View Full Version : I miss jello

03-02-2003, 04:48 PM
I miss my beloved jello kityy so very very much. She was the best kitty in the world. I had her for 15 years:(

03-02-2003, 04:59 PM
oo! im so sorry to hear that:( **HUGS**

Im sure Jello is happilly playing on the rainbow bridge with her other kitty friends.

Im very sorry for your loss. **MORE HUGS**

R.I.P. sweet Jello baby:(

03-03-2003, 10:55 AM
You do not have to feel bad about missing Jello. As a matter of fact, I'd worry MORE if you did not miss her. When you love someone it is natural to miss them terribly when they are no longer there. You will just have to trust that it will not always hurt as much. It will get easier and you will be able to think of the times you had together fondly.