03:31 PM
so Edwina, which do you like better, romping through the snow or tiptoeing through the tulips?

03-06-2003, 03:33 PM
Wonderful pictures, Edwina is just so ....well ;) Edwina. We were thinking of visiting Chicago for March break but your weather is as bad as ours in Toronto... so I' think we'll wait till Easter.

03-06-2003, 06:22 PM
Awww... You looks like your havin some fun in that there white stuff..

03-07-2003, 04:07 AM
Wow, she's one brave cat! Oliver will rarely go out during winter cause of his sensitive little paws LOL

L. Wayne
03-07-2003, 04:21 AM
My cats will want to go outside in the cold and snow, until they stand at the open front door(that I just opened for them), but behind the screen door. Then they will turn around and head for a warmer place in the house. I am beginning to think that the only reason they want outside is to nibble on some green stuff.


03-07-2003, 04:35 AM
Edwina, you are so adventurous!
Tigris and Filou will be very reluctant to touch the snow on the balcony.
But anyway we hope that it's over now with snow and spring will start!

03-07-2003, 04:50 AM
What a brave & adventurous cat you are , miss Edwina !! Inka says she wishes she had that snow here too!
here the sun is shining and the garden is getting ready for Spring!!

03-07-2003, 06:10 AM
So pretty you look there in the tummy high snow, Edwina. :eek: I think you have spotted something under the bushes - what could that be? Enjoy yourself sweetie, while it lasts. ;)

03-07-2003, 07:55 AM
Pictures of what Miss Edwina is up to are always welcome, and these snow expedition ones are no exception. Who else could tip-toe through the snow so elegantly but Miss Edwina! :) But please don`t stay out to long Milady, for your paws will surely get too cold and your nose and ears get icicles.


smokey the elder
03-07-2003, 08:34 AM
You want some of ours?? See pic.

03-07-2003, 08:52 AM
Edwina you are very brave, but I expected no less from a wise and worldly woman like yourself! Enjoy the snow, Edwina

03-07-2003, 09:34 AM
Edwina , this is Moose The Magnificent! I am a Maine Coon and I too love the snow and cold! I have big tufted paws and a heavy coat! :cool: :cool: You would like me much bettrthan Joseph , who runs at the sight of a snowflake , the wimp! Moose!

03-07-2003, 09:50 AM
Edwina, that was so nice of you to plow a trail thru the snow for your humans. :D

03-07-2003, 02:59 PM
awww! cute:) and i love her face markings!!!:eek: :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-07-2003, 03:24 PM
:eek: :eek: Edwina, I had no idea!!! I thought you would be more likely to stay inside curled up to the warm fire, with your nose in a book ;) on such a wintry day! :) I notice in the second pic you got snow on your tummy. :) Too cute. :)

T & P don't like the snow either. Tubby used to tolerate it a little, but these days he goes running to the door, then I open it and as soon as he gets a whiff of the cold air coming in, he hightails it right back inside where it's comfy and cozy. :)

03-07-2003, 03:31 PM
Edwina, you are a very brave cat to go out in that cold white stuff.

03-07-2003, 03:33 PM
Here are some photos of my snow cat Samantha.(Notice she doesn't actually put her paws in the snow!);)
http://users.adelphia.net/~mandzsawyer/images/samsnow.jpg http://users.adelphia.net/~mandzsawyer/images/samsnow2.jpg http://users.adelphia.net/~mandzsawyer/images/samdoor.jpg
She sniffs around a little, looks at the snow, doesn't set foot in it then heads back to the door to go back in. It has to be sunny and at least 32 degrees F for her to go out, any wind or snow falling, forget about it!:p

03-08-2003, 01:53 AM
Edwina you look so cute in the snow. Maybe you should ask your mom for some snow boots and a scarf.:) If it ever snowed here my boys Sunny and Storm would never want to go out. :)

03-08-2003, 07:02 AM
Samantha, you wise one, you certainly got it right! :D

Nice pics!


03-08-2003, 09:16 AM
She looks so beautiful in the snow :)