View Full Version : Bladder infection

02-23-2003, 10:16 AM
First, we did take Ritz to the vet before doing anything else. In fact, because she was in some pain, and tried to pee about 6 times with no results, I feared she was blocked so we took her to the emergency all night clinic in the next largest town.

They had another bigger emergency, and although they did look at Ritz, I'm concerned that they gave her a thorough enough exam. They didn't exray, only tried to express her bladder which was empty....perhaps exrays don't tell much in this condition. We've had her there before and they were very good, albeit 50 miles away.

I do plan on addressing this issue with her regular vet, but if any of you could lend some insight, I'd be thankful.

She was diagnosed with a bladder infection - they tried to express her bladder, but it was empty. Apparently it is infected and inflamed, and that is causing her to think she has to go to the bathroom when she really doesn't. They gave her two prescriptions, 1.5 ML of Clavamox (antibiotic) twice daily for 10 days and 1ml of Interferon, twice daily (the latter is on 7 days, off 7, and on again).

While she acts otherwise like she feels pretty good and isn't crying in pain after peeing anymore, she still sits in her litter for 10 minutes or so at a time and visits the litterbox regularly to do so. Normally, she pees about twice a day and poops about once or twice (morning, evening)

She's been on the medication now since last Thursday morning....but still visits the litterbox frequently and sits there for a long time, usually only one will result in a normal pee amount, the rest of the times just little drops. She also spends a good deal of time licking herself after, like it itches or something.

WE are keeping the litter clean and fresh water...

How long should the treatment take for her to be back to her old self? I know she isn't comfortable...but should I be worried about other causes? She had one of these earlier in her life, right before being spayed, and bounced back very quickly with the treatment...this time it seems to be taking a bit longer...

I will be contacting my regular vet for a refill of the Clavamox, per the instructions, but any experience with a kitty with bladder infections will be helpful.

right now she is spending so much time in the litterbox I feel like I should give her a newspaper to read :rolleyes:

02-23-2003, 10:40 AM
Oh Ritzy girl, we know what bladder infections are about! :( Poor you!

tuxluvr, As you probably know, Fister had bladder problems several times and I remember he also got the first pills you mentioned. As far as I remember, it only took a few days before you could tell that they worked.

I hope Ritzy will get better in a few days - and stay that way!! :) We'll be keeping fingers and paws crossed here!

Hugs and nosekisses from us all.

I found a link you should have a look at. This below is from that site.


Cystitis and urolithiasis are common in both male and female PBP. Signs include frequent urination or straining to urinate. Urinalysis, urine culture, complete blood count, serum chemistry, radiography, and ultrasound are important diagnostic aids. A sterile urine sample for culture can be obtained via cystocentesis. Cystitis without triple phoshate crystalluria should respond to extended antibacterial therapy based on in vitro sensitivity testing. Acidification of the urine may also help minimize recurrence of infection. Nephritis can occur after cystitis as an ascending infection. Leptospirosis may be a primary cause of nephritis. Increased BUN and creatinine values may aid in the diagnosis of nephritis and kidney failure. Routine vaccination for six leptospira serovars is recommended because such multivalent bacterins include Leptospira bratislava and Leptospira pomona , the most common types infecting domestic commercial swine. Vaccination may possibly reduce renal shedding of leptospires should a PBP become chronically infected and, therefore, minimize transmission of this zoonotic disease.

In a PBP that is straining and unable to urinate, the bladder size should be reduced immediately by cystocentesis after sedation and radiography (plain or contrast) or ultrasonography to evaluate the location of the urethral or bladder stones. If the blockage is in the urethra, cystotomy is recommended (both sexes) to identify and remove calculi in all possible locations. Calculi in the male urethra may be removed by cutting through the sheath to expose the distal penis, catheterizing the urethra, and backflushing into the bladder. Calculi that cannot be removed by this method must be surgically removed by incising the urethra at the location of the blockage. Suturing of the urethra is followed by cystotomy and inspection for more calculi. The bladder is then closed, and a Foley catheter is inserted into the bladder and marsupialized to the abdominal wall to accommodate the flow of urine while the urethra heals. Several days later, the Foley catheter is occluded, and the urethra is inspected to determine if it is patent and allowing flow of urine; if not, the Foley catheter is opened again, and the process is repeated several days later. When the urethra becomes patent, the Foley catheter is removed, and the drainage site allowed to granulate closed. Although the female urethra is short, blockage can still occur. Because urethral catheterization is difficult, a Foley catheter is inserted into the vagina and inflated, and a purse-string suture is placed at the vulva. Retrograde flushing through the urethral opening in the vaginal floor is attempted. A cystotomy is then performed to remove all possible stones or calculi, followed by routine closure of the bladder. Marsupializing the bladder may not be necessary. Further treatment includes antibiotic therapy and acidification of the urine. Despite these efforts, some affected PBP do not recover and require euthanasia. Perineal urethrostomies are usually only temporarily successful because the surgical site becomes occluded by amorphous material or urethral polyps, and patency cannot be reestablished. However, surgical methods have been described to correct failed perineal urethrostomies in PBP. Rupture of the bladder is a grave complication because normal bladder tone may not return even after stones have been removed and the bladder has been surgically repaired.

Psychogenic water consumption should be considered in PBP with polydipsia and polyuria. PBP may develop a habit of drinking water and urinating frequently because of possible boredom or unknown causes. Cystitis and crystalluria should be eliminated as differential diagnoses. Measuring urine specific gravity before and after a 12-hr water fast will demonstrate if the affected PBP is able to concentrate urine. Ability to concentrate urine indicates normal kidney function and helps rule out diabetes insipidus. Estimating the daily water intake and urine output will further aid the diagnosis of psychogenic water intake or establish that water consumption and urination are in fact normal. Relieving boredom may be helpful to change this behavior. If water is restricted and offered only with meals, care must be taken to prevent salt toxicity.

02-23-2003, 10:50 AM
Poor Ritzy,
I must admit that it sounds like a bladder infection. It seems to be not so different between cats and humans. So the antibiotics should help! I wish you a speedy recovery.

02-23-2003, 10:51 AM
Wow! Randi, thanks for the info. yes, I do recall that our dear Fister had all kinds of bladder problems. I've heard that males become blocked more frequently, but that females can be too...

also it's interesting the part about "boredom". The first time Ritz had one of these, the vet said they are often caused by stress - at the time she was going through her first heat, and the vet felt that was likely the cause. This was the time that the vet told us that black and white kitties, particularly Tuxedos, are a bit more highly strung and "tightly wound" than other kitties, and that she may be prone to them throughout her life.

That was 2 1/2 years ago and there has been no recurrence until a few nights ago. We play with her regularly, so I don't think it's boredom...but who knows what a cat thinks? :)

We remain on "litter patrol" for the time being she's eating well, drinking water and eliminating other waste without problems, so time will tell.....thanks again for the input.

02-23-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Barbara
Poor Ritzy,
I must admit that it sounds like a bladder infection. It seems to be not so different between cats and humans. So the antibiotics should help! I wish you a speedy recovery.

I know what you mean - I've had one myself and can completely relate, perhaps that is why I'm so concerned, because I remember how miserable i was during my own.

02-23-2003, 05:10 PM
Prayers are on the way for Ritzy to have a speedy recovery. I sure hope it's nothing more serious. It seems like there's been too much saddness here on Pet Talk recently.

02-24-2003, 06:27 AM
KAK, I know what you mean,and so kind of you to say, given your recent loss - by comparison this is minor.

I am going to call the regular vet this morning - she is not as lively as usual (tries to play, but it just makes her have to go)

She is eating, drinking, eliminating solid waste...just peeing very lightly and sits on the litterbox constantly.....she's been on the antibiotics for 4 full days now, and I keep thinking it ought to be a bit better.

They didn't do any bloodwork or xrays during her emergency visit...I think with all the recent kitty losses on pettalk I'm a little paranoid, but I hate to see her uncomfortable.

02-24-2003, 08:46 AM
poor Ritzy, you beautiful girl!
I hope you are feeling better very soon!

02-24-2003, 10:53 AM
Good morning,

You are right about the anti-biotics. If Ritzy has been on them for 4 days already you should have noticed a marked improvement in the problem. She may have a resistant form of the infection. BTW, a x-ray will not show a bladder infection but the blood work would indicate an infection (by an increased white blood cell count), but they can also grow a culture from a urine sample.

When I first got Emily we had many many problems with bladder infections. We started with the Clavamox, but later moved on to stronger antibiotics. The vet did run a culture on Emily and found out that it was resistent. So you might want to ask for a different antibiotic or if they will take a culture from Ritzy.

02-24-2003, 11:23 AM
Yes, I know all about bladder infections. Speckles has been through about 5 of them.

Her last bout was Nov 2001 and she was put on Baytril, but it took about a week before I noticed any improvement and it was all of a sudden. One day she was straining, and the next day, boom, all gone.

When she got her first bouts of bladder infections it was right after I adopted her and with Max constantly after her, I believe it was stress-related. She, too, would sit in the litter box for long periods of time. After a while, she just laid down in there and I guess she figured, why leave, when I'll just have to come back again. After that I put her on filtered water only and that seemed to help. While I've heard that cranberry extract can help, I did not try it.

I agree with Emily_the_spoiled in that you should ask you vet for a culture and blood work. I did when Speckles first got sick and a culture was able to determine which antibiotic would work the best. Take note that antibiotics gave Speckles diarrhea so don't be alarmed if Emily's stool becomes soft with the meds.

Good luck. Love and prayers on the way for a speedy recovery.

02-24-2003, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by slick
Yes, I know all about bladder infections. Speckles has been through about 5 of them.

I agree with Emily_the_spoiled in that you should ask you vet for a culture and blood work. I did when Speckles first got sick and a culture was able to determine which antibiotic would work the best. Take note that antibiotics gave Speckles diarrhea so don't be alarmed if Emily's stool becomes soft with the meds.

Good luck. Love and prayers on the way for a speedy recovery.

Emily, Slick - thanks for your informative experience. The vet did say that any antibiotics can affect the digestion a bit and I've noticed that, while her stool is still relatively firm, it is a lot softer than usual, so I appreciate that insight - I assumed from what the vet said that it was due to this new addition to her diet. Her appetite has been otherwise normal and she isn't hesitant to drink water. I smiled when i read your post because Ritz looks like she is about to fall asleep in the litter box - each"sitting" is 5 minutes or longer.

Ritzy does not get ANYTHING from us but Iams dry cat food and water - we don't feed treats or scraps, so I'm confident that her diet isn't the cause, unless the current cat food is the culprit.

I've heard that this is most commonly caused by stress, and am trying to figure out what has stressed her out. We don't have other pets. About the only thing i can think of is a pack of stray dogs were dumped near our house and they come nosing around the back window, which makes Ritz angry. She is not let outdoors at all.

Her regular vet wants to see her this afternoon, so we should hopefully know more.

Thanks again - all this information is VERY helpful!
Ritzy's mommy

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-24-2003, 11:57 AM
I'm glad you're checking back with the vet today. A few weeks ago when Tubby had his bladder infection, I realized there was a problem because he, too, was just sitting in the litter box - which he had never done before. I took him to the vet first thing in the morning, and gave him his first antibiotic pill when we got back home - about 9:30 am or so. By the time I got home that evening I could already tell he was getting better. He was not licking himself anymore (like Ritzy is licking) and he was slepping well instead of wandering back and forth between the litter boxes and trying to pee. By the time I got home the second day, he was pretty much back to normal. He was still peeing less and more frequently, but he was acting completely normal - down to the dinnertime begging routine.

So now that it's day 5 for Ritzy, I would definitely be worried that she hasn't shown more sign of improvement. I don't remember the name of the antibiotic Tubby was on, but I can call and ask them if you would like.

I've heard that cats lick when they are in pain, which would explain why she's licking herself more, but as much as I hate to say it, it's possible this is more than just a bladder infection if it hasn't started clearing up by now. Maybe she just needs a different kind of antibiotic.

I'm absolutely, positively praying and sending positive thoughts for dear Ritzy. She - and we all here at PT - really need her to get well! :(

02-24-2003, 12:45 PM
thanks - as you know the vet visits are no picnic with this one, but this is really important. I timed her this morning, she sat on the litter box for 5 MINUTES - it did produce a little more pee than recently, but poor kitty...to have to sit and sit and sit..

She is SUCH a good girl taking her medicine though! I can't get over the fact that she is so difficult at the vets and we can do just about ANYTHING and she doesn't complain. She takes her medicine, doesn't squirm or anything...she lets us examine her hiney and clean it if need be (just with a clean tissue lint free tissue)....she is so trusting of us and won't let the vets get near her.

I just hope the vet sedates her so they can get a decent exam - so often they seem anxious to get her out of thei roffice because she is so crabby.

02-24-2003, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
... This was the time that the vet told us that black and white kitties, particularly Tuxedos, are a bit more highly strung and "tightly wound" than other kitties, and that she may be prone to them throughout her life...

LOL My vet said this too, about tuxedo kitties. That explains Scooter's odd behavior! :rolleyes:

Poor Ritz. What a pain in the butt (pardon the pun) for her to go through that! I too, have had a lot of experience dealing with Scooter and UTI.

Was Ritz checked out for 'crystals'?? I know it's more common for this to be a problem in male cats, but I'm assuming that female cats can have this sort of thing happen too. We have fed our cats Iams in the past, but ended up switching over to Nutro and Science Diet. Have you tried either of these? Sometimes the ash in cat food can cause problems, but I thought Iams was pretty good about it. Maybe compare Iams, Nutro and/or Science Diet for ash content and go with whichever one is lowest. It's worth a shot if this persists.

Scooter was given some sort of pink creamy lookin anti-biotic for one of his infections, and it seemed to work. I can't remember the name of it. When the pain was really bad, we were actually given a shot to administer for the pain! :eek: Poor Scooter, but it really seemed to work.
Just like Ritz, Scooter is a difficult patient at the vet, so hopefully the stress of going doesn't make things worse. Poor thing! I also wonder if the presence of the dogs is what triggered this thing.

Poor girl! I sure hope she feels better soon! Do let us know what the vet says and how she's doing! She's one of my favorites! ;)

02-24-2003, 01:42 PM
You know, Karen, I was thinking of looking into other cat food. Iams is pretty good and I think they have a version that is "urinary health" happy-she's currently on the regular type of Iams....could be that as she ages, her system may be different. But it's a good point.

The vet at the emergency clinic wanted to do a urinalysis to look for crystals, but since her bladder was empty, they couldn't get anything out..so who knows if she had crystals or not? They manages to squeeze her and make her more ouchee....That kind of bugged me, but they had another serious surgery emergency and it was late at night (so hard to know if you are getting a good diagnosis in these conditions).

I was relieved that she wasn't blocked (which I know is more common on male cats), but don't think we really got to the bottom ($215 later...I kind of expected to at LEAST get a blood test for this amount)

Will keep all of you posted, will be getting out the porta-prison soon...wish us all luck!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-24-2003, 02:26 PM
Ritzy, be a good girl and let your mommy get you in the nice comfy wonderfully spacias kitty hideaway (don't want to call it a port-o-prison when you want to get her into it ;) :) ), and be nice to the vet too. They are only trying to help you, so let them do that and then you can bring your wonderful Ritzy attitude back.

Good luck at the vet, and if they aren't doing what you think should be done (sedating her to take tests, etc), insist on it and don't take no for an answer.

Fingers, paws and tails crossed that she will be ok.

02-24-2003, 02:35 PM
Good Luck Ritzy and Tuxluvr! I hope things go well at the vet and that Ritzy can start feeling better!

02-24-2003, 03:14 PM
How's it going Ritzy? Feeling any better? We hope so! ;)

02-24-2003, 03:41 PM
Oh poor Ritzy - I know what it feels like to have a human bladder infection - it isn't much fun is it, always feeling like you need to pee but then nothing happens.

Tuxluvr - I know from personal experience that at least for humans, cranberry juice is a miracle cure when it comes to bladder infections. Now this is total hearsay, so please confirm this with a vet, but I know someone who has given his kitties powdered cranberries and this fixed their infections. Like I said - discuss this with a vet since some human cures are bad for other animals.

Good luck Ritzy - hope you feel better soon.

02-24-2003, 03:58 PM
Well, we are back from the vets. She was her usual cantankerous self, but I will say they were able to take her temperature (which is normal), which is actually saying a lot....he still had to do everything with a towel over top of her...but he spent a lot more time listening and feeling... under great protest from ms Ritz, but he's used to it.

Here is what he did. He is familiar with her history. He did not do blood work yet. About an hour before I took her, she actually peed a pretty decent amount two times in an hour....not as much as normal still, but a lot more than she has been....which is a good sign. Knowing this, he said he wanted to give the antibiotics a chance to do their work.

He switched her from Clavamox to another antibiotic. He said that his experience has been that Clavamox doesn't always attack the stubborn infections as well, so that is the plan. He wants me to watch her over the next 2-3 days and call him back with a progress report on Friday morning. If she still is sitting and straining, they want her to come back in for a day under mild sedation to do a full battery of tests, including full blood work---specifically looking for stones in the bladder. Fortunately, I'm doing work from home this week so I can keep a close eye and stay on "litter watch"

Since she is otherwise active, eating, playful (to a point) and not having other problems, he felt he wanted to give the antibiotics a full chance to do their work. He is a very good vet and we have used him foryears - I've been pleased and do trust him, the only down side is that he doesn't have any emergency hours and the vet 45 miles away is the only choice.

So, phase 2....keep the paws crossed, Ritz is back home and perfectly happy again....thanks again for all o fyour kind thoughts and input!

02-24-2003, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by catland
Oh poor Ritzy - I know what it feels like to have a human bladder infection - it isn't much fun is it, always feeling like you need to pee but then nothing happens.

Tuxluvr - I know from personal experience that at least for humans, cranberry juice is a miracle cure when it comes to bladder infections. Now this is total hearsay, so please confirm this with a vet, but I know someone who has given his kitties powdered cranberries and this fixed their infections. Like I said - discuss this with a vet since some human cures are bad for other animals.

Good luck Ritzy - hope you feel better soon.

Yep, I've been down the "cranberry road" myself once - it does work and those infections are miserable, so I have built in empathy for my wittle kitty cat girl :)

02-24-2003, 04:12 PM
Oh, no, a tuxie with a bladder infection!!! Poor Ms. Ritzy! I am glad you took her back, as four days seems reeeaaaallllyy long. So, let's hope this other antibiotic works! looking forward to an update. The herd sends a special message out for Happy Peeing!

Steffi N
02-24-2003, 06:13 PM
I hope this new antibiotic works and that Ritzy is soon feeling better. I'm glad she continues to stay feisty.

02-24-2003, 06:33 PM
Oh Ritzy please be good and take your meds without incident. Your meowmie will take good care of you. We all wish you good health soon!:D

02-24-2003, 11:27 PM
I sure hope that the new antibiotics work and that Ritzy makes a speedy recovery. :) Please keep us updated. Prayers are still on the way for both Wanda and Ritzy.

02-26-2003, 06:51 AM
Well, the new meds seem to be doing their job - Ritz is tearing through the house like her old self and giving daddycat a really hard time for trying to put that pill down her throat.

The new antibiotics are long pills, the only way we have been able to administer is to put them into a syringe thingy with water (per vet instructions) and let it liquify and administer like the Clavamox liquid..

We had no trouble with the Clavamox...but apparently this new stuff must taste really bad! Ritz had a look on her face like, "what in the heck are you trying to do to me!"....the ole kitty stinkeye!

She is very good about taking medicine - at least with us, so that's good. The pill is so big I don't know if we could get it down, but I think if we break it in halvies and do it that way we can avoid dissolving it and getting the "blechy face"...

She's been really rowdy! Running through the house, careening off our legs, acting a lot more like her old self. Her trips to the litterbox are still a bit more frequent than usual, but so far they have been "quick in and outs" and resulting in a little more pee.. no more sitting for 10 minutes....for a while there I thought she was going to set up camp in there!

so, finger's crossed that this progress will continue - not totally out of the woods yet, but really good signs. Thanks for all of your insight! This forum is really helpful and encouraging!

smokey the elder
02-26-2003, 07:03 AM
Smokey (the Elder) had a really nasty UTI 7 years ago. She was on Clavamox, then Baytril, then Tribrissen. Initially the vet gave me these horse pills. I was able to get smaller ones and give her more at a time. At the time you could get liver flavored treats that I can't find anymore. She would eat the pill if I put it in a kitty treat!

02-26-2003, 10:48 AM
So good to hear Ritzy is doing better.:)

Good luck with the breaking the pills in half idea, hope Ritzy likes it better that way. I haven`t had to give Ebby any kind of medication yet so I don`t know how she will be, like Ritzy I hope!

Fingers and paws crossed, prayers and positive thoughts sent for Ritzy to continue being on the up!


02-26-2003, 11:02 AM
I am glad that Ritzy is doing so much better. It sound slike you might be able to crush the pill and mix it in with her wet food (if she goes for something like that). The only words of advice I have are that if the antibiotic is Baytril they have a REALLY yucky taste and cats can smell it if you break the tablet.

Good luck and I am glad that Ritzy is doing so much better.:D

02-26-2003, 11:05 AM
Yeah!:) I'm so glad to hear that Ritzy is feeling much better now. Prayers are still on the way for a complete recovery. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by emily_the_spoiled
if the antibiotic is Baytril they have a REALLY yucky taste and cats can smell it if you break the tablet.

Ok, so I know Tubby's weird ;) :rolleyes: but if I remember right, he had the Baytril (sounds familiar) and he was supposed to take 1/2 every day. The vet tech was really nice and cut the pills in 1/2 for me before she gave them to me. The first day I was so worried - and late for work - so I just shoved it down Tubby's throat. The next day when I had more time, I checked out the pills and let him sniff it. He actually licked it, then picked it up to eat it - and I was thinking "YES! He's going to eat it!!! YES!!!" - and then he spit it out. :( :rolleyes: I was thinking maybe they had put some sort of flavoring or smell in it to make it easier to administer, but when he picked it up it must have been bitter so he spit it out again.

Anyway, I'm so glad this antibiotic seems to be working better and Ritzy is getting back to her old self. It will still be a few days before her litter box stops are completely back to normal, but it sounds like she'll be fine.

Even though it's been...what...a month now?...since Tubby's bladder infection, I still keep a close eye on him and make sure it doesn't come back. So far so good. :)

02-26-2003, 01:50 PM
So glad to hear Ritzy's on the mend. I used Baytril with Speckles and it worked OK. :D Keep it up Ritzy....we are all praying for a speedy recovery.

02-26-2003, 02:14 PM
This medicine is called "Orbax"....today is much better - she is peeing fast and a LOT MORE..so I'm hopeful this is going to do it. She is on them for another 7 days (one pill a day). I can tell she's feeling better because she's been following me all over the house, wanting to be in the same room,...she was just sticking close to the room where her litter pan sits, and she's also coming up and cuddling next to me at night, which is always a good sign that she's relaxed and comfy.

So far, so good - I'm hoping we can forego the additional tests, but will keep an eye.

I have learned, now on day 8 of "OPeration P", that my cat is much more regular than I am :):rolleyes: :eek: ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-26-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
I have learned, now on day 8 of "OPeration P", that my cat is much more regular than I am :):rolleyes: :eek: ;)

Yup, amazing what you learn about them when you follow them around non-stop. :D

02-27-2003, 03:41 AM
I'm glad to hear she is doing better!

02-28-2003, 05:01 AM
My regular vet prescribed Orbax, it has been and OrDEAL to get them down our little miss, but success so far and continuing. She is really back to her old playful rambunctious self! Have about 4 more pills to administer. Last night we crushed it to a powder and put it over a teaspoon of her kibble - she made a face, but ate it all.

She is now back to her regular pee schedule and it's just such a treat to have the old Ritzy back.

I'm a little ticked at the emergency clinic though - they didn't do anything but give her a shot - no blood work, no culture, no nothing..didn't even take her temp according to the paperwork.......other than prescribe some meds - to the tune of $215.....my regular vet did more than that and only charged $50, which included the new meds. We used the emergency vet in tha past, and they at least ran some tests for a little less than the amount.

02-28-2003, 06:07 AM
I am very glad that Ritzie is herself once again.:D

p.s. and if you don't mind I am going to steal your quote about the emergency clinic as I have my own "beef" about an emergency clinic :mad:

Miss Meow
02-28-2003, 05:28 PM
I'm so glad Ritzy is back to her usual wonderful self :) (And I'm very sorry that the emergency clinic didn't do its job - any additional time with a UTI is too uncomfortable for words :eek: )

Steffi N
02-28-2003, 06:13 PM
I'm glad to hear that Ritzy is better. :)

03-09-2003, 08:39 AM
Well, all seemed to be so well, then 3 days after she was showing so much progress, it was back to the litterbox for marathon sessions.

Friday, I took her to the vet and left her there for tests. They did a urine sample (which they said Ritzy "gave" they didn't have to go in and get it...GOOD KITTY)....

Here's the diagnosis. She has struvite crystals in her urine, A LOT apparently and her PH is neutral and should be more on the acidic side...also, the infection is still there, blood and all...and that the "ashy" crystals are probably continuing to aggravate the tissues inside the bladder

Xrays did NOT show stones, so we are still on antibiotics and have a diet change from Iams to HIll's Science Diet (gradual introduction and she seems to be taking to it well) to see if we can't get the "PH of her P" under control and eventually reduce the crystal formation...

Back to vets on the 28th for a recheck of the urine..

Meanwhile, appetite is good, otherwise is in pretty good shape - she's been a lot more cuddly lately....still playful but tires out a little faster than usual. Still straining in the litterbox, but apparently this is going to be a little longer recovery..

I'm a little frustrated that we couldn't get this diagnosis done earlier in the game, but better late than never....she's been a real trouper...I know she's uncomfortable but has taken her medicine very well.

So paws and fingers crossed that we have all the facts now and can move forward toward recovery...

In the meantime, taking donations of "Cat Fancy" magazine and Reader's Digest, or any other reading material to put in Ritzy's "powder room" so she can have something to pass the time while she "Pauses to pee"....:p :rolleyes:

03-09-2003, 08:40 AM
OH, and thanks for all of your kind words, thoughts, and prayers :) They mean a lot

03-09-2003, 09:28 AM
sorry to hear about the relapse and the lack of proper diagnosis the first time, but from personal experience, the new diet shoud do the trick!!! I had at least 4 different cats with 4 different stages of the UTI (one with bladder stones:eek: ) before I put the ENTIRE gang on Hill'sPrescription c/d food. Never even a hint of a problem since then.
p.s. I also use bottled water to cut down on the possibilities of minerals in the tap water.

03-09-2003, 11:35 AM
I am sorry to hear about the mis-diagnosis and all the problems. At least now you have a proper diagnosis and a treatment plan. Hopefully the new diet will do the trick for you.:)

Steffi N
03-09-2003, 02:11 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Ritzy is still not well, but now that she has been diagnosed properly and is on new food, I hope that everything is fine very soon. I'm glad that she is being a good girl and taking her medicine.

03-09-2003, 03:44 PM
Poor Ms. Ritzy, and the ph/p problem!! I hope the new food brings quick results.

03-09-2003, 05:25 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Ritzy's condition is more serious than you or the vet had realised. :( Since she's on a new diet and has been properly diagnosed, I sure hope that she'll make a speedy recovery and continue to remain healthy. Prayers are on the way for a complete and quick recovery.

03-09-2003, 06:35 PM
Oh poor Miss Ritzie :( I hope she can kick that UTI once and for all. I can imagine she's quite uncomfortable...poor thing :( I do hope she gets AND STAYS well soon.

03-09-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
sorry to hear about the relapse and the lack of proper diagnosis the first time, but from personal experience, the new diet shoud do the trick!!! I had at least 4 different cats with 4 different stages of the UTI (one with bladder stones:eek: ) before I put the ENTIRE gang on Hill'sPrescription c/d food. Never even a hint of a problem since then.
p.s. I also use bottled water to cut down on the possibilities of minerals in the tap water.

Jen, I asked ab out bottled water, but the vet said it shouldn't be necessary...still, couldn't hurt. He GAVE me a giant bag of the Hills Science Diet (I think as a small consolation for all of the hassles)...and she seems to like it.

Do you know, is the food just supposed to clear out the crystals that are there? I asked so many questions and i believe he told me yes...but if you have experience with this, would appreciate feedback.

I thought Iams was supposed to be good for urinary health - it says so on the bag...but the vet said that cats are like people, some are just more sensitive to things than others....so, we are going this way and will wait and see.

She' s still straining at the litterbox, but is passing urine, so she's not blocked...since the infection seems to have been there for a while, it will also probably take a while to completely shake it off. She's very inquisitive this evening...active and playful....

will keep all posted
Ritzy's mommee

03-10-2003, 01:04 PM
Awww....poor Ritz! I can imagine how uncomfortable she is. I can totally relate with Scooter and his UTIs. I can't tell you how many times we took him to the vet for the same thing. There were several times where he got tested and no crystals were found...and the last time we went, they found crystals. :rolleyes:

Scooter has been put on the same thing that Ritzy is now on, and the vet told me that he has to be on it for the rest of his life, so he doesn't get a relapse. Basically the food will not necessarily remove the crystals (that's what the meds are for...is she still taking meds?...until they pass), but this food will prevent buildup in the future. As long as she likes the food, stick with it and hopefully she'll get to feeling better soon. So far so good with Scooter. He seemed to have a major problem once every year, but it's been a couple of years since his last really bad episode and diagnoses, and we've been keeping him on the special Science Diet prescription food for urinary tract ever since. Until the infection clears up, she will probably still strain a bit, but once it clears up she should be well on her way to recovery with the food! Good luck and give her some extra cuddles for me! I hate seeing our little fur-kids have to suffer like that:(

03-10-2003, 03:11 PM
How is Ms. Ritz doing today?? I hope better...

03-10-2003, 04:33 PM
tuxluvr, no wonder if you didn't get all the info the vet told you, it can be confusing when you're in the middle of it and your cat is having a hard time. Not to mention the transport! :eek:

Hills S/D is supposed to dissolve the struvit stones and Hills C/D is supposed to prevent them. I thought of giving Fister bottled water also - as the vet said, it can't hurt! Another theory is that cats can develop UTI if they get stressed, or from lack of exersise. Could that be the case for Ritzy?

I hope Ritzy is getting better and continues to use the sand box!

Keep us posted, please. Best of luck!! :)

03-10-2003, 06:38 PM
Well, slowly but surely...keeping fingers and paws crossed...she's peeing a bit more, but still making very frequent visits to litterbox.

She's transitioned to the new food very well. The vet said if she is still straining after finishing the antibiotics (two more doses) to call him and he can put her on some milder antibiotics for another few days, but doesn't want to go overboard on the antibiotics.

Fister, I've read about the boredom and stress thing. We have playtime every day....and although she's a chunk (15 lbs), she honestly doesn't eat that much (the vet was not concerned about her weight). She is a big-framed cat. any suggestions on cat toys and things to keep her occupied are welcome, but she seems to be reasonably well adjusted and active (she makes us get up and play).

The vet did say that cats tend to gain weight more easily on this new food and we may have to work on that, but not to worry about it for now. He didn't feel it was stress related, but that's a hard one to call.

I'll keep you all posted - she's "so far so good" but not 100% yet...but she is more active the last two days than she's been so that's a good sign. I'm hoping we can correct this and put it behind us....but one more vet visit is in the offing - she seems to be handling these better than she used to, isn't afraid of her carrier any more (I got a new "soft sider)

03-10-2003, 06:54 PM
poor Ritz, and you, I know it's hard to have a sick cat. I hope she continues to get better. about the cat toys, have you tried those wand toys with a feather on the end? some of my cats just love those! or those round toys, some have mice in them, others have balls, but it never comes out, just goes round and round...Cassie and Charlie go crazy trying to get the toy out of there!

Ritzy, get better!

03-11-2003, 05:47 AM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
poor Ritz, and you, I know it's hard to have a sick cat. I hope she continues to get better. about the cat toys, have you tried those wand toys with a feather on the end? some of my cats just love those! or those round toys, some have mice in them, others have balls, but it never comes out, just goes round and round...Cassie and Charlie go crazy trying to get the toy out of there!

Ritzy, get better!

Marys...I was chuckling as I read the list of cat toys....to myself I was saying "yup, got that one, and that one, and that one too"....she did love the ball in a circle thing, but only for a short time...the feather is a new one and she does like it...that is now our evening play. I don't want her to eat it, so I put it away when we are not home or up.

It seems that she doesn't like to play "byherself" when we are home...."get the mousie" is the fav....we throw the mouse and she retrieves. It seems to be about the only play she wants to do. There is one big "mousie" that she plays with by herself, flinging it into the air.... but mostly she snubs her nose at other toys....I have one of those balls with holes in it for her to get things out of...catnip toys that she thinks stink (tries to "air bury" them)....most of which she has no interest.

I'm thinking we have spoiled this cat! Either that or she has us reallywell trained.

Last night she was exhibiting 'RCO's (random cat outbursts) or what we call "the nine-oclock crazies" where she runs through the house at warp speed for no apparent reason....so that is a GREAT sign. :)

smokey the elder
03-11-2003, 07:08 AM
Oh, Ritzy does the 9:00 crazies too? My cats did that when they were younger.

03-11-2003, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by smokey the elder
Oh, Ritzy does the 9:00 crazies too? My cats did that when they were younger. LOL Sunny does this several times a day. :D

03-11-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by tuxluvr

...Last night she was exhibiting 'RCO's (random cat outbursts) or what we call "the nine-oclock crazies" where she runs through the house at warp speed for no apparent reason....so that is a GREAT sign. :)

I can so picture it!! RCOs are quite humerous indeed. I just have to wonder what's going on in their minds, sometimes! :D

So glad that Ritz took to the food and that she's doing better.

03-11-2003, 11:26 AM
Last night's RCO consisted of Ritz, first skulking behind the patio door curtains, perusing her outdoor kingdom from indoors..then, this little black head pops out from under the curtain, leaps completely over an ottoman, rips across the living room floor and WAM, dives under the couch head first....just the butt, back legs nd tail sticking out...where she sits for a few seconds, then pops out, tears back over the ottoman, back to the curtain.

Repeat about 5 times....with that classic "wide eyed" look like she's stoned (Scooter taught her this, I'm sure) :)

They are such fun and it's so nice to see after a few weeks of lethargy

03-11-2003, 11:48 AM
I'm so glad to hear the latest news on Ritzy! Looks like it's working! :) :)

Oh, we know of the RCO too! :D But not until around 23.00 or before bedtime. Fister races around the whole flat and bangs his head into doors etc. I think he does it to adjust his energi level - he IS sleeping most of the day! He also likes to open all the cupboards he can. I guess he wants to make completely sure there's nothing in there which shouldn't be. :rolleyes:

He doesn't care much for toy mice, but pulling a string though the flat will get him going - and throwing a ball under the dresser will keep him occupied for quite a while. He'll get it out eventually, and then kick it in again ("by mistake" ;) ) just to try to catch it once more. :D

smokey the elder
03-12-2003, 07:00 AM
TicTAc has RCO's about 6 AM. He'll jump on the bureau, talk to the birds, run around the room, attack the bed monsters, etc. He's better than an alarm clock, now that I need to get my lazy bones out of bed early.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-12-2003, 10:38 AM
I miss the RCO's. They don't happen too often anymore around our house. :( Every now and then Tubby will get goofy for about 2 minutes, but then it's back to the couch. :rolleyes: :( :)

Ritzy! I'm so sorry to hear this is so much more than a simple bladder infection. :( It's good to hear you're doing well, and taking to your new food so nicely. Hopefully things are still looking up and you're still feeling better. A sickly Rizty just doesn't cut it, so get better soon sweety. :)

03-12-2003, 02:17 PM
Oh no I didn't realise this had gotten worse! Ritzy - we are all prayin' for ya!

03-12-2003, 03:15 PM
Ritzy girl,
I didn't know you were having problems, you poor thing. We're praying for a speedy recovery and that the food and lots of water will help.
Take care sweetie,
Kelly and the furkids

03-13-2003, 06:12 AM
Ritzy, prayers are being sent for a speedy recovery.

03-16-2003, 09:28 AM
How's Ms. Ritzy doing?

03-17-2003, 08:32 AM
Sorry for the delayed response - I've been traveling a lot recently and not on Pettalk as much as a result.

Ms Ritzy is back to her old stinker self! Running through the house flinging her big mousie around, chattering and just being the funny cat we all know and love!

She took to the new food WONDERFULLY and the medications finally did their job. She's only visiting the litterbox on normal time frames, and doing a quick in and out with substantial amounts of "p"...The antibiotics ran out two days ago and so far so good! Her hindquarters are clean again (she was "leaking" a lot)....good to see her back to her old self.

We still have an appointment on the 28th to re-check the "Ph of the P"...but all signs look good!

Thanks again for all of your concern, advice, insight....this is such a wonderful website!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-17-2003, 01:21 PM
It's so good to hear that Ritzy is back to her old self. Hopefully everything will stay goo and she'll get a clean bill of health of the 28th. :)

smokey the elder
03-22-2003, 08:53 AM
"...the pH of the P..." LOL!

I'm glad Ritzy feels better. UTIs are the pits.

03-22-2003, 09:04 AM
It's great to hear Ritzy is back to normal. :) :) I hope she'll stay that way!

Kisses and headbumpies
from us and Fister

03-22-2003, 12:42 PM
Glad to hear it. Way to go Ritzy. Be extra kind to your meowmie because we get stressed out when our kids are sick. She did a good job!:D

03-23-2003, 08:26 AM
Well, we are still scheduled for the test this coming Friday.

Yesterday, for some reason, we had a setback..... :( It doesn't seem too severe, because she is still urinating some, but she is back to the frequent visit and sit routine. Otherwise she is ok, and honestly, she was fine on Friday (I was home all day with her) and for the last week she seems to have been fine.

The doctor gave us some milder antibiotics to start up again in case, so we have her back on that as of yesterday, but I'm so frustrated and sad that my lil Ritz can't seem to shake this..

I'm hoping perhaps this is all part of the UTI game, and I'm sure vet will have some additional ideas on Friday....but what else is there to do? Do some cats just have to live with this condition?

I did change her to distilled water yesterday in addition to the recent food change.

She's still extremely playful and otherwise her old self...

03-23-2003, 09:43 AM
Poor Ritzy girl.

I'm so sad you're having a hard time.

You take your meds for Mommy, like a good girl.

Please feel better.

03-23-2003, 12:23 PM
I went through something very similar when I first got Emily. We spent alot of time (and money) at the vet and went through many many tests. But eventually everything has resolved itself (after many tries), so I know the same thing will happen with Ritzy. Just keep "the faith" and things will work out.

03-23-2003, 09:05 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Ritzy has had a setback. :( I sure hope that she's able to fight this infection. Now please be a good girl and take all of your meds.

03-24-2003, 06:27 AM
KAK, YOU Got the new KITTY!!! Is Cirrus the one you showed a picture of before? I've been off the computer so much lately other than email, I must have missed it....What a pretty tabby.

Ritzy takes meds very well (thankfully)....the one antibiotic was kind of a pain because it tasted so bad.

She has a little diarrhea today, I think from the antibiotics, but is eating,drinking....peeing some but still straining a lot and thinking she has to go when she doesn't.

I'm going to insist the doctor also do blood tests this friday, I don't think he's done anything but xray and urine sample so far, but since he found the struvite crystals, i think he felt certain that was the cause. The change in diet went well...

So, EmilyTS...it sounds like this ride may take longer for some kitties...I just worry about being on antibiotics for a long period of time.

Keeping watch - I'm home this week so that is good...

take care, all!

03-24-2003, 06:39 AM
Hey Ritzy -it's just as with human girls: it can take some time. We hope you're better soon:)

03-24-2003, 07:14 AM
I know that you never WANT to have yourself or anyone else on anti-biotics for longer than necessary. Unfortunately there are times when it happens. Once we got everything cleared up with Emily we haven't had any more problems, so maybe this is a one time incident for you and Ritzy...


03-24-2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
KAK, YOU Got the new KITTY!!! Is Cirrus the one you showed a picture of before? I've been off the computer so much lately other than email, I must have missed it....What a pretty tabby.

Yes, he's the one. I've had him since March 10th. If you'd like to see more pics of him I started a new thread in cat general called "New Pics Of Cirrus".

03-24-2003, 12:18 PM
Wishing continued improvement for beautiful Ritzy girl!!! Sometimes a second round of antibiotics is all that's needed to clear an infection!!!


03-25-2003, 01:29 AM
you are such a beautiful girl!
get well soon !

03-28-2003, 10:35 AM
We just got back from the vets (Ritz was royally po'ed at me because apparently she had a mouse cornered in the kitchen, which we discovered later, and I took her from all the fun) She's been talking up a storm ever since we got back home.

So, to the analysis.

The urine has no sugar...so no diabetes...
There are NO MORE CRYSTALS, nada....last time the vet said there were "wall to wall" struvite crystals..so the change of food did the trick there.

The "ph of the p" is exactly where we want it to be. YAAAY

There is still a hint of an infection, although no blood was present, which explains the recent relapse, so we are on a milder dosage of antibiotics for about another week, and also two squirts of something that will keep the tummy and intestines in better shape (she was a little runny from the antibiotics, this is some kind of "good bacteria" called "benebac" that is supposed to stabilize that issue a bit)..

So, so far so good.....MAN was she cranky this morning! At last count I think we now officially own a "Thousand dollar pussycat".....(over the 3 years, all surgeries, meds, shots, etc)...ahh, well, I don't have children to spend it on and I'm guessing that would be a lot more...

Cheers to mz ritz and the nice vet man who tolerated her "tude" through this. :)

03-28-2003, 10:46 AM
Congratulations, I am so glad that the change in diet did the trick for Ritzy. :D :D :D

Now she just has to be a good girl and finish up the last of the anti-biotics to be totally better!! But she definitely sounds like she is on the way there if she is giving you "tude" ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-28-2003, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by emily_the_spoiled
But she definitely sounds like she is on the way there if she is giving you "tude" ;)

Exactly what I was thinking. :D I'm so glad the change in food did the trick for Ritz. :) Hopefully the antibiotics will clear up the last of the infection and she'll be completely 100% back to the good ol' Ritzy we know and love. :)

03-28-2003, 11:08 AM
Great news about the diabetes and the crystals and I guess for all she's been through, she has a right to a "tude". Hugs across the line and here's hoping that she's back to normal real soon!:D

03-28-2003, 11:09 AM
Well, when we got up this morning, she was really ON about something...chattering away, pacing back and forth. We thought it was just because we had to witthold food last night because of the tests today.

Well, we found out that there was a MOUSE under the cupboard...apparently she had been stalking it all night and we had the NERVE to take her from her task!

She was her usual snarling, snorting self at the vets...he has gotten to the point that he just chuckles at her...he told me not to apologize, that she was just her "own cat" with her own ideas about things...boy, that's an understatement.

she's been begging for tummy rubs ever since she's been home. It's the least I can do :)

03-28-2003, 11:21 AM
It all sounds wonderful, I'm so happy Ritzy girl is feeling fine again! :D Keep up the exercises Ritzy, that will also help!

03-28-2003, 01:06 PM
It is such good news that Ritzy is doing well and very nearly back to normal.:) :) :) Please give her an extra belly rub from me.:D


Steffi N
03-28-2003, 08:30 PM
Great news that Ritzy is almost back to her old self. Hope she gets another chance at that mouse. Your vet has a great attitude. Seems like Ritzy girl is thanking you for taking care of her by letting you give her plenty of belly rubs. Enjoy :)

03-28-2003, 09:35 PM
Wanda this is great news. :D I'm so glad that the new food is doing the trick and that she's almost back to her old self. :) Now take all of your meds like a good girl Ritzy. :)

03-29-2003, 06:16 AM
Originally posted by Steffi N
Great news that Ritzy is almost back to her old self. Hope she gets another chance at that mouse. Your vet has a great attitude. Seems like Ritzy girl is thanking you for taking care of her by letting you give her plenty of belly rubs. Enjoy :)

You know, you make a good point - I know cats don't go "tummy up" unless there is a lot of trust. She also cuddled next to me all night, so it would seem all has been forgiven! :) She has also been on reconnaissance all morning, tracking down where she last saw Mr Mousie....(gad, I hope she gets it or I hope it's gone)

Oh, and Steffi, the kitty in your signature is beautiful!

smokey the elder
03-29-2003, 08:48 AM
Cats often fuss and fume when they have to go to the vet, get meds, etc. but I think they get over it and realize we're trying to help.

03-29-2003, 08:04 PM
Now Ms. Ritzy,

How long do you think we can put your career on hold?

The modelling season is underway, and the runways await.

All this turmoil... can it be good for the 'fur'?
One must think of one's complexion.