View Full Version : Bad Advice...

03-04-2003, 04:12 PM
This story just ran on the 5pm news...

TOLEDO -- A south Toledo dog lover is looking for some answers, after her cocker spaniel had to be euthenized. Marjorie Jackson fell in love with the dog last Friday at the humane society and decided to adopt him. But when Marjorie got him home, the dog's cute demeanor took a turn for the worst. "The dog became violent, and he was like rrrrrrrr. He came off like attacking," she said.

So she took the cocker spaniel to a Petco store to see about some obedience lessons. She explained that the dog was growling and wouldn't behave, and the instructor offered his advice. She said the instructor told her to yank on his leash and hold on, until he calmed down. But when marjorie got home and tried the technique, the dog got even angrier. In fact, he got so vicious, she called the Lucas County dog warden's office, and they took him to the pound. "We came out and took the dog, because they were afraid of the dog," said pound manager Karla Hamlin.

Yesterday, they were forced to euthenize the cocker spaniel. Karla thinks the advice from Petco may have put the dog over the edge. "They were given instructions to do some things with the dog that, in my estimation would have provoked it, and made it worse," said Karla.

Karla also said that yanking on a dog's leash, which is what the owner's claim they were instructed, is a common approach, and in her opinion, a common mistake. "I think it's really sad these people are using these archaic techniques," she said.

The management at the Petco store in Toledo would not comment, but the store's communications director in California told The News Channel that they are confidant the obedience instruction program is a good one, and they do not believe any bad advice was given.

03-04-2003, 05:59 PM
how sad. this poor dog and this poor lady. i'm sure she was looking forward to many happy years with her new pup and some bad advice made it all disappear :(

03-04-2003, 06:05 PM
I'm having a hard time believing that any dog loving person could think that was good advice. :( But I'm also doubting that it was just that that caused the dog to "go over the edge". I have a good friend who had to euthanize her Golden Retriever at two years old, after multiple biting incidents, some of them quite severe (long, long story). Anyway, while she was doing everything possible to try salvage this dog, she got some horrible advice from a so called trainer. Turned out that it probably caused more harm than good, the techniques she was using at first. Thankfully, she stopped and used some better methods. Knowing her story, I can understand how one would automatically assume that a "trainer" knows best. This is so sad. :(

I'm glad you shared this. We learn new lessons every day.

03-04-2003, 08:08 PM
That's very sad.
I hope the cocker is at the rainbow bridge, playing to her content, without a care in the world.

03-04-2003, 08:44 PM
my landlord's cocker tried to bite me as I was petting it. Someone told me the most dog bites are from....Cocker Spaniels! :O!

03-04-2003, 09:22 PM
I'm also doubting that it was just that that caused the dog to "go over the edge".

I agree. If the dog was not prone to unpredictable, violent behavior in the first place, jerking and holding a leash is not going to cause it in one day. I also can't imagine why anyone with any knowledge about dogs would think that the "trainer"-of-the-day at Petco was a good, knowledgeable source of information concerning an unknown, aggressive animal. Please.

Someone told me the most dog bites are from....Cocker Spaniels!

I don't know about the most, but cockers are certainly up there in the list of top biters. They were, I think, number three when our shelter in Colorado compiled statistics of dog bites. Interestingly enough, numbers one and two on the list were labs and golden retreivers. Why were cockers, labs and goldens the top three biters? Because they were the top three most popular dogs in the county ... there were simply more of them. My cocker hates kids, always has. She has never bitten anyone, but she has never been friendly, either, and I don't trust her with kids. Cockers ... like so many breeds ... are victims of their own popularity. They were lovely animals at one time, until puppy mills and back yard breeders bred all the good sense and good temperment right out of them. It's a terrible shame.

03-05-2003, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog

I don't know about the most, but cockers are certainly up there in the list of top biters. They were, I think, number three when our shelter in Colorado compiled statistics of dog bites. Interestingly enough, numbers one and two on the list were labs and golden retreivers. Why were cockers, labs and goldens the top three biters? Because they were the top three most popular dogs in the county ... there were simply more of them.

It's ironic to me that people get all up in arms about pitbulls, when all they have to do is look at the statisics. :rolleyes:

Personally, I've been bitten by three dogs: a cocker, a black lab and a beagle.

03-05-2003, 01:33 AM
We groom many cockers, and almost all of them are rather mean...not a big fan of cockers. Though, I've met several very sweet ones, so it's not the entire breed I guess. Like Twisterdog said...ruined by popularity. :(

I feel bad for the poor dog. I think maybe the new owner should have asked for more then one opinion. I don't think that what she did was the entire cause of the dogs total aggression either.

I don't know anything about the trainer we have at Petco. She doesn't even train at the store. I go to Petsmart for training. And I like them, but STILL.......if I had a dog with serious aggression problems, I wouldn't necessarily go with their advice without consulting others (actually I think I'd come to Pet Talk first! :D)

03-05-2003, 01:37 AM
If I was having serious agression problems with my dog I think I'd find a good certified behaviorist and do private sessions. But that's just me. She probably should have gotten better support from the shelter she adopted the dog from, also.

03-05-2003, 01:45 AM
I agree...Somebody who dealed with dog aggression would actually be able to *give* advice for aggressive dogs.

03-05-2003, 05:23 AM
Just in defense that there are good cockers out there, we had Kaycee until she was 12 years old. And you never met a sweeter, gentler dog. Now you know I love my Golden Girls more than life, but Kaycee was the best behaved dog I have ever owned. I'm sure my Golden Girls will be that way when they get older because they are already sweet enough, but Kaycee came to us at 7 years old and could not have been a better
"first" dog for Helen. :)

03-05-2003, 06:39 AM
poor cocker. most cockers are so nice! i cant beleive this. so sad.:( :( :(

03-05-2003, 08:51 AM
So sad.

The neighbors had a Cocker Spaniel and one day it lunged at their young daughter and almost took out her eye. She had to get stitches.

I'm sure there are a few nice ones but most of the ones I've met are mean.

03-05-2003, 08:57 AM
A friend of mine has a shihtsu/lhasa apso that is unneutered and one of the evillest dogs I've ever met :eek: the little.....dog jumped up and bit me on the thigh when I was playing with it, grrrrr. Heh.
I've been leery of those breeds ever since!

03-05-2003, 11:05 AM
I had a cocker spaniel growing up. He was the sweetest thing on 4 legs. From what I've been told, cocker spaniels aren't for everyone, nor are they good with kids.

03-05-2003, 12:15 PM
In all breeds, every dog is different. I remember hearing years ago that the Cocker Spaniel breed had gone through exactly what we hear about Golden Retrievers and Labs now. They were overbred and many personality issues resulted. I might be overreacting to the negatives that people have heard and known about this particular breed (and thankfully my experience was a good one - the only reason I didn't get another one was the grooming issues), but let's remember how we feel when we hear the generalized attacks on other breeds. Every breed probably has horror stories - some more than others. As I have reported before, a good friend of mine had to put down her Golden Retriever for the same reasons! I'm just sorry that things didn't work out for the one that started this thread. :(

03-05-2003, 03:30 PM
I certainlt didn't mean for this to tirn into a bash cockers thread (not that it has), but I have expereince with only one cocker. He is sweet with people, but doesn't like other dogs.

My point (which I think most understood) was that just becuase someone says they are a trainer, doesn't mean they have the right methods. An dthe right methods may be different for every individual and dog. Personally, I believe in postive reward, not negative punishment. Please, before you use any trainer, make sure you are comfortbal with the training methods :)

03-05-2003, 07:25 PM
I completely understood what your point was, and totally agreed with it. Hope you didn't think my post was pointed at you. It wasn't pointed at anyone in particular, I promise.

03-05-2003, 10:33 PM
I never said ALL cockers were mean...just most of the ones I've met. I'm aware that it doesn't mean it's a bad breed. It's not. I've met several sweet ones too. :) I just think their popularity has made some dogs with issues. Just like as with any other popular breed. Sorry, I wasn't meaning to "bash" cocker spaniels.

03-05-2003, 10:56 PM
all the cockers ive met have been really nice, but almost every book i read says that they r the dogs that bite the most...ive never been bitten by one...the only dogs ive been bitten by r a neopolitan mastiff, a border collie and an american bulldog...

03-06-2003, 03:55 PM
I wasn't directing my post at anyone either and I wasn't trying to say anyone was cocker bashing. Just merely my thought sin response to other responses :)

03-06-2003, 03:56 PM
I wasn't directing my post at anyone either and I wasn't trying to say anyone was cocker bashing. Just merely my thoughts in response to other responses :)