View Full Version : What do you think? (Please read)

Desert Arabian
02-24-2003, 10:03 PM
Do you think this is appropriate for school, 9th grade to be exact?:

In English class we are reading the book "Hiroshima" by John Hersey, and learning about the atomic bomb etc. (in English class!??). Out of nowhere she assigns us a paper: Your first date and going steady. We were supposed to write about our first date: Who asked who out, what did you do during the date, who broke up with who, and what we thought it meant to "go steady". Not only that, but we had to READ IT OUT LOUD IN FRONT OF THE CLASS-OF WHICH THERE ARE 6 GIRLS AND 12 BOYS. YEAH RIGHT!! Right away when she said that, me and three other girls said we refused to read it out loud because it is none of her $&@& (or the class's) business. She told us "Well, that's your problem. If you don't read it, you get an F." Of course some boys made fun of us- but I ignored it.

We (the girls) were outraged at the assignment in general, and the fact that you get an F if you don't read it out loud. So....we went to the principal's office. The principal wasn't in, so we talked to her secretary. We told her the whole ordeal and she herself said that the assignment was inappropriate for school and had nothing to do with Hiroshima. She gave us a pass back to class and told us she'd call up to the English room and tell the teacher we were excused from reading the "assignment". When we got back the teacher was in a foul mood, and said OUT LOUD to the class "Oh, look who just got back from tattling about the assignment to the principal."

Some of the boys read their stories out loud-all of which were fake. One boy wrote in his story "She was wearing a pink see-through bikini." When he got done reading his story, she made him go back to that part and go into great detail about the bikini i.e what did she look like in it, what was it made out of, etc. That just sickened all of us. She has treated me and the other girls like "junk" ever since.

What do you make out of this ordeal? Am I over reacting, or would you have done this too? This has been bugging me for a couple of days now. Thanks for any replies!!

P.S. She is a widow, and is in her late 50's/60's, and smells up the room, and is EXTREMELY senile. She is the worst teacher I have ever had. She teaches us nothing, and gets WAY off track. Retirment is scribbled all over her forehead. (Please-no offense, but it is all 100% true!No joke! Ask my mom!). Usually, I would NEVER NEVER say anything like this about a teacher...I have high respect for teachers.

02-24-2003, 10:17 PM
I think your english class is not the place for open discussion of your personal life, or in any other educational classroom.

I do not know what your english teacher was doing giving that assignment. :confused:

I hope the refusal by some of her students, and being talked to by administration personnel, gives the teacher second thoughts about giving other simular assignments. :mad:

02-24-2003, 10:23 PM
What a jerky teacher! No, I don't think its appropriate for an English class. Maybe a speech class, but not an English class. :rolleyes: And the fact that she made the guy describe that bikini part disgusts me without even hearing it! That is just so wrong! The boy is weird he wrote that in the first place! :o

02-24-2003, 10:23 PM
Doesn't sound very appropriate to me. I would discuss this with your parents and get their opinion. They'd know best if you were overreacting, but it doesn't sound right to me.

02-24-2003, 10:28 PM
I would write a formal letter to the principal, and have the other girls, and your parents, to sign it. It does not, from your description, sound like an appropriate assignment, or appropriate behavior.

02-24-2003, 11:29 PM
That does not sound like an appropriate assignment at all, and has nothing to do with the subject. I personally, would also refuse to do it and definitely refuse to read it out loud. She has no right to give you an F. I've argued with several teachers about stupid assignments and problems also (like trying to give the entire class an F because they were screwing around/being loud....I didn't deserve an F, I was sitting there, absolutely silent) I commend you for having the courage to talk to the principal.

p.s. If it were me I couldn't do the assignment anyway...lol...I've never been on a date!

p.s.s. Maybe it's an English teacher thing?? I only had one English teacher I actually liked! The rest were nutty! Don't get me started on MY 9th grade english teacher! :eek:

02-25-2003, 12:13 AM
First, I want to defend English teachers :p Seeing as how that is my prospective career! Lol!!

Ok.. now on to the more important thing. That behaviour is totally inappropriate (the teacher, not you or the other girls). Honestly, I think this is something that should be taken out of the school (perhaps the school board??). The principal is really in a dilemma - staff or students? And, most likely from what you've said, the teacher's version won't match what really happened. Also, with all those boys getting A's for reading their work - are they honestly going to speak up? I doubt it.

No student should have to divulge information that they don't feel is appropriate. I don't think I would have even written the composition - like I want my old hag of a teacher knowing what my first date was like. Not only that, what about the kids who haven't dated yet? She's practically inviting students to be excluded. She is totally in the wrong for forcing everyone to write about such a presonal topic, let alone make people read it out loud. I've never read the novel, so I can't say whether I think the topic is relevant or not, but there are so many other things she could have assigned. For example, write a short story about a teen's first date, partner up and write a short skit about the first date experience, something like that. In those two options, students can draw on their own experience if they want, but they can totally make it up too, and no one would ever really know. It's the whole "distance-far" thing (a teacher term I learned in an Education class).. teachers should always make an assignment so that the narrator can by annonymous (sp???). The assignment should relate to something the students can indentify with (ex - probably shouldn't ask students to write about the pain of wearing dentures; chances are most won't know anything about it) BUT it should be structured in such a way that the student does not have to personally involve him or herself if they choose not to.

This situation makes me so angry :mad:

02-25-2003, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q

p.s. If it were me I couldn't do the assignment anyway...lol...I've never been on a date!

Same here! What tells your teacher all teens go on dates and I believe that is a really dumb and inappropriate thing to write on for an English paper! :eek: If my teacher told me to do that, I would definitely complain! Ewww! I can't imagine what some weirdos could've written with that pathetic topic!

02-25-2003, 12:47 AM
I agree that it really has nothing to do with your assignment. I don't think you should have to divulge personal info in class either. She should have an alternate assignment for those that don't want to do it. Definately pursue it, by a formal letter or talking the the principal or school board.

02-25-2003, 10:42 AM
Ok this stupid (yes stupid!) :mad: teacher of yours needs to be fired. In a way she is acting sexually in class, sort of abusing, in a sexual way kids by making them listen to the boy who had to tell about how the girl looked in the bakini, how he felt etc. It sounds like the next thing she is going to do is ask him about the first time he had sex!!!:mad: That is wrong! You better believe that if Dylan EVER had a teacher like that, I would go straight to the board and complain, and also call the police. She is abusing kids in a sexual way by talking about sex etc. This is a discussion NOT for the classroom! She does sound like a wacko!

I think you should print out all of these replies and send them to the board!:mad:

02-25-2003, 11:13 AM
That's very sad and disgusting. Seems like your teacher thrived on those perverted comments. Don't let it pass! Have your parents call your principal and spread the word, a person like this should not be allowed to teach impressionable young minds. That's disgusting and terrible for you to have to endure!

However, I think it's alright to read about Hiroshima, especially in such a high grade as the 9th. But history class would probably be more appropriate for that though.

Best of luck to you :)

02-25-2003, 11:58 AM
In my opinion, it is highly inappropriate. I would do what I can (letters to the principal and school board or whatever) to make sure that you and the others do not get the F, and that something like this doesn't happen again.
Then I would switch classes.

02-25-2003, 12:05 PM
instead of going off half cocked-did you ask if there was an alternate assignment?

when i found an assignment that was not palatable i asked the
teach if there was something I could do for the same credit.....

it ususally worked.

02-25-2003, 12:41 PM
Good thought Richard.

I do think, based on the information given (and I'm not questioning you!! lol), that the assignment is not exactly appropriate. I understand that the teacher was probably giving and assignment that he/she thought the students would have fun with, but it seems to have backfired. I know at our school if a parent thinks an assignment is unfair, they usually first call the teacher in question to get an explanation and then if they are not satisfied they contact the principal.

02-25-2003, 12:46 PM
Now we have towright a love letter and for our Romeo and Juliet section and I thought that was bad. I admire your excellent stand up for what you belive is right, I would have done the same thing and I the teacher said "Oh, look who just got back from tattling about the assignment to the principal." I think she needs to be retire before she gets Fired!

02-25-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Ok this stupid (yes stupid!) :mad: teacher of yours needs to be fired. In a way she is acting sexually in class, sort of abusing, in a sexual way kids by making them listen to the boy who had to tell about how the girl looked in the bakini, how he felt etc. It sounds like the next thing she is going to do is ask him about the first time he had sex!!!:mad: That is wrong! You better believe that if Dylan EVER had a teacher like that, I would go straight to the board and complain, and also call the police. She is abusing kids in a sexual way by talking about sex etc. This is a discussion NOT for the classroom! She does sound like a wacko!

I think you should print out all of these replies and send them to the board!:mad:

Agreed! Insane teacher! :rolleyes: I HATE and I repeat HATE the writing assignments I have to do on love stories! I can't even imagine your assignment YLL! Gosh, I hate love stories all together. Why do people have to write these things, and even if they did, why are we forced to read them at school??? We're not gaining anything by reading them. Just learning how weird people's minds are. :rolleyes:

Desert Arabian
02-25-2003, 03:19 PM
Let's see, to clear up a couple of questions:

Yes, there was an alternative assignment- that she told us about AFTER we talked to the secretary. And by that point, I already finshed the dating assignment.

She also made us read this packet about going steady. To tell you the truth I haven't gone out with anybody either because a) they are so pervered and so immature at this age b) half are all pot heads c) I'm not into dating right nowd) the list goes on.

My mom did write a letter to the teacher- but I didn't give it to her, because we went to the principal instead. If I just gave her my letter, only I would be excused, and my friends would have to read. This way, if we told the principal, we would all be excused and the fact that an old perverted bag is teaching English, would be brought to her attention. If I find the letter my mom wrote I will post it on here, I can't find it right now.

I'll have to see what my mom says about going to the Board...sounds good to me!! ;) :D Thank you all for all the comments too, by the way.

02-25-2003, 04:07 PM
Wow, I am shocked that an adult would assign something like this. It does should like she has her own agenda...whatever it may be.

Glad you and your parents are taking action.

Re: Hiroshima in an English class. I actually think this is a good idea, you are much more open to other opinions in this setting. Are you getting a lot from that book?

Dakota's Mommy
02-27-2003, 02:25 PM
Personally, I don't feel this topic is appropriate for an English class, or any class in school. I'm shocked that it was a teachers idea. Personally, I'd go to try to get through and talk to the principal. If he doesn't take it any further to make this teacher understand that it's not appropriate, I would go to your parents and the parents of other students, especially the girls who also didn't agree with the assignment and maybe they can go even higher by taking the situation to a board meeting. I just can't believe you were put in such a situation by a teacher and really think something needs to be done to make this teacher realize that that is not the place for such topics!