View Full Version : Rude people

03-02-2003, 01:12 AM
I took Nebo to the vet at Petsmart today. Because of his class, they gave me a coupon for a free vet exam. Why not....:) It gives him experience with being handled and such. He was a very good boy, didnt enjoy having his temperature taken :eek: but he was fine. The vet said everything looked fine, his heart/lungs sounded fine also.

Anyway, after that we wandered around Petsmart and I was buying a box of dog treats for him. I was waiting in line behind this lady. She was almost done with her purchase.

I put Nebo in a sit/stay and he was doing exactly that. Just SITTING. Well the lady had her hand down, and he just looked up and sniffed her hand....that's IT...no licking, no jumping...he didn't even move.

Ok, I'm aware that a lot of people don't like dogs, but is it really necessary to be rude about it? The lady steps back, puts her arms in the air, gives me a nasty look and says (very rudely and loudly mind you) "Will you please keep your damn dog away from me!" :eek:

:mad: :mad: :mad:

I know that people don't like dogs, but I'm sorry, if you go to Petsmart, you're gonna have dogs around you. I can understand if you don't want the dog jumping/licking you, but just to have a dog be there.....Either deal with it or don't go to Petsmart anymore.

03-02-2003, 01:24 AM
Know what you mean, was in Biloxi for a dog show, and afterwards we went to petsmart. One of the employees came up to us what can of mix was our dog. We told her, he wasnt a mix and that we were here for the dog show. and that he had just won best of breed that day. She said that he looked like a mix and didnt beleive us. That was the day he won his championship Breed: German wirehaired pointer.

Then again at petsmart a woman came up to me and asked me why I would clip my mix breed poodle in a show cut. I told her that he wasnt a mix breed, that he was a standard poodle. she informed me that poodles don't get that big and didnt care what I said that he was a mix. I said please excuse me and then i wentto the book section got the AKC book and took it back to her and showed her the standard poodle and she still said he was a mix. So know what you mean

03-02-2003, 01:32 AM
Oh GEEZ!!!!!!! :mad: I would be honored if it was my hand Nebo sniffed. In fact, I'd love it if he licked my face off!

Most of the rude people I've encountered have been at Petsmart too. But I haven't had a bad experience for awhile.

Hehe, last week, this woman was yelling "MISS! MISS!" and running after me. I finally turned around and she said "Did you know your dog was walking after you on TWO LEGS????? It was so funny!" Hehehe, turns out Reece thought I had a treat so he was doing his circus dog act :D We kept demonstrating it for the woman and she followed us around the pet store. She was so nice but it was getting a little scary, HAHA!

03-02-2003, 01:42 AM
I was at petsmart getting a new tag made for J (he wasn't with me) and this weird creepy lady kept trying to talk to me :O she was prolly high/drunk

03-02-2003, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by Lalania
I was at petsmart getting a new tag made for J (he wasn't with me) and this weird creepy lady kept trying to talk to me :O she was prolly high/drunk

Did she try to lick your hand? Sorry, Lalania, I have a mind that cartoons a lot :D .

I love going to the pet stores, and I get such a kick out of getting thoroughly sniffed sometimes by curious doggers that smell Grasshopper on my clothes =^.".^=!! :p When I get home from anyplace where there have been dogs around, she scopes me out, too. Whatcha been up to, Mom? :cool: :cool:
You're kind to call that rude person a lady, wolf_Q! The only LADY in this exchange was you!

03-02-2003, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by aly
Oh GEEZ!!!!!!! :mad: I would be honored if it was my hand Nebo sniffed. In fact, I'd love it if he licked my face off!
Me too:) I love doggie kisses:)

03-02-2003, 06:44 AM
I know that Petsmart & Petco carry items for other pets besides dogs, but they really do cater to dog owners. My personal opinion is that there are plenty of other places to buy your pet's food & toys if you are THAT scared of a dog.

03-02-2003, 08:01 AM
Like, was she scared of him or somethinghttp://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/sad/nervous.gif
Pleeeeeeze, give me a breakhttp://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/nut.gif
I just totally don't understand people sometimes, soooo rudehttp://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/madgo.gif

03-02-2003, 09:21 AM
How awful. I love going into PetSmart and Petco with Sadie cause she can go in there, there are usually other dogs, and usually people who like dogs. That woman should not have been in the store, if it was her first time hopefully it's her last.

I wonder what her smell told Nebo about her.

03-02-2003, 10:14 AM
Nebo was being a good boy by sitting, I wouldn't
give that nasty lady a second thought.
She probably got up on the wrong side of the bed
and was having an off day.
After all she was in a pet shop. :(
Hugs to good boy Nebo.

03-02-2003, 10:21 AM
It sounds to me like Nebo was being the perfect genttleman. Good boy Nebo!!!
If that lady doesn't like dogs, what the heck is she doing in Petsmart???
I know they sell items for other animals, but she has to know that dogs are allowed in there, go somewhere else already lady, geesh!!

03-02-2003, 10:49 AM
Wow! Talk about an over-reaction! Jeez. Sounds like SHE needs some obedience classes for basic manners. :rolleyes: I love taking my pitbulls into pet stores. People are always so amazed that pitbulls can be well-behaved and have good doggie manners.

03-02-2003, 10:49 AM
I love going into PetSmart. I love running into people with their dogs and talking about them (even though I'm owned by 6 cats :D ). So far everyone I've come in contact with are more than happy to let you pet their pets and talk about them. That's why I love taking Moo out. He gets SO much attention.

I hate rude people and it sounds like she was a real whackjob to me. Can you say PARANOIA???

Good boy Nebo!! You can lick my face off any day, Dude!! Cat hisses to the old bat!! May she step in a big pile of poo!!!! :D

03-02-2003, 10:56 AM
lol, Donna:D

I go to Petco a lot just to see some of the other dogs--it's fun!! My dogs haven't been in there yet, only because Abbey gets carsick:( , and I hate to leave her alone to take Kito there.

03-02-2003, 11:16 AM
Maybe I am just lucky... but the petco I visit.. (like yesterday) I went to get a car harness for Blu and some lil bone treats...

I was there for over an hour.. why... because so many people wanted to introduce themselves or their dogs...Blu has a great time when we go.. she gets to meet other dogs.. and I really love seeing how gentle she is with all the small kids who ask... may I pet your pretty puppy!!

of course you can!!!

Too bad that lady was such a nasty... I agree if you don't like dogs.. you might do better to stay out of that kind of store.??? (DUHHH!)

03-02-2003, 11:55 AM
Four words: LET ME AT HER!! Ya sure maybe you dont like dogs! BUT THEN WHY THE HECK ARE YOU AT PETSMART!!! DUH! people can be so dumb, and if a strictly cat person, she dont have to be so stinken RUDE about it.

**I wonder why some people call them humans!

03-02-2003, 12:00 PM
I love going to Petco etc. just pet other peoples dogs! Too bad that lady was rude. Maybe she was having aterrible day.

03-02-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I know that people don't like dogs, but I'm sorry, if you go to Petsmart, you're gonna have dogs around you. I can understand if you don't want the dog jumping/licking you, but just to have a dog be there.....Either deal with it or don't go to Petsmart anymore.

Exactly! Some people are so ... RUDE! It's horrible! :mad: To me, half the fun of going to PetSmart (or PetCo) is to see all the dogs there! :) If you don't want to be around dogs, then use your head and GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!! :mad: :mad:

03-02-2003, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by iceyshiver21
Four words: LET ME AT HER!! Ya sure maybe you dont like dogs! BUT THEN WHY THE HECK ARE YOU AT PETSMART!!! DUH! people can be so dumb, and if a strictly cat person, she dont have to be so stinken RUDE about it.

**I wonder why some people call them humans!

I never could figure out that cat vs. dog thing - they are both loyal, loving, furry (usually :D ) beings that give according to what we give them! As a "cat" person, I really get turned off by those other "cat" people who have no love for canine furbeings. The same for "dog" people who won't take the time to know a cat. Hell, dogs get to know cats, and they often become great friends. A lot of cat people (myself included) don't have the physical space for a dog, at least not that they feel (as I do) would be fair to them. But to dislike dogs? - Fear of dogs can be fixed by getting to know dogs, that's what I did. I was attacked when I was three by a poor critter that was kept on three feet of chain in a yard in the sun. My mom was more afraid than I was, and raised me to fear dogs. Well, when I got older, there were lots of dogs around, my friends all had dogs, and guess what? Those dogs taught me to trust and love them. I've been blessed to have had two wonderful doggers in my life since then, sadly gone on (naturally) to Rainbow Bridge. And I look forward to having another when we live in a better place for the dog!
Nah, that woman in the store had "issues" - I can't picture her as a cat person, unless she was one of those pathetic creatures that keeps a cat like a doll - you know the kind! Poor kitty!

03-02-2003, 11:44 PM
I hate RUDE people too, but I love going to the PetStores!!

I am just glad that it was Nebo who was sitting quietly, MY dog WOULD have been all over her!!!
:rolleyes: :confused:

03-03-2003, 11:17 AM
Good boy Nebo for being so well behaved! I loathe rude people too. Luckily I haven't encountered any rude people at the Pet Stores. Just at my apartment.

My dog is Satan Spawn after all. :rolleyes: :p (According to old neighbors at a different apartment)

03-03-2003, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by kohala

I never could figure out that cat vs. dog thing - they are both loyal, loving, furry (usually :D ) beings that give according to what we give them! As a "cat" person, I really get turned off by those other "cat" people who have no love for canine furbeings. The same for "dog" people who won't take the time to know a cat. Hell, dogs get to know cats, and they often become great friends. A lot of cat people (myself included) don't have the physical space for a dog, at least not that they feel (as I do) would be fair to them. But to dislike dogs? - Fear of dogs can be fixed by getting to know dogs, that's what I did. I was attacked when I was three by a poor critter that was kept on three feet of chain in a yard in the sun. My mom was more afraid than I was, and raised me to fear dogs. Well, when I got older, there were lots of dogs around, my friends all had dogs, and guess what? Those dogs taught me to trust and love them. I've been blessed to have had two wonderful doggers in my life since then, sadly gone on (naturally) to Rainbow Bridge. And I look forward to having another when we live in a better place for the dog!
Nah, that woman in the store had "issues" - I can't picture her as a cat person, unless she was one of those pathetic creatures that keeps a cat like a doll - you know the kind! Poor kitty!

I agree I dislike "ONE animal people" Im a dog person yes, but i LOVE horses, Cats and Rabbits also,.

03-03-2003, 10:58 PM
Nebo - you are such a good boy!!!!:D Creepy Lady! Tell her to get a life!

Although, I would be a creepy lady ........ except in the opposite extreme. I would be following all of you asking :

"please may I pat your dog"
"no, I don't mind if he/she licks me"
"no, I don't mind if they cover me with dog hair - good luck trying to get past the dog hair I am already covered in from my own dogs"
"no, I don't mind sitting on the floor whilst your dog attempts to sit in my lap"

:D - Petsmart should have a sign - DOGS SHOP HERE, if you don't like it, go somewhere else!

03-03-2003, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by captain
Nebo - you are such a good boy!!!!:D Creepy Lady! Tell her to get a life!

Although, I would be a creepy lady ........ except in the opposite extreme. I would be following all of you asking :

"please may I pat your dog"
"no, I don't mind if he/she licks me"
"no, I don't mind if they cover me with dog hair - good luck trying to get past the dog hair I am already covered in from my own dogs"
"no, I don't mind sitting on the floor whilst your dog attempts to sit in my lap"

:D - Petsmart should have a sign - DOGS SHOP HERE, if you don't like it, go somewhere else!

Oh Wilma would just LOVE you! She likes nothing better than to be able to sneak her tongue into a complete strangers mouth! lol

03-03-2003, 11:09 PM
My pet store that I go to, PetSuppliesPlus, has a BIG sign that says, "PETS YOUR PEOPLE ARE WELCOME TOO!!" :D

03-03-2003, 11:15 PM
Can my cat climb you? Can my bird sit on your head? LOL! ;)
It's PetSmart, not DogSmart! And, yes, I'd love to get my face doggie licked!

BTW - Have you heard about our new Baseball Park for the San Diego Padres?

Petco is the sponsor!! Petco Park!

Woof! Meow! Awk!

03-04-2003, 01:20 AM
Although that was very rude, I don't think you can say why she was there?? Its Petsmart, for ALL pets, not only dogs. People go there for their dogs, cats, birds, bunnies, rats, mice, fish, frogs, whatever they have. Many people that go there may not like dogs but still have to go there. Personally I love going there. I am very much afraid of large dogs, but does that keep me from going to Petco or Petsmart? NO WAY! I could NEVER buy my birds food from another store. They absolutely REFUSE to eat it. We once ran out of their food, and it was late. Petco and Petsmart were already closed and we were in urgent need of their food. We went to Safeway and got cockatiel seed from the pet section. Came home, gave it to the birds, and you wouldn't imagine what they did! :eek: Muffin marched out of her cage in anger, ran back and forth and kept swinging her head round and round in rage! THESE ARE NOT MY TYPE OF SEEDS! I swear, she was protesting! They didn't eat a bite. Anyway, they had to have cereal for dinner and we went to Petco to get their food first thing in the morning. We can't buy their food from any other place. There's just no way. My birds are stubborn about what BRAND of food they eat! LOL. I always go to Petco and Petsmart and they are my favorite stores. I can spend hours playing with the store's pet cat, or the store's pet conure (the one not on sale). I love watching the birds play there, and I love seeing the kittens on adoption day. Do I meet big dogs there? YES! But I just stay away and most of them are on leash so I don't worry about the leashed ones. I have NEVER said anything to their owners. When we went to Petco last week, I was in line waiting to pay for my birds' stuff, when I looked back and found a HUGE akita right behind me. He was very well behaved and wasn't doing anything wrong, but I'm a scardey cat anyway. I didn't do anything, didn't say anything. Just walked one step forward, tried to act brave, paid the cashier and left. :) The owner never found out I was scared. If you go to Petco or Petsmart, you should be prepared to meet pups. If you don't like them, just stay away or go in another line. Personally I wish they had a seperate line for those with dogs so other people wouldn't have to get scared, but its ok the way it is. That woman was very rude. :(

03-04-2003, 12:03 PM
True, Amy didn't know why the lady was there, but Nebo was behaving, and there was no reason for her to swear at Amy either.

03-04-2003, 01:59 PM
PCB - No one here is saying only dog people can go to Petsmart. Its perfectly fine to be afraid of dogs but that woman had no right to be so RUDE. Thats what dogs do to say hi, sniff! She's just lucky Nebo didn't sniff her butt. Now that would have been funny.

03-04-2003, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by aly
PCB - No one here is saying only dog people can go to Petsmart. Its perfectly fine to be afraid of dogs but that woman had no right to be so RUDE. Thats what dogs do to say hi, sniff! She's just lucky Nebo didn't sniff her butt. Now that would have been funny.

I think I made it very clear that what she did was very rude, in my first sentence. It was DEFINITELY rude. I could never talk to a pet owner like that. Its so hurtful. :( I wasn't responding to Amy in the part where I said Petsmart's for all pets, but to someone else who said she shouldn't have been there if she doesn't like dogs and could buy her other pets' food some place else. :) Sorry if I offended anyone. I think my intentions were misunderstood.

03-04-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by aly
She's just lucky Nebo didn't sniff her butt. Now that would have been funny.


03-04-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by aly
She's just lucky Nebo didn't sniff her butt. Now that would have been funny.

LOL - or nudge it!! Or ... never mind.
My first collie (a big, beautiful guy my husband at the time brought home) introduced himself to me in the most affectionate manner a dog can express his happiness to see you - he grinned at me and humped my leg! I yipped and ran for the bedroom while my hubby fell out laughing! Can you picture that woman if Nebo had done that? ROFLMAO