View Full Version : dogs in cars!

02-22-2003, 12:43 PM
Lets see how your dogs travel:)
Here is Nina and Ashlee after their run at the park.
This is at Christmas on the way to Oregon. The girls ride in the back seat of the truck.

02-22-2003, 12:58 PM
OMG!! They're SO cute!! Nina and Ashlee, you're beautiful!!Chester rides in a crate and loves it. Millie rides in a crate, too and HATES it. She screams bloody murder the WHOLE time. Millie doesn't get out much. ;)

02-22-2003, 02:53 PM
I know it is not the safest thing, but I have never crated any dog in my car. The cars both ride in the front of the pick up with me. When we all go in wither of the other cars, they have the backseat. If we ever get an SUV or mini-van I may decide to crate them cause I know it is safer, but for now, I like having them snuggle with me while I'm driving :)

Looking out the back window

Sadie in the backseat

Cincy sleeping in the car

02-22-2003, 06:11 PM
My dogs have seatbelt harnesses for short drives. If the drives are really really short, then I won't make them wear them. For longer drives, I crate them.

When I transport shelter dogs, they are usually crated, but sometimes either free or harnessed up in a seatbelt.

Reece always wants to ride on my lap but I get paranoid about accidents so I have to make him get in the back seat :( He's so funny. He can't stay conscious for longer than about 60 seconds in a car. He totally just conks out asleep.

02-22-2003, 08:17 PM
They're in my signature!!!
When it was just Kito, he was content to lay on my lap (when hubby was driving), then we got Abbey, and we had to by an SUV!! That was from a car we had while I was waiting for my CRV to come in, now we put their beds in the back and they sleep the whole way (for long trips).

Dakota's Mommy
02-24-2003, 10:46 AM
My girls get to sit in the backseat of the car and upfront in the truck. We try not to let them ride in the truck very often, but Brian does take them in it sometimes to run a quick errand or two or if he has to take them somewhere in the middle of the day while I'm at work. For our last trip, we put the backseats down in the camry and put our luggage in the very back of the trunk. The girls had the rest of the room to lay down and relax on the long trip. We might crate them if we had the room, but Destiny's crate would probably not fit in the car if it was put together and Dakota definately would not fit in there with it. Plus, there's barely a crate bit enough for Dakota, there's no way it would fit in my car! Maybe one day we'll have a cover over the truck and we can crate them with lots of comfort in the back of the truck (of course we would make it as secure and safe for them as possible! But we would never let them ride back there the way it is now, too easy for them to get hurt, try to jump out, etc., etc., etc.

02-25-2003, 01:21 PM
and see the 2 crates behind him....that's where the girls ride!
Huney has gotten a bigger kennel since this pic, so she's ok with it;)
Roxey could care less where she rides, as long as she gets to go:rolleyes:

02-26-2003, 01:00 AM
I have a two seater Del Sol and I frequently drive with the top off, so Wilma has to buckle up in her seatbelt harness. :) She actually likes it and when I got pulled over for speeding, her being buckled in saved me from getting a speeding ticket! So far, she's the only one of the dogs that even fits in my car! LOL