View Full Version : will they know where to potty???

02-27-2003, 02:20 PM
We are currently in the process of buying a house--offer is in and has been accepted (yay). If I could ask of all of you to keep fingers toes and paws crossed for our house, I would appreciate it.
Anyway, the reason I started this post--our dogs have always been out on a leash with us (we live in an apartment right now), when we get a house, and fence in the backyard, are they going to know to go out and potty? Is it just a natural instinct? I don't think Abbey will have a problem, she pees as soon as she feels grass (or snow!!!).
Just wondering.

02-27-2003, 02:45 PM
My 3 month old lab knows that he has to go outside even when he goes to other peoples houses. When your dogs go to someone elses house do they go to the door or let you know they need to go out? Just something to think about I hope that helps a little. By the way that's a great pic of your dogs.:) :D

02-27-2003, 03:26 PM
Congratulations on getting the house!!

When my sister came to visit from California, she brought her three dogs. They are all used to going potty on leash. At our house, we have a securely fenced back yard so when we let her dogs out there we wondered the same thing but they had NO problem figuring it out. They loved the freedom to go sniff and potty in private (no humans watching all the time).

As smart as they are, I'm sure both of yours will catch the drift real quickly.

02-27-2003, 03:35 PM
Yay!! Congrats on the house!!:) Are you planning on installing a pet door or are you just asking if they'll ask you when they need to go out? If you're planning on a pet door, some dogs take some time getting used to it, others realize that it's a ticket to freedom and use it readily. Usually it just take a little acclimation and some really good treats to get a dog to go out or in. The first couple of days we had Millie, she would go out the door, but not in it. And she wouldn't go out without lots of encouragement. But now she's wearing it out!!

If you're wondering if they'll ask to go out, if they do it now, they'll do it then. :D

02-27-2003, 03:58 PM
I'm sure you'll have minimal problems. When you housetrain them as puppies, you condition them to associate grass and outdoorsy smells with them going potty. Since they are not used to going potty on tile, carpet, etc then you shouldn't have any problems. Sometimes they will get nervous in new environments though so there may just be a couple adjustment accidents.

I move around a lot and my dogs never have any problems. I'm sure yours will do great!

Hmm.. house and yard .. does that mean there's room for more now? :D

02-27-2003, 08:02 PM
Congratulations on your new house.
How exciting for you.

I do not think you dogs will have any problem
using your back yard as a bathrooom. :)
Now if you want them to go only in a certain area
you might want to continue using a leash for a few days.
Of course never worked 100% for me. lol

02-27-2003, 09:06 PM
Thanks for the replies--when we are at my parents, they always go to the door--here they don't so much because the door just leads into the hallway.

02-28-2003, 07:30 AM
I think, like the others, that they won't have a problem. Expecially if you say that they go to the door at your parents. Good luck!

02-28-2003, 07:36 AM
I agree with what the others have already said and think they'll do fine. My last two dogs (RB) were just the opposite. They had a fenced in yard to run in and do their business but if I took them for a walk on a leash they wouldn't go. (Maybe the lack of privacy.) :rolleyes: :o