View Full Version : Pictures of the other five tanks

02-28-2003, 07:05 PM
I never remember posting pics of all of our fish tanks (well, besides the Betta tank, my dad counts that as six). Anybody care to see any?:)

This is the other tank in my room. It is about 20 gallons and has Hatchet Fish and one Goldfish (also some glass catfish and plecos):
This is the tank in the living room. It is about 110 gallons and has one Aerowana(sp?), parrot fish, oscars, silver dollars, guramies(sp?), and others too but I can't remember them all:
This is the tank in my sister' room. It is 20 gallons and has a lion fish, dog-face puffer fish, and it used to have an eel (forgot what kind), but then it jumped out:
Lion Fish close-up:
This is one of the reef tanks in my mom & dad's room. It has two urchins in it, the black one is very visible, and put a close-up of the second. It also has coral reefs(of course), and a bunch of fish forgot, I'm not to good with saltwater. Oh yeah, and it's 50 gallons (about):
Close-up of the Urchin (I love those spiny guys!):
And of course the other 50 gallon tank in my mom & dad's room. It has no Urchins, yet it does have a yellow tang(sp?) and of course more corals:

So there are the rest of the tanks. :D

02-28-2003, 07:08 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: wow! '

arent the lion fish really poisinis?

02-28-2003, 07:12 PM
Ypu, they are. But if you're careful, you can avoid getting 'stung' by them.
Actually, we used to have an old lionfish, and when it died, my dad put it in the garbage. So my grandpa goes to take out the garbage, and he put his hand right on the lionfish!! He had to go to the emergency room, because he thought it was still poisonous, and his blood pressure went up! :eek:
Most Urchins are poisonous too, my dad has been pricked by them a lot, because when he is moving the rocks around he cannot see where they are (some of them blend in with the rock). He has to use a needle to get the spines out before the venom gets in his bloodstream.:eek:

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-28-2003, 07:16 PM
Man you guys have a lot of fishies!!!

My husband has a reef tank in our living room... it is 72 gallons (I think).... He has a yellow tang, a royal blue tang, a clown fish, a star fish, a really cool shrimp ( I got that for him :D), he has an urchin,.... and I think that is all .... and then he has the live corals.. the anenomie is really cool... the clown fish swims in it.. they are best friends..;).. and other live corals.. but I can't remember them all.

I will have to show him these pics when I get home.. he will really love them!:D

03-01-2003, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally89

Ypu, they are. But if you're careful, you can avoid getting 'stung' by them.
Actually, we used to have an old lionfish, and when it died, my dad put it in the garbage. So my grandpa goes to take out the garbage, and he put his hand right on the lionfish!! He had to go to the emergency room, because he thought it was still poisonous, and his blood pressure went up! :eek:
Most Urchins are poisonous too, my dad has been pricked by them a lot, because when he is moving the rocks around he cannot see where they are (some of them blend in with the rock). He has to use a needle to get the spines out before the venom gets in his bloodstream.:eek:


i heard that they were the most poisiness fish? but then again ive heard that about a lot of fish:rolleyes:

the only time ive seen one of those was at an aquarium or on TV!:eek: :D :D :D :D

03-01-2003, 03:19 PM
:eek: WOW :eek:

03-01-2003, 03:28 PM
Wow, those are beautiful!!! Fishtanks are so peaceful...I love watching the fish and hearing the bubbling. (My Mom got my fishtank when I moved out because I didn't know how to move it 6 hours north without killing the poor fishies in the process. Maybe someday I will get another, but probably not for a while).

03-01-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Jessica12345

i heard that they were the most poisiness fish? but then again ive heard that about a lot of fish:rolleyes:

the only time ive seen one of those was at an aquarium or on TV!:eek: :D :D :D :D

I'm actually not sure, my dad would know though. Too bad he already went to work. :(
Oh yes, and technically my house is an aquarium.:p

03-01-2003, 08:37 PM
Wow ... very impressive!!

Can you please post another picture of your betta tank, also. I'm interested in setting up a tank for bettas, I think.


03-01-2003, 09:15 PM
Don't mind all the junk around the tank, my room is cluttered with stuff. :)
Are they good, or are you looking for closer photos? :)

03-01-2003, 10:33 PM
Great pictures! It is neat seeing all the different fish and tanks, especially since we just got ours. :)

03-04-2003, 09:39 PM
That's good. :) What did you use for dividers in the tank?

I have two bettas, and they are in those little betta condo things that hang on the side of the tank. I've tried letting one betta at a time out in the big tank, but the tiger barbs bite their fins. :(

03-05-2003, 07:31 PM
We use these plastic dividers that slide into these metal slots that are attached to the sides (very hard to explain). I found them at PetLand for $9.95 each, or something around there. I hope that's counted as a good description, I threw out the bags they were in (although I planned on saving them for future reference).

Two of my new Bettas, Ocean and Aqua, live in those little condos as well, in my bigger tank (the picture above was not taken recently, so it does not show them). But I have to make sure they are right against the glass, because the smaller fish (such as glass catfish) swim in between the betta's compartment and the glass, and they get stuck. :(

03-05-2003, 07:37 PM
they are very cool:D i like the sign *that says "betta estates" hehe its cute:)

03-05-2003, 07:52 PM
LOL, I love that sign. Even though it says a safe home for FIVE betta fish (because I made it before I got the fish and learned I could only have four). :)

OMG, how rude of me! Thanks to all of you who complimented our fishies. We all put a lot of work into them to make them what they are today. :) Wait 'till my dad sees these responses, he'll be so happy. ;)

03-05-2003, 08:44 PM
I love lion fish I am thinking of getting one for my dad for his birthday. Any advise on care and food and price? thanks :)

03-06-2003, 07:52 PM
You should post some pics of your betta tanks.. Bettas are my favoret fish :)

03-07-2003, 09:17 PM
Hey Tikeya!
My dad would know all about that stuff. I literally am clueless on how to care for salt-water fish. But I do know that they eat smaller fish, and they are extremely poinsonus.
Bettas are your fave. huh?! Cool, mine too.:)

BTW~ The lionfish's name is Squidward.:p My sister made it up.

Oh well...I'm not allowed to be on here! (But my dad's on too because I'm at my friend's house)

03-07-2003, 09:29 PM
cool :) .. I know they eat smaller fish as well.. Maybe you could ask your dad these questions for me.....

What temp do they like?

do they prefer a tank mate?

can the live in 20 gallon tanks?

anything would help :).. thanks a bunch

03-08-2003, 01:20 AM
They like the temp around 75-78 degrees.

They can get along with somewhat large tank mates, but are likely to harass anything really small.

Absolutely not. The minimum recommended size tank for a lionfish is forty gallons, and that is pushing it. We sell these guys at work, and I find it amazing how many people don't think fish need to move!

I think there are some smaller species of lionfish that are relatively rare, but there might be one that could live comfortably in a twenty gallon aquarium.

(BTW: I didn't copy and paste from anywhere. ^_^ I researched them at work while I was looking into setting up a saltwater tank. *smiles*

Mr. Coral
03-09-2003, 09:50 AM
Temperature for the Lionfish is not too critical, somewhere around 75 to 80 is fine.
Lionfish can be kept by themselves, they don't have to have a tank mate. Keep in mind if you put any fish in with it, anything small enough for it to swallow, it will.
If you're going to put a Lionfish in a 20 gallon tank (like ours), you should get a dwarf Lionfish. They are a little harder to find in aquarium stores, but will not outgrow your 20 gallon tank.

Keep in mind Lionfish are venomous. Be very careful when you put your hands in the tank. If you touch their spines, you will be in tremendous pain. They will not bite you, but it is their spines (fins) that you have to worry about.

03-09-2003, 01:48 PM
ok :) , I told my mom and she said we will just stick to angel fish lol :D