View Full Version : digital camera

02-22-2003, 01:56 PM
does anyone here know anything about digital cameras? theres an ad for one in the paper and i called the ppl who posted it and left a message...im just not sure if it will be good or not though....the ad says:
Jamcam blue digital camera w/software, new, $100
is that a good brand? the cheap price makes me think different...:confused:

02-22-2003, 02:07 PM
   It is probably 640x480. 640 times 480 is about 300,000. For $100 I would want 1,000,000. 1 Megapixel. I think 2 Megapixels is much better.


02-22-2003, 02:11 PM
ok, so its not very good? either way i think i will get it lol...im desperate for one :rolleyes:

02-22-2003, 02:17 PM
there is a good website: www.dpreview.com

If it's a used camera you should be able to get a 2 megapixel for 100 $ as you can get a new one these days for under 200.

You could look at ebay too.

02-22-2003, 02:20 PM
   GoGoCity has a 800k camera for $35.00 by IOMAGIC. (http://gogocity.com//product_details.asp?dept%5Fid=851&pf%5Fid=CO07DR%2DMD500) I don't know anything about this camera except that I think the camera prices are falling all the time.

   Of course my prices are US dollars.


02-22-2003, 02:23 PM
   You should go to a few websites and look at the prices. I bet you can find a much better deal.

   dpreview.com (www.dpreview.com) is a good site for reviews.


02-22-2003, 02:25 PM
ok, thanx!

02-22-2003, 04:15 PM
I don't know if you have Wal-Mart where you live, but they have 2 HP cameras. $100 1 pxl and $200 2 pxl with a 30 sec movie feature. Friends of mine have both and they are really good for the money. Costco has the best return policy:) If it breaks they give you a new one. Other stores make you deal with the mgrf. Just make sure it has removable memory so you can put it in a card reader and up load the pic's to a computer, and not use the camera batteries. Here is a site that will tell you on line prices.


02-22-2003, 04:20 PM
oooh im going to walmart lol...its a good thing its nearby :D