View Full Version : Tell Me About Your Cat(s)...

03-05-2003, 05:00 PM
I know that we've done this, but it helps me remember who is who...

Tell us how we'll all know/remember you cat(s). I'll start:

Orange, fluffy maine coon/tabby kitty.
Will be 2 years old on May 13, 2003.
Gets new haircuts in the spring and summer.
The beginning of my cat-crazyness. ;)

Pretty, tortie kitty.
Will be 2 years old on August 13, 2003
Hated her outdoor experiences last week.
Loves daddy and mommy, hates Olivia.

The infamous color-changing Korat mix kitty.
Will be 1 year old on May 29, 2003.
Mommy's BABY....my little love bug.
Russian Blue's Nakita is his sweetie.

Beautiful silky black kitty.
Will be 7 years old on May 13, 2003 (two birthdays on one day!)
Finally rescued by us after a five week long love affiar between her (as Ebony) and mommy. :D

OK, your turn!! You can post pics if you want too. Mine are all in my signature. :)

03-05-2003, 05:31 PM
Amber, long haired orange female with the amber eyes. Daddy's girl!

Ashley, calico that looks like Lut's Maya. a clown and acrobat.

Biddy, black tuxedo male. VERY sweet former stray.

Calvin the Norwegian forest cat who does not like to be picked up or held. But petting, he adores.

Fern, shy orange and white female who took years to warm up to us, but was worth every second.

Jasper, black long hair male. a very gentle soul. long and lean,

Jim long hair male with a smudge on his nose. lap fungus/purr machine extrordinaire.

Kim.....biggest little begger in the East.

Lucas, orange male with tuxedo like markings. He's been with me the longest of those with me now. Seems hard to believe, I remember so well when he was the baby. loves his game of chase at bedtime.

Monte. all white male Mama's boy. Throws up a lot, but we are working on that. This is my soul cat. Must be carried around on my shoulder.

Rutherford, blue and white longhair, who was downright bald when I adopted him. Sweetest and best behaved fellow.

Sterling, silver tabby male who EATS things. softest fur I've ever felt.

Willow, tabby and white male. SHy, a real no-see-um. (for company) but loves his pet-time, especially right before bed.

03-05-2003, 06:01 PM
Max - Flame-point Persian - 10 yrs old
Speckles - blotched tabby - 16 yrs old

03-05-2003, 06:06 PM
Ok.. with Photos:
She is the Girl of the house. Talks ALOT.. currently has a bald spot on tip of tail from over grooming herself (a girl's gotta look good!)
Opens ANY kind of door around. Likes to but heads.
3 yrs old. Birthday is August 14th. Rescued from husband's parents after they adopted her from the pound then decided they didn't want pets.

Mommies boy! The curious one of the family. If there's running water , he's there to see how it works. Likes to watch bubble baths, but not get them. Barely meows, more like a whisper meow. Definetely Mommies boy all the way.
Will be 3 on March 14th :) :) adopted from Petsmart adoption center in league with a cat rescue program.

daddies baby! The clown of the bunch.Tolerates mommy unless wanting to play... Sleeps more than any of them, and trys to be just like "daddy".. from snoring, to sneezing to whatever. Known to make a sound that sounds like "YUM YUM YUM" when eating canned food.
The baby of the family.. Just turned 2 in November. Thanksgiving baby. Adopted from my dad's rescued cats litter.

:D :D :D

03-05-2003, 06:21 PM
Katie is a female tabby and turned 11 years old on Feb. 12,2003.
She is a real talker and just loves her mommy so much that she has to be in the same room with me all the time. In fact, as of now she is in her usual place when I am on the computer. Right behind me in the chair, so she has me literally sitting on the edge of my seat.

Mookie is a male main coon tabby/mix who turned 7 months old on Feb. 24, 2003. He is always getting into trouble as he is so full of vim and vigor. He just loves to run, as I call it blind, around the house, jumping on this and that and knocking over anything that is in his way. Needless to say I have learnt to kitty proof my house. He is a real daddy's boy.

03-05-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Monte. all white male Mama's boy. Throws up a lot, but we are working on that. This is my soul cat. Must be carried around on my shoulder.
Noah used to do this until I changed his food to a mix of Indoor and Special (special for their tummies) Royal Canin cat food. Its worth a try. :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-05-2003, 07:23 PM
This is Tinky... she is my baby!


I love her so much. Tinky is year old and a half years old. I got her for Christmas of 2001. I wanted a kitten soooo bad and Eric adopted Tinky from the pound. She is the cuddliest kitty in the world. She loooves her mommy and has the loudest purr in the whole world.

This is Jupiter.. he is my BIG goofy boy!


I got Jupiter from my sister when he was six months old... He is a year and a half now too. He looooves to play.. with ANYTHING.. but he keeps the excitement coming and us entertained. He is just now starting to like to be petted and will purr a lot more than he used too... I love him so much!!

03-05-2003, 07:30 PM
Jen I noticed your kitties were in alphabetical order! :D

Trevor - Big orange tabby who was my first cat and convinced me that cats were awesome. Caused me to re-think my "dogs only" frame of mind. Independent and lovable on his terms. Sweet kitty. Unflappable. Goes with the flow.

Andy - Sweet white cuddle boy. Loves to be in my lap. Drools with ecstasy when being petted (for long sessions a towel may be in order :D ). Looks up to big "bro" Trevor and can often be found grooming him. Very, very affectionate. Tends to be afraid of new people to the house and will go into hiding - also fears someone knocking at the door - more hiding. :rolleyes:

03-05-2003, 07:32 PM
Here is Boo.


He is just a little over a year old. He is my first cat and has been an absolute joy. I used to think I didn't like cats, but Boo changed that.

Boo loves to play outside and catch bugs. The birds mainly just laugh at him and his attempts to "talk" to them.

He LOVES fish, sleeping with mommy, shredding paper and women.

He dislikes loud men, fruit and veggies, fans and bugs.

03-05-2003, 07:37 PM
We have:

Mimi, who is 13 years old. She will have another birthday in the middle of June. Mimi joined me as a six week old kitten, when our cat of 7 years, Shrimmp Boat disappeared. She has been here longer than anyone or anything else, including my own "'skin kid". What a wonderful cat, who just goes with the flow. She has tolerated dogs, children and most unwillingly, Butter, our other cat.

Butter is 5-6 years old (estimated). He just showed up a little over two years ago and never left. And when we left, he came with us! I was so amazed that my neighbors never realized that I really did adopt him, have him neutered, feed him, let him sleep in my bed, etc. LOL!! Many of them seemed to be amazed when I said he was going with me, as if he hadn't been my cat for the previous two years! :)

03-05-2003, 07:47 PM
She is a mixture of colors, and is a Tabby Cat. On April 19th, she will be eight years old. Sally loves to relax on the porch in the summer, and run around like mad in the winter. She dislikes anyother cat or animal, especially dogs who use her as furniture!
:p Her favorite food is tuna, and she also likes ham, turkey, and any other fish. But of course when I'm not around to spoil her silly, she gets kibble. ;) Some man at my dad's work was giving away kittens, and my dad took Sally home. That was on my sister's birthday (although oddly enough, it was not an intentional birthday present for her). I always like to say that she is that cat in the "Peppy Le PU" cartoon, because she has spots of wite on her, and it loks like she got into white paint.:D
My current favorite pic of her:

Russian Blue
03-05-2003, 08:59 PM
Nakita - Russian Blue - Almost 9 months old - NoahsMommy's Basil is Nakita's fur love! :D

Nakita also goes by the names Warrier Princess, Bat Girl, and Queen of wrapping herself around your finger!

She loves anything furry that moves. She can't get enough attention and if your ignoring her she will come right into your face and get your attention! Who ever said Russian Blue's are shy and quiet?? Not Nakita! She has ultimate Cat-i-Tude! She also doesn't usually meow, but chirps and does these little moans instead.

She has never hissed or scratched. She has her crazy wild kitty moments, but always minds the sensitive skin of humans. Nakita actually purrs when we cut her nails. I think it's because she is getting our undivided attention then!

She's the light and center of this household! How could those emerald eyes have it any other way?



03-05-2003, 09:30 PM
Dandylion...little white puff of love :) As sweet natured as she looks...guessing she is about 1 1/2 to 2 years old...hope to maybe get her a brother in the future...

03-06-2003, 12:40 AM
Ok here goes ...


Breeders name: Argyle Princess Bastet DesertSands

Faun Abysinnian

nearly 3 year old on May the 12th.

My first ever Kitty!

I picked a handful of purebred didn't I! Bastet is a bundle of hyperactive love. I am sure she was a human in a past life! She is affectionate, fun loving, and attention seeking.

Her current attention seeking behaviour is:

Rubbing her nose across the bottom of the door so it makes a loud squeaky wet chalk sound.

By the way: Don't EVER use citronella on something that a cat likes to rub against with bare skin. Bastet has a *burnt* nose from me trying to stop her from rubbing her nose across the door. I sprayed the offending door with it and she still did it!!! At least now she has stopped but not after hurting herself (it wasn't serious by the way - she just burnt the top layer of skin - she is fine) and making me completely frantic in the process. Her nose is almost healed now.

03-06-2003, 12:45 AM
Storm - He's my first cat that I've owned by myself. He was around 1 year old when I adopted him from the Humane Society so he's 7 now. His birthday is Jan. 11th which is also his anniversary date too. He's very social and I sometimes call him my gray doggie because he thinks he's a dog or even a person. He's the alpha cat of my multicat household and he acts like the mama cat. He loves to cuddle with me when I'm in bed and has also become a lap cat since his brother Pepper has passed away. I love him very much. Here's a picture of him.

Sunny - He's 2 years old and will be 3 on August 25th. I adopted him from a rescue group called Unconditional Love. He's half aby and half tabby but I think he acts more like an aby. He's very energetic, vocal, and entertaining. He's also very loving and friendly to his mommy but he doesn't like men or most strangers. He likes to sit in my lap and cuddle up with me in bed. He also loves to play and thinks that everything is a toy. He's a big kitten. I love him so much and he's my little ray of sunshine. :) Here's a picture of him.


03-06-2003, 01:01 AM
I got Kylie when she was a year old from a friend from work, whose now husband didn't like her. Their loss -- my gain. Her birthday is sometime in early June, and I got her in June of 2001. She is will be 3 this June. She is my first 'real cat'. I had 3 outside cats as a child, but not for very long. They went on about their way.
Kylie is so sweet. She loves to snuggle on her own time. She snuggles in bed. She tolerates Keegan pretty well. She grieved when Shaianne died, she licked my tears away.
She likes to play with her toy mice and milk jug rings, when Keegan isn't around, b/c she eats them. :eyeroll:
Her biggest obsession is trying to get outside, she will do anything to get outside, trying to sneak out the door etc. A time or 2 I didn't think she was coming back so she gets steered clear away from the door. But she does like to look out the window. My next purchase is going to be a bird feeder for outside the window in 'her' closet. :D
Here are some pics:



03-06-2003, 02:17 AM
Bassett - my heart and soul. She will be four in April, but I don't know her exact bday. I picked April 1st because she's silly (read: April Fool's day). She is a russian blue mix from what I've figured out, but the vet calls her a dilute calico. I suppose she is :) She is my first "my own" cat and is really bonded to me. She only tolerates other people when she has to, and is quite the little snot. If she get's mad at you, she'll pee in your stuff. She has a disease called idiopathic chylothorax, which means that fluid called chyle leaks into her chest from her thoracic duct, and they don't know why. She has to go to the vet for routine chest drains. Sadly, this disease will significantly shorten her life expectancy. However, for right now she is happy and healthy and has a good quality of life, and for as long as I can, I will continiue to keep her well.
Here she is in all of her "attitude" glory ;)

Tilly - I got my little calico girl from a rescue after my grandma died and Bassett had to spend her days at home alone. At first, they really bonded, but since Nutmeg showed up, they never cuddle or sleep together anymore :( Tilly is very independant, and doesn't like to be picked up or held. She will cuddle on her own terms, though, and when she does, her purr is like a litte earthquake :) She is a very social cat. When someone rings the doorbell, she growls at them :D She LOOVES to play, and sometimes will for so long she gets all puffed out and pants. That's really cute! Her meow is also very sweet.. not quite like a kitten, but very high pitched and heart melting. Her bday is in October. She will be 2 this year.
Here she is playing with my bf:

Nutmeg - I got Nutmeg from an orphan kitten rescue. It was her meow that stole my heart.. that plaintative kitten mew is too hard to resist! I had always wanted a tortoiseshell too, so it was meant to be! She was bottle fed, and so even though she will be a year in June, she still looks like a kitten. Her meow is still as irresistable as ever :) She LOOVES to cuddle, as close to your face as possible. She also has a really cute crackly purr that rumbles her all the way through. She will play for as long as you are willing to toss a string for her; I usually get tired before she does. She is also a beast.. she loves to jump and leap at stuff and she can get quite high. She has already bent one of my curtain rods beyond repair :rolleyes:
Here she is smiling in her sleep :):

Sometime soon, I really need to post more pics of my beauties! :)

03-06-2003, 02:51 AM
Maya : she is my beautiful calico ! She is the sweetest cat in the world . She doesn't even realize she has claws . She is always happy !! Oh yep , Maya is 1 year old !

Inka : she is my naughty little devil ! Oh , she is a darling , a lap cat , a super-soft furry cat ! But our Inka is the alpha-cat , and she wants you to know that !!! She is the best of friends with Maya (who tolerates Inka's supremacy!!)

Sydney : my black beauty is at the rainbow bridge since last summer . He was a mighty and sweet male !!!

Former User
03-06-2003, 03:05 AM
This is our Kitty, she will turn 2 years at May 22nd. She's a sweet lil girl, loves to cuddle, have her belly rubbed and she loves attention.


This is Casper who will also turn 2, same time with Kitty. He's a very loud purrmachine and big time cuddler and love machine. He can sit in our lap for hours! He also loves to talk alot.


03-06-2003, 03:26 AM
7 years
official name: Solo from Isis' temple
7-8 lb
He is a Filou that is a charming little rascal. He likes to sit on your shoulders, give headbumpies and nosekissies and gets into trouble quite often. I love him to pieces.

Abyssinian x Siberian
7 years
13 lb.
He is reliable, quiet, has wonderful whiskers and likes to help working (by lying on the newspaper or on a manuscript). He is daddy's boy -but I always love the cat most that is close to me.


03-06-2003, 05:09 AM
Juni will be three years old on May 5.
Little Tabby devil
Likes to play fetch, has her own stuffed toys - Doggy and Goritsa (a stuffed Gorilla), her own bed.
Likes to greet me at the door when I come from work, to be spoiled by my brother. Hates mirrors.
Juni's fur love is Filou

03-06-2003, 05:25 AM
Juni is Filou's valentine too.
Tigris' valentine is Maya from Canada, also an Abyssinian.:)

L. Wayne
03-06-2003, 05:42 AM
OK, here goes, all 11 of them

(1) is Fawn who is also part Aby, He looks like Sunny in Krazyaboutkatz's photo. Fawn will be 2 years old on july 17th this year. He is a "trouble maker" among my family, and is a small cat.

(2) is Tiara, a tortie, who comes to me practically every morning for scritchies. Tiara is so named because of a little brown (crown) spot on her head.

(3) is Tiger, She is a lynx-point Siamese, who definitely has Siamese traits about her, with large expressive blue eyes. She was rescued from two high school girls who brought her into a Chinese restaurant wrapped in an old shirt. She was about 7 weeks old then.

(4) Cookie is a tan/silver tortie. She loves to be picked up and cuddled. Also, where ever I go, especially into a room she always wants in after I leave. I suppose she is afraid of missing something

(5)is Otis. I adopted him from a shelter in Pittsburg. Kansas. He is a white, flame point Siamese, and has assumed the dominant male of the pride. He acts as my "protector" when I am doing something around the house.

(6) is Amy. she is a small tuxedo kitty, who was my first rescue from the Visalia animal shelter. Amy is shy, and will not stay nor eat around the other cats. She will only come on my lap for scritchies when I am alone. Any sleeps by herself and seldom shares anything with any of the others except Tiger

(7) is Puma. She is a rescue from our local animal shelter. Puma is a Russian Blue mix, and is very affectionate.

(8) is Blue-Czarina. She is also a Russian Blue mix. Although she is affectionate, she does not like to be picked up most of the time. I have been working with her in order to teach her not to be so mistrusting.

(9) Is Chris cat, named Christmas cat, because he was rescued from our local shelter on Dec. 24th this past season. I am certainly happy with him. He follows me around like a puppy, is very affectionate, and loyal. Chris is about 1 year old, and is also the most playful in my pride. He is a marble-swirl tabby with white underneath.

(10), is Happy cat. He is another flame-point Siamese with snow--white fur, Happy is a happy cat, as alll I have to do is touch him and he begins to purr. Happy and Chris often play together. Happy also loves to knead when I pet him while in my lap. He also likes to "nurse" my shirt sleeves.

(11) is my newest member, Pepper/Neptune. He is a medium furred black and gray tabby, whom I rescued from our local shelter. Pepper is about 4 months old, and is growing very fast. He has been taken in by Chris, as these two often nap together and is frequently washed and groomed by Chris.

03-06-2003, 05:42 AM
Neko- gray tabby, he's 6 years old this month! He's known as my big grey guy- he's so mellow and sweet.

Cookie- black and white, she's 5, she was a feral cat we caught when she was around 8 months old. Her and Neko are best friends. She is known as the bi*ch around the house and she hates Tama.

Pumpkin- orange and white, she's 4. She's daddy's girl and as sweet as marmalade.

Tama- blue Abyssinian, he's 3. He's my shadow, follows me everywhere. I love him to pieces.

03-06-2003, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Jen I noticed your kitties were in alphabetical order! :D

:D it's the only way I can remember them...........:rolleyes: :eek:

03-06-2003, 07:14 AM
Boy it sure looks to me like Dandy and Kylie could be sisters!

I know this is a thread about kitties, but Staci I can't get over how big and beautiful Keegan has gotten! What a great picture of the two of them! :cool:

03-06-2003, 07:39 AM
Hayley is 5 months old, she is all gray with ghost tabby markings (you can only see them in pictures!) She has gold colored eyes. I was told she is part Russian Blue but I think she looks more like a Chartreux.


Mandy, my new addition, is about 6 weeks old. I'm not sure if you would call her a dilute calico or a dilute tortis. What do you think?


smokey the elder
03-06-2003, 10:48 AM
Mobius is approximately 9 years old (gotcha day 1/4/94.) She is a LARGE tortoiseshell, who's a food thief. She likes to sleep in odd positions.

smokey the elder
03-06-2003, 10:51 AM
Diva is a completely black female DSH. Her birthday is around May, and her gotcha day was 12/5/96. Diva has cerebellar hypoplasia, which makes her a grade A spaz but she does OK! Here she is overcoming CH by lying down while she has dinner (is she part Roman?;) )

smokey the elder
03-06-2003, 10:53 AM
Pixel is basically feral. She was trapped for me in Oct. 1998. She's approx. 5 years old, and a peach female. She gets along much better with cats than with people. Here she is being a nawteecat.

smokey the elder
03-06-2003, 10:55 AM
Diamond started mooching around in the summer of 2000. She basically tamed herself. She had a litter of kittens on my back porch on Sept. 22, 2000. She is a total mush now. She's black, and approximately 5 years old.

smokey the elder
03-06-2003, 10:57 AM
TicTac is Diamond's son from a previous litter. He also started mooching around with his mom when he realized there were good eats here. His birthday is around now! He's 3, black, and with a tiny white mark on his chest. He loves to show his belly and have it rubbed.

smokey the elder
03-06-2003, 10:58 AM
Smokey the Younger is Diamond's daughter, born 9/22/00. She looks completely different from the other kittens in the litter. The others had fuzzy or long haired coats, and were black or black and white. She's a very sleek spotted tabby.

smokey the elder
03-06-2003, 11:01 AM
Bosun was a former foster. She came to me in March 2001 with two 3 month old kittens. When I went to get her spayed, turned out she was preggers again. She had 3 long haired kittens which I placed, then finally got her spayed. She's a long haired dark tortie, is gorgeous and knows it. She sits on my lap while I'm on the computer sometimes. She's about 3 years old.

03-06-2003, 11:04 AM
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid54/p87f3bced047ee6b8319f37f632977312/fc8b582e.jpg.thumb.jpg Garbonzo Bean
(AKA: Boo, Boo Boo or Bonzo).
Male Seal Point Birman.
Wants to be a Rock Star.
Has thumbs.

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid54/p15a6285808868ea3e0b76b519a389b0f/fc8b582c.jpg.thumb.jpg Mocha Bean
(AKA: Daddy's-Little-Princess-Who-Can-Do-NO Wrong, Beanie, Beanie Weinie, Stinker Bell etc...).
Female Siamese/ Blue Lynx mix.
Has Royalty status in our ...um HER home.
Owns one Corgi dog, LOUD Louie.
Loves him to pieces when he's quiet.

Together they are "The Beans"

L. Wayne
03-06-2003, 12:05 PM
haylerosie. Yes. your blue kitty is definitely not a Russian Blue. That she is a mixed chartreaux, is probably more correct. Russian Blues, have thinner bodies and narrower heads, and always green eyes. Their ears are more at about 120 degree angle to each other.

Edwina's Secretary
03-06-2003, 12:31 PM
Edwina is my husband's cat.

Before we were married he wanted a cat. I said..."but my allergies" and didn't say "but my commitment-phobia."

My mother said..."get a cat!"

I said.."the cat must be female, either a calico or gray and white and must be named Edwina.

Edwina joined us from the Animal Shelter in April of 1997 when she was about a year old which makes her about 7 now.

I said..."she must sleep in the basement!"

She just laughed and said..."This bed will do just fine!"

So after two hospital treatments I am an expert in the management of cats and allergies and just adore my (opps...my husband's) little Edwina. She has my whole heart so she might as well have the whole house as well!

(BTW she asked me not to discuss the fact she weighs 12 lbs. and she wants to know WHEN Tigris started two-timing on her with Maya from Canada!?!?!)

03-06-2003, 12:40 PM

We have Fister, a large orange European tabby, semi-domesticated.
We enticed him up into our flat when he was about a year old.
He is a loving, timid little guy, but still complains bitterly if we try to lift him.
No, hang on, he USED to be a loving, timid little guy, but is rapidly evolving into a loving, swaggering little TYRANT who is in the process of taking over our whole flat! :D
His journey has been well documented.

He is so SWEET though! :) :) :)


Russian Blue
03-06-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

(... and she wants to know WHEN Tigris started two-timing on her with Maya from Canada!?!?!)

ah...oh.....somebody has some explaining to do!! Watch for the flying fur!


Miss Meow
03-06-2003, 05:18 PM
Mini - seal point Siamese boy who will be two years old in July. We got him because he had a heart murmur and needed a loving, safe home. Things went pear-shaped and he ended up having open heart surgery, but he survived and I love him so much.

Jasmine - mink Tonkinese girl who we got at the same time as Mini. She was a gift to my partner for Christmas. She's the girl of the family and loves sleeping, eating and chasing bugs.


Pickles - a lilac Burmese boy with delusions of being the lord of the house. Can't understand if Jasmine swats him or if we don't wish to play at 5am. Photos don't capture how beautiful he is. I still find it hard to believe that someone else didn't want him.

Tabasco - another seal point Siamese boy. Mischief with a capital M but impossible to do anything but laugh. Little purr machine and developing a pint-sized Siamese waaaaaaa voice. He nearly died after birth as he and his brothers didn't eat - he is more than making up for that now.


03-06-2003, 05:48 PM
Everybody's kitties are *so* beautiful!! But I must say that the second picture of Nakita is especially beautiful...she looks like a piece of artwork.

Marigold is our kitty...we rescued her from the shelter in March of 2001. The first thing that attracted us to her was her cuddlyness...and when they told us that she was scheduled to be PTS within the next couple of days, that was it...she came home with us. She loves to follow us around the house, and climb up in our laps. I love it when I am lounging on the couch, and she pokes one paw up and places it on my chin...it makes her almost human. The vet has estimated that she is about 5 years old. I love my Marigold kitty, and am always thankful that we were picked as her lucky family. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-07-2003, 02:47 PM
This is Tubby, my first born. ;) :D He's 16 1/2 years old and is in the beginning stages of kidney failure, but has been stable the last 2 years with the help of 1/2 of a Pepcid everyday. I got him from a friend who was moving to an apartment that didn't allow pets. Her loss, my gain. He has been through everything with me, and like Logan said, he's been with me longer than anything or anyone else in my life except my family. :) He is my baby, and is the biggest momma's boy you'll ever see. He isn't too active anymore, but used to be a real terror - I still have the scars to prove it. ;) He has always been an adventurous kitty, and loves to be outside on his leash - course in his opinion he could lose the leash, but I won't take that chance. I'm hoping the Pepcid does its trick for many years to come because I honestly don't know what I'm going to do when he's gone. Oh, and he's Samantha's beau here on PT.

And this is my sweet little Peanut girl. She is 14 1/2 and in excellent health except for allergies. I had a good friend who was Peanut's first mom, and one night she was killed by a drunk driver. No one else was willing to take Peanut, so I did because there was no way I was going to let such a sweet little thing go to the shelter. Tubby and my dad accepted her, and she has now been through all most as much as Tubby has with me. She is much happier since I've met and moved in with Terry, because now she has become Daddy's Little Girl, who can also do NO wrong (like LoudLou's Mocha Bean). ;) She really is a good, sweet little kitty and I love her to pieces. Most times I just can't stand how adorable she is and I have to pick her up and smooch on her - which she hates. :rolleyes: She is currently unattached - except to her daddy. :)

Russian Blue
03-07-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom


I love Peanute (the name and the cat!)

Plus, I always get a laugh at LoudLou's furry beans!!


Russian Blue
03-07-2003, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
Pickles - a lilac Burmese boy with delusions of being the lord of the house. Can't understand if Jasmine swats him or if we don't wish to play at 5am. Photos don't capture how beautiful he is. I still find it hard to believe that someone else didn't want him.


I've never seen a lilac Burmese! Very adorable (again love the name)!!


03-07-2003, 06:30 PM

Here's Jonah - he's a brown spotted Bengal, 1 1/2 years old. I've had him just over a year now. He lives for 3 things - food, toys and his mommy!!!! He's extremely vocal, doesn't meow, but YOWLS!!! He chews on everything - just like a dog. He's a major snugglepuss and rushes to greet me whenever I come home. He sleeps with me every night - either on his kitty bed at the end of the bed, or under covers, snuggled up against me. He's pretty shy, so doesn't really like strangers - unless they have a toy - or something cool to chew on! He's very curious and into EVERYTHING - everything new in the house has to ungergo a thourough and proper Bengal inspection!! He likes to beat up on his brother Finn.


Here's Finn. He's a brown marble Bengal. He'll be one year on April 15. I picked him out at 4 weeks!! We used to call him Barfy - as when I visited him at his breeder, he threw up twice. But decided on the proper name of Finn (actually, short for Finnigan) when I knew for sure he would be mine. He's more independant than Jonah - but still loves him mommy. He has a very sweet, whiney kind of meow. He loves to jump on my shoulders and sit on my lap when I'm relaxing in front of the TV. He doesn't like to be picked up for very long, but we're working on that! :rolleyes: He sleeps snuggled up next to me at night. He's very smart - learned how to open my bedroom and closet doors! He loves to taunt his brother Jonah.

03-07-2003, 09:59 PM
My cat Samantha is 14 1/2. I got her right after college when I had my first place by myself.
Since I got her I have gotten married, moved twice, had 3 kids and more recently added a parakeet to the family.
She loves to be the only cat and loves to sleep a lot. She is a very important part of my family.
She is also Tubby's girlfriend here on Pet Talk!;)

Felicia's Mom
03-08-2003, 10:08 PM
Felicia: She is a torbie or patched tabby. I got her in Aug 1989 and the vet said she was 6 weeks old. I think she would be happy if she was my only cat.

Beau: He is a sable Burmese and the first purebred I have ever had. His birthday is March 15, 1992.

03-09-2003, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

(BTW she asked me not to discuss the fact she weighs 12 lbs. and she wants to know WHEN Tigris started two-timing on her with Maya from Canada!?!?!) [/B]

I am afraid it was around valentine. He had been turned down so often by Edwina but he's not made of wood. And though I know for sure that he starts a very soft purring whenver he sees her on the screen he is too much of a gentleman to bother her in her seclusion.

03-09-2003, 09:38 AM
I love getting to 're-know' everyone's cats! It is like falling for them the first time again. What wonderful stories, and truly remarkable people who have put aside personal adversity to cats (Soledad), undergone physical suffering (Ms. Edwina), great expense (Miss Meow), and opened their homes to alot of kitties no one 'wanted' (lots of us), all to have been the better for it. We got the better end of the deal by a long shot.

My six, in their adoptive order:


Is soon to be 12, and the alpha cat by far. He came from a shelter in Massachusetts, and from the first day, has brought me laughter. He has recently been dx with hyperthyroidism, but, has made some remarkable change with medication. He is a very playful boy, loves the yowl in the night, shares my dinner nightly, and will eat almost anything I eat, and is very interested in Ms. Ritzy girl. This is one of my favorite pictures of Tex- enjoying a hot summer day in Cincinnati. We go outside on supervised excursions, He NEVER wanders, and loves to watch me garden.

Next up is Georgia:


Georgia was dropped off at my former vet's office, caught in running in a field. She was not even 3 pounds! She had/developed a hernia, and it was kind of scary to do the repair cause of her size. And, we had her spayed, then, too, because of the risks associated with going under twice! She recovered better than fine. In fact, it didn't even slow her down a mite. She was to be Tex's playmate, and those two took to eat other like white on rice. Georgia is the ONLY kitty that can eat from Tex's bowl at the same time. Strangely, she is the only one he 'stalks'. Georgia is a little skitterish. She is now about 6 yrs old, and still prefers to be friendly only when you are laying down. But, she is friendly. Her tail always forms a question mark as she waltzs around. She likes to play mainly by herself, and she stays to herself somewhat. This is her fave sleeping place in the world! Georgia (or Georgie-peorgie) doesn't really meow. She has this funny half meow, like "hey, pets, please, pets". She hates to be held, but I do it anyhow!!

Next is Tennessee:

This is not the most flattering picture of Tenny. But, it totally represents his laid back attitude. He is absolutely nothing but 100% love. He purrs if I LOOK at him. He was rescued from my mom's (Lillycat) school yard, kids were picking on him. He is now 6. When mom found him, he fit under her chin. He also fit in a tissue box! He now tips the scales at 16+. He was starved when we found him, and would lay down at the bowl to eat, and eat, and eat. He also had a nasty huge abcess on his back :(. Today, though, he is one big, beautiful love bug. He must be in the bed at bedtime, sometimes under the covers, but he gets so hot. He has a really babyish cry, loves his brudda Dakky, and has big feelings for Jen Luckenbach. Tenny's paws could stop a freight train, too! When he drinks water or plays with it, his paws absorb as much water as two jumbo cottonballs! (So, watch out when they flick it).

Next came Alabama and Dakota. :


BRATTYIST cat I have ever known. Allsters and Dakky were from a litter of a stray my friend picked up. These two have been, literally, hand raised, and it shows. They turn 3 this August. Allie is into everything, doesn't no a stranger, loves dogs, and life in general. She is the funniest/comical, strangest, destructive, active cat I have ever known. (If anyone is wondering, I love her more than life itself, she is just BAD). She jumps on me everyday after I shower, and rests on my head, with her paws on my shoulders, and we get ready. She plays with these things I call 'mousies' and carries them in her mouth. The funny part is the toy is nearly bigger than her head, and she still meows with it in her mouth. It is sooo muffled and funny, that I always know when she is playing with it. She is a bit of a loner as to the other cats, and while her and Dakky were inseparable for a long time, she prefers to sleep alone.

DAKKY (on the Right)


Dakky is a junior Tenny. Looks, temperment, whinyness, weight, etc. He tips the scales at 14+, and still thinks he is a little kitten. He and Tenny are inseparable, and play fight every morning. Dakky loves to kiss at bedtime, and will sleep in my arms like a baby. He doesn't 'walk' across the bed, but for some reason hops like a bunny. This usually upsets the delicately balanced apple cart, sending all cats flying off the bed. He, of course, is very happy to have me to himself. (I think he hops because my bed is sooooo poofy that he can't walk without falling). He whines every single morning, while laying on the kitchen table with his head hanging over the edge. I let him lick the foam off of my protein shake just to get him to hush! He is the only kitty that still growls at strange noises (my other ones seemed to grow out of it), and the only kitty that stalks Minnie. :(.



Minnie is my semi-feral rescue. I have had her since July, and I would guess she will be 2 this spring. What can I say about Minnie? We are making progress. She lived in the basement from July to November. I couldn't really say why she changed locations in November, other than maybe the basement was getting too cold. She relocated to under my bed. This worked not to well, cause I lost my ability to close her off from the other cats, so, we moved her into the other room, where she is now. I can pet Minnie now, while she is in the closet (her hidey hole), and she is very agreeable to the pets. She purrs and drools, and moves into my hand, so, I know she is liking it. She has shown her face outside the closet several times, but, will hide again immediately. We hope to progress more, get her out of the closet, but, for now, Minnie has a safe, healthy, loving (even if she doesn't want it) enviroment to call her forever home. Despite her semi-feral status, Minnie has NEVER attempted to bite me.

03-09-2003, 01:50 PM
ok I will describe my cats in the order I got them...

Muffin will be 3 years old the second week of April, she's a calico tortie, lives with her grandma and with Callie, they get along very well.
Muffin likes to hide behind the shower curtain and then meows for you to "look" for her, or to play with her, which means she wants you to slightly move the curtain so she can "attack " your hand. she also likes it when you wave ribbon behind the curtain, and then pull it back out!

Cookie was my orange tabby girl, that only lived to be 13 months old. she would wait for me to walk by then she would run, and want me to chase her! she loved to play!
she was just 10 weeks old when I brought her home to be Muffins little sister, and after a few days, they were best friends.

Emma & Louise (littermates) were at first going to be foster kitties, but I couldn't give them up so I adopted them! they are grey tabbies, but Louise seems to also have some abbysinnian in her. I got them when they were 7 months old,
( now 1 1/2 year old) and they were both so frightened of people, I think they were abused at some point in their lives. they have changed alot since living with me, Louise is still somewhat standoffish but is so different than she was, and Emma is the most lovable cat!

Charlie is now 10 months old, he's black and white, like a tuxedo cat. he's a long haired cat, the only one I have. I got him from the hermitage no-kill shelter, first saw him when he was up for adoption at petco, walked in and right by the door there he was, so cute, and so quiet! he was with another kitty, that had the cat crazies! he was running and jumping all around in their big cage. I asked to hold Charlie who was then named Gideon, and as soon as I held the little darling, I knew I would take him home. so I signed all the papers, and the next week I went to pick him up( after they did the home check) he is silly, when it is time for canned food, he literally jumps from place to place, so excited! I think if I had a hoop he would jump thru it!

Patches is just a week or 2 younger than Charlie, I saw him when I went to pick up Charlie, and I brought them both home, they are not littermates, but they act like they are. they got very close, being kept together but away from the older cats, for a couple weeks. Patches is black and white, with more white than Charlie.
he had an eye disease that turned out to be feline herpes, and it took months to get him over that, but he is the sweetest, funniest cat, and I am so glad I adopted him!

Callie is about 3 1/2 years old, I got her from the humane society, she is declawed, which was done before I got her! she did not like the other cats in the house and spent most of her time hiding under the bed, but now she lives with just one other cat, Muffin, and they get along great. they play and run around the house together. Callie is a siamese mix, and when I pet her she meows, talks to me! I don't know wht she is saying, but she is a very playful cat, she loves her toy mice!

Cassie is about 1 1/2 year old, she is black and tan, kind of speckled, and needs alot of love. she is very mischievious, but so lovable that I don't mind. I first saw her at the humane society when I went to pick up Callie, I walked by Cassie's cage, and she reached out to me, I held her, and that was it, I had to adopt her!

03-17-2003, 09:06 AM
Ritzy, in my signature, (and Tex, you'll need that hose to cool you and Ritz down...hubba hubba)...

Ritz is almost 3 years old. We adopted her froma coworker of mine who had been bugging me to adopt one of their kittens and I said "only if it's a black and white tuxedo"....at this time, the momma cat had not had her kittens yet. At the time I was not ready (or so I thought) to take in a cat...but it was actually my husband who convinced me that we needed a little furry friend.

My friend at work had kind of given up on me, but then sent me a picture of Ritz as a kitten....well, who could resist that cutie pie face!

This is the 'baby picture' provided to me by the original mom&dad cat after Ritz was about a year old....she's the little black blob in the sea of pastel fur! Making a fashion statement already!http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid20/pb36dc71912a970a142c4ddaee39ad3f3/fdbaaf7b.jpg
The last picture from the right in this collage is the one that melted my heart....that little kitten face...the rest of the pictures are good representations of the "many moods of Ritz"...my favorite is the "show me the tummy", which she demonstrates to get attention (and wins):rolleyes:

She was also COTD on May 8, 2001...when she was a petulant little teenager.....a real "tude" on that face!http://catoftheday.com/archive/2001/May/08.jpg

She's a spoiled cat....and I'm guilty as charged!