View Full Version : Jeffrey's Leaving :(

06-27-2001, 09:56 AM
Jeffrey will be going to stay with my parents. It's a decision that has taken a while to make but I think it's best for him. I have work being done in the back yard and I have to remove my fence for a few months until it is finished. Jeffrey cannot handle being indoors all the time. He needs to run and play. I've had him inside all day for the past few weeks, only taking walks 2 or 3 times a day and he has definitely shown his boredom. He tears my house apart. My mother has fallen in love with him and when I told her about things she did not hesitate to say "Let him stay with me. She has a huge fenced in yard in the country. Jeffrey loves it there. We visit about once or twice a month and he has knows when we turn down that country road. He gets excited and strains for the window. Bandit will remain with us as he cannot handle the outdoor heat in the summer. I know this is the right thing to do, but I am so sad. I think those once or twice a month visits will turn into once a week visits. I am a little worried about night time. Jeffrey sleeps in my daughter's bed and my Mom refuses to let him sleep in her bed. He'll have to adjust to his doggie bed next to her bed. I hope the months go by quickly.

06-27-2001, 10:19 AM
It is hard to lose Jeffrey, even for a night, day and even to someone you know will love him. How do you think Bandit will react to Jeffrey not being there? If he is not happy in the house and showing you that by chewing everything, maybe it will be the best for all of you. The nice thing is that you will see him as often as you like and you know he is with your mother who loves him and he will get to be outside which he loves. Just try to think about the positive side.


06-27-2001, 11:16 AM
I'm willing to bet $5 that Jeffery ends up in bed and mom won't complain!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif and the time will fly by soooo fast that he'll be back in his new yard just in time to dig it up http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

Daisy's Mom
06-27-2001, 08:58 PM
Oh Genia I am sorry! Well bugmom is right, the time will fly by until Jeffrey is back with you again. At least you know he will be in the best of hands!

And, if I remember correctly, Jeffrey is a Basset mix? Well let me tell you, NO ONE can say no to Basset eyes. My mom always said, "No dogs on the furniture, no dogs upstairs, and absolutely NO DOGS in any beds!" Well Daisy has her own arm chair, free reign of the house, and she sleeps in my bed with me. One begging look from those sad Basset eyes and he'll be curled up with your Mom at night http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Don't you worry about a thing, everything will be fine!

06-27-2001, 09:03 PM
Genia a similar thing happened to me. We were having a house built and it wasn't finished on time (that's a whole other story!) Anyway, the builder put us up in an apartment which he also built and operated until the house was completed. We had our two toy poodles at the time. Pets were not allowed so my mom took them both for about two months (she lives about an hour away). It was soooo strange to be without them but I knew we would be getting them back after that and she loved them and they loved her too. At least you will have Jeffrey back when your yard is finished and I'm sure your mom will have some funny tales to tell....and I agree, he'll probably be sleeping in the big bed in no time! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-27-2001, 10:35 PM
Genia, you know what? I think you should feel wonderful that your mother is available to care for Jeffrey. Lots of people don't have that option! I know you will miss him, but he will be fine, and you can just go love on him whenever possible. I think you are very unselfish for thinking of Jeffrey first. Keep your chin up. You are doing a very brave thing!

06-28-2001, 06:58 AM
I had lost my 2 boxers for a week and it seemed like a year. :confused: But when we were reunited it just made our love that much stronger. :)

06-28-2001, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by jackiesdaisy1935:
<STRONG>How do you think Bandit will react to Jeffrey not being there?

Jackie, I really don't know how Bandit will handle it. They are so close. They play together so well. That has me a little worried. We'll just give Bandit extra loving (like he isn't already spoiled rotten :D )

06-28-2001, 09:21 PM
I wish I lived closer to you, I would babysit him in a heartbeat. He would also be more then welcome to sleep on the bed :) Im sure you have nothing to worry about,I bet he will be sooo spoiled like Bridget said who could say no to a hound dog face ;)

Daisy's Mom
06-29-2001, 12:49 AM
This quote is from a Disney movie, but I forget what one... oh well, I think it applies to the situation quite well:

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder!"