View Full Version : Chihuahua"s

02-20-2003, 07:02 PM
Hi all I have a question i have a Chihuahua i adopted from a shelter i look at her everyday and wonder how someone could put her in a place like that when she is so small, she used to be real mean when i first got her a year ago and then in a few days she turned around to be the sweetest dog ever :) My question is i wanted to get a playmate for her so she's not lonely during the day, do you think she will get along with another of her kind? Some people say to get a male b/c females will fight is that true? Also i am not sure how she will act b/c she is used to most of the attention i have 2 other big dogs and they play together i think she needs a buddy too any suggestions to what kind or do you think she is better off alone ? Thanks for your help, i'll attach a pic of her :)

02-20-2003, 07:05 PM
I cant beleive either how people can just put them in a place like that. grrrrrrrrrr:mad: I wanna bite em! SOME PEOPLE MAKE ME SO MAD!

but anyway... what was the question?:D lol

um it IS sometimes true... but it depends on the dogs. If you could, would it be possible to let them meet before you take them home? If it is, i would suggest this. Although i think most dogs are ussualy fine. Good luck!:D :) :D ;) :D :) :D ;)

02-20-2003, 07:06 PM
here she is :) she's my baby

02-20-2003, 07:21 PM

do you have more?????

02-20-2003, 07:38 PM

02-20-2003, 07:40 PM
awwwwwwwww she is so cute...... white ones are real rare too

02-20-2003, 08:29 PM
White ones are rare :) No wonder why i never hardly ever see a white one, i look at the mall everyday they have like 4 different ones and i really like this one its extra small but they want so much for it 1300.00 dollars thats crazy and no shelters ever rarely have any i was lucky i got her i was in the right place at the right time, where else could i look where they wouldn't be so much money?

02-21-2003, 08:27 PM
She is really adorable! Try looking for a chihuahua breeder. Do not buy one from a pet shop. Usually there puppies come from puppy mills. Or try waiting and see if another one shows up at the shelter.

02-21-2003, 09:51 PM
Try petfinder.com. You can search by your location and the breed, male or female. You should be able to find a nice pet there!:)

02-21-2003, 10:46 PM
I would try Chihuahua and small breed rescues and keep checking the shelters. Surprisingly enough, the shelters I worked at have had white Chihuahuas more than any other colors.

Most good shelters and rescues will have the dogs meet before the adoption is finalized. If the place you go to does not require that, I would still request it.

There are 3 factors to consider when introducing dogs: size, gender, and age. The more factors they have in common, the more of a chance there may be fighting. Since you want another small dog, I would concentrate on getting one with a significant age difference and/or a male. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and two females who are both small and the same age certainly may get along. It all boils down to individual personalities and circumstances.

There is a greater chance of two females fighting than two males. When females fight, the fights are much more severe and one will usually draw blood. You can relate this to high school. .. boys tend to just punch each other and be done with it whereas girls will hold grudges.

If you do decide you want another female, be sure she's an easygoing one.


Sullysmum and threemore
02-23-2003, 07:00 AM
I have had chihuahuas since 1984, Toby my first was a boy he died age nearly 16 years old in December 1998, we also had 2 girls at the same time, Sully a pup and Penny a rescue, the girls fought for top dog at first but settled down within a short while.We then got 2 more girls Fynn and then Rosie another rescue, they know who is topdog and all down the line and are all settled. Sadly Penny rescued Aug 1998 died of heart disease/water on her lungs on 11th February 2003.I love all chihuahuas but now prefer to have all girls, ( i do not breed).:)

02-23-2003, 07:27 AM
i have poodles but growing up i had a chihuahua that lived to be 21 the day we had to put her to sleep she could still see and hear it was a very sad day. i got her when i was 12 and lost her 3 days after i lost my mother i was 33 then chi-chi had hurt her back some how and had lost all control of bowels and urination plus she couldnt walk and was in severe pain took her to the vet and sd nothing could be done so i had to make a very painfull decision and i know my vet was right he cried just as hard as i did you see he had been her vet from the beginning 6wks old. after he put her to sleep he took a early and long lunch. i also went to work for him several years later and stayed with him till he retired. and still work for one of his partners. i owe her long healthy life to him. white chihuahuas are not as rare as you think we see alot of them at the clinic. chihuahuas do rule the roost.

Cisco's Mom
02-25-2003, 08:54 AM
Hey liongirl81, welcome to Pet Talk!!

I'm a big time lover of chi chi's, but I only have one male at the time. Your little girl sure is cute!:D I attached a pic. of my boy(Cisco). He is all white except for a brown spot on top of his head. I hear all the time from people that they have never seen a white chi chi. I have no experince with multiple chi's, but I have been told that it is easier to have opposite sexes and that chihuahua's prefer their own kind. Good Luck!:) :D ;)