View Full Version : Ut oh!!

02-19-2003, 07:05 PM
This morning, I gave Malone a brand new "stuffed" hoof...and tonight, it's no where to be found!! :eek: I am afraid that he swallowed it...and I don't know whether to be afraid or not. I am going to watch him *very* closely, and Mark will be home with him tomorrow. He is acting in fine form, hasn't puked, and is still eating/pooping fine. I just hope it doesn't get stuck. :eek:

02-19-2003, 07:22 PM
Probably hid it!!!!

Fingers crossed you find it - one way :D or the other (ewwwwww!):p

02-19-2003, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by captain
Probably hid it!!!!

He was in his crate, so there's not a whole lot of hiding places. :(

Fingers crossed you find it - one way :D or the other (ewwwwww!):p

*lol* thanks!!

02-19-2003, 08:09 PM
Malone will probably be fine, but if it were me (:rolleyes)
I'd probably call the vet & see what he/she says about this.

I used to give Buddy these hooves once in a while & he would
actually crunch them so hard they would splinter. I'd then have
to take it away from him. I guess some things should only be
enjoyed with supervision.

02-19-2003, 08:19 PM
I hope he's allright. :(

02-19-2003, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
I guess some things should only be
enjoyed with supervision.

I think I will call the vet in the morning...just see what they say. And if they want to do an exray or something, it will be worth it to get peace of mind. It seems like no matter WHAT I give him, he always manages to chew it up, even though it's for extra-heavy chewers. :rolleyes: I'm still looking for some bones that is safe to be left with him unattended. Mark is home with him a lot, but there are still some days (like today) that he is alone. :(

02-19-2003, 08:49 PM

I really debated whether I should post Buddy's experience
with these hooves (bones in general). I didn't want to alarm
you too much, but Bud was a hard chewer also. Does Malone
like the Kongs for chewing? Malone will probably be fine, but
I would feel very guilty if Malone became sick b/c I didn't say
something. I'm glad you're going to check with your vet, just
to be on the safe side.

02-19-2003, 09:03 PM
Hi Lizbud,

Any insight you can give is so appreciated. Yes, Malone *loves* his kongs, but they are showing lots of wear, and I am scared to leave him alone with them. I just found a catalog that sells them for much cheaper than I can get them, and I am thinking of ordering the black ones. Last time, I got the large red ones, and he has punctured them, and there is rubber that is coming off around the edge.

What else did you give Buddy to chew on while you were away. Malone gets so bored, I am constantly having to think of new things to keep him entertained. I have tried hooves, nylabones (he has those down to a science!), the knuckle bones (but I don't like to give them too often since they can cause diarrhea). The only thing he hasn't been able to chew are the marrow bones I get from the meat market. I like to melt cheese inside the marrow bone, and then freeze them. That keeps him occupied for a little while anyway. :p

02-19-2003, 09:50 PM
I hope Malone is ok, my dogs are SERIOUS chewers too!! The black kong is supposed to be stronger, we have one of each. My dogs love the nylabones though, they don't usually ruin those right away:rolleyes:
I bought these things called rhino bones--they're made by nylabone, and they're rubber---they're actually very strong--haven't been punctured yet!!
They also love big spoons (like the kind you make pasta or whatever with)--Kito used to steal them if I dropped them, so I just let him have a couple--they're pretty tough too!!
If all else fails, I give them some ice cubes, sometimes that soothes their need to chew for a while, and is totally harmless.

Good luck at the Vet tomorrow--let us know what happens!!

02-19-2003, 11:38 PM
Nebo has several of those hooves laying around in our house. There's one in his dog run, as well in his kennel.

He LOVES them and I've never worried that they would really hurt him....though I don't think I'll leave him alone with them now!

I think most of it depends on how your dog chews them. Nebo doesn't crunch them, he just slowly chews on them until they are softer....he's bitten large pieces off before, but surprisingly, he doesn't swallow them, he just spits them out.

Nebo is a killer chewer, but I guess he's not as bad as some dogs! I leave either a kong, milkbone ball (made by kong) or the molecuball (I'm not quite sure what it's called) in his dog run with him every day, and there's never been a problem. He has no bitemarks in his kong at all, and it's the red version. But my friend's german shorthair, Lady, also had those same toys.....she killed all 3 of them! She now has a black kong and so far so good!

Oh, and one thing that I've given to Nebo before is the *edible* nylabones.....he *loved* that! He likes whole raw carrots too to chew on, don't last long though. Also, when I get rawhide, I get the pressed (layered) rawhide, it lasts *much* longer! I'd *never* leave him alone with rawhide though! He likes to soften it up and try to swallow pieces that are too large, he's kind of gagged on them before.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling here!! I hope Malone is ok! :eek: I really don't think it'd be possible to swallow one of those whole...so lets hope, if he *did* eat it, he bit it off in little tiny pieces!

02-19-2003, 11:50 PM
I didn't realise that Malone was crated ............. yup, no place to hide that darn hoof!

I hope everything is OK, and that the vet finds nothing, but digested matter!!! :)

I guess I am lucky, Captain doesn't really like those (Although Captain can be abit fussy!) - just spat it out when I gave it to him, and Ruby has never had one, 'cos she is a little piggie ......... and will probably try to swallow the whole thing!

Let us know!

02-19-2003, 11:52 PM
:( That's why my guys don't get hooves or rawhides - I feel they are too dangerous and not worth the risk. I do allow them to have compressed rawhide because that breaks off into small pieces. I also like the sterilized natural bones because they are safe and you can stuff them like you stuff kongs.

I hope Malone is okay. I bet he chewed it up into pieces and ate it. I hope none of the pieces were too sharp.

02-20-2003, 12:17 AM
Hooves can be very dangerous. I don't mean to alarm you, but they can cause serious problems if ingested whole, or in large pieces. Even small pieces can splinter and pierce the intestines. I would get your dog to the vet as soon as you can.

Hooves can also chip a dog's teeth, because they are so hard. My dog, Keito, had to have a filling put in one of his canine teeth because one of my friends gave him a hoof to chew, and it chipped his tooth ... that ended up being a $150 hoof!

I don't give my dogs hooves to chew at all, and I only give them rawhide with strict supervision.

02-20-2003, 11:20 AM
hi cookieb!

Hope Malone is okay. I gave up giving my dogs rawhides
and hooves and such a long time ago, because Murph doesn't
chew things properly enough. I gave him a piece of steak
a month or two ago and he tried to swallow it without
chewing and started choking. I grabbed him up and was
shaking him upside down, which I'm sure isn't the proper
way to do it, but was all I could think to do in my panic.
He coughed it up, but he did give me the look like I was nuts.
Ah well if I give him meat, I'm careful to cut it up in a smaller
bite now.


02-20-2003, 04:44 PM
hope he will be alright!:eek: :( Give him a "get well" hug and kiss for me! good luck! i also have my fingers crossed!:eek: :(

02-20-2003, 04:51 PM
Mark called the vet this morning, and they said that as long as he was eating/pooping/playing fine, he probably IS fine...however we need to keep a sharp eye on him, and if he has diarrhea more than once/starts vomitting/becomes lethargic to get him in ASAP. As of tonight, he is still very playful, begging for supper, and no diarrahea, so that is all good. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed, and hopefully things will stay this way. Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts...they mean a lot to me. :)

02-20-2003, 05:03 PM
im glad he should get better... but ill keep my fingers crossed too!

i think my hug helped. :D

02-20-2003, 09:52 PM
Yeah, we never give hooves anymore either. Chester used to get off really big pieces, too. He'd swallow them and then sometimes cough and choke, so I new they were not going down easily-or through easily for that matter!:eek: They still get rawhide with supervision, though. We also give Booda Blimples. They LOVE those. They're edible and bumpy like the nylabones. They come in different flavors, or so the packages say. Actually they do smell differently. :)

02-21-2003, 09:08 AM
We've never done hooves before. I'm sure Lilly would inhale them and then I'd be worrying like you.

Hope Malone is going to be just fine. Sure glad he has a good mom who is watching closely!!!! :)


02-21-2003, 09:51 AM

Glad that Malone's feeling & acting just fine.:) It's hard to
know just what to leave out for dogs to entertain themselves
while we're away. I left Bud with Kongs or one of those large
cow bones(leg bone) & several other hard rubber tug toys.
My daughter has a Lab/mix dog & she tells me Labs are famous
for their boundless energy.:rolleyes: So, other than tiring Malone
out before you leave him & than using the hardest Kong you
can find to keep him amused while you're gone, not much other
advise I can offer. Malone is such a beautiful dog & I'm glad
he's doing o.k. Hugs to your furry gang.:)

02-21-2003, 11:37 AM
I hope he will be alright!!Fingers and Toes crossed!