View Full Version : SOMEBODY please tell me this is fake!

03-04-2003, 06:25 PM
OK!! I recived an email petition, and i was wondering if it was real. Heres what it said-

"I just received this campaigns-email to shut a website that
promotes and sells so-called "Bonsai-kittens" - cats that have
been inserted in a glass container after birth to grow into the
shape of the container.

You might think it's a joke, but they are dead serious and have a
whole gallery of pictures showing cats in mini-glass containers.
it's absolutely disgusting. < /FONT> The campaign needs 500
signatures to get the site closed officially - have a look at"

sombody tell me this is fake!!

03-04-2003, 06:39 PM
Yes it's fake.

03-04-2003, 06:42 PM
oh my, that lifts a rather big load of my chest, but still they but the kitty in the jars for the pictures, and they said kittys bounce, i was like crying so hard......because i couldnt think of what kinda human being could do that.

03-04-2003, 06:48 PM
it"s a joke............

i have a laundry basket kitty and a cardboard box kitty....

the first clue is the line about the osseous/week old kitty bouncing..........who in the hell would try an bounce a weekold cat?

i have a HUGE crystal bowl that my cat crawls into......you should see the 'bonsai face' he makes in that.....also check out the
pics of the 'equipment' needed to make one...there's a bottle of budweiser beer in the background.....

give a cat a space to crawl into and he'll get in....

don't worry someone is pulling your leg.........

p.s. i have a pit bull i grew in a plastic milk carton if youre interested?

03-04-2003, 06:50 PM
There are thousands of "crazies" out there who like to put a scare in people. I guess they don't have a life. Working in I.T. I see all kinds of stupid sites out there...

03-04-2003, 06:51 PM
ok but it still doesnt need to be on the net, to give people ideas

03-04-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by iceyshiver21
ok but it still doesnt need to be on the net, to give people ideas

i try to scratch my cat's belly and i'm healing for a week....
god forbid what evil would befall anyone trying to stuff a cat in a

03-04-2003, 07:03 PM
I dont know.....blueberry, is kinda ummmm how can i put it nicely, slow? not to bright? She would do anything for a kitty treat. I know shes got to be truely smart deep inside but, i havent seen that side of her. I know its rather mean to say my cat it kinda dumb, but she is somtimes, i think she gets it from me!:p

03-04-2003, 07:41 PM
I think its there to kinda show how gullable ppl can be..

03-04-2003, 09:01 PM
YES, I AM PRETTY DUMB, if thats what you wanted to hear, or see i guess in this case. Well maybe it kinda through me off when I looked to see that there are lotz of sites like this, or maybe when i come to find that the cat is smashed up in the glass, and i dont know bout you but i think that is a rather cruel joke if you ask me!

03-04-2003, 10:05 PM
ok but it still doesnt need to be on the net, to give people ideas

Yes, that is absolutely correct. The HSUS and the AHS both have pages on their websites saying the same thing ... that it is indeed a hoax, but it will still give ideas to the sick and twisted lunatic fringe out there surfing the net. They have asked that no one send emails or respond to the bonsai kitten pages in any way. Seems that getting attention only encourages these people to keep it up. Don't feel stupid, iceyshiver21, many, many people fell for this hoax at first, including many large animal rights organizations.

03-04-2003, 11:45 PM
I don't care if it's a hoax or not, that is just absolutely repulsive!
and real or not it should not be allowed on the net.
what kind of sicko thinks up these things?:mad:

03-05-2003, 01:21 AM
Yeah, it's supposedly a "joke". Still, I've been emailing their hosters and signing petitions for years to have it shut down. It can give people ideas and they do take those photos which means a cat is inside a glass jar for a while (and they don't look computer made either).

The problem is just that the site is now hosted by rotten.com (I'm not making that a click-able link since I don't want anyone to go there); the worst website online (IMHO atleast). They have pics of dead people from accidents and stuff like that. One time they even had a picture of a poor roadkilled rabbit that they had strewn out eggs around and made some lame comment about there being no more easter bunny. To put it mildly; I hate that website. There is no way in hell they'd ever kick of Bonsai Kittens either; that's how sick and messed up they are.

03-05-2003, 07:59 AM
This is the most repulsive thing I've ever seen. The part about them supergluing the butt up....OMG! People have such a sick sense of humor:mad:

03-05-2003, 09:21 AM
i recieved that about two years ago. i thought it was true. my spca even mentionns it, that's why. it's sick whether its fake or not. here's what my spca says:

Bonsai Kitten Web Site Under Investigation
After many complaints regarding the Bonsai Kitten Web site, (which describes how to stuff live kittens into glass containers to warp their bodies into the shape of the container), the HSUS investigated the origin of the site and concluded that it was a bad joke from a student at M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

The site, which describes and illustrates in detail the method of abusing these animals, has been removed after complaints to the hosts, but this site has now been posted by a new server who refuses to remove it.

Although the investigation brought no evidence of actual animal abuse or the sale of these bonsai kitten "products," the site is still under investigation.

Please do NOT send e-mail or otherwise contact the person running this site. In most cases, the most effective course of action is to contact the Internet Service Provider (ISP) hosting offensive sites. Also, we were advised not to go see this web site, otherwise proving the site's popularity and success.

The SPCA shares your concern and frustration over the content of sites that promote animal cruelty and we thank you for advising us about this site. Fortunately, this one is not real, but in many cases there is evidence of animal abuse and cruelty and we appreciate you contacting us if you have any other concerns.

sick, dumb people
