View Full Version : Some stuff (not really a rant, but....)

03-05-2003, 05:40 PM
Bad things come in threes...some things upset me today.

1. My vet is quitting. I just got the letter from her saying she's handing over her practice to a new married couple of vets. I have been seeing this vet for about 6 years, and I really like her. I have met the new vets, even seen them for a couple appointments, and they are nice. It is still hard to change for me. My BF is probably going to be really upset (he's at work now and doesn't know yet), he's been going to her almost since she started her practice (25 years ago). Sigh.

2. attbi.com (my ISP) merged with Comcast. I just went through this a year ago when attbi bought out my former ISP. This means changing my email address everywhere again, (thanks goodness I use my Yahoo account for forums and such) and all my webpages at attbi will need to be changed again. I have a Blog garden diary, and after they take that server down none of my pictures will work, and no way am I going through and editing all the picture links - sigh, a year of work down the drain. I should buy a domain, but since I only do simple webpages for my pet pictures, gardens, and model horse collection, the 60 MB of free ISP space is all I need.

3. I spent $171 on groceries today, first time ever. I used to get by on way less than $100, there's only 2 people here. Argghhh!

Thanks for letting me vent.

03-05-2003, 06:08 PM
AHhh I know those days!

03-05-2003, 06:19 PM
I'm so sorry about your rough day...that really stinks about your vet & webpage!! My sympathies!! I also gripe about the grocery thing...It seems like prices just keep going up! We are averaging $85 bucks a week, and it's just for the two of us. I use coupons and wait for things to go on sale, too. I can't even imagine what it would be like to grocery shop for a family!! :eek:

03-05-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by boscibo
2. attbi.com (my ISP) merged with Comcast. I just went through this a year ago when attbi bought out my former ISP. This means changing my email address everywhere again, (thanks goodness I use my Yahoo account for forums and such) and all my webpages at attbi will need to be changed again. I have a Blog garden diary, and after they take that server down none of my pictures will work, and no way am I going through and editing all the picture links - sigh, a year of work down the drain. I should buy a domain, but since I only do simple webpages for my pet pictures, gardens, and model horse collection, the 60 MB of free ISP space is all I need.

At home, I have attbi.com too. Were you with the old mediaone.net too :confused:

I used to use AOL for my web page, but they kept changing the software, and pages could not be migrated to new software. :mad:

I use free pages (although you have to tolerate there adverts) from webshots.com for albums to show, and imagestation.com for pictures for posting.

03-05-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Fuzzy317

At home, I have attbi.com too. Were you with the old mediaone.net too :confused:

I used to use AOL for my web page, but they kept changing the software, and pages could not be migrated to new software. :mad:

I use free pages (although you have to tolerate there adverts) from webshots.com for albums to show, and imagestation.com for pictures for posting.

Yes! When I first got cable internet it was Mediaone.net. What a hassle to change email addresses all over - like at Amazon, eBay, mailing lists...

I had 60 MBs at attbi.com, and they will probably keep that part after the cheangeover, so I do have space. It's just that my garden diary is mostly pictures, and once they take the attbi.com server down, I'll have to change all the picture links so they point to the new server...a free site can't help me there. Oh well, I have been planning on re-designing my webpages for a long time anyways, now might be a good time.

03-05-2003, 06:56 PM
I have had doctors retire on me twice so far, and I always think "Hey, not fair!" Hope your new vets are even better!

As for groceries, just think of how much of it is stuff you won't need to buy next week - I find when my grocery bill is high, it's usually from things like shampoo and detergent and stuff that will last a long time.

03-05-2003, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
We are averaging $85 bucks a week, and it's just for the two of us. I use coupons and wait for things to go on sale, too. I can't even imagine what it would be like to grocery shop for a family!! :eek:

It's the same with Brian and I!!

03-05-2003, 07:34 PM
i hate those days...:mad:

but theres only one thing to do! and i think we all know what that is... cuddle with our pets! lol:D

03-05-2003, 07:53 PM
That stinks, doesn't it? But I'm sure you'll make the best of it.

Do you have a link to your garden pages in your profile? I haven't even looked yet, but I sure would like to see them. I'm always looking for great gardening ideas.


03-05-2003, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by Logan
That stinks, doesn't it? But I'm sure you'll make the best of it.

Do you have a link to your garden pages in your profile? I haven't even looked yet, but I sure would like to see them. I'm always looking for great gardening ideas.


Here's a link - My Secret Garden (http://boscibo.blogspot.com/) . I have to warn you though - there are a lot of pictures on that page, and the gardening stuff is way at the bottom - the archives aren't working so I just have all the posts showing. :p And the gardening stuff stops when it started to get cold here, but there are pet pictures galore. And some other junk too.

Doctors quitting are always a hassle too, it's happened to me a few times, but I go to a clinic with about 20 doctors and often I will just make an appointment with whoever is available soonest, so I never really got too attached to any one particular doctor. But what I really hate is when hairdressers quit! I have a borderline "fear of getting my haircut", and it seems like whenever I find someone who I really like doing my hair, they never stay long. Hairdressers move around so often, then I have to start all over and find someone else I like.

03-05-2003, 08:51 PM
Grocery prices amaze me! We've been shopping at Costco and that helps in the food prices...and we have food for quite a while. :) But....there is so much that we HAVE to HAVE there...that's where the problem starts. ;)

03-05-2003, 09:24 PM
Boscibo, your pictures are phenominal!!! I don't blame you for being upset that you are going to lose your web page. Hope you have those pictures stored somewhere so you can put them on a new site sometime. You mustn't lose them!!! Thank you for sharing your website with me.


03-05-2003, 09:43 PM
And sharing with me too. My favorite is July 20, 2002.

03-05-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by boscibo
But what I really hate is when hairdressers quit! I have a borderline "fear of getting my haircut", and it seems like whenever I find someone who I really like doing my hair, they never stay long. Hairdressers move around so often, then I have to start all over and find someone else I like.

Ooohh me too!! I used the same girl for 4 years and then she had twins and quit. She was the only person I trusted and I drove 25 miles to go to her when I moved!!:mad:

03-05-2003, 11:11 PM
Logan - I have multiple back-ups, both the originals and the resized pictures. The blog format is easy to use, but they don't host pictures. I use my ISP's space, so after they change, all those pictures will show up as red x's. I could go through and edit all the links so they show up (from the new Comcast server) but I probably won't.

Thanks for the compliments, I'm blushing!

Former User
03-06-2003, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I also gripe about the grocery thing...It seems like prices just keep going up! We are averaging $85 bucks a week, and it's just for the two of us. I use coupons and wait for things to go on sale, too. I can't even imagine what it would be like to grocery shop for a family!! :eek:

$85? :eek: that sure sounds a lot! Of course I don't know how much food costs in USA, but here Patrick and I spend about $25 per week and I'm still complaining :rolleyes: :o

03-06-2003, 02:31 AM
3. I spent $171 on groceries today, first time ever. I used to get by on way less than $100, there's only 2 people here. Argghhh!

I feel ya' on the grocery thing. It's only my husband and myself. But he's a bottomless pit. I swear this boy eats SO much.... $450 last month alone on groceries!!!! AND I am a total coupon clipper AND I use Albertsons and Safeway club cards (definetly shop the sales) AND I am not ashamed to say I buy store brands.

03-06-2003, 04:23 AM
Well I have to say you have some of the cutiest cats I have ever seen. What GREAT pictures you took of them. All the flowers and plants are beautiful, but those kitties are just a joy.

We don't spend much on food. We only eat at home 2 days a week. Tom takes a lunch every day and I eat at work. But I do understand the Costco thing. We NEED so many things when we go there too:)

We have attbi and it started out as @home here so we will have the 3rd change also. Any idea when it will take place? I have never used it for e-mail, because it was down so much of the time when it was @home, I just didn't trust it, so we have always used the yahoo for mail.


03-06-2003, 05:40 AM
I enjoyed your blog -thanks for sharing. So cute to see Hanna come into your life and grow:)

03-06-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by tomkatzid

We have attbi and it started out as @home here so we will have the 3rd change also. Any idea when it will take place?

The funny thing is - I didn't get an email from attbi. Ticketmaster (who we use a lot to buy sporting event tickets) sent an email saying after March 19th, all attbi.com addresses would be changing to Comcast.net. I had heard nothing about his until this email, so I emailed attbi.com and asked. I got the basic form letter back saying: "The Comcast migration will be processed by regions. We have not been advised as to the timetable for each region." So who knows?

But I did get some good news too! I am leaving for a 2 week vacation on March 21. I was worried because my cats and dogs would be left home alone for 8 hours a day while Jeff was at work. They are used to me being here at home almost all the time, and I know my being gone would disrupt their routines. Jeff just volunteered for a voluntary layoff at his company (they offer it to more senior employees, who take the layoff so less senior employees can continue to work) so he will be home when I'm gone! It's only for a month, so the big pay cut shouldn't affect us too much, but the animals will be happy. And I won't worry so much on my vacation. :)