View Full Version : Food Aggresive

02-18-2003, 12:37 PM
Riley is food aggressive. I had people over and he was eating and my brothers walked over to him, and he growled, showed his teeth, and bit them both! They both cried, too(they're 11 and 7). He'll try to bite me, too, but I'm about the only one that's not afraid of him when he does that. How can I get him to stop this??

02-18-2003, 01:05 PM
Josie growled at me once. I don't really know how to fix it, sorry. But I just took it away and told her she was bad, which I'm sure you shouldn't do, but she never did it to me again..Then again she was just a pup..

02-18-2003, 01:44 PM
If it is severe food agression, it is going to take several months of working a specific schedule with specific steps. I can post all those later.

If it is not as severe, here are some tips:

- Make sure he always has 3 or more bowls of food when you feed him. That way he'll learn the food isn't going anywhere and he'll always have plenty of it.

- Whenever a human gets near him while he's eating, he needs to have a positive experience. Get a really good treat and offer it to him while he's eating. Don't stick your hand in the bowl right away, but have it near him so he can smell the treat. Try getting your hand closer and closer every day until you can put it in his food bowl and he won't growl or get aggressive. Eventually you want to be able to pick his bowl up, put the treat it, then give it back to him. Its important he always knows his bowl is going to come back.

After you can do all of that, it should be repeated with several different people. I would not let your brothers do it until you're absolutely positive he will not bite.

Aspen and Misty
02-18-2003, 02:44 PM
(My dog Chewy WAS food agressive, glad to say we were able to get it out of him)

Is it only when he is eating his dinner? Or is it with treats also?

If tis only wiht his dinner what are you feeding him?It may not be satisfieing enough for him, if its only dry food mix some wet in there. Also, if its only with him dinner feed him in his crate we do this with Chewy and we have had no problems at all with it. Wait untill he is completly done to let him out and then take the bowl and clean it. You will be surprised what adding wet food can do. If he is already on only wet food mix in some dry.
