View Full Version : One of my special humans needs prayers

02-25-2003, 08:23 AM
For those not on the Prayer Pawtrol....

Kia here. I need some prayers for someone very special to me.

Mommee's Daddy had chest pains on Sunday and went to see the Hooman white coats. They did lots of tests and plugged him into a machine and said that he's got a blockage in his heart. :(

Mommee and I are reeeeelly worried but the white coats said he should make a full recovery.

Uh oh! Mommee's eyes are leaking again. I gotta go and lick them away and tell her it'll be okay.

Mommee is lucky. She gets to visit him today. I hafta stay home. :(

Thanks for the prayers.

Licks and Tail Wags,

And Mommy

02-25-2003, 09:00 AM
Special prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Sorry your dad is ill.

02-25-2003, 09:41 AM
Kimmy, your father will be in my thoughts. Hopefully, the white coats will be right on the money and he will make a full recovery in no time.

Keep us updated!

02-25-2003, 09:50 AM
Best wishes and prayers for you dad's full and quick recovery are on their way.

02-25-2003, 10:14 AM

Prayers coming your way for your mama and grandpa. I'm sorry about your grandpa and hope he pulls through.

Tell mommy and me and Eli are here and to call if she needs anything.

With lots of love, purrs and kisses to both of you.

Donna and Eli

02-25-2003, 10:41 AM
Oh, Kimmy, I am so sorry to hear about your father. I will keep him in my thoughts & prayers.:) ;)

02-25-2003, 11:55 AM
What a wonderful pet to come one here and ask for prayers.

I will keep you and your father in my prayers.

02-25-2003, 01:38 PM
Great news!!!!

Just got back from the hospital and Dad's okay! He had what they call a false positive. They thought they saw a blockage with the dye they inject into you but when they went in with a camera this morning, there was no blockage. His heart is strong and healthy. :D

He's not out of the woods totally as his chest pains are a mystery but he gets to go home today. :)

Thanks for all your prayers. :)

Kia sends licks and tail wags.

02-25-2003, 01:40 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your father Kim, but then again, its a blessing that with today's technology, heart problems are easily treatable. Don't worry. Hopefully everything will be alright. My aunt had 3 major blockages 2 years ago and suffered from a heart attack. We were extremely worried and thought she wouldn't make it, but with faith in God and lots of prayers, she did. She had an open heart surgery and thank God, she's been just fine for 2 years now after the operation. :D

Edit: YAY! Congrats!

02-25-2003, 01:59 PM
Your dad is in my prayers Kimmy !

02-25-2003, 02:52 PM
praying that all goes well :)

02-25-2003, 03:02 PM
Holding your Dad in my Prayers Kim - and sending {{{Hugs}}} across the miles for yuou and Kia xxx


02-25-2003, 04:36 PM
Your dad will be included in my prayers tonight.

02-25-2003, 04:47 PM
Sending prayers your way. Glad there was no blockage...that's good news! :)

02-26-2003, 10:01 AM
Dad is home resting with Kia at his side. :)

He can't work, drive, or do any heavy lifting until Monday.

Kia just covered dad with kisses when she saw him last night. :D

And he was just as happy to see her. :)

02-26-2003, 01:55 PM

I'm so glad to hear your Dad is doing better. The best place for him to rest is in his own home in his own bed. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me.

02-26-2003, 03:59 PM
I"m so glad to hear your dad is feeling better!!!
We'll keep him in our thoughts anyway, but great news!!!

02-27-2003, 12:35 AM
So glad to know your dad is doing better!!! :)

Dakota's Mommy
02-27-2003, 01:37 PM
Sorry to hear about what is going on! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers and I hope that everything works out okay!

02-27-2003, 02:08 PM
We got the news yesterday that my Dad's father passed away. So my parents will be making the trip to Tampa, Florida on Saturday.

Please pray that their trip there is a safe one. :)
