View Full Version : New page on Simba's website

10-13-2001, 02:51 PM
"Dream Come True" (http://simbalou.homestead.com/DreamComeTrue.html)

Theres a poem on there that i wrote dedicated to Simba.....
As i made this page Simba was in the process of digging a hole! As i sat here tlaking aobut how good he was! :rolleyes:
Oh Well i still love him! All i did was say bad boy and made him go sit in the corner.. actually he went there by himself because he knew he was a bad boy ( i always put him in the one corner of my room when he bad)

10-13-2001, 03:43 PM
KayAnn that is a wonderful poem, and it just proves that you and Simba are meant for each other. Give Simba a kiss and hug from Daisy and Perry and me too.

Daisy's Mom
10-13-2001, 06:54 PM
What a great poem! You and Simba have quite a bond. Kisses to the little sweetie!

10-13-2001, 08:21 PM
KayAnn, I have to tell you again that I love that poem. You have such a talent with art work, poetry and everything else you do!

Seeing Simba's picture reminded me of Jackie (the dog at the shelter who reminds me SO much of Simba). She got adopted today! Yay yay yay! (Hey look, I'm a poet too, hehe!).

10-13-2001, 08:26 PM
Your poem is so beautiful KayAnn. And your love for Simba, even more so. Love to you and beautiful, sweet, Simba. Sandra
P.S.....Is he out of the corner yet?? :)

10-13-2001, 08:38 PM
yeah he was actually out right when i got done posting it.. i cant stand to be mad at him.. so i told him c'mon and he came and sat right next to me by my computer ;)

10-13-2001, 09:00 PM
Oh, Simba, you precious baby, I know that you know how much you are loved!! You're loved not only by KayAnn, but all of us too!! :D

If she gets too rough, come on up here, in fact, I'll come get you! :)
