View Full Version : ABC dog

02-19-2003, 10:05 AM
lets see what words we can come of with that describe a dog for the letters of the alphabet!

A lways happy
B ouncy as can be
C louns!
D ogs, dogs, and more dogs! always more than 1!
Everything is play to them
F un!
G iant dogs to small dogs, they all have big hearts!
H appy, bouncy, joyful, and fun!
I ts like they are little people in fur coats!
J olly
K ind n cute
L azy doggies!
M ans best friend
N ever betrails you
O n your side no matter what
P eeing on your leg! grrr!
Q Ts!
R unning and racing all the time
Such sleepy heads!
T here to greet you at the door
U will love them forever and ever!
V ery cuddley!
W ith you till the end and more
X -citing
Y ou will always want "just one more dog!" :D
Z any as can be

02-19-2003, 10:32 AM
Now lets see your ddoggie alphabets!:D

Dakota's Mommy
02-19-2003, 02:40 PM
A dorable
B eautiful
C uddly
D addy's Girls
E verybody Loves Them!
F urry
G reat to Have Around
H uman Like
I rresistable
J ust Gotta Have
K ind
L oveable
M ommy's Babies
N otoriously Loving
O utstanding Companions
P layful
Q uite Friendly
R estless
S oft
T ough When They Think They Need to Be
U nity with Those Who They Love
V ery Dependent
W eathering Many Things
X-Ray's Can Be Needed
Y outhful as Look as Taken Care Of
Z zzzzzzzz

02-19-2003, 04:19 PM

Desert Arabian
02-19-2003, 05:07 PM
Able to get away with a lot of things
Fun to play with
Giant hearts
Happy as can be
Jittery, some can never sit still
Kind to those who love them
Likeable...how can you hate em!?
Monsterous...some dogs are bigger than me!**
Noisy...some are
Overly excited...especially when it comes to play and treat time :D
Quite...some are
Rulers of the house
Shredders...love to tear things up
Tough little buggers
U??? (stumped)
Vigilant watchers
Xceptionally (cheated-lol) smart and wise

Please ignore spelling mistakes...really tired today. ;) :( :)

** I was researching on Great Danes two days ago, I was looking at personal webpages. There was a Boston Dane named Frodo who weighed 148lbs-I weigh 134!! It was 5'8"- I am 5'2". :eek: :eek: :eek:

02-20-2003, 12:12 PM
cute! thats one big great dane!!!! :eek: :eek:


02-20-2003, 12:28 PM
Those are cute, and I may repeat a couple, but bear with me, I'm gonna try anyway!!!

A--Abbey (my little girl)
E--Everywhere I go!!
G--Glad to see me (always)
H--hilarious to watch
I--Ignoring what's going on, just having fun
J--jealous of each other
K--Kito (my little boy)
L--love us so much
M--maniacs in the snow
N--never judging
O--on my bed
P--sometimes in the house
Q--Quiet when they are sleeping
R--run fast
U--up on things
V--very special
Y--young and still learning
Z--zero hatred or meanness (is that a word??)

I tried, I'll take an E for Effort!!

02-20-2003, 04:23 PM
:D I think we all cheated on x :D