View Full Version : anybody else hate their job? The Official Job Rant thread :)

03-03-2003, 09:44 PM
UGHHH some days I wanna tell some of the ppl I work with to 'cram it' HAHAHA.
Today was one of those days, I couldn't seem to do anything right, and the person I work with is a harsh slacker. While I'm busting my butt, she's on the net playing poker and yapping on MSN. That's all fine and good, but I don't have net access and I feel totally isolated half the time.
I am hoping to stick it out at least until April, I will have one year in and i can get two weeks vacation :D.

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-03-2003, 10:12 PM
I actually am THANKFUL for my job..... because of the sake of paying bills... but you may dissagree if you read along...

I work for a very LARGE company.... when I first started there were five people in the office.... I worked with a really cool guy... but his son had diabeties and his wife was pretty sickly so he had to take off a lot.. and then (I'll call her 'R') would have to change shifts and work with me... 'R' DID NOTHING!!!!!!!!! She would talk on the phone the whole time... emailing back and forth the person SHE WAS TALKING TO... then when a driver would come to her window she would thumb them down to my window.. I would always get so mad I would cry... (I blame that on me being the most unassertive person in the world).. All the supervisors knew she didn't do crap but they wouldn't do anything about it.... untill we downsized.. they gave her a package and didn't giver her a choice to stay....

SOOOOO.... I have been here for almost three years.. and 'T' has only been here a 1.5 years.. so when we lost three people in the office they gave 'T' midshift and stuck me on nights even though I have more senority... I fought that every way I knew how.. AND LOST!!!! So I still work on nights and am feverishly looking for another job....

Oh the stories I could tell but I will stop there...

03-03-2003, 10:15 PM
ouch, that stinks!
they smoke in my office too, I have smoker's cough from it now *LOL* and I don't smoke!! SHEESSH!!!!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-03-2003, 10:22 PM

Most places here you can't smoke in... there are a lot of restaurants that they are trying to make smoke free... *i can't stand cigarette smoke*

All Creatures Great And Small
03-03-2003, 10:24 PM
Wow, amazing timing on this thread, since I just came home from work tonight cursing that place! My problem is having 5 supervisors, each with a different agenda and idea of what's the highest priority task for me to accomplish. If I focus on getting something done in my own department, I'm "not seeing the big picture", but if I help out other areas at the sake of mine not looking that great, I am questioned about my lack of "personal accountability". I have been doing this job for 24 fricking years, so I am pretty sure I know what the h*** I'm supposed to be doing without these brand new "managers" riding me like a donkey all day and spouting these stupid aphorisms. If I wasn't on my meds, I probably would go postal one of these days ;) :p !

03-03-2003, 10:28 PM
sounds Amazingly like Retail He-- to me!!!!;) :)

03-03-2003, 10:33 PM
Ugh retail, ick!

It is illegal for them to be smoking in the office but they don't care. sometimes the boss starts ranting about it but in the end, when he leaves (which is often) they spark up. I think one of these days I will file a complaint, tho I fear losing my job. GRRRRRR

You've worked that job for 24 years!! those punks should be sucking up to you, GEEZZZZZZZZ

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-03-2003, 10:36 PM
you should sneak some signs of the dangers of second hand smoke and plant them in the smoker's desks when they arn't looking...;)

03-03-2003, 10:38 PM
I must be in the minority, I like my job :D

03-03-2003, 10:39 PM
There's no smoking signs all over that place.

Fuzzy : whadda ya do?

03-03-2003, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Fuzzy317
I must be in the minority, I like my job :D

I'm with you--I love my job--I work in a restaurant, and it is great. I was out of the restaurant business for 2 years, and I missed it so much.

03-03-2003, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by Lalania
Fuzzy : whadda ya do?

I am a night shift computer operator at head quarters of a national company, really just main office of company that sells eyeglasses in WalMarts.

I work 3.5 days, and off 3.5 days. The night shift bonus is good, and I am basically here alone in the building at night, so no one to bother me. I can do my job without many disturbances. And without people watching over my shoulder, I can bbs and chat without worries.

03-03-2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Fuzzy317

I am a night shift computer operator at head quarters of a national company, really just main office of company that sells eyeglasses in WalMarts.

I work 3.5 days, and off 3.5 days. The night shift bonus is good, and I am basically here alone in the building at night, so no one to bother me. I can do my job without many disturbances. And without people watching over my shoulder, I can bbs and chat without worries.

Scott - wanna hook me up with a job like that over in Victoria, BC Canada? ;)

03-03-2003, 10:56 PM
yeah, and me near Vancouver?????????????? :D

All Creatures Great And Small
03-03-2003, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by delidog
sounds Amazingly like Retail He-- to me!!!!;) :) dingdingdingdingding - we have a winner!! Wow, very intuitive - yes, it is RETAIL HE!!.............you must have experienced this at one time - you have my sympathies!;)

03-03-2003, 11:13 PM
I like my job too!!!

03-03-2003, 11:22 PM
I've worked in retail before, *shudder* never again.

03-04-2003, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by Lalania
I've worked in retail before, *shudder* never again.

same here, brings back bad memories....

I like my job but it's destroying my body. I know that sounds wierd but there's way to much heavy lifting and I have a bad back to begin with and now it's even worse. Plus, from working there I now have carpal tunnel in BOTH wrists. Not to mention the mounds of scars I have on my hands. It's pretty pathetic that I have to pray to god that I don't get a nasty scratch or bite on my hands before my wedding!!!! I'm 26 and I feel like I'm in the body of a 90 year old!

03-04-2003, 06:24 AM
I love my job...most days anyway. So I guess I'm part of a minority, too. I work in a small office...we sell & service office equipment. There's always something to do, and hardly ever gets boring.

03-04-2003, 07:20 AM
All Creatures Great and Small....

Hearing you from experience...I have 14 years in retail management....
24 years?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
you are as we so eloquently put it ...a fixture!!!
You have my empathy.....I am in same boat...
I am with Federated...and you??

03-04-2003, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by Fuzzy317
I must be in the minority, I like my job :D

Me too! :D

03-04-2003, 07:50 AM
Perfect timing for this thread!

I work at City Hall as an executive assistant to the General Manager. I just got this job 2 months ago and I hated it! Things are slowly getter better though. I have a boss that "nothing is ever quite good enough". We had a long chat last week about it and things are getting better though :D

03-04-2003, 08:30 AM
I LOVE my job.
I work as a translator for an USAID project in Moldova. It's very interesting and rewarding, everything is good, except that is going to end after May :( I hope to get a job even more interesting after that, I am in the interview process (wish me luck).
But I can also relate to "good" co-workers - we've had a girl in our very small team - she was really out of space, very weird in many ways. I am glad she was fired (and believe me, for VERY strong reasons).

03-04-2003, 09:38 AM
Ok don't get me started on retail management, I start out as just a clerk (which I like) next thing I know I'm made manager (not once , not twice but three times).
Last summer I worked for a great guy in West Glacier(just before the park) I loved it so much, I decided to go back this summer. I don't have to work , becouse of my hubby and I have a great growing home business.But meeting the people from all over the world was great. I was the youngest of the bunch (and I'm 42) I worked in the gift store this year sounds like I'll be in the shirt Company. Tuesdays,Wed, And Thurs.
I enjoy the park and every one told me I was the travel agent for the place! I just love living here instead of the rainy coast of Washington state. Best decision my hubby ever made for our family.

03-04-2003, 12:36 PM
With so much of the US job-less these days, I think those of you with jobs should be thankful rather than rant. Doesn't matter how bad it is. There are fellow Americans these days that would work for endless hours to support their family if only they could get a job. Count your blessing. Not everyone is as well-to-do as those of us with jobs. :rolleyes:

03-04-2003, 02:03 PM
My job can be frustrating at times, but overall I love it here! :D

Where else can ya browse Pet Talk and get paid for it. ;) :D

03-04-2003, 02:17 PM
Right on Popcornbird!!!

I am currently unemployed after working for 4 months in a walk-in psychiatric facility. Everyone that I know says that since I resigned from the job (it was either resign or be fired), I am alot nicer to be around. The place I worked for was NOT a nice place, although some of the people were. Management was disgusting!!

Am I glad I'm unemployed - Yes and No. Yes because I'm making $1,500 a month on unemployment, so I can take my time looking to find a job that I'll be happy at. That's $500 more a month than I was making at a job I absolutely HATED (the secretaries there are underpaid, overworked and VERY stressed out). And no, because I don't like being bored, and right now, seeing as the job situation is bleak, I have alot of time on my hands.

Regarding retail...UGH!!!! Did that part-time for years and couldn't stand it. Can't imagine doing it full-time.

Nuff said.

03-04-2003, 02:28 PM
A friend of my dad lost his job 13 months ago, and there is still no sign of him getting one. They were getting unemployment from the government but after 12 months they stopped getting it. Government doesn't give unemployment for more than a year. :rolleyes: They have a little 18 month old girl who obviously always needs to go to the doctor as young kids do, but with no insurance, its really hard on the family. They are even willing to move out of the country if they can get a job any place on the planet. Its REALLY hard for some people, so whenever my dad job-rants, I remind him to count his blessings and give him the example of his friend. He stops ranting right then and there! :p

03-04-2003, 02:38 PM

There are major stresses involved in it, but it is my passion and I love every minute of it.

But I do think it is healthy to rant. Especially here. I don't think it does any harm and it helps de-stress to be able to say things to people who understand.

03-04-2003, 02:40 PM
I'm moving back to the States in May, and I am going to be happy just to get any job with the way things are going over there. I often have fantasies of working retail (department store make-up counter) by day and writing a mean, scathing novel about everyone by night. ;)

Miss Meow
03-04-2003, 03:24 PM
Oh, the timing. My manager must've had a psychic in this job before me, because when he doesn't understand any work given to HIM by the director, he just says, "Nicole will work on that" and then not explain what the h*ll I'm meant to do. So I ask questions and he deflects them and wanders off, comes back the next day asking what I've done on the mystery project. So I write pages and pages and make lots of nice diagrams to cover my butt and it isn't even read anyway because "Oh we want some of the words used by these other people in it". Um, OK, there are about 300,000 words in the English language, I'm sure I can pop in a few that they use. My probation interview is next week so I'm trying hard to bite my tongue.

At least the gym membership is free and it's still a 100 times better than the place I last worked.

Steffi N
03-04-2003, 06:16 PM
I am working as a freelance editor and looking for a full-time job. (I work in medical communications / advertising). Things are tough out there. I keep sending out resumes and using whatever resources I can find, but it’s frustrating. I worked my way up from word processing and don’t want to go back to office work. Many companies are just asking their regular staff to work longer hours and are not hiring as many freelancers as they used to. At one place I have worked at, the editorial supervisor has called me late in the morning to see if I can come in that afternoon. Anyway, it’s nice being able to spend extra time with my cat.

03-04-2003, 06:46 PM
I must a minority also. I been working for a non-profit society in the I.T. Dept for the past 17 years. I love it!!:D Not a day goes by that I don't learn something. The day I stop learning is the day I quit. Besides, retirement is only 15 yrs away....oops,,gave away my age...

03-04-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by slick
I must a minority also. I been working for a non-profit society in the I.T. Dept for the past 17 years. I love it!!:D Not a day goes by that I don't learn something. The day I stop learning is the day I quit. Besides, retirement is only 15 yrs away....oops,,gave away my age...


03-04-2003, 07:24 PM
Actually, I turned 50 this year.....Shhhhh, don't tell anyone.....

later...just read this
I turned 50 in Aug last year (going on 30). I guess you can really lose your mind when you're part of the Half Way Club!

03-04-2003, 08:13 PM
Hey Slick,

Welcome to the "Half Way Club". I just turned 50 in February but I don't feel it. I guess age is a state of mind. Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most. :rolleyes: :p

Steffi N.

Before moving to Michigan in September, I was a writer for a CT newspaper. I love to write. It's my passion. Unfortunately, the newspaper business is a cut throat business. When I got to MI, I called some of the newspapers here to see if they were looking for freelance writers and they said that right now is a bad time for newspapers. The recession has really hit them hard. When I left CT, they were laying people off. I submitted a story back in June and worked with my editor through December, with his PROMISE that it would be published. Well, they killed the story and decided not to run it. The good news is, from all my effort and hard work, I got paid a "kill" fee of $300. That ain't no chump change. :D I'm going to work on it a little more and mail it out to some of the magazines. Someone will pick it up. It's a story about an adult child of an elderly alcoholic parent who is forced to play "caregiver". Based on a true story (moi :D )

03-04-2003, 10:17 PM
lol lol lol

Don't get me wrong, but, you are all complaining about co-workers being lazy... hear this... I was just (for one of many reasons) "fired" because I AM NOT LAZY ENOUGH.

That's right, I didn't sit around all day and read the newspaper and chat and socialize with my co-workers!
I worked and I worked hard. So when the other employees started asking me about my personal life i told them that I don't want to talk to them about it because 1. it's none of their business and 2. this isn't the appropriate place to talk about it. WOW! My boss called me a bitch for telling that to my co-worker. No Joke.
The other reason I was "fired" was because when I was promoted to Buyer, what she didn't tell me, was that, by buyer she ment manager. I HATE MANAGEMENT. I would have never accepted the promotion if she said management was part of the requirements of this new position. So when I wasn't "managing" the store and employees I got punished with being "fired"

So, some backround on my ex - boss... she's diagnosed multiple personality disorder and manic depressive. She ran around work all day screaming about how she's glad California has a two day waiting period on gun purchases, because she would have killed herself that very day (and mind you, this comes out of her mouth every other day) She rants and raves about how much therapy she's been through, like it gives her some higher social status. ughhhh, needless to say, she didn't have to fire me, I resigned.

oooohhhhh, ohhhh, but, that's not the end of it. My paychecks bounced frequently. And I do mean frequently. Sometimes, she'd just decide she didn't want to pay us for ohhh... 15 or more days. It took her over a week to give me a final paycheck and she still owes me back pay for unpaid overtime.

Oh, but, it goes on, there's more. Yup, that's right. as the buyer my job was to purchase inventory for the store... so why is it, when the orders came, everything I ordered WAS NOT there. After I'd place an order with a company, she'd call in and have it changed. WHY HIRE A BUYER IF YOU WON'T LET THEM DO THEIR JOB!!!!!!!

OK, I'll stop there, but, there is a lot more.

Anybody know a good employment lawyer in California. I need to recover my back pay.

03-04-2003, 11:50 PM
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! that sounds like a nightmare job from heck!! you poor poor thing :( I am so sorry the psycho treated you so bad. I have had a similar prob as yours at my job. They fired an assistant dispatcher, and I had worked closely with him as I am the Office Assistant. He and I got along OK.

After they canned him, they tried to grill me for information i.e. what were he and I discussing online (when I was at home) etc. When I was not forthcoming with this information, the 'busybody' got allllllllll mad.

And my boss is going thru a bitter divorce (tho they weren't technically married) and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of hearing about it, half the time i tune it out and just do my work. Well, today said 'busybody' comes over to my desk and whispers 'oh did you hear him saying XYZ, do you think he's backpedalling?' I said something to the effect since it was a convo between the boss and the 'busybody' I tried to tune it out, and did not hear much. I could practically hear the busybody roll their eyes. :rolleyes:

I absolutely HATE being put on the spot like that, sooooooooo rude!!!!!

Those ppl you worked with should have respected your privacy, sheesh!!!!!

Hopefully, it was just a stepping stone to something much, much better :D

Miss Meow
03-05-2003, 11:32 PM
The last job.

We referred to the company as 'Survivor Island' after the TV show as people either disappeared and never came back on Mondays or there were retrenchments weekly. So the joke became, "Pssst, who's been voted off Survivor Island this week?"

The afternoon before one round of retrenchments, my manager found a list on the printer of who was going to be given the flick the next morning. His name was on the list. Oops. He disappeared that night and it took management two days to tell us that our manager wasn't coming back (I actually found out from someone outside the company).

The only IT guy's name was also on the list so he went, but management forgot to get all the system information and passwords. Conveniently the ex-IT guy switched his phone off for several months.

I left there five months ago and my ex-coworker recently e-mailed me, demanding to know what terrible things I said about him during my salary review (which was more than eight months ago, highly confidential and I didn't even mention his name). Huh? So the remaining managers are using the memory of me as a management tool!

03-06-2003, 12:19 AM
yes, i hate my job. school=job.

03-06-2003, 12:23 AM
I'm going to be the annoying happy person here, but I love my job. I'm a hairdresser (color specialist) and I get paid good money to play with hair all day long! :D