View Full Version : Shelters fill as troops sadly give pets away!

02-25-2003, 01:38 PM
Shelters fill as troops sadly give pets away
Associated Press
WACO -- Texas soldiers preparing to be sent overseas are expressing concerns about the fate of pets they will leave behind.

Lorrie Dicorte is dog-sitting Sampson, a massive Great Dane that belongs to a soon-to-be-deployed Fort Hood soldier who tearfully gave the dog up.

Dicorte told the Waco Tribune-Herald in Sunday's editions that she already has one of the big dogs but agreed to keep another after talking to its owner.

"Lord knows I don't need another Great Dane, but, yes, I don't want to see it suffer," she said.

Soldiers are having to make plans for their animals following the increase of tensions between the United States and Iraq. The 4th Infantry's 17,000 troops are on alert for deployment but remain for now at their home bases -- nearby Fort Hood and Fort Carson, Colo.

Animal rescue shelters in Waco and Killeen are being deluged with calls from the Central Texas military personnel.

"A lot of them are in tears, which of course puts us in tears, even though we try to be professional and not cry," said Ginger Smith-Holmes, manager at Second Chance shelter in Killeen.

Many soldiers are calling rescue groups like Second Chance because they have no-kill policies, unlike shelters that euthanize animals.

"I've even heard some of them say, `I really hope my baby's here when I come back from the Middle East,' " Smith-Holmes said.

Second Chance has about 140 dogs and cats and is at full capacity.

Animal organizations have established bulletin boards where troops can attempt to give away their pets to good homes.

02-25-2003, 03:04 PM
That is sad.
I have to admit, I never thought of the pets of all of our military personnel, I hope they are all safe as well.

02-25-2003, 04:23 PM
Thanks for posting this Jackie. There are a lot of dogs going in to shleter becuase of military deployment and not only area with big bases, but area with reserves also.

My sister and her husband are in Ft. Hood Texas and I know they have answered a few adds of people looking to give up their dogs. The first, a Great Dane had already found another home, and the 2nd a choc. lab mix has several interested families. Since Christy and Brian already have 2 dogs, they passed, but asked the people to contact them if everyone else backed out.

02-25-2003, 04:52 PM
Oh no! Could you imagine having to face going to war....AND having to face giving up an animal? That would send me over the edge....this is so sad! :(

Thanks for posting this...I'll contact our local shelters to see if we can help somehow.

02-25-2003, 05:23 PM
this really is sad.:(

Cinder & Smoke
02-25-2003, 05:44 PM
If you think you might be able to help -
Here's a link to a web site that is trying to arrange Foster Care for Military Pets...

NetPet.org - Foster Care for Military Pets (http://www.netpets.org/netp/foster.php)

There is a *clicker* just below the opening paragraph that jumps you to another *clicker* that opens a e-mail to NetPets.

Anyone living near a Military Base could inquire at the Base.

Also conside a short-tern assist to a Soldier...
Many are *suddenly* called to active duty and have no time to make arrangements with distant relatives or friends who CAN take care of the Pet - but not quicly enough before the Soldier must leave. Temporarily "Fostering" the FurKid long enough to help make permanent arrangements could help many Pets avoid being abandoned.

Jump In if you can help!

Dakota's Mommy
02-27-2003, 01:58 PM
Yes, this is a major problem. As my sister said, we've answered a few adds in the paper to try to take a few of these pets. However, the ones in the papers have seem to been finding homes because most of the people no longer have the animal by the time we call in the early evenings. We are only aloud to have 3 dogs while in on-post housing, but that means we can take 1 more. We really think it's better if we don't get a 3rd pup because I'm nervous about how our 2 will react and I'm afraid they won't get enough attention while he's gone, but if that's what we have to do to keep another pup from being killed, we will do what we have to. I do ask that any of you that can help, please do. These poor animals are being left behind for various reasons, and we really feel sorry for all of these pets! I also feel sorry for those sholdiers who have no other choice but to give it to the shelter because not all of them want to let go of that special pet!

Cinder & Smoke
03-14-2003, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
If you think you might be able to help -
Here's a link to a web site that is trying to arrange
Foster Care for Military Pets (Pets of Service Men/Women
who have been called away for home to Active Duty)...

NetPet.org - Foster Care for Military Pets (http://www.netpets.org/netp/foster.php)

There is a *clicker* just below the opening paragraph that jumps you to another *clicker* that opens a e-mail to NetPets.

Anyone living near a Military Base could inquire at the Base.

Also conside a short-tern assist to a Soldier...
Many are *suddenly* called to active duty and have no time to make arrangements with distant relatives or friends who CAN take care of the Pet - but not quickly enough before the Soldier must leave. Temporarily "Fostering" the FurKid long enough to help make permanent arrangements could help many Pets avoid being abandoned.

Jump In if you can help!

Desert Arabian
03-14-2003, 05:21 PM
They were talking about this issue last week on our local FOX news.

There was this family from the Milwaukee area, and the daughter got deployed. She had two black Labs, and gave them to her mom to take care of them while she was away. The mom took care of them for a week or so, and then look them to the pound, because they were too much for her. The daughter has no clue her dogs went to the shelter...and most likely doesn't know about it as of now either. They showed live video footage of the dogs, and they looked extremely depressed behind the chainlink gate. :( :( :(

Sick, sad, and wrong. If I were that lady I'd sue the parents. I told my mom if she ever did anything like that I would, and she said "Don't worry, I'd never do that." Hopefully I won't have to worry about that. :)

03-14-2003, 05:56 PM
Aw this is sad, I never thought about all of the animals that will need foster homes! Thank you so much for posting this.

03-14-2003, 06:07 PM

Wow, I never realized this would be such a big problem. As far as the mother taking her daughter's two dogs to a shelter, that is sick!!! :mad: Those dogs were not hers to give away. Do you know if the daughter was informed of her dogs being brought to a shelter? I can't imagine doing that to your kid.

Desert Arabian
03-14-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by moosmom

Wow, I never realized this would be such a big problem. As far as the mother taking her daughter's two dogs to a shelter, that is sick!!! :mad: Those dogs were not hers to give away. Do you know if the daughter was informed of her dogs being brought to a shelter? I can't imagine doing that to your kid.

Last week, when it was on the news, the newscaster said that she did not know about it...that was last week. As of now, I do not know if she knows or not- I doubt it. :( :mad:

03-14-2003, 07:23 PM
That is so sad :( I didn't think about that...

As for that mom who gave her daughters dogs to the pound... :mad: :mad: :mad: HOW could she do such a thing?!!! Obviously if her daughter wanted them in the pound, SHE would have taken them there, so the mom had NO right to get of her daughters babies.. if i was the daughter..when I found out... :mad: that is so wrong. *really mad*

Dakota's Mommy
03-17-2003, 10:19 AM
Well, Brian and I did get a pup from the Animal Control Shelter here around the Ft. Hood area (Killeen to be exact)! Here's the pup we got from the shelter:

Our Black Lab Mix Sierra:

Anakins mom
03-17-2003, 12:04 PM
My son is in the Air Force. He has forgone having a pet due to getting sent out on TDY's alot. But he is now the proud daddy of a three month old baby girl. He and his girlfriend are both active duty Air Force.

If they get deployed I am going to be taking care of my grand daughter. Those in the military are making some very very big sacrifices.

I saw a man on the news the other night who has a son that is 9 months old. And he has never met him. He was deployed before he was born and he has no idea when he will be back.

My cousin and her hubby are career military officers. They have a chocolate lab. Hubby is taking care of her now as my cousin has been deployed. If he goes they have made arrangements for a family friend to take care of their dog.

I pray that people across the nation will open their hearts and homes and be willing to help the men and women and their families who have chosen to protect and serve our nation.

03-17-2003, 05:13 PM
This is a heartbreaking article....

03-17-2003, 08:01 PM
I wonder why they acquire pets. What do they think will become of the animals, for heaven's sake?

Anakins mom
03-17-2003, 10:16 PM
Many of them take their pets with them from station to station. But they can not take them with them if they are deployed or go to war.

A friend of ours has a three-legged Pomerainian that has been all over the US and is now living in Germany with his wife while he is on deployment.

Not everyone thinks about the 'what if'...people divorce and pass away and leave pets behind for various reasons...basically no one wants to contemplate the negative, military people are no different.

Pets fill a need in people's lives. They are important to them for many reasons...especially emotionally. My son chooses not to get a pet because I was very proactive in teaching my family that you must plan ahead and be prepared for a pets needs and my children were right by my side helping with many of our rescues. My kids know how much work a companion animal is. Not many parents that I know raised their kids to think that way. I am a minority.

Doesn't make it right to have to leave behind a companion animal and doesn't make them bad people...but not everyone has the foresight to plan ahead. And not every family is willing to help out.

Most people that I have met on the BB's over the years do think ahead and make plans...but quite honestly we are the minority.

Please remember that unless you have walked a mile in someone else's moccasins you really don't understand their journey.

Anakins mom
03-18-2003, 05:10 AM
I watched the President address the nation last night.
Please folks...whatever happens...support our troops.
You can disagree with the policy of our President. That is your right.

But please...don't take your frustrations out on those who serve, they cannot change the policies...they need our support as a nation regardless of how we feel about policy.

If you need to voice opposition the way to do it is to contact your representatives. That is what they are there for. It serves no purpose to take out your displeasure on the men and women who chose to serve so that you don't have to.

03-18-2003, 09:13 AM
Very Well said Anakins Mom, and Thank you.

03-18-2003, 09:35 AM
I'm probably going to get flamed, but I've gotta say this. This is my own opinion.

After 6 years in animal rescue, having rescued, fostered and placed DOZENS of pets from military families, I believe that no one in college or the military should be allowed to have pets until they are discharged or have graduated.

Too many pets these days become disposable. The only one that suffers is them.

Then there are people who don't get their pets spayed/neutered. SHAME ON THEM!!!!

Again, this is MY opinion and not necessarily the opinion of this website.

03-18-2003, 10:07 AM
I live in a place with a lot of military personnel and volunteer at an animal shelter. If people can/want to take their pets everywhere they are posted, I salute them. However, I believe a lot of people get a pet and KNOW that they will be giving her/him up when they move on. I would beg these people to make arrangements with relatives or friends if they are really unable to take their pets or PLEASE don't have a pet. If you need an animal fix, volunteer at your local shelter.

Anakins mom
03-18-2003, 01:18 PM
I won't flame either of you...I too have rescued...and quite honestly it was families that let go of their pets in my area. I was overrun with senior horses and ponies here for a while!

I know college students and military personnel who plan ahead and take care of their pets needs.

I have discovered that it is where your rescue is located logistically that has to do with what you see coming through and from where they come from.

Live in a college or military area and you will see them come in from college and military people.

Live in a rural area like me and you see them come in from farm families.

Live in a city and see them come in from city folks.

Live in an affluent area and see them come in when they don't match the decore anymore.

In my humble opinion you can not make across the board generalizations about who should and who should not have pets.

All kinds of people in all kinds of situations give up their pets. If we start to judge by where they work, or live or by the type of job they have... the next thing you know it would be narrowed down to only 'single females with red hair' can have a pet...understand where I am going with this?

The BEST that we can do is educate, educate, and oh! Did I mention, EDUCATE!

Teaching people from all locations and all walks of life that companion animals are a life time commitment is the answer.

Dakota's Mommy
03-18-2003, 02:07 PM
But please...don't take your frustrations out on those who serve, they cannot change the policies...they need our support as a nation regardless of how we feel about policy.
Thank you, this was very well put. I know that Brian has wondered when they get back how people are going to treat him for being one of those soldiers over there. I hope that most of the people out there will look at it the way that you and I do. Thank you for your support and for voicing this point. It means a lot to us military families!

Okay, now I'm not really trying to start any fights here, but I do have a problem with a comment made. I understand that you are free to your opinions. The only problem is that I felt offended when a generalization was made in one of the recent comments. I have a right to voice this opinion and my feelings too. I understand that unfortunately most military do not plan ahead with animals or do the responsible thing. However, I do not feel that it should stop the rest of us responsible military families to have pets. Brian is active duty army and has been for almost 4 years now. After we got here and got our military housing, we got our first pup. We now have three. Those are our babies. Nothing would ever stop us from taking those girls with us whereever we go. Some of us are responsible. Our oldest 2 are spayed, but Sierra still has to be about 3 1/2 months older before they'll do it around here. We do keep them in the house, we do play with them daily, and we do care very good care of them. The generalization was made that military should not be aloud pets. That deeply offends me. I did nothing wrong and I was included in that generalization. Many of my friends around here are the same as me. We are the responsible ones. Please do not generalize us, just as you may not want to be generalized or discriminated against. NOT ALL OF US ARE IRRESPONSIBLE! Oh yeah, Brian is being deployed but I will be taking care of our babies, we did plan that way ahead, infact, when we got them!

Oh yeah, I'd also again like to thank Anakins Mom for everything you've said on here. There's no way that I could have said any of that any better, thank you!

Anakins mom
03-18-2003, 02:49 PM
You are welcome Dakota's Mommy. :)

Keep the Faith Dakota's Mommy!

My cousin has been deployed too and I suspect it may not be long before my son is.

I'm here for you! :)

My cousin is the captain of an army transportation division.

Her parting words to us (the families) was that the most important thing we could do for them (the deployed) was to stick together and support each other while they are away.

I too pray our nation's people will keep separate our leaders policies from those who serve. I have two Vietnam vets in my family and I saw first hand what the hatred of a generation did to them when they returned home.