View Full Version : Prayers, positive thoughts, please

02-25-2003, 09:05 PM

That pic is of me and Joey. He is a Sgt. in the Marine Corps Reserves...an infantry unit. He came over last night around midnight to tell me that he got the call. He reports to his unit next Wednesday and they leave shortly after.

I'm a wreck. I would not let myself cry in front of him because the last thing he needs right now is a hysterical girlfriend. But, I got to class this morning to do an oral presentation and I broke down. Class thought I was nuts..I just couldn't stop crying. I'm sure when I tell people at work they'll be much more understanding. The anxiety I feel for him is just unbelieveable.

I am proud of him and love him for the fact that he has such strong beliefs and loyalty to this country that he feels the need to serve...but at the same time, I'm terrified for him. He's never been in combat before and not only am I worried/terrified that he may not come back...but when he does(thinking positive here) how will this effect him?

I'm just trying to take this one day at a time. I go from tears and being depressed to anger. Our 6 year anniversary is Sunday, at least we'll be able to spend it together before he leaves.

So if y'all can, please say a prayer for him, all of our freinds shipping off with him, and all military serving.

02-25-2003, 09:18 PM
Do you know where he'll be stationed? What does his unit do? My brother's Army Reserve Unit was activated, but thankfully he's just been shipped to Ft. Drum, NY. He was Active Duty Army for the Gulf War, but his batallion never the US, despite being told they were going to any minute.

Now it's different, as he's got a wife and a baby daughter (18 months old) that he did not have then. So he is missing everyone, but is safe for now. Just COLD!!!! And for dog folks, it may amuse you that my Dad got to be the Bad Guy and go over to my brother's house and clip Lady(hyperactive 3-year-old Lab/Dalmatian)'s toenails. Jennifer, my brother's wife, has always had cats, and cutting Lady's toenails is simply beyond her abilities! That, and Lady is more intimidated by my Dad, and more apt to behave (Grandpa's hat has been known to "bite" naughty puppies, so she's cautious around him! ;) )

We will keep you in our prayers, and Joey as well. Stock up on hugs while you can, so you have a supply tucked into your heart for safe-keeping.

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-25-2003, 09:25 PM
I will be sure to remember you and Joey in my prayers. Times like this are so stressful. We have a real young guy from our church that was stationed out just recentally (sp). I agree with Karen... stock up with some hugs and kisses on your anniversary... and write him whenever you can. My Pastor told us that they would be so excited for mail call but so hurt when they didn't get anything... that it really helped their spirits when they would get a letter.. and It will help yours too when he writes back. *HUGS FOR YOU AND JOEY*

02-25-2003, 09:32 PM
You poor thing! Separation from a partner is always hard, but the fact that he is leaving for a possible war must magnify it unbelievably.

You are both in my thoughts!

P.S. You really are a Chinadoll!!!

02-25-2003, 09:34 PM
He's the ammo tech for an infantry unit. As far as we know right now, he's going to California for a few weeks (desert training I'm assuming) then getting shipped overseas. No one is saying where overseas, but my overactive imagination is just reeling.
Thank y'all for your kind thoughts.

Aspen and Misty
02-25-2003, 09:49 PM
I'll be keeping both of you in my thoughts, may it all be good and may he come back safe.


02-26-2003, 01:25 AM
You make a very pretty couple :)

I will keep him in my thoughts, hoping that this war will never even be started.

Happy 6th anniversary BTW.

02-26-2003, 03:08 AM
Oh Chinadoll , you poor thing !! You look so happy with your boy-friend !! Try to be strong ; I know this will be hard , but that's the face he will remember when he is far away from you!! hey , if you need a good shoulder to vent or cry on , you may ALWAYS pm me !! Your friend is a very brave man , you surely are so proud about him !:) http://www.xmission.com/~emailbox/clipart/cat10.gif

02-26-2003, 03:47 AM
prayers going out to all during this difficult time.

02-26-2003, 05:53 AM
I have no words that could possibly comfort you in a time like this. Only HUGS and prayers!!!!!!

02-26-2003, 05:59 AM
I will be sending prayers for you and your boyfriend. Keep positive thoughts.

02-26-2003, 11:33 AM
Tiff., BIG {{{{Hugs}}}} to you and Joey- be brave til he's gone then you can have a good weep - let him see a :D smiley face as he leaves!


02-26-2003, 11:40 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts are going out to you and Joey.

Edwina's Secretary
02-26-2003, 12:55 PM
Pray For Peace

02-26-2003, 12:57 PM
You poor thing. :( I'll be praying for Joey while he is gone...please let him know we are praying for you both. Maybe that can help him while he's there.

02-26-2003, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Ann
...hoping that this war will never even be started.
Amen to that thought...You will be both in my prayers, as well as all the other young men and women who have been called to their units.

02-26-2003, 01:12 PM
You and Joey are in my thoughts and prayers, as are all the men and women who are called and involved in this crisis. May peace prevail and all come home safe.


02-26-2003, 02:58 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts.

I too wish the war would not start. I want a more concrete reason as to why, some major catalyst before I could accept why so many troops are over there. But I can't help to think that didn't spend tons of money sending thousands of troops over there not to do anything. edit: I may not support the war, but I do support our troops 100%. They are putting their lives on the line fighting for their belief in their country.

I told work today. They were all so sweet, told me not to worry about coming back in until I feel ready...allowing me to spend as much time with Joey as possible before he leaves.

Thank you. Your support means alot to me.

02-26-2003, 03:47 PM
Lots of Positive Thoughts and Prayers for You and Joey!

My hats off to him! :)

02-26-2003, 03:49 PM
War is a terrible thing, and i really hope he will come back safely.He is very brave to be doing this,protecting people that he doesn't even know.You will both be in my thoughts and prayers!

02-26-2003, 03:51 PM
"I may not support the war, but I do support our troops 100%. "

I'm totally with you on this.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2003, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by ChrisH
You and Joey are in my thoughts and prayers, as are all the men and women who are called and involved in this crisis. May peace prevail and all come home safe.


I don't know what else to say that Chris hasn't already said above.

I can't imagine sending a loved one off to war (even though it's not technically war yet). I agree with everyone though that you need to be strong and smile as you wave goodbye, because I'm sure he will have that scene in his mind quite a lot while he's gone, but it wouldn't hurt to breakdown either so he has no doubt that you really do care and will be waiting for him when he gets back.....just be sure and smile in the end.

I can totally understand your fears about how all this will change him, but I think that will depend a lot on what kind of action - if any - he sees, and I'm sure any changes will only be for the good.

As an example, Terry was in the Marines and did 2 tours in Vietnam and one in Cuba (if any of you remember Cuba?). I didn't know him then because I was just a kid of about 6 years old, but I do know that he says military service was the best thing that ever happened to him and if he had any sons they would serve their time before being released to the rest of their lives. The one thing I like about him that came as a direct result of Vietnam is that he doesn't like guns and will not have one in the house. He said he has seen what guns can do to a body and he wants nothing to do with them. I so like that attitude. :)

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that all you can do is take it one day at a time and pray that he is ok.

Hopefully it will not come to war though.......:(

One thing that might help while he is gone is see if you can find an elderly lady, maybe in a nursing home or something, who sent a loved one off during WWII. You could spend some time with her and get her perspective on it since she has gone through it, and she would probably love the company of having a youngster to talk to and reminisce to....just a thought.....

Miss Meow
02-26-2003, 11:20 PM
Chinadoll, I'm in shock and I don't know what to say except I'm sorry you have to go through this. My partner is in the Navy and while his risk of being called up is low, it's a niggling fear in the back of my mind. I am really feeling for you right now.

I hope Joey has access to communication and can e-mail and talk to you as often as possible to help you both through this. I know everyone says it's part of a soldier's duty blah blah blah, but it doesn't make it any easier when the call comes through to be posted to a possible war zone. We are thinking of you both and wishing for a speedy end to any conflict so Joey and all the other troops return safely {{{hugs}}}

02-27-2003, 12:26 AM
You are in my prayers


02-27-2003, 07:40 AM
That is a wonderful picture of the two of you, you both look so happy.
The both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Dakota's Mommy
02-27-2003, 01:24 PM
Chinadoll, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your boyfriend. I was amazed to hear that you're 6 year anniversary is on Sunday because Brian and I have also been dating for 6 years as of that date. Brian, now my husband for almost 2 years, is also in the military. He is in the Army and we are currently stationed at Ft. Hood, Texas. I completely know how you feel. We've been expecting it for a while though, but Brian's company has also recieved orders. We don't know where he's going for sure, or even when, we just know they have orders. Around here, dates have changed so often, it's scary that he's going to have to go sooner than we thought. Infact, we're sure of that, we just don't know how soon. If you ever need somebody to talk to, I'm here for you. Brian and I have never been through this before either, but we're kind of lucky that his Uncle was in Desert Storm and so his aunt is there for me to talk to any time I want and need to understand the wife's view point.
Most people around here keep telling me to do what it sounds like you're doing. Try to stay strong for them because they need our support right now. It's so hard to do, but I do understand what they mean. They also tell me to just take one day at a time and you will get through it. I hope my words can help you some, but I know that not much helps knowing what faces these men as they are sent off for this ugly situation. Again, if you feel I can be of any help or you just want somebody to vent to, I understand because I often feel that way, so just email me or pm me. I will try my best to be there for you! Many people around here keep telling me that that's what we military families need to do, become a family also and get through this together. You're not alone in this!

Here's a pic from one of my senior proms where Brian wore his Class A's. This was from about 3 years ago, as of this coming September 29, he'll be in 4 years!