View Full Version : Spaying the dog?

02-28-2003, 10:37 AM
I have read conflicting info...

do you need to let a female go thru her first heat?

At what point should you have your animals fixed?

02-28-2003, 10:41 AM
Nope .. it is a myth that you need to let a female go through her first heat.

Puppies are safe to spay/neuter as long as they are at least 5 lbs and healthy. We consistantly spay dozens of 8 week old puppies every week at my work and they all come out just fine!

It is better to do them younger. They bounce back a lot quicker. Some vets will not spay until the dog is 6 months, but there are several vets that will do it earlier. It is very safe.

02-28-2003, 10:44 AM
WEll in that case... I don't wanna deal with her first heat, I would but Joey says we are NOT having puppies... so if no puppies no need for the mess...

When do I NEED to have her fixed by to make sure she doesn't have a heat?? (ie - how old are they when they have their first heat typically?)

Dakota's Mommy
02-28-2003, 10:51 AM
From everything that I have personally read, they say it depends on the dog (size, weight, etc., etc., etc.). Destiny, our Dalmation, did get her first heat in before we were able to get her fixed. We first noticed her spotting one week before her 1 year birthday. So, this is not a technical answer, but simply what our baby did. I'm sure others on here will be able to help you more. I would tell you what out puppy books say, but they're at home and I'm at work right now. As I said though, I'm sure others will be able to help you more!

02-28-2003, 10:52 AM
Thanks... I am hoping to be able to do it.. around the 6th month mark?

02-28-2003, 10:59 AM
Good for you!! It's good to see another responsible pet owner.

Our vet will spay as long as they are 5 months or older, of a good weight and healthy. We found with Peach that some dogs go into heat a lot earlier than others. We didn't get her spayed quite quick enough and she went into heat at 8 months. Really caught us by surprise - we had to kennel her dad for several days until she could be spayed and recover for a day or two.

With Molly and Carly, I didn't give them a chance - they were spayed between 5-6 months which turned out to be much better for them. By doing it when they were younger it helped them bounce back much quicker.

02-28-2003, 11:07 AM
Thanks... what kinda doggies do you have!!

I'll have to ask my vet.. but I guess then as soon as he's willing to it's off for the surgery for my lil BLu!

02-28-2003, 11:18 AM
My vet told me that we could do it at five months. I took him up on it with both of my Golden Retrievers on their 5th month birthday!!! :o We didn't go through any heats and haven't suffered any ill effects.

Good luck!


02-28-2003, 03:33 PM
you should spay your dog asap because itll have a HUGE 70% chance of getting cancer if not fixed.. :eek:

02-28-2003, 09:56 PM
I think the average dog's first heat is around 6 months.

I think I read your baby is 3 months. I would get her done now even but if you don't want to, maybe do it around 5 months.

We just had 7 doggies spayed and neutered at my work today. A few hours after their surgery, you would never be able to pick out which ones had just had the surgery. They were on their feet, bouncing around, and I had a hard time trying to keep the boogars calm!

So, in case you're worried, your girl will be just fine!

03-01-2003, 11:46 AM
Fantastic.. I will be taking her in as soon as the Vet will do it!!

Doing it early makes sense... As I said to Future Hub last night... I think there is a reason they circumsize baby's REAL EARLY... why not extend the same courtesy to our pet!!

Thanks !!

03-01-2003, 11:49 AM
Good for you, get it over with! When do we get to see your Blu-girl's picture? ;)

03-01-2003, 12:00 PM
Ohh Karen... I stared a thread for her last night... I'll go find it... look for a new posts!!

03-01-2003, 12:35 PM
Our friend just got his doggie fixed. She is 8 or 9 years old. He never did it because he thought it would 'change' her personality. I'm not sure why the vet didn't tell him to do it. He has had the same vet all along. She never did have any pup's. She is doing fine now. And it didn't 'change' her personality, if it did - it was for the better:D

03-01-2003, 03:24 PM
the vet wouldnt fix timber until she was 6 months...
and leather wasnt spayed until she was 7! :eek:
Stitch wasnt spayed until she was about 5...
eep lol
but there is a risk of cancer when u dont get them fixed...thats y leather has cancer :(

03-01-2003, 03:28 PM
Yes there is a high chance any dog or animal will get cancer if not spay or neutered ... I am saving up to get my rabbit spayed . My dog Tikeya wasnt spayed till she was 2 years old .. Dont ask why, I dont want to start a fight .. :)

But we didnt know about the cancer thing intill resently..

03-01-2003, 03:32 PM
I don't think a lot of people knew about the cancer and a lot still don't know. We didn't hear about it too long ago either. We had told our friend, many times, so I'm not sure what made him change his mind. But good thing he did. She has some growths on her, and they removed them and tested them and they were not cancer.

Our dogs came from a shelter so they were fixed already.

03-01-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by aly

We just had 7 doggies spayed and neutered at my work today. A few hours after their surgery, you would never be able to pick out which ones had just had the surgery. They were on their feet, bouncing around, and I had a hard time trying to keep the boogars calm!

really? thats not like how timber felt at all...we werent allowed to pick her up until the next day, and she was sooooo stoned on drugs...her eyes were bloodshot and she slept on my lap all night (which was difficult, shes sooo heavy! :eek: ) she was so drugged up...and she didnt even get better for a few days :eek: she got so sick :(

03-01-2003, 05:47 PM
After Tikeya got spayed she though she had puppies and she started producing milk and carring around a stuffed snoopy doll and the works.. She even dug a den out. It was weired.

03-01-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul

really? thats not like how timber felt at all...we werent allowed to pick her up until the next day, and she was sooooo stoned on drugs...her eyes were bloodshot and she slept on my lap all night (which was difficult, shes sooo heavy! :eek: ) she was so drugged up...and she didnt even get better for a few days :eek: she got so sick :(

There are some that don't handle it as well (like my RB dog Dessi) but about 90% of them pop right back up and are back in action. The girls do tend to be a little more out of it and sore than the boys because theirs is more invasive. But I see many of them go through the surgery every week and they are back to their naughty selves in to time at all for the most part :D

03-01-2003, 06:51 PM
My Aunt was told her cat got cancer cuz it never had kittens??? I thought that was weird. She's was spayed as early as possible and now shes ummmm...10 0r 13 and she has breast cancer.