View Full Version : Do your cats sleep with you?

03-05-2003, 04:40 PM
Boo sleeps with us every night, and on cold days he snuggles up to me under the covers and we "spoon." How bout ya'll??:D

03-05-2003, 04:45 PM
Too cute! Boo sounds like a wonderful little guy. :)

Noah: He used to ALWAYS share my pillow with me. With each new cat, he does it less and less. :(

Noel: Kind of the same as Noah, but she prefers our legs. When I take a nap or if I'm home sick, she'll lay on my legs and nap with me.

Basil: ALWAYS....he is my shadow...wherever mommy goes, Basie goes... :D

Oliva: She has kind of taken over for Noah and loves to sleep with me on my pillow. She also loves to sleep under the covers, spooning like Boo.

Edwina's Secretary
03-05-2003, 04:56 PM
Actually....Edwina allows US to sleep with her.

True story....we had to buy a larger bed...there just wasn't enough room for the three of us...:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

And of course...there is a ritual....I must get in bed...then she will jump up and curl in the bend of my legs. When I am through reading and ready to turn out the light I announce it...she moves to the bottom of the bed...allowing me time to turn over and get arranged and then she moves back into position.

Sometimes she feels I am too slow getting into bed. She will sit on the floor looking meaningfully at the bed and then at me and then at the bed (I can almost hear her little foot tapping.)

03-05-2003, 05:00 PM
Bo - always sleeps with me, usually on the pillow. If i am laying on my back, he will sleep on my chest (at least until I roll over).

Hanna - sleeps under the covers, and she usually has her little head poking out, it's so cute. She occasionally will sleep on my legs.

Abby - she will once in a while, but only at the end of the bed. And if I move at all, she gets mad and jumps off to find a more peaceful sleeping place.

03-05-2003, 05:24 PM
My kitties sleep with each other around the house. The bedroom is off-limits because of my allergies.

03-05-2003, 05:34 PM
the ones most likely to be on the bed with us are:
Amber, Jasper, Lucas, Jim, Monte, Sterling and Kim.

the sometimes ones are:
Willow, Rutherford, Biddy and Ashley

The never are:
Fern and Calvin (but I'll bet Calvin will some day)

03-05-2003, 05:43 PM
Eliza sleeps at my bottom corner of the bed (don't yet know how I manage not to kick her) but she doesn't stay there all night.

Mozart sleeps at the foot of the bed, or in the middle of the more end side of the bed (namely wherever my husbands feet are LOL)

And bach..well he used to just sleep by my head, but I guess that's not good enough anymore! In the past weeks he has started sleeping between my husband and i, with his back against my hubby, and his paws against my back or face (depending on which way i'm turned at the moment)..and if its REALLY cold out, he'll get under the covers, get in position, with his head on the pillow and SNORE! :D

I love cats!

03-05-2003, 05:58 PM
I was so scared when I got Boo that he would not be affectionate, but my fears were so misplaced! He's great. The perfect mixture of cuddly and self-sufficient.

I love winter because he'll cuddle up to me, under the covers, head on the pillow with the two of us like little spoons. And if hubby is not too jealous, we make three spoons. :D

03-05-2003, 06:00 PM
Max sleeps right next to my pillow - nose to nose.
Speckles sleeps on her fav chair in the living room until around 4am then she will jump on the bed and curl up at the bottom. Sometimes (if Max let's her) she will cuddle underneath the blanket.

03-05-2003, 06:10 PM
Both cats and the dog sleep with me. My Katie girl will sleep in the bend of my legs, Mooky is near my chest and Buddy is at the foot of the bed. Thank God I have a double bed.

03-05-2003, 06:16 PM
Edwina, you are such a riot! :D I can just picture it!

Well, Scooter used to sleep with his daddy before we were married and before his behavioral problem really got out of hand. Scooter does get "bed time" with us though. At night while I'm reading, Scooter scampers up on the bed and "spoons" with Aaron for awhile...at least until we both get too sleepy and have to put him in his cage.
Marius will sleep on the bed, and he's usually more apt to do so in the winter season...simply because he wants the warmth! :rolleyes: But I love it just the same. He too is a "leg kitty". He likes to sleep in the bend of my knees, or between my feet. Sometimes he'll curl up right against my back when he's feeling he needs extra warmth! I just love sleeping kitties!

03-05-2003, 07:38 PM
Mimi sleeps with Helen. Butter sleeps with us, right at Scott's feet, which is not always a good thing!!! :eek:

03-05-2003, 08:35 PM
I just have to add one more thing! I've actually refused dates because the guy doesn't like cats! And in year 2001 I was dating a guy for about a month when he said that he couldn't sleep with cats on the bed.....Gone!! History!! To this day I remain single and loving it!

And that's all I got to say about that............Forest Gump

Russian Blue
03-05-2003, 08:47 PM
Nakita always sleeps with me. She loved to bury herself under the covers and she will try to sleep on her back while using me for balance.


03-05-2003, 08:56 PM
Can we work out a custody arrangement for Nakita??? :p :p

03-05-2003, 09:24 PM
Dandy sleeps with us sometimes, and others... well,i don't know where she sleeps, b/c i am sleeping, hehehe :) We have a white goose down comforter and Dandy is about as white as they come...so the nights she does sleep with us, my husband is always thinking that he is crushing her or rolling over on her, b/c she blends right in and is so petite...

She is quite the loud purrer, so when she hops into bed...we usually hear her :)


03-05-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
Can we work out a custody arrangement for Nakita??? :p :p
Only if you share her with Basie. ;)

Miss Meow
03-05-2003, 11:47 PM
Our four allow us to share their bed :rolleyes:

We go to bed and Jasmine usually tucks into my arm while the three boys run mad for a while. Then they take over the middle of the bed. We don't have to fear squashing them when we turn over, as it's like trying to move 25 kilograms of dead weight!

I like the mornings because they all jump up for their good morning pets :) before the food frenzy starts!

03-05-2003, 11:56 PM
Storm and Sunny both sleep in my bedroom. Sometimes they sleep in their box beds but usually they'll end up on the foot of my bed. Sunny has been cuddling in the crook of my arm and also next to me since it's been colder at night. Sometimes Storm will also cuddle with me in the crook of my arm. Sometimes I get very lucky and have a cat curled up on each side of me. :)

03-06-2003, 12:24 AM
Kylie has slept with me since the day she came into my home. I knew we were going to have a good relationship, when even tho she was traumatized by a new home and a BIG HUGE dog she jumped up and curled beside me. I actually held my breath!!
But Kylie usually jumps up on my chest while I am reading so I have to read around her.
She usually lays at the head of the bed beside me. And Keegan is at the feet. But there have been times that I have woke up and Kylie will be laying across my neck. And another time I woke up with my arm outstretched and she was laying along my arm with her head cupped in my hand!!
I love sleeping with my kitty, I miss her when she doesn't sleep with me or I sleep somewhere else.

03-06-2003, 12:29 AM
I sleep in Bastet's bed - I had t oget a larger one too! Its amazing how far she can stretch!

She lets me have a corner AFTER I have warmed the rest of the bed up!

03-06-2003, 01:56 AM
Nutmeg almost always sleeps with me, unless she feels the need to act crazy and run around the house.

Tilly sleeps at the end of my bed on my desk chair.. I think I move around too much for her. If I sleep in, she will move onto the bed when it's daylight because I sleep much deeper after 6am, and hardly move at all.

Bassett starts out on the bed, but then gets mad and takes off after I move around. Sometimes she goes downstairs, but usually she goes under my bed.

03-06-2003, 02:53 AM
there is almost always at least one cat on my bed with me... sometimes 3. usually I don't mind, and I think it is cute, but every now and then it bugs me!:mad: like when Cassie wakes me up by licking my face :eek: or one of them is hoggin the bed:eek:

03-06-2003, 03:11 AM
Tigris jumps in the bed as soon as the lights go down. He tries to be in contact with both of us which sometimes ends up with a long horizontal cat between to people who risk falling out. I do not like that much sleeping with a fur collar, so I turn away from him and then he rolls up between Siegmar's shoulder and head. He claims he falls into sleep immediately with Tigris purring near his ear.
Filou comes around five a.m. and goes under Siegmar's cover -under his knees (so he has to sleep on his back with the knees put up :rolleyes: ). He sleeps there until the alarm goes off.

03-06-2003, 03:13 AM
No , they sleep in a seperate room . They love it there and cuddle up together in one cat bed !
Every morning , they may come into our bed as a treat . Inka loves this the most . She purrs like purr-machine then !

L. Wayne
03-06-2003, 04:48 AM
Generally, ther are about 7 to 8 furkids on my bed when I wake up early in the morning. At times they hog the covers and it is difficult for me to move about or even turn over.:D . This eqates to about 56 lbs (25 kgs) of cats on top and to the side of me. When I go to bed, like some of the others have said, there are a few who like to play chase and ambush. I do not know why they wait until I go to bed before they want to play.

Usually it is the same bunch that I wake up with every morning. Puma, Fawn, Tiger, Chris, Otis, Happy, Cookie, Tiara, and Blue-Czarina. Of all the furkids I have, Chris purrs the loudest and it is obvously him when he climbs on board, if I am still awake to hear him.:)


03-06-2003, 06:20 AM
Yup! :D I don't sleep good without my little babyboy Oliver.

03-06-2003, 06:29 AM
Hayley and Mandy have their own room where they sleep. Hayley always comes in our room and cuddles on our bed for a while after our alarm goes off.

03-06-2003, 09:53 AM
the Siamese sleep at the end of the bed , but i have chronic back and sholder pains , and toss and turn , so most of the cats uase the chairs or thier Cat castle, or the trhee couches.

Russian Blue
03-06-2003, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

Only if you share her with Basie. ;)

Stop dividing up my girl!!! She's mine........all mine!!!

:p ;)

(Ok, and maybe partly Basil's......but that's it !!)


03-06-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Russian Blue

Stop dividing up my girl!!! She's mine........all mine!!!

:p ;)

(Ok, and maybe partly Basil's......but that's it !!)

DARN ! and I was just going to try and get my fair share.:D

Russian Blue
03-06-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

DARN ! and I was just going to try and get my fair share.:D

Well, I could start creating Nakita shares, and you all can be shareholders. I think I'll start the shares at $20. :p It is after all a very good cause and will look after the daily needs and any future medical treatments of this Queen!


Your too funny!


03-06-2003, 02:33 PM
Miss Edwina,

Mr. Jones has a ritual quite similar to yours.:)
When I'm ready for bed, I announce to Mr. Jones "It's time to go in the bed" While I'm turming out all the lights and cleaning up for bed, I come out of the bathroom and Mr. Jones is waiting for us in bed.
As I try to get in, he moves off to the foot, then I adjust the covers and my husband turns on TV and I tell Mr. Jones "It's time to watch TV" then I put my arm out and he comes up and falls into it facing the TV. And there we all are. He lays on his back, all of our heads in line, and gets his belly rubbed.

Then, he makes a certain cry, and you know what...down to my ankle, to make sweet love to it.:p

Snowy, my Siamese boy, arrives after everything has calmed down. He comes up and lays down on his 'lamby' between our heads. He's happy there until, mysteriously, something alerts him, and he goes flying off the bed, right over one of us! Sometimes it's the slightest sound or motion. He's so jumpy. Now, repeat this ten times a night and that's how our night goes around here.

03-06-2003, 03:40 PM
Both cats sleep with me but we have different rituals for each. Tanner likes to play "fetch" while I am getting ready for bed and then he runs around the apartment for awhile (like a mad man). Once I am in bed I read for a little and Emily will join me at that time (at the foot of the bed). When the lights are out Emily will move up to the head of the bed and settles down to sleep on the flannel sheets (she doesn't like other kinds:D ). After about a half hour, Tanner will join us in bed but he like to sleep at the head of the bed right by my face. He will spend some time licking my throat (not necessarily a pleasant experience for me). Then he settles down in the crook of my arm with his face facing my face (so I get to breath in "kitty breath" all night). Sometimes during the night he will get up and move over to curl up with Emily (the only time she lets him). But they are both more than happy to wake me up in the morning for breakfast!!

03-06-2003, 05:52 PM
Marigold didn't use to like to sleep with us...but recently (the last month or so) she has come for a nightly snuggle. I lie on my back, and she rests her head under my chin. I often fall asleep like this, and at some point she either wanders back downstairs or to the end of the bed.

03-06-2003, 06:20 PM
Yes, Bluey was hand raised with me and has slept with me every night, since she was a few weeks old. She sleeps at the end of the bed because she found out through time that I like to roll around when I sleep. Poor Blueberry!

03-07-2003, 01:49 AM
yes my angel cat sleeps with me.

03-07-2003, 02:24 AM
Kelcee always starts out at the end of the bed. I usually turn the elec. blanket up to high, in the winter. And then I read a while or as now, get on the computer. I always turn it off when I'm ready to go to sleep. So once it's cold she will come and want under the covers. But only on my left side, the outside edge, never my right. I get really tired of always sleeping on my left side.:D She will paw and scratch at the covers till I either turn over for her or hold the covers up for her to go under. If I forget and leave the blanket on all night she never comes up.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-07-2003, 02:58 PM
Tubby always sleeps with me. Usually at my knees or lower towards my feet.

And Peanut used to sleep with me in the wintertime, but we got a new comforter and it hasn't passed her approval yet, so she normally sleeps in the doorway of the bedroom. I wish it would get really cold again so she would have to jump up for the warmth and she'd have to get used to the new comforter. We almost took it back after we realized she didn't like it. ;) :rolleyes: :D

03-07-2003, 04:32 PM
With the exception of Minnie, all my cats sleep with me. I always have the boys, Dakky and Tenny in bed as soon as I get there. Georgia is nearly always laying on the far corner, on top of the black cat pillow, and now that Tex is feeling better, he either occupies the opposite corner from Georgie, or, kicks her off the pillow, and he sleeps on it. Allie is the only 'flitter'. I know she comes up on the bed at some point, cause she walks across me, but, it isn't till I sleep. In the am, I always say hello to them, then we dash to the bathroom together :D From there, to the kitchen:D , then back to the shower:D then, we go our separate ways!

Like Wayne, there are times that I feel I can't move, turn over, get out of bed, cause I have so much cat weight on me!

K & L
03-10-2003, 08:39 AM

03-10-2003, 09:29 AM
Sally always curls up next to me (it is especially comforting when I'm sick) on my bed. But in the morning, I find her attacking my feet. Sometimes she even crawls under the covers and bites them. :rolleyes: ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-10-2003, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by K & L

I absolutely LOVE this picture!!!!

I was warm the other night, so I threw the comforter off and Peanut climbed on top of me. She was there when I fell asleep, but gone when I woke up. :( It's been almost two months now and she still hasn't approved of that comforter....little snot. ;) :D

03-10-2003, 10:50 AM
K & L-

That picture looks like Heavan to me!!!

K & L
03-10-2003, 11:00 AM
I had just had surgery and was really out from medication. My hubby thought this looked so cute so he snapped the picture. Both my Yorkies are up there also!

03-10-2003, 01:29 PM
K & L what a great picture:D The Yorkies must be that mass curled up by your tummy?:D It doesn't get much better than this:D

K & L
03-10-2003, 01:44 PM
Mandy's by my tummy, Roxie's down at the corner by my feet.

03-10-2003, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by K & L

OOOPS! I thought they were all cats! Sorry little doggies!!! I would love you sleeping with me, too!