View Full Version : Did anyone see last night's episode of JAG?

02-19-2003, 12:51 PM
Did anyone else see last night's JAG?? It was so awesome. I didn't think I was going to be very interested, but it was a goodie. For those of you who didn't see it and want my boring rendition of the story, here it is. Admiral Chegwidden accidently punched out of the F-14 that Harm was flying and landed in a snowy forest with no one around. At one point, what we all assumed was a wolf, tried to get Admiral's food, and bit him. But as he ran away (actually slid away on a life raft) the "wolf" followed him. The "wolf" came to the fire that Admiral had built and Admiral started talking to her and it was then that you figured out that it was not a wolf, but a stray dog. The dog took off and Admiral tried to catch her and when he couldn't catch up, he just decided to give up and die. It was then that the dog rattled some garbage cans and got his attention. Then Harm found the Admiral in a bar drinking coffee and took him to the hospital, where the Admiral's girlfriend met up with him and he told her that he loved her for the first time. He then proceeded to tell her that it was no longer going to be the 2 of them, but, that there was another woman in his life and then the cameral panned over to Harm who was holding the leash with the dog on the other end. It was sooooo cool! So, yet another rescuer in the world (even though it is just a TV show). At least it might make some viewers think twice before dumping their dog or give them the idea to adopt a homeless animal.

02-19-2003, 01:37 PM
Yep. I taped it and just watched it!!!
Sweet!! I got tears in my eyes!!

02-19-2003, 06:22 PM
I don't watch JAG, but what a great story!! I hope it does make some people think twice!!