View Full Version : Today I got

11-10-2001, 06:50 PM
Spent lots at Walmart and the Pet store!
toys, treats, food, kitty stuff
was so much fun!
booda chew
rawhide bone
stuffies (probably won't last a week)

By the way, what is the difference b/n puppy shampoo and regular dog shampoo, I have 2 huge bottles of Dog shampoo and didn't want to buy new since I have those and have hardly used them

11-10-2001, 07:16 PM
I'm thinking that puppy skin is more sensitive so you need a gentler shampoo like puppy shampoo. How is the little one doing?

11-10-2001, 09:31 PM
LOL! Staci, I'm having fun just hearing all you are doing to get ready!! :D Can't wait for that sweet baby to get home to you!!

Helen and I spent the day running errands, and on of our stops was at PetsMart. I couldn't help but think of you, Maggie, and a few others with pending "new arrivals", big and small! Plus, it was Greyhound adoption day today. There were 5 beautiful greyhounds......I am such a sucker for dogs, cats, etc......I would have taken them all if I could have!!! :D Helen and I just sat on the floor and loved each and every one of them! :) Plus, of course, we held and petted every puppy and kitten that we could!

That puppy will be in Puppy Heaven, when she finally gets home to you!!! :)

11-11-2001, 03:35 PM
Complete List:
New braided nylon leash
sheep stuffy
sheep stuffy with a tennis ball inside
Snowman stuffy
wool/rubber squeaky ball
mint flavored tennis balls(wanted vanilla, sold out, thought cinnamon was a little much for a puppy)!
Fetch me Fido tennis ball(strap on it so you don't get slobber on your hand!)
puppy biscuits
Training bitz
20 ft training lead
a clicker
OH And a small crate for both Kylie and the puppy. The puppy will probably only fit into it for a week if that! But I wanted one for Kylie's trips.

Me excited noooooooooooooo~!~!
I told the salesclerk I was getting a new puppy in 2 weeks and she said. "And your getting all this stuff already?" :) :D

11-11-2001, 04:30 PM
My dog trainer said to just use the puppy shampoo for adult dogs too- it works just as well w/o the irratation to eyes, etc. She said the only time to use anything else is if there's a problem with fleas.......