View Full Version : I'm so fed up with school.

02-28-2003, 07:33 PM
I used to love going to school. Get up in the morning, get away from my house, see my friends and everything but now i can't stand it. In every freakin' class all i hear about is how "Oh i smoked this and that this morning" and all of this other nonsense about drugs and stupid CRAP.EVERY period. it's all i hear. If i need to go to the bathroom at lunch i have to wait almost the whole lunch period because a million girls are in there smkoing taking up almost all the stalls just to smoke when school is out in like 2 hours later. And then on the way home on the bus all i hear about how some girl had sex with this guy or with that guy and that guy last week, or some fight that happened. There's like 3 or 4 fights a day in school and it's so STUPID. I seriously can't stand it. I know i'm a kid and all, but i HATE kids. The people at my school, besides my friends, drive me crazy. The thing that ticks me off the most is when some one asks me for a ciggarette! GAH! I can't stand smoking at all, it's so gross. Sorry for blabbing on, had to vent.:mad: :( :mad: :( :mad:

02-28-2003, 07:45 PM
i know how you feel. you see, as soon as the bell rings, all the druggies sprinting for the door. you go to the bathroom, and it smells of smoke, your in class and there are all kinds of sick conversations there. i know its natural to talk about these things but too much is just annoying. :mad: i have never liked school though, so i'm used to it. there aren't even a lot of fights here, but you can't walk into the school worrying about the amount of smoke your breathing in. when its cold, they smoke in the middle of the doors to outside and to the lockers, so you can't get away from it. :mad:

Desert Arabian
02-28-2003, 07:45 PM
Are you sure we don't go to the same school...;) ;) ;)

HMMMM...sounds exactly like my school too. :(

02-28-2003, 07:49 PM
My dad told me to ignore it and just don't listen to them. It's hard not to when EVERYONE is talking about. I think i'd shoot myself befor i'd ever smoke or do drugs. It's just so sick. Cigarettes smell so gross and make me cough up my lungs [ teehee that's why my parents have to smoke outside ;P ] I just wonder if they kids know how stupid they sound when they talk about it. I'm glad none of my good friends do stuff like that, we're too high off life, we don't need drugs :p

02-28-2003, 07:50 PM
Oh yeah, and this kid today said I "act black" and i got into a conversation about it and asked him "How can someone act a certain race?" Even the teacher backed me up, lol. It's so stupid uugghhh

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-28-2003, 07:50 PM
That is how it was at my school too.... They finally started chaining the bathrooms up but the kids only took the chains and put them in the toilets...
Oh well... HOPEFULLY they will grow up and quit smoking and doing drugs. I can't even imagine what it is like to be a parent with a teenager... you guys got it rough.. peer pressure stinks and no one seems to care.:(

02-28-2003, 07:54 PM
No matter how much someone will offer me or beg me too, i'm never smoking, NEVER.

02-28-2003, 07:54 PM
WOW! :eek: ::goes back and hides in corner::

I hope the people at my high school won't do that! :(
I bet they will though. I just have a feeling that the "jocks" in my school are the type that would smoke or take pot or whatever else.
We are in the middle of project alert. We have to take it during art, which is okay with me because I don't really like art anymore. Even though my art teacher interrupts the lesson every 5 minutes to babble on and on about her perfect sons and all kinds of crazy stories that have nothing to do with drugs, we still get the point. I wish people didn't ignore it and do it anyway.
My friend's dad just recently quit smoking, or at least he hasn't had a cigarette in at least 5 weeks or so. It was all because my friend took D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education, just in case there is anyone out there who didn't take it), and my friend kept telling him different things about how drugs can hurt you badly. I admire anyone who has quit smoking, it must take a lot of work and will power.
Ok...back to high school druggies...
I've never known anything to happen in my high school except a dumb tradition called "Bay May." That's when the seniors grab the freshmen and throw them into the bay all through the month of May. Boy I can't wait to start high school.:rolleyes: :(
Sorry that the people in your school are doing drugs. In a few years I will probably be feeling what you feel now.

02-28-2003, 08:01 PM
No one ever too d.a.r.e seriously around here. My dad did wuit smoking for a month or so but he started back up and i hate it. :( They wonder why i'm always crying and stuff.

02-28-2003, 08:09 PM
Oh KayAnn, I'm so sorry to hear that. If I were you, TELL AN ADULT THAT YOU TRUST THAT THEY ARE SMOKING! Please! You'll be glad you did! If you tell, it will probably all stop! I really hope that stuff all stops at your school. I'm sorry you have to live with that.:(

02-28-2003, 08:10 PM
I've never told on them, but alot have. They've got caught befor and there's nothing anyone can really do about it. It's gross gaaah thank you all for replying.

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-28-2003, 08:11 PM
My dad did wuit smoking for a month or so but he started back up and i hate it.

My dad and stepmom smoke and I hate it too... I wish it wasn't so hard for them to quit. I always bring it up when I go over there. And my PawPaw lost a leg because of smoking but he still won't quit.. I love my PawPaw!!:(

02-28-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky

My dad and stepmom smoke and I hate it too... I wish it wasn't so hard for them to quit. I always bring it up when I go over there. And my PawPaw lost a leg because of smoking but he still won't quit.. I love my PawPaw!!:(

My Papa smokes, so does my Memaw. Papa had a heart attack a few years ago and lost half of his foot, he still smokes. :( I love them both, especially Memaw cause she loves doggies too. She has 3 malteses... she loves SimSim. :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-28-2003, 11:03 PM
I love them both, especially Memaw cause she loves doggies too. She has 3 malteses... she loves SimSim.

That makes me smile... Arn't Memaws, Papa's and PawPaws the CUTEST!!!:D

03-01-2003, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky

That makes me smile... Arn't Memaws, Papa's and PawPaws the CUTEST!!!:D

Hehehe.. yah! I like my dad's parents better then my mom's.... lol my mom's are more "fartsie" like haha :o

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-01-2003, 12:28 AM
I guess I like all my grandparents the same!... EXCEPT I LOVE MY PAWPAW THE MOST!!

one time I was taking a walk with my Mamaw and PawPaw and there was a stray dog and I petted it and my Mamaw told me not to and gave me a spankin and my PawPaw took me and bought me a coke... He has always been my favorite!!:D

03-01-2003, 06:56 AM
KayAnn, I am so sorry to read how dreadful it is for you at school, it must be so hard for you to cope with. I don`t have any answers for you, how I wish I did. However, the one thing that shone out of your posts was this
......I'm glad none of my good friends do stuff like that, we're too high off life, we don't need drugs I am SO proud of you, and your likeminded friends also. While there are still `kids` like you around there is hope for the future.:)

love and many hugs

03-01-2003, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by ChrisH
KayAnn, I am so sorry to read how dreadful it is for you at school, it must be so hard for you to cope with. I don`t have any answers for you, how I wish I did. However, the one thing that shone out of your posts was this I am SO proud of you, and your likeminded friends also. While there are still `kids` like you around there is hope for the future.:)

love and many hugs

Well said Chris! KayAnn, life is so different these days from when I was your age. Yes, we had kids smoking in the bathroom but that was about it. Drugs were not on the scene yet. (Now you can see just what an old fogey I am). In fact, back in the days when I was in high school so much was different. There was also a dress code that included dresses or skirts and blouses - no slacks or jeans believe it or not! It was a much different time and I don't know how I would cope with life as it is today if I was growing up. I am happy that there are other kids there like yourself who are not falling into the smoking/drug trap. You all will be the better for it down the road!!!

All Creatures Great And Small
03-01-2003, 07:19 AM
Heck, this kind of stuff was going on in school when I was a kid, which is way back in the 70's. What I don't understand is why schools don't crack down on this bathroom activity. All they would need to do is assign a teacher to go into each bathroom between classes, and just stand there and monitor. I realize that they can't add the cost of security guards, but if the teachers took turns monitoring the bathrooms, that would stop the smoking (although other drugs could still be done behind closed stall doors :(). Or, can't they install REALLY LOUD smoke alarms in the bathrooms, to alert them when kids are smoking? The bathroom at work has one, since smoking is not allowed anywhere in the building. Then, if a kid got a pass and went in there to smoke, he/she would soon be found out. (You'd have to put the smoke alarm inside a wire cage, or they would find a way to disable it :rolleyes: .) If the school says they can't afford them, offer to raise funds or take up a collection.

School is absolute HELL and I will never understand what makes kids act the way they do. It still amazes me how when I left school and got a job, life was 100% different - no teasing, no posturing, no BS, everyone was actually NICE to me. There's something about the school atmosphere that makes kids nuts. It in no way reflects how your "life" is or will be; it's just a temporary state of insanity.

03-01-2003, 07:23 AM
the teachers know kids are smoking at my school. Some of them dont care when people hold other people over trash cans.

:mad: :( :mad: :( :mad: :(

03-01-2003, 08:27 AM
At least you seem to be one of the people doing the right thing.I don't blame you for wanting to vent.You should inform your principal about all of the people smoking at your school.Its not only dangerous to their health, but it can cause a fire.That happened at my brother's school last year,although it wasn't a big one.

03-01-2003, 02:46 PM
Chris, well said.. Kayann, I know it's hard, but.. I have the same things that are happening at my highschool.. kids smoking.. having sex.. taking drugs.. blah blah blah.. they think it's "cool".. but I know it isn't, at all.. one of the boys bathroom is CHAINED UP.. has been for 3 years.. because of some boys who were smoking.. and accidently set fire in the trash can, but I think it was on purpose, anyway.. I graduate in 2 1/2 months.. and I can't wait to get out.. I'm just ready.. I'm sick of all of that stuff.. but sad thing, it won't stop.. I have been offered to smoke, but I refused.. I will NEVER ever smoke.. I have seen what it had done to my grandma, she died in 1999.. from breathing problems after she quit smoking.. apparently it made her weak.. anyway.. if you need someone to talk to about this sort of stuff, you can talk to me.

03-01-2003, 11:04 PM
Ahhh...Finlly someone I can relate with.

03-01-2003, 11:50 PM
Drugs are veeeeeryyyy stupid and so is smoking, excessive drinking and sleeping around. I am glad you guys have enough sense to know that :D :D good job!

Just be strong and don't let the weak people drag you down.

03-02-2003, 12:38 AM
Sorry to hear that KayAnn. I know it's frustrating. :( I'm glad you are strong enough to not give in.

I know drugs/sex/smoking/etc. went on at my school also. I honestly did not see much of it in person though, just heard about it. Luckily I was never offered anything, and if I did, I'd refuse.

03-02-2003, 09:51 AM
I was once in a room with people smokin pot and I, said a flat out NO!! A few of my friends followed me lead and also said no. Im dead set against drugs and smoking, I do drink, and it is legal, if you parents give it to you and you stay home, but when I do its just a sip, or half a wine cooler. NEVER exccesivly(sp?)!!! I think its very repulsive when people get drunk.

03-02-2003, 05:03 PM
I don't agree with gender bias like that at all, IMO, that's almost as bad as the drugs/smoking ETC in North American schools.

03-02-2003, 05:16 PM
Not be able to be around my guy friends?!?! That would be horrible!

03-02-2003, 05:19 PM
There are plenty of girls or boys only schools.

I never managed to have only girl or boy friends, though. I was very much a mingler.

03-02-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Lalania
I don't agree with gender bias like that at all, IMO, that's almost as bad as the drugs/smoking ETC in North American schools.

I don't see how that is "bias" in any way??? There are ONLY girl and boy schools in the US also, and there are actually several in my area (mostly Christian schools). I know Pakistan has both mixed schools and sperated schools. Its your choice to go in whichever you want. How is it bias?? There are many things girls are taught in human developement/biology that they may not feel comfortable talking about in front of boys. The same vice-versal. If I had the choice, I would DEFINITELY go to a girls only school rather than mixed. Its not a matter of bias. That's not what gender seperate schools are made for at all. Its a matter of feeling more comfortable, and keeping the sex trash out of the school campus, where kids go to study and learn, and not for other things.

03-02-2003, 07:15 PM
I agree with Popcornbird. I too would prefer a girls-only school over a mixed.

All Creatures Great And Small
03-02-2003, 08:08 PM
Funny - my mother always said she thought I would have done much better in an all-girls school, because I wouldn't have spent any time worrying about boys - I would have concentrated on my schoolwork! I think there might be some truth to that; after all, who are the girls dressing up so much for, and who are the boys trying to impress? Girls wouldn't have to worry so much about their appearance or clothes, and wouldn't be able to rip on each other about who does/doesn't get attention from boys. They could just relax and be themselves and dress comfortably.

As far as the smoking inside the school building, what about the Clean Indoor Air Act (or whatever it's called)? If smoking in the building is ILLEGAL, and I'm sure it is, and it's aggravating Kayann's breathing problems, maybe it's time to take some legal action against the school to make them face up to the problem. You can't have your health be compromised by needing to use the restroom in school.

I do drink, and it is legal, if you parents give it to you and you stay home, but when I do its just a sip, or half a wine cooler. -I disagree with this; underage drinking is NOT legal, and parents have been busted for providing their own kids and others with alcohol at parties. I understand that kids will drink, especially when they turn the legal drinking age, but why would a parent want to encourage it, or make it seem OK? My daughter isn't getting a drop of alcohol from me; that's a decision she will have to make on her own when she's of age. I wouldn't consider giving her a puff of a cigarette appropriate, or handing her a condom and telling her to "have fun", so why would I provide her with alcohol and say go ahead? Some things are supposed to wait until you are an adult. You may start out with just half a wine cooler, but you never know whether you're predisposed to alcoholism, so why take the chance? Just my soapbox opinion there........;)

03-02-2003, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Not be able to be around my guy friends?!?! That would be horrible!

OMG!! I would die!! I have WAY more guy friends the girl freinds!! I find that alot of girls in my school are very snobby, and really dont like you to mingle between cliques, and the guys aint like that.