View Full Version : Monty Python - Holy Grail opening credits

02-26-2003, 10:35 AM
Did anyone read what the said? lol. Heres basically what it was ( I just took out the names and put ... in so its not really long):

Monty Python
The Holy Grail

Mønti Pythøn ik den Hølie Gräilen


Røten nik Akten Di




Alsø wik



Alsø alsø wik



Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yër ?



See the løveli lakes


The wøndërful telephøne system



And mäni interesting furry animals

With special extra thanks to


Including the majestik møøse


A Møøse once bit my sister...


No realli! She was Karving her initials øn the møøse with the sharpened end
of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law -an Oslo
dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo
Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"...

We apologise for the fault in the
subtitles. Those responsible have been

Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...

We apologise again for the fault in the
subtitles. Those responsible for sacking
the people who have just been sacked,
have been sacked.

Then it goes on about a moose..like

Large møøse on the left hand side
of the screen in the third scene from the
end, given a thorough grounding in Latin,
French and "O" Level Geography by BO BENN
Suggestive poses for the møøse
suggested by VIC ROTTER
Antler-care by LIV THATCHER

The directors of the firm hired to
continue the credits after the other
people had been sacked, wish it to
be known that they have just been

The credits have been completed
in an entirely different style at great
expense and at the last minute.

After that it goes on about Llamas..

Sorry thats longish..but its funny :D Gotta love MP

All Creatures Great And Small
02-26-2003, 10:51 AM
You gotta read fast to catch all that, but I did the first time I saw it (I'm old enough that my first time was in a theater:o :( ) - I laughed my a** off! I LOVE Python! My cousin and I used to joke around a lot about the llamas, too - remember Merle C. Llama III? That was her nickname for me :p . There's stuff in that movie that still makes me laugh out loud when I watch it!
(Like "help, help, I'm bein' repressed!"):D :D :D

02-26-2003, 11:15 AM
For quite some time I was harrassed by friends for not ever having seen any of the MP's. I have finally seen a few, and those opening credits are great!

02-27-2003, 06:10 AM
Gotta love Month Python :D

The Holy Grail is my favorite of their movies but Life Of Brian is good too!

All Creatures Great And Small
02-27-2003, 12:08 PM
Life of Brian was HILARIOUS, but not many people want to talk about it because of the religious controversy it stirred. All I can say is, my mom is a decent, spiritual, Christian-raised lady, and she laughed her BUTT off at that movie, as did I. That stoning scene........"even if they DO say Jehovah!" :D :D