View Full Version : I need some advice...

Aspen and Misty
02-18-2003, 02:51 PM
I know this sounds crazy but I'm already getting ready for next spring. At least every spring 6 baby birds fall from a nest by my house. We always put something there like alot of towels or someting for them to fall in cause almost all of them fall. We don't know why but the parents have been nestign there for 3 years and I'm sure they are going to do it again this year. I can't keep 6 starlings cause then next summer I would have 12. The only thing I can do is give some of them away to homes. They acctaully make great house birds and you cna teach them to talk. I was wondering wha tyou guys think I should do???


02-18-2003, 04:04 PM
so the parents leave them after they fall? mmm......

maybe you could hang one of the ferrit beds RIGHT UNDER the nest. it would be really close and maybe they wouldnt leave them.:confused: i really dont know though.

otherwise you could try and find homes, bring them to the SPCA or another animal org.

good luck!

p.s. if u raised them for a while and THEN gave them away you would have a lot more luck finding them homes. even if u kept them for a year... and then take care of the next "batch". althogh that would be a really lot of work.:rolleyes:

Desert Arabian
02-18-2003, 05:35 PM
You could take them to your local humane society-if they except wild animals. Luckily, the Wisconsin Humane Society-Milwaukee excepts wild animals. If they can be helped,they help them, then they release them. If they are extremely injured I believe they put them to sleep. My dad and I found a hen Mallard with a broken wing, they fixed the wing, and released her when she got better.

Wisconsin Humane Society (http://www.wihumane.org) -this is a pretty neat sight, if you'd like to check it out. (lots of cute pictures of puppies and kittens ;) ;) )

Maybe you could build/buy a nice cozy fully-enclosed bird nest box, and hope they might nest in that. Then hopefully, the babies can't fall out and they will be protected from the harsh summer elements and predators. :confused: :)

02-18-2003, 06:24 PM
i found this article on that website:

I found a baby bird on the ground. What should I do?

A nestling, that is a naked or down-covered baby, found on the ground, should be put back in its nest if at all possible. If the youngster is cool to the touch it should be gently warmed in your hands before placing it back in the nest; the parents will not reject it because a human has touched it. However, there is an exception. Baby ducks and geese are walked to water from the nest soon after hatching. If you find a duckling or gosling at the nest after the mother and siblings have left, please call to speak with a wildlife staff person.

If the nest has fallen down, it can often be put back in place, or a substitute nest can be made from a berry basket, or an empty, clean margarine tub with several holes punched in the bottom for drainage, can be wired in the location of the original nest. The basket or bowl should be lined with some of the original nest material, if possible, or some dry grass. Once returned to the nest, the nestling should be watched or checked every half-hour or so to make sure the parents have returned to care for the young bird. Be sure to watch from cover, such as from inside your house to avoid scaring the parents away.

Fledgling songbirds are fully feathered. They leave the nest before they are able to fly and spend several days learning to fly on the ground. They are especially vulnerable to predator attacks at this time, but the parents continue to feed and attempt to defend the young bird during this period. If you feel a fledgling bird you have found is in immediate danger, you may place it in a bush or on a low tree branch to get it out of harm's way. If you are concerned that the bird may be orphaned, watch carefully, because it only takes the parent a few seconds to land next to the youngster, feed it, and take off again in search of more food.

In any case, if the young bird you have found appears to be sick or injured, or if it appears to be orphaned, or if you have found a young owl, hawk, heron, duck, or goose please speak with our Wildlife Rehabilitation Center staff at (414) 431- 6137, for further advice.

02-18-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Jessica12345
i found this article on that website:

I found a baby bird on the ground. What should I do?

A nestling, that is a naked or down-covered baby, found on the ground, should be put back in its nest if at all possible. If the youngster is cool to the touch it should be gently warmed in your hands before placing it back in the nest; the parents will not reject it because a human has touched it

Thats weird...when i was 7 some baby birds fell out of a nest and we put them back in and the next day the parents abondend(yeah spellin it wrong) them....I was always told that the parents would abondom(again) the baby(ies)....But maybe thats not with all birds:confused: ....Interesting...

Maybe to keep the babies from falling out you could get a bird house and maybe,hopefully, the birds would nest there?


02-18-2003, 06:46 PM
oooooooo! the bird house is a really good idea! if it would work......:rolleyes: hopefully it would though.

i think they meant put them in the nest with a towel or suttin.... cus the parents leave if their is human sent on them. im not sure..... mmmmmmmm:confused:

02-18-2003, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
I know this sounds crazy but I'm already getting ready for next spring. At least every spring 6 baby birds fall from a nest by my house. We always put something there like alot of towels or someting for them to fall in cause almost all of them fall. We don't know why but the parents have been nestign there for 3 years and I'm sure they are going to do it again this year. I can't keep 6 starlings cause then next summer I would have 12. The only thing I can do is give some of them away to homes. They acctaully make great house birds and you cna teach them to talk. I was wondering wha tyou guys think I should do???

First off what you are doing is probably illegal and you could be fined. These animals are wild and should be taken toa wildlife rebalitation center immediately if the parents should fail to care for them. They will NOT abandone them. If they do it is for another reason.

Being involved in wildlife rehab I strongly urge you to take them to a wildlife center where they will be raised and then released back into the wild when they are old enough.

You sound like you have 6 already? Have you ever thought this could be against the law? You need a permit to keep wild animals/rear them/rehab etc. If you were caught those birds would be destroyed asap.

02-18-2003, 07:08 PM
Another thing is that starlings are considered pests ina lot of areas and it is illegal to bring one into captivity and then release them so if anyone found out about these birds they would be immediately destroyed.

02-18-2003, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by ChewmonkeyBC

Thats weird...when i was 7 some baby birds fell out of a nest and we put them back in and the next day the parents abondend(yeah spellin it wrong) them....I was always told that the parents would abondom(again) the baby(ies)....But maybe thats not with all birds:confused: ....Interesting...

parent birds abandon any young that have any scent of human on them or their nest....it kinda sux cuz my aunt has a bird house that gets filled with baby birds every year and i always just wanna reach out and tilt the bird house to get a better look...
i dont belive that helping baby birds that woul otherwise die is illegal, but im pretty sure that finding homes for them is illegal when seen through the eyes of people who work with wild animals...its like on that show "fly away home..." ever seen it?
my grandma owns canada geese and apparently even thats illegal (she keeps buying them though :rolleyes: lol)

02-18-2003, 07:19 PM
I do wildlife rehab I think I should know that it IS illegal. I will GLADLY give you the number to our center and post pics of some of the animals I take care of if need be.

They DO NOT abandone babies with human scent on them!!!!

02-18-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me

They DO NOT abandone babies with human scent on them!!!!
hmmmm i guess parents just tell their kids that so they dont touch baby birds :confused:

02-18-2003, 07:28 PM
It is a misconception...most people just do not know. You can search the internet and it will tell you. Call your local rehab center and THEY will tell you.

02-18-2003, 07:31 PM
i already did look it up and we dont have a rehab center

02-18-2003, 07:33 PM
There are TONS of rehab centers in Canada!

02-18-2003, 07:47 PM
but it seems like every time someone touches a baby bird the parents abandon it?? maybe we just scare the parents away???:confused:

02-18-2003, 07:47 PM
Ok here is what i found out....I called your local wildlife center and they can be kept as pets but NEVER released back into the wild because they are an introduced species, which would make it illegal to let one go back into the wild after it has been in captivity.

So there you go. A&M: What do you feed your birds? Starlings have very high protein needs, so just make sure you feed them a good brand of food like Science Diet. :)

You could call a vet and they could help you place them...I am sure someome will take them because they are awesome singers!

02-18-2003, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
There are TONS of rehab centers in Canada!
not in kelowna...

Aspen and Misty
02-19-2003, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Ok here is what i found out....I called your local wildlife center and they can be kept as pets but NEVER released back into the wild because they are an introduced species, which would make it illegal to let one go back into the wild after it has been in captivity.

So there you go. A&M: What do you feed your birds? Starlings have very high protein needs, so just make sure you feed them a good brand of food like Science Diet. :)

You could call a vet and they could help you place them...I am sure someome will take them because they are awesome singers!

Aww thank you!! ::hugs:: I called a local rehabilatator last year and he said he wont eccept them and nether will any one else so I should just give up adn feed them to a cat :rolleyes: and emagine this guy is raising baby animals seesh. Well, I have been trying the raise them one baby bird formula but when that didn't work I came to pet talk and they told me to go to starling talk and they have a wonderful recepe to feed the birdies!

I've tried putting them back, many times. I hate raising them, there a pain in my butt, lol. Feeding every 2 hours or so, gettign them out so they can fly, what do I look like a momma bird :D . Ok so I love it, I have nothing else to do with my summers and they are such a joy. I really am hopeing I can pull some threw this summer and raise them to be adults. I have no idea what happened last year with 2 I raised to almost adulthood, they just died :( . I am hopeing that I can raise these ones but I was just thinking what will I do with 6 baby birds each year??? I mean we are planning on buying some type of "bird" cage to keep them in while they are here and I doubt I will be able to help all 6 become adults but if 4 make it out of the 6 every summer after 3 summers that is 12 birds, now I love birds, but thats alot of birds. LOL

Ash :D

02-19-2003, 10:39 AM
I called a local rehabilatator last year and he said he wont eccept them and nether will any one else so I should just give up adn feed them to a cat and emagine this guy is raising baby animals seesh.

some people are so mean:rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes:

02-19-2003, 11:31 AM
They don't exccept them because they are considered pests, not native to the state, they are an introduced species which is why once they are in captivity you can't let them go again. I mean you could.....just don't get caught. LOL :p

02-19-2003, 11:58 AM
From what I hear, other animals abandon their offspring if they smell human scent on them, but not birds. :confused:

Aspen and Misty
02-19-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
They don't exccept them because they are considered pests, not native to the state, they are an introduced species which is why once they are in captivity you can't let them go again. I mean you could.....just don't get caught. LOL :p

hey now! :D hee hee, actaully. I told my dad I posted this thread and he is quite antiouse to see what you guys said. I called him when I woke up so he could read it and whe nI opened it up I was like Shoot there haveing an argumetn about things I have done, but they dont' know I've done, or things I'm now doign that they don't know I'm not doing, Lol. He knows who you are Cass cause well I talk about you to much :o Well anyway, he said We will have to raise the birds and try to find them a home. He is going to see if there is a bird rescue out there or some other rescue ::HINT HINT:: that we can see the adoption form or maybe ever have one so we can use it, modifie it.

Ash :D