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02-27-2003, 11:52 PM
it was a re-run, but how many watched friends on tv tonight? I laughed so hard when Rachel called the dr at home and said weiner weiner weiner!! I had not seen that episode before.


02-28-2003, 12:36 AM
I watched! I watch the reruns.. I'm also collecting the DVD Complete Seasons. I like that episode :D

Dakota's Mommy
02-28-2003, 10:33 AM
I love that show! My only problem is that I always forget that now that I'm in Texas, it's on at 7 pm, not 8 pm, and it would help if I remembered which day it was before 8 pm when I sit down to watch tv. So, I usually miss it, or at least half of it, ever since we moved here. I did see the end of it though and I have seen that episode. They all crack me up so much, but that one was a good one!

02-28-2003, 04:14 PM
I was at work--I dont' remember the episode--what else happened??
My favorite episode from this season was the one when Joey couldn't use the hand quotes--hilarious:D Oh and the one with Alec Baldwin was good too--oh and the one with "Sandy" the nanny--I guess they're all hilarious!!!

02-28-2003, 10:18 PM
I was at work--I dont' remember the episode--what else happened??

uh, Ross was still going to see his pediatricain!! lol
and I don't remember what else, there were two episodes on that night, and I can't remember what else on that particular one. the one where Monica thinks Chandlar gets hot over shark movies, that was funny!:rolleyes:

03-01-2003, 07:37 AM
I love Friends! :D I don`t watch a whole lot of tv so I only have our regular terrestial tv (5 stations) and over here, as you maybe know, we are way behind on Friends, we are just seeing what you would call re-runs. Anyway, it is on Friday nights an I hate to miss a minute!:D Last nights episode was when Racheal and Pheobe go on a girls night, leaving Ross and Mike at home minding Emma so they can get to know each other. Chandler lies to Joey about coming home from Oklahoma because he want to spend the time with Monica. Joey hears Chandler in the apartment with Monica and thinks she is having an affair and phones Chandler to tell him........


03-01-2003, 09:34 AM
OMG!! The shark movies--hilarious!!!!
My favorite repeat was on last night--the one where Joey pretends to have a Porsche!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-01-2003, 09:41 AM
none of those were on here last night?!?! I wonder if they show different episodes in different places?

I have not seen the weiner weiner weiner one? Is it one of the newer ones? I only get to watch the reruns while I am on lunch at work....

03-01-2003, 12:04 PM
oh yeah, the porche one, I remember that, it was hilarious! Joey IS funny!

the weinier weiner weiner episode, it was the one that Rachel worries over the baby about every little thing, and she keeps calling the dr, even at home and at 3 AM, finally he gets mad and quits as her dr. so she calls and says (dr's name was dr weiner)
weeeinerrrrr weeeeinerrrrrrrrr weeeeeinerrrrrrr! and hangs up. I just totally cracked up at that!:D

03-01-2003, 02:28 PM
I watched those episodes.. I LOVE the show.. I'm collecting DVD's too as well, I am waiting for Season 3 to come out next month - April 1, 2003, whoo hoo!

Ross: Geez, did a Porsche throw up on you?! (walks off)
Joey: It's PORCH-AA! ;)

That line cracks me up every time..

Actually I have a FRIENDS site - http://www.geocities.com/friendsfan2003/

It really needs BIG updates.. but not sure when I can do that yet.. :)

03-01-2003, 05:00 PM
great website! I looked thru it some, and marked it on my favorites to go back to later.:)