View Full Version : Vent about a stray

02-19-2003, 04:43 PM
Three weeks ago, my husband found a little husky mix dog running around downtown. I dropped him off for a doc app't and when I came back for him, he was outside the clinic with a dog on his lap. Very sweet little dogger--too skinny for my liking, but otherwise appeared well cared for. We tracked down her owners through the number on her rabies tag and took her home. She showed no fear of these people and pranced into the house. The woman gave me a speil about how she kept going over the fence--well clear the snow you idiot!! (we don't have that much this year)

I walked into the Humane Society today and there she is!!! She's so stressed right now that she won't eat. She's losing weight and she had no extra weight to start with. I feel like crap, like I failed this little girl. If they would have given me any indication that they were going to dump her, I would have just put her back in my truck. Some people just suck!!!

I called my hubby who said I could bring her home, but the staff at the shelter said there has been some interest in her. She's not a black and white husky mix so she will likely get adopted quickly. She's a lovely blond color. So I told them if she's still there in a week, I'd foster her--at least get her healthy again! I hppe she gets a lovely home soon!

02-19-2003, 05:13 PM
omg thats wonderful!:D im glad she will be happy. I wish you tons and tons of luck in finding her a good home! and if u do foster her... We want pics!:D hehe good luck!
but man...some people are so cruel.:mad: :mad: how could they do that? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:mad:

:D good luck!:D

02-19-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Jessica12345
omg thats wonderful!:D im glad she will be happy. I wish you tons and tons of luck in finding her a good home! and if u do foster her... We want pics!:D

This is her pic..Isn't she adorable!!


02-19-2003, 05:29 PM
God don't you hate stupid people. I hope she gets adopted soon. If she doesn't go in couple of days will they let you have her??

02-19-2003, 05:32 PM
What a face!!! She looks like she could have some golden retriever in her too. I hope she finds a great home.

I'm with Mugsy - I hate stupid people too!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

02-19-2003, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
God don't you hate stupid people. I hope she gets adopted soon. If she doesn't go in couple of days will they let you have her??

I already talked to the shelter and if she isn't adopted within a week, we'll take her as a foster. I could just go today and adopt her, but I'll wait and see if she gets a home first. I won't let her stay there for long.

02-19-2003, 05:42 PM
Please let us know what happens to the little beauty.

02-19-2003, 06:00 PM
She is very beautiful! How sad that she ended up in the shelter.
Please keep us updated on her status. Hope she finds a good home soon!

02-19-2003, 06:08 PM
Even if she gets a home who knows whether or not she will get a good home though, she could still get neglected at her new home.

Huskies are my ablosute favorite and i want to see more pics.

02-19-2003, 06:11 PM
awful :( but i am very happy for what you are doing for her. good for you and good luck :) she is a cutie and i am sure will be adopted soon :D hopefully time to a good home..:mad:

02-19-2003, 06:21 PM
Poor little husky!! She is beautiful. I hope she is able to find a forever home soon, and you are an angel for wanting to take care of her--I would love to hear what happens!!

02-19-2003, 07:06 PM
:mad: :mad: :mad: - I HATE stupid people too!!!

What jerks ....:mad:

I really, really, really hope you get to foster her!!!
Fingers and paws crossed!

02-20-2003, 01:39 AM
I know the feeling all to well! What is on a persons mind when they are dumping a dog! I live in the middle of nowhere and have had several dogs dumped in my yard I found good homes for them and even took in 2 myself. I live on a highway (not a busy one) so many dogs get run over, People here don't give a hoot about their animals and just let them run free. I have a red nose pit bull next door that just runs wild were afraid of this dog and the mailman won't even get out of his car to deliver a package. Our small town has no laws about this and it makes me so mad! I take good care of my pets and it would be nice if other people did the same! my husband just built the dogs a pen 110 ft x 35ft. built them a dog house 8 ft x 4 ftx 4ft and its heated for the cooler nights. Some people just don't care:o :mad:

Dakota's Mommy
02-20-2003, 02:33 PM
It's sad to hear about her but she is SUCH a cutie! You did nothing wrong, how were you to know that the people at the home were going to do that. At least she's safe and sound now. You did the right thing.

As most people have said though, I hate stupid people!

02-20-2003, 03:50 PM
Stupid people!! grrr!! :mad: :mad:

She's so beautiful! Her fur looks soft and velvety.

Give her a huge hug for me!