View Full Version : it's not fair!

03-02-2003, 04:32 PM
i really wanna volunteer at my local shelteer but you need to be over 18. i was reading their qualifications and i apply for everything except the age thing :mad: they need help taking care of the animals and with updating their website (and believe me, they need to update it) sorry this is a waste of a post but i'm just mad...:mad:


03-02-2003, 04:36 PM
Down here you're allowed to 15 but you have to do it through school. You have to go to your guidance counselor and talk to them aobut it, which i don't want to do because it makes me nervous lol. You have to be 18 otherwise, without doing it through school.

03-02-2003, 04:54 PM
It's an insurance thing most likely.

They probably just wanna make sure something really random doesn't happen to you like a dog biting you or somethin'.

But, for website updates, that rediculous, that's something you can do from home. I'd definetly go back and speak with the shelter manager directly and bring the completed application with you. It'll show that you have dedication and maturity.

I used to work for The East Bay Humane Society here in Berkeley, California. The volunteers who were under 18 had to have a legal guardian with them at all times. Go back and see if some type of an arrangement can be made.

I run a non-profit organization (not relating to animals, we teach non-biased drug education) and even our under 18 volunteers have to have written parental consent. I feel bad because of legalities and insurance they aren't allowed to do certain things, but, quite a few of our under 18's are more mature and responsible than some of our 25 years old volunteers and sometimes I wish those restrictions were the other way around!!!:)

03-02-2003, 05:12 PM
im volenteering at a small local zoo this summer. Then when im old enouph ill volenteer at a shelter.

Im not gonna get very much money in life am i? lol:rolleyes: :p

03-02-2003, 10:47 PM
That stinks!!
Maybe you could let them know that you want to help out with their website and stuff, and maybe they could let you do that.
I just signed up to walk dogs for PAWS--some of their dogs are at kennels and really need to be walked daily--I just got my first email--I have to check my schedule and get back to the director!!

Good luck with your shelter--there has to be something you can do!!

03-03-2003, 08:05 AM
i'm goig to look into it in the summer. now, i have school and my shelter is far from home. my dad doesn't like the idea but i'm trying to convince him ;) thanks everyone for your feedback! :D