View Full Version : Do you cover your furniture?

02-18-2003, 09:28 AM
I have been noticing that in many Pet Talkers' pictures there are furniture throws or blankets on chairs, sofas, etc. to keep dirty little paws and doggie/kitty hair off the furniture. (Me included) I know there are people who don't permit pets on their furniture but I don't think there are too many here at Pet Talk. Am I right?

02-18-2003, 09:37 AM
I have a throw on the back of my love seat, but I put it there for decorational purposes and Zam decorated it with cat hair. :p

02-18-2003, 09:39 AM
Ours aren't allowed on the furniture (hubby's rules)
But we did just buy it in August, I'm sure that rule will fall pretty soon;)

02-18-2003, 09:47 AM
they are alowed on the furniture because jewls doesnt shed cus she is a maltese and we cut jordans hair short. it does stink though.....lol

02-18-2003, 09:52 AM
Well , ours weren't "supposed" to jump on everything ...:rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:

I hate it when they jump on the kitchen table , and they both know it . But , as soon as mommy is away ..... ;) :p ;) CATS !!!!

As about our couches , we tried to teach them to sit on blankets only . This worked with Sydney and Maya . But Inka , that 's another piece of cake :rolleyes: :rolleyes: . Everyday she has her "maniac" hour ... . This means : jump on , off , in , out of everything . Oh my , she is quite a energetic kitty !!

of course , after chasing all those monsters we have here , it is time for a good nap-in-the-bag-or-anything!!

Edwina's Secretary
02-18-2003, 10:12 AM
I have one chair which has a towel on the seat. That is because, a) I happen to have a dark green towel that matches the chair and b) that is the chair Edwina uses to look at the Entertainment Center (birdfeeder and birdbath) all day.

She also sits in the Forbidden Yellow Chair, my chair, on the bed, on the sofa in my husband's office, on the chair in the guest room, and any place else that appeals to her including....

The Dining Room Table

02-18-2003, 10:30 AM
I will sometimes put a purr pad on a seat cushion, and we always have blankets for them to snuggle in, but this is not concidered covering as the blankets are really for US, we just leave them out for the cats to use when we are not home.

02-18-2003, 10:40 AM
I used to have something on the leather sofa, but I don't anymore. It can pretty much stand the wear and tear and of course dog hair doesn't stick. Also I used to use a rib cord spread on top of the quilts on the bed but that was getting so frayed, I've kind of given up and I never did get to see my quilts. The green recliner has never been covered and that gets the most use from both the dogs and me, so I don't think it's life span will be all that great. We have dog beds all over, but they are rarely used voluntarily.

02-18-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
I have one chair which has a towel on the seat. That is because, a) I happen to have a dark green towel that matches the chair and b) that is the chair Edwina uses to look at the Entertainment Center (birdfeeder and birdbath) all day.

She also sits in the Forbidden Yellow Chair, my chair, on the bed, on the sofa in my husband's office, on the chair in the guest room, and any place else that appeals to her including....

The Dining Room Table

My mother-in-law's cat, Boots, does the EXACT same thing--he also climbs on top of her cabinets in the kitchen, and scares the crap out of us!!

02-18-2003, 10:57 AM
Are you nuts? Of course I cover it...I cover the bed, chair, couch, table, sink....WITH CAT HAIR!!!

I have tried covering the couch, and then decided it was as much of a hassle washing the cover, moving the cover when I sat down, keeping the cover straight..blah blah. I just use one of those rubber sponge things and go over it sometimes (and I do emphasize 'sometimes'). I just don't really care that much. Yup, I wear alot of black...good thing the tuxies match me!

As to Ms. Edwina on the lovely dining table...at least she is almost on the runner! In the summer time, my cats spread all out on top of the table...it gets a nice cross breeze, and the fan over top feels good (I haven't tried it personally, but they seem to like it).

Really, I am more 'turned off' or disgusted by the use of outdoor shoes inside all over, tracking dirt and grime into my house!

02-18-2003, 11:06 AM
We cover, not for the girls, but for us. We have leather and it's cold in the winter and in the summer you stick to it. The girls are only on the couch when we invite them up. Kelcee never gets on the couch, she has her own chair, covered:D

02-18-2003, 11:34 AM
Well since my house is their house, they sit on everything and cover it with their cat hair!

02-18-2003, 11:42 AM
LOL LOL Me too! Everything in my home is covered in cat hair!! I tried putting a blanket on the couch (slip covers are just so gosh darn expensive!! Ugh...) to ease of up on the cat hair for when visitors come, but it really didn't help at all. That hair has a way of weaving itself into our couch! :eek:

The hair doesn't bother me, but it's a real pain when your in-laws come for a visit...and your father in law is practically deathly allergic to anything with fur! Aaron and I tried "spring cleaning" the house a few days before his parent's arrival. I admit...I slack a bit when it comes to cleaning...especially dusting the blinds! :o But, we swept and swept and dusted and took duct tape to the couch to try and remove some of the weaved in hair. When all was said and done...it really didn't matter much...he still had problems breathing and all when they did finally arrive! :rolleyes: I swear, I'm going to have all smooth leather furniture one of these days (not to mention...hardwood floors!)...the hair can just be dusted right off of that!

Russian Blue
02-18-2003, 12:15 PM
I don't cover anything. But then again, I only have the one cat! Nakita stays on top of the radiators and she doesn't seem to like the fabric of our couch.

Plus, Nakita barely sheds any hair.


02-18-2003, 01:03 PM
Oh Pam I'm sure you've gone psychic!! We got our new lounge suite on Saturday and a brand new carpet - talk about how to upset three cats very easily!! They don't like the smell, they don't like the feel, it's the wrong shape etc etc etc........................ and then Bagel discovered IT'S COMFY!!! OH my god! I hadn't reckoned on this! We got leather because numerous people told us - 'Cats don't like it'!
Oh yes they do!! Well Bagel and Dan do - Ketchum has only peeked into the room then run back upstairs to his hidey hole (under the bed!).

With the old suite they slept and sat where ever they wanted - I did try a throw, but Ketchum kept hiding under it !! So they simply allowed us to use their suite - good of them I thought!!!!

I do keep a throw on the bed though - and this they lie on!!

I can see it being some time before they - or we - sort out the new suite situation! :D

02-18-2003, 01:43 PM
No, we don't cover our furniture, and they also are not allowed on it either (but as of now, they don't care-I've tried to get them to lay in the chair with me or on the bed, but no way!).
But mind you, just because they don't get on the furniture by no means, means they haven't put their hair all over it:rolleyes:

In my house dog hair is garnish, it goes with & on everything:p

02-18-2003, 01:57 PM
Our Schnauzers are allowed to go anywhere or lay anywhere they want in our house. No covers or blankets, they are our family. We have leather couches in the den and bedroom and if they want to get on them, it's fine with us. One good thing is that Schnauzers do not shed so from that standpoint we don't have a problem. They very rarely chew anything except their toys, oh maybe one of Don's slippers once in a while but really no problems with that, so they are free to go anywhere they want but their most favorite place is up in the bedroom where we have our computers and we have three or four plush beds and they usually sleep on those.

Dakota's Mommy
02-18-2003, 02:21 PM
We've tried the no dogs on the furniture thing, but with a Dane it just wasn't working (plus our 2 are a little spoiled). So, they always get on the furniture without anything covering it up. There's no point, we've got dog hair everywhere!

02-18-2003, 06:27 PM
On Katie's end of the couch (yes they have their own spots, you just have to sit around them if you can) there is a sheet but that's just because we haven't got around to putting the seat cover on from when someone got sick on it. :eek: nothing else is covered.

02-19-2003, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935
............... They very rarely chew anything except their toys, oh maybe one of Don's slippers once in a while ..................Jackie

LOL Jackie - you really got the dogs trained so well!!! :D :D


02-19-2003, 09:00 AM
I always have a blanket on the sofa because I'm always cold. Gigi likes to cuddle up with me in the blanket..but none of the cats care if a blanket is on the sofa or not. I do have the recliner covered with a sun, moon, & stars throw, but that's because I think the recliner is ugly.

I never notice any cat hair anywhere in the apt. I really don't see it....not on any of the balnkets, carpets or furniture. I vaccuum a lot up but can never really tell it's there. Which is extremely puzzling to me because I know they shed, my clothes are always covered with hair even if I don't pick them up before I leave, but I never see any cat hair in the apt. Strange.

Aspen and Misty
02-19-2003, 09:18 AM
Misty is always on the furnture, we vacum every 2 days because her hairs like sinks into things and will stick there forever, look at my old carpet there is cat fur woven into the carpet I have no idea how she does it.

Jillian is aloud on anything we havn't had seding problems, but do bunny's shed??

Chewy is not aloud on furniture. He gets possive of it and will bite to defend his spot. :rolleyes: so its a nice comfy rug infront of the fire for him.


02-19-2003, 09:28 AM
We don't allow our dogs on the furniture simply because they are usually muddy messes!!! They have lots of nice places to sleep, though, folded comforters (old, washable ones, of course). We gave up on dog beds because even at 4 and 3 1/2 years old, Honey and Lilly still chew things up, like puppies!! Both dogs used to sleep with Helen in the wintertime, at out other house, but in this house, they prefer the floor beside Mom's side of the bed. It is so cute to see all three dogs in a row, sleeping and snoring :eek: beside me!

Helen keeps an old sheet on top of her comforter to keep it clean, just in case a muddy dog decides to visit, and for Mimi who does shed pretty badly at times. Mimi always sleeps on Helen's bed, but usually on her head! And Butter sleeps on our bed, but we haven't tried to keep it covered.

I know I'd think differently if we had a problem keeping the dogs off the couches since both of them are new! :)

02-19-2003, 10:43 AM

I agree with you. Mi Casa Su Casa. If you don't want to get hair on your clothes, DON'T SIT DOWN!!! Cat hair IS a condiment afterall. :D

02-19-2003, 10:45 AM
About twenty years ago I was renting an apartment that had a brownish-orangish color to it. I got a tortoiseshell cat, and she matched the carpet perfectly! There was absolutely no way to tell if she had shedded on the carpet or not.:D

02-19-2003, 10:57 AM
I rarely use my furniture, so my 3 dogs really aren't on the
furniture either. I prefer to hang out in the bedroom, so as a
result, I've a 12 year old couch that's out of date that I'd love to
get rid of, but it looks brand new. They all 3 are allowed on the
bed, but that's easy enough to clean.

Now the car is a different story. I just bought a new car with
leather seats, so I do have the seats covered, because I'm
paranoid about them damaging my seats. Although they
really don't do anything to warrant my paranoia. None of them
are chewers and they're all 3 pretty calm in the car, so it's not
like they're running around like wild banshees to where they'd
rip the seats. Oz does shed a lil' and he got carsick a couple
of times when he was a puppy, so until the newness wears
off, I feel better with the seats covered.


02-19-2003, 11:07 AM
Floppsy and Sally are both allowed on the couch, but Floppsy cannot stay on it too long because she isn't litter trained and might go to the bathroom on it (and it's velvet!). Lady is never allowed on because she has too much hair and sheds all year 'round. At night we used to cover the furniture so she wouldn't get on it, but now she knows we can tell when she's been on it because of all the hair. I let Lady on my bed though. Sally is allowed practically anywhere, even on top of the fish tanks(She loves it up there, it's really warm). She climbs on the refigerator(sp?), mantle(sp?), and other high places. I allow all of my pets in my room and on my bed, as long as they don't eat out of my garbage can. ;) But at least Lady has her lounge chair on the porch, that makes up for not being allowed on the couch.

02-19-2003, 01:47 PM
Keegan isn't allowed on the couch,(futon) and boy was that a battle b/c she used to be allowed.:(
But Kylie has free roam except on the counters and the table. Tho I have caught her up there a couple times and she gets sprayed with a water bottle and she is off.
But I do have a full size sheet on my futon b/c it is navy blue and shows everything. And I keep 2 HUGE towels on my computer chair and my other upholstered chair that Kylie lays on top of.
When I had Shaianne, I used to keep a flat sheet over my comforter to keep the hair down, and the muddy paws off it. But I haven't done that yet.
I am looking for some cheap blankets to put on my chairs that have the towels on them, I think they will work better.

02-19-2003, 02:49 PM
My cats always sit where I sit and I have 2 couches in my livingroom. The couch in front of the TV is where we 3 always park our butts and it is covered with an old comforter which in turn is covered with cat hair. The comforter gets washed every other week. Speckles has her favourite chair also and it has a throw over top.

Other than that they are allowed to go anywhere except the kitchen which is a small galley kitchen with an entrance but no exit. When I first moved in to the condo I stepped on Speckles tail a few times :eek: so now they are trained.

Being older cats they've never shown any interest in jumping up on dressers or doors...they are happy in their own space at either end of the couch, leaving me a couple of square inches in the middle for my butt. Can you relate??

As for hair, I don't care either. Since all my friends are pet-parents just like me it's part of the deal. If you don't like to get pet hair on you then don't come over....

02-19-2003, 03:04 PM
when mickey wasn't potty trained we put an old tablecloth on the living room floor to cover the white carpet. now that he's housebroken, we took it out. nothing else is covered but my dad won't let him up on anything until he's older. he thinks he might chew on it or something :rolleyes: