View Full Version : road rage at the mall!

02-28-2003, 07:45 PM
as my mother and I were coming out of the mall, getting into the car, we heard someone honking their horn over and over, and then heard shouting....some older guy had got a parking place before the younger guy and the younger guy was mad. he totally over-reacted, and was yelling at the poor old man. people were gathering and telling the younger to leave the old man alone. oh he was screaming at him and saying MF.. and really being terrible. the old man was scared and got out the tire iron from his trunk, and held it up in the air and yelled back at the jerk but not as bad. then the younger guy parked and was walking into the mall and started it all over again. the mall security and the police showed up. I had gone over and asked the oler man if he was ok, and thats when the young one came by and started it again. of course I had to tell him what I thought, and I wished at the time I was a guy so I could have got in his face like he did to the old man, and told him to pick on someone his own age, I think I did actually say that. I don't care who was right or wrong the young guy acted like a maniac! I hate it when people pick on old people. it really made me mad! so I stayed there as a witness for the old man. get this, the young one said he wanted to press charges , said the old guy swung the tire iron at him!! what a lie, I was there and I told the cops he did not swing it at him,(actually the young guy was trying to get him to, saying go ahead hit me, HIT ME. oh if I was a guy...!
the old man looked like he might so I grabbed the thing and told him no, no don't. can you believe that wussy young guy, going to press charges? I can't stand it when the young guys act like big blowhards, and then whine, wah! he was going to hit me! the poor old man was just scared and trying to defend himself. the young one was really mean, and it was scary to the old guy.
then the old man was mad at a cop , because the cop told him to go wait at his car, and the old guy was saying is this iraq? are you saddam? sheesh! I took the old guys arm and said come one lets go to your car, I didnt want him to be arrested, the cop had said go to your car or you can sit in the back of my car!
I think the cop could have been a little nice r to the old guy.
so, that was my day LOL!

02-28-2003, 08:13 PM
Good grief, Mary! I am glad you were there to keep some order to that whole mess. But I agree with you, I hate arrogant people, whether they be young or old. That one sounds like a loser!

02-28-2003, 08:58 PM
As upsetting as that was, the old guy's reaction was really out of line too.. a tire iron? Lipping off the cop? Not really a good idea!!! But Mary, thank goodness you were there and kept everyone calm!!! Good for you!!

02-28-2003, 09:06 PM
Sounds like you did your good deed today! I would have been worried about the elderly man also. But, please be careful!!! You could have been in big danger today - you just never know what people are going to do next.

02-28-2003, 10:07 PM
yeah the old guy was out of line too, I agree. but you know he was scared, and then he got mad, like I told the cop. oh well..

I do have a temper and if I had been a guy I would have decked the idiot. and gone to jail most likely :rolleyes:
I told my mother good thing I'm not a guy haha.

you guys out there... what would you do? I am just curious, what most guys would do, ignore it or tell the guy off or what? there was sure no reasoning with him. he was a lunatic, really out of control. it was just a parking place after all.