View Full Version : kid thread

02-17-2003, 02:43 PM
i recieved a PM about the poll and thread i made about if any members have children or not. don't bother karen, i deleted it. :) i am sorry if it offended anybody. i didn't even get a chance to read the last few posts so i apologize if anyone's feelings were hurt. this is personal info even though you had the choice to give it out or not. anyways, just thought i'd let you know in case you were planning on making a reply or just reading the thread. sorry again

02-17-2003, 02:46 PM
What a shame. :( I thought your poll was fine and that you were getting good answers. I'm sorry if someone mistook your intentions. It seems to happen a lot around here these days. :(

02-17-2003, 02:50 PM
What the....

Why was it deleted???

02-17-2003, 02:58 PM
i find the practice of making thread from kids rather repulsive and cruel.

02-17-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
i find the practice of making thread from kids rather repulsive and cruel.


02-17-2003, 03:01 PM
funny one Richard:p !!! LOL

Primabella did you delete the whole thread yourself or did they delete it? The only reason I ask is, I didn't think you could delete other peoples posts. Just wondering is all

02-17-2003, 03:01 PM
I had PM'd her to say that the poll could be very sensitive for some people to answer. I didn't mean she should delete it, I just told her to consider it for the future, as whether or not people have children is just about the most personal decision anyone can make. She decided on her own to delete the poll. Anyone who starts a thread can delete it, and that's what she chose to do.

02-17-2003, 03:02 PM
soledad - i was told that maybe people don't want to give out that information cause its personal stuff. oh well.

richard - are you saying that my thread was cruel and repulsive? all i did was ask a simple question because i was curious. :confused: i was asking people to start arguing about the goods and bads about kids.

Aspen and Misty
02-17-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by primabella

richard - are you saying that my thread was cruel and repulsive? all i did was ask a simple question because i was curious. :confused: i was asking people to start arguing about the goods and bads about kids.

No. LOL read it again. He ment Thread, like Yarn, not thread like a post. :D So He thinks that Making Yarn from Kids is Rather Repulsive and Cruel.


Ash :D

02-17-2003, 03:06 PM
Primabella, I had found the cutiest dog picture to send you of an angel just like yours. Now I have lost it in 'my favorites'. I will keep looking and PM it to you. Your new sig. is great.

02-17-2003, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by primabella

richard - are you saying that my thread was cruel and repulsive? all i did was ask a simple question because i was curious. :confused: i was asking people to start arguing about the goods and bads about kids.

NO----the title of the thread was KID THREAD.......

like the old joke...if olive oil comes from olives, where does baby oil come from???

02-17-2003, 03:08 PM
oh okay, sorry richard. i'm a little not there now. i get it :p

karen - yeah, sorry. i didn't want to be the cause of any fights or anything on the board. that's why i deleted it and...

you know what, i think i'll just stop now because everything i say comes from me misunderstanding what soemone else is saying and that just makes me look dumb. :D

Edwina's Secretary
02-17-2003, 03:08 PM
Well..that explains why I couldn't post my response!

02-17-2003, 03:09 PM
tomkatzkid - thanks :D if you find the pic please send it to me :D :)

thanks :)

02-17-2003, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by primabella
you know what, i think i'll just stop now because everything i say comes from me misunderstanding what soemone else is saying and that just makes me look dumb. :D

Oh no you don't.......
don't be so quick to discount your opinions and postings.

I look in the mirror every morning and WHOA- talk about LOOKING dumb!!!!
but that's my parents fault -i have my dad's eyes my mom's hair....they both let me pick my nose........


02-17-2003, 03:16 PM
If someone found the topic difficult they could always choose not to answer....


Edwina's Secretary
02-17-2003, 03:18 PM
silly Richard!!!!

Yeah....since I spent time writing my response...I think I'll post it anyway!

I am CBC....childless by choice. Many of you have made the points I would on this...it is a HUGE decision that should be made with great deliberateness and thought. All too often it is an accident, or because everyone else is doing it, etc. I knew it wasn't for me a long time ago.

During my "dating years" I was always upfront about that so not to waste anyone's time. And it ran some men off.

To be a good parent requires a level of selflessness that I am not sure I am willing or able to achieve.

But here's my question...what with "Do you want to hold the baby?" Frankly, no. It makes me nervous. (and....I have changed one diaper and that was enough!)

And one more thing....I do NOT think it is cute when your child runs into me while you are paying absolutely NO attention to him/her and snatching food from my plate in a restaurant is simply uncivilized.

02-17-2003, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Oh no you don't.......
don't be so quick to discount your opinions and postings.

I look in the mirror every morning and WHOA- talk about LOOKING dumb!!!!
but that's my parents fault -i have my dad's eyes my mom's hair....they both let me pick my nose........


lol :D

02-17-2003, 03:18 PM
I saw ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with posting a poll about whether people have kids or not. You are correct..........Some people could have simply chosen not to answer it !!!! Why is everything always such a big deal??!?? If I read a thread and I do not prefer the topic I just move on to the next one. So don't let it bother you, I'll bet more people are with you than against you. So stay happy, OK?

02-17-2003, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

But here's my question...what with "Do you want to hold the baby?" Frankly, no. It makes me nervous. (and....I have changed one diaper and that was enough!)

when my brother was a baby and my mom was changing his diaper, he peed on his himself. :eek: tramautized me...i stay away from babies who need a diapey change :p

02-17-2003, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I saw ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with posting a poll about whether people have kids or not. You are correct..........Some people could have simply chosen not to answer it !!!! Why is everything always such a big deal??!?? If I read a thread and I do not prefer the topic I just move on to the next one. So don't let it bother you, I'll bet more people are with you than against you. So stay happy, OK?

lol, okay :D well, i'm perfectly fine with what happened. i needed to have had a PM sent to me, deleted it cause i'm too "jumpy to conclusions", and have people tell me that it was perfectly fine for me to count this as an experience to learn by :) i don't blame karen for what she said and she was just letting me know. i took the next step and maybe it was the wrong one. oh well :)

02-17-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary

But here's my question...what with "Do you want to hold the baby?" Frankly, no. It makes me nervous. (and....I have changed one diaper and that was enough!)

babies are particulary vicious when they launch a biological attack! ;)

with tons of nieces and nephews it got easier, never pleasant but easier......i ruined the collars on quite a few t shirts changing diapers.

02-17-2003, 03:28 PM
I think people are absolutely dead frightened about any kind of controversy or confrontation. I mean, it wasn't like things had even gotten out of hand. It was a perfectly civilised discussion and it seems bizarre that anyone would be offended by it.

Edwina's Sec - Interesting post. I really admire couples who choose to be childless especially in a society and culture that expects it out of couples. And I do get really aggravated when parents think their child misbehaving in public should somehow be regarded as cute to everyone else.

02-17-2003, 03:31 PM
aww, you guys are making me feel bad. :(

it wasn't karen's fault my post is deleted. i thought i would get rid of it before it became an UNcivilized discussion. please understand. :) if you want, you can contiue the discussion here :p

02-17-2003, 03:38 PM
Now you KNOW we did not want to make you feel badly!

But, you know, I for one think that I will keep my mouth shut from now on................cant' have anyone thinking I am controversial. (please read with appropriate sarcasm!)

02-17-2003, 03:38 PM
Which is why I always say that every new parent should invest in a pair of goggles! Hey, beleive it or not GIRLS can shoot pretty far too!

Uh hum, anyways I too saw nothing wrong with the thread. If it bugs someone they simply don't post..which I don't know why it would bother anyone and I have had a lot of problems conceiving etc, miscarriages whatever. I very much enjoyed having a place to brag about how cute my son is, hahahaheheheh!:p

02-17-2003, 03:40 PM
:D hehe and we enjoyed reading about it :p

02-17-2003, 07:56 PM

Does this mean that I won't be able to brag about my two
wonderful children? LOL. Well...for what it's worth I'm going
to do it anyway. They were planned, they were wanted &
they are my very best contribution to civilization.:D :D :D

02-17-2003, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by lizbud

Does this mean that I won't be able to brag about my two
wonderful children? LOL. Well...for what it's worth I'm going
to do it anyway. They were planned, they were wanted &
they are my very best contribution to civilization.:D :D :D

Same here!:p

02-17-2003, 09:01 PM
That's a really sweet thing of you to say about your kids, Lizbud.:)

02-17-2003, 09:43 PM

My husband & I were believers in the zero population growth
idea, ie, replace yourself in the world, but not add to the already
crowded earth. Without sounding too sappy, they are very
bright, funny, & a pleasure to be with. I love being a Mom.:)

02-17-2003, 10:13 PM
geez I wasn't offended in the least, you shouldn't have deleted the thread sweetie ;). no worries.

02-17-2003, 11:14 PM
I saw ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with posting a poll about whether people have kids or not. You are correct..........Some people could have simply chosen not to answer it !!!! Why is everything always such a big deal??!?? If I read a thread and I do not prefer the topic I just move on to the next one.

Well said! I completely agree with this! There was nothing wrong, touchy, personal or controversial about your poll or your question! You just asked if people had kids, it's just a fact - you either do or you don't. You didn't ask if we hated kids, or hated people who had kids, for gosh sakes ... that would be a different story.

I know I haven't been posting too terribly long here, but I'm going to give my two cents worth anyway. Guess everyone can just not read it if it offends them. ;) IMO, if we only talked about subjects that were 100% neutral and cheery all the time, and never, ever brought up a subject that might possibly be even remotely controversial, personal, touchy or lead to any type of debate .... we would all be bored out of minds and soon move on to another board!

We learn by hearing the opinions and experiences of others, by talking about and debating issues and by broadening our horizons to include opinions different from our own. Otherwise, we all might as well just talk to the mirror. Boooorrrrrriiiiing. I personally would like to see a little less worrying and a little more honest conversation. JMHO.

02-17-2003, 11:23 PM
I saw absolutely nothing wrong with the thread. If we are scared to talk about children worried we will offend somebody....?? I didn't see anything controversial about it, and there was no fighting (at least that I saw).

02-17-2003, 11:41 PM
I didn't either....there have been much more controversial subjects here...this one what just an innocent question.

02-17-2003, 11:54 PM
I think I know better than anyone that there have been FAR more controversial threads on here than the kids one. But she chose to delete it herself, so there's not much we can do.

Lizbud - You sound like you have the kind of relationship with your kids that I look forward to. I'm sure your kids think just as highly of you as you do of them. You seem to relish in their personalities. Do you still believe in zero population growth?

Twisterdog - Your post was brilliant. Said everything that I wanted to.

02-18-2003, 02:01 AM
Just to make sure : NO OFFENCE from me too !! I even liked the thread ! All opinions on this must be possible , positive AND negative . I hope I didn't hurt anybody by telling that this was a sensitive object for those who WANT , but CANNOT get any kids ..!

I want to say too I do absolutely like Lizbud's reply about her kids :cool: :cool: ;. Me too , even if the fact that my kids are adopted , I wanted my kids , I love them , and I couldn't imagine my life without it !!

To those who choose NOT to have any : you have my ABSOLUTE respect !!!:)
LOVE YE ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-18-2003, 05:36 AM
This explains why I've been searching all over for the Thread - thought I'd gone completly loopy and imagined it!!
Shame Primabella - I was really interested in it - and it looked like it was going to go for quite a bit.
Lizbud - I so agree with your lovely comments about your children - in this world of so much negativity it's refreshing to hear another Mum admitting to liking and loving her children - me too!


02-18-2003, 07:38 AM
Hmmm... I posted that my husband and I were unable to have children. Maybe because I posted that Karen thought it was a sensitive subject. It IS a sensitive subject, but I don't mind talking about it:D There are other options for us so you never know :D

02-20-2003, 11:27 AM
I was looking for the tread, now I understand why I couldn't find it! it may have been a sensitive topic to some, but I agree with the others, no one HAD to reply to it. I don't know who it was that objected to it, but possibly it was someone that the topic is a new, or sore subject, and they may have over reacted about it?
maybe they did not understand that this can be more than a pet board?
anyway, it was just an innocent thread, only meant to ask an innocent question.
yes there has been conflict on here before but I think we have settled it in a nice manner most times?

02-20-2003, 12:07 PM
i still dont understand how it could "offend" anyone. But o well..... theres still lots of other threads!:D

02-20-2003, 03:23 PM
This is somewhat bothersome to me. Primabella, from my reading of her posts, seems like a very very sweet, sensitive, caring young lady. So, we can pretty much know there wasn't any 'malice' in her initial post. Then, we have everyone jumping on here saying, "well, I didn't think it was offensive, wished it wasn't deleted"...so, my big ole' nosy question is...WHO HAD THIS PROBLEM WITH IT?

Karen, I guess I am suprised that you would send Primabella a pm about what might have been a sensitive thred when I don't see anything done about people who post things that can only be taken as insensitive :confused: :confused:

I thought we, after the last debacle, had decided as a community to act with more restraint, less offense, etc., so as to not have to have people deleting threds....this seems against that.

I must admit, as someone said...it is a FACT you either have children or you don't. That issue might be sensitive..but, so might us talking about jobs when one of us is unemployed, or about the health of our pet, when one of us has just lost our pet....

We always have the option to read a post or not......to post, or not. I feel bad that Primabella had to feel bad.

02-20-2003, 03:25 PM
Richard-LOL LOL
:D :D

02-20-2003, 04:08 PM
Great post, Cataholic. I hope Primabella doesn't feel too bad.

02-20-2003, 06:06 PM
sorry i havn't been on.

i don't feel bad about the post i feel bad because i'm making karen look bad..hehe :D i don't mean to, karen. i didn't think people would even care for this thread. oh well. if we are all so interested in the idea, who wants to start it up again? ;) :p

who has said all nice things (and i believe that is everyone :D) i love this board for this very reaosn. i know i was being stupid for deleting it but i had my reasons which i posted before...don't wanna waste space saying it again ;)

thanks again :)

02-20-2003, 06:09 PM
I also agree with Cataholic's post & wondered some of the
same things. I think it was just a misunderstanding on Prima's
part of a FYI type of message from Karen. Believe me, Karen
is anything but intimidating in her messages. Let's move on
with the discussion of whether or not anyone has children. :D

02-20-2003, 06:43 PM
yeah I agree.
I don't have any.

Aspen and Misty
02-20-2003, 09:41 PM
So glad we all agree-
You can read a thread if you want but if its doesn't intrest you or offends you then don't read it and if you happen to read it pretend you didn't

Ash :D

02-20-2003, 10:07 PM
No kids. Not now anyway. I'm thinking I need at least two more years to myself and Sam.

02-21-2003, 12:22 AM
Well, I replied to the other thread, but I'll reply again. I have one son, eleven years old. He certainly wasn't planned, but he certainly is wanted. I also knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I didn't ever want to have any more children after him. He's a lovely child: artistic, intelligent, funny and sweet. Beginning to get that pre-teen attitude a bit, thinking is Mr. TooCool, but that's normal, I suppose. ;)

02-21-2003, 12:26 AM
No kids:D :( :D WE got too old too fast...

02-21-2003, 05:12 AM
Yes two daughters - both grown and flown - loved 'em to bits and still do!

Soledad - I don't blame you and Sam for having some time to yourselves before you go down the 'children' road!! Enjoy just being the two of you - - - - while you can!


02-21-2003, 05:38 AM
No kids, by choice

02-21-2003, 06:40 AM
I have two grown children (aged 28 and almost 26) and now have known the joy of being a grandmom for the past 17 months. For me this was exactly what I wanted and planned for and I simply cannot imagine life without my children. I do realize that for others it is not, and I commend these people for not caving into the pressure from family and friends to do otherwise. And, Cataholic I think your answer was wonderful and speaks for me too! Well said!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-21-2003, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
But here's my question...what with "Do you want to hold the baby?" Frankly, no.

Here, here! :)

I missed this whole thing until now, so I don't know what all the controversy is about, but I am CBC also.

And the only other thing I'll say is not disciplining your child in public makes you look like a bad parent.

Oh, and Richard - you're a riot! ;) :D :D

02-21-2003, 11:41 AM
Quote from RICHARD

My parents let me pick my nose

LOL I hope you don't mind me quoting that, but I found the wording very amusing. And no RICHARD, you are not dumb. I hope you don't take offense.

And for the record, I have one kid, 26 years old who is a brain cancer survivor, and I'm damn proud of her!!!

02-21-2003, 11:54 AM
No kids...but I want one. Maybe I can find a wholesaler someplace. As to kids, in general, I love them.

02-21-2003, 12:25 PM
Said it once and I will say it again! I have a very beautiful baby blue eyed boy named Dylan John who is going to be 15 months old in a few days!!!:eek: Why can't they stay babies forever lol?

He is just began to walk about a month ago and now he is all over the place and it is so much fun chasing eachother around the house. He has the cutest high pitched laugh lol.

He was planned but it took me forever to get pregnant...and when we sort of forgot we were trying to have a baby, that's when I got pregnant lol! :p I remember when I took the test, we were so nervous. Dan would get sad everytime we took a test and it was negative so he started no watching and I would just come out and tell him I was sorry, but maybe next time around.

This time I made him look at it...and I was pregnant!! We started crying and were so happy, although we didn't tell anyone for about 2 months. We still have our test too. When we found out Dan set it on top of the dresser so we could see it everyday.

I remember when Dylan was born Dan was crying so bad lol. But of course Dylan came out blue too so a little crying was because of that as well. We were so happy......I taped my birth too.

Note to all expecting mothers who plan on taping your birth: DO NOT watch the video lol!!!

Dan kept fast forwarding me while I was pushing so you can see the oomps and ouchies on my face go by really fast......talk about amusing eh? :rolleyes:

02-21-2003, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

And the only other thing I'll say is not disciplining your child in public makes you look like a bad parent.

Oh, and Richard - you're a riot! ;) :D :D

my mom used a modified 'VULCAN NERVE PINCH' on us..
she'd bend over and take a small bit if flesh from the inside
part of our arm and twist....all the while whispering, "behave or wait until we get home............."

that's what turned me into the monster/riot i am today;)

child abuse!!!! just kidding.....the part that KILLS ME is when i
hear a parent say, 'I want them to have everything I didn't have when I was growing up......" CAT SPIT!!!!

that just leads to Iwanna syndrome. 'i wanna playstation, i wanna
pair of nikes, i wanna.........'

my parents, to me......'go out and earn it..'

02-21-2003, 01:41 PM
okay..I'll post again..

I love kids...probably because they are not my own. Babies especially. Older kids start giving you attitude if mom or dad let them get away with it. Yes, that's right...LET them get away with it. I cannot stand a parent when talking about disciplining their child says "Well, he/she just doesn't listen to me." Excuse me, who is the parent? You don't need to beat your child in order to dicipline..but there are ways to make your child behave. My mother never hit me..not so much as a pat on the but...but all it took was one look from her and I knew I had to tow the line....or else.

I don't have children now becasue at 23 I love my freedom and still feel I'm too young to take on that responsibility. And it is a great responsibility. I feel too many have a child without considering exactly what it entails. That little person depends entirely on you for their care and well being. If you have a child, you darn well better be able to care for him/her financially, physically, and emotionally.

Joey would love to get married and have children now. For one, I say when we do eventually have children...let's see how badly we warp one, before we have any more....and two, I don't think he fully grasps what raising a child is like. My step-father was out to sea in the Navy when my little sis was a newborn. With my mother working and going to school, I helped with feedings, diaper changings, 2 am feedings, a screaming child that you can't do anything for because you have to realize sometimes babies cry and you just have to deal with it. It's going through those types of stressful moments that makes the smiles and love and laughter of a child all the more special and worth it.

So for me not having a child is right for me right now. For some not having any at all is right for them. Whether or not you choose to have a child is your own personal decision and no one should judge you for it.

02-21-2003, 03:20 PM
Well, how about a picture?!
This is me with my great- neice, Anna, taken Jan 2003.

02-21-2003, 03:41 PM
thanks for understanding :) it was dumb of me to delete it but we're starting it up again and i learn from all this :D

i love kids and want to have at least 3 of them. all my cousins who have kids let me stay with the baby when we visit. i do everything with them.

i know..kids do grow too fast, luckies! i remember my bro from when he was 1 and now he is 10 :( he was the biggest cutie. yesterday we found some old pics of him. too cute :D

02-21-2003, 03:47 PM
i love little kids too. babies are soo adorible!:D I want one! hehe but then you think of all the down sides of having one:rolleyes:
lol.... oh well. ill play with other peoples kids.:) lol:p

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-21-2003, 05:15 PM
Me and Eric don't have any kids and I am not sure if we ever will. Were still real young now I'm only 22 and he is 24. I like kids but I don't know if there right for us. We have too many plans for life and I don't want to neglect my children of anything (if we have any). I have a niece and a nephew and he has a niece and a nephew and spending time with them is fun but I just can't see myself with any children. ... I would not be surprised if we end up not having any. .... And if we do It will be a blessing from God and I would love it with all my heart~ But sometimes it is kind of hard on me because family is always asking me when we are going to have kids and it is kind of hurtful but... oh well... they will love me and respect our decision if that is what it turns out to be. :)

Hope that made since..:o

02-21-2003, 05:23 PM
What downsides are there of having children?

You want to travel? Fine, take your kids along. I would much rather experience the world with my family than just Dan and I. It is so exciting to know that you are adding enrichment to your childs life.

We NEVER had vacations when I was younger. My son is going to see everything...as soon as I get over the fear of him falling out of his backpack carrier while hiking. ;)

I love kids (disciplined ones) and babies. I love baby smells.....dirty diapers are fine too. A child is such a precious thing, and it is really awesome and mind blowing to see how they grow and learn. It's truly amazing. Ya so Dan and I can't go out all the time, so what. I was never a real partier or anything and it's a lot more rewarding seeing a big smile on my sons face after taking him to the pond to feed the ducks and geese than it is if I went to a movie.

02-21-2003, 06:36 PM
What downsides are there of having children?

the only way any one could answer this is from their own perspective. Your life WILL change, and if you are not willing to accept those changes, then THAT would be a "down side".

enough said or this thread WILL become controversial

02-21-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
Me and Eric don't have any kids and I am not sure if we ever will. Were still real young now I'm only 22 and he is 24. I like kids but I don't know if there right for us. We have too many plans for life and I don't want to neglect my children of anything (if we have any). I have a niece and a nephew and he has a niece and a nephew and spending time with them is fun but I just can't see myself with any children. ... I would not be surprised if we end up not having any. .... And if we do It will be a blessing from God and I would love it with all my heart~ But sometimes it is kind of hard on me because family is always asking me when we are going to have kids and it is kind of hurtful but... oh well... they will love me and respect our decision if that is what it turns out to be. :)

Hope that made since..:o

Sara, this makes total sense. In fact, i'm in this same position at the moment. I've never really been a "kid person". Does that make sense? I mean, I don't dislike them, but I just don't think they're right for me right now. I have a nephew and he's just adorable and in fact, I'll include a picture of me and my nephew! :) But just after a few hours with him, I'm done! LOL LOL :o I admit, if I walk into a room and there is a baby and a puppy or a kitten, I would more than likely go to the puppy or kitten first. :o LOL

I have the highest respect for both couples who are CBC as well as those who choose the route of being parents. It's a tough job! Kudos to both types! Whatever is right for each couple, is how it should be! :)
Sara, I totally know where you're coming from on the family issue. My mother-in-law is so into wanting grandchildren! :rolleyes: In fact, literally, the day I got married, she asked me at the reception when to expect grandchildren! :eek: Uh...I don't think so!! :rolleyes:
It really can be quite pressuresome, especially if you're really not considering the idea at the moment. I sometimes feel like it's something expected of me because I'm married, but I don't think that's enough reason for me to have a kid. If we do make that decision later on down the road, that's cool, and like you said, it would be a gift from God. It would probably be God's plan for me to have them. If I choose not to have kids, that's fine too. Even though I'm 26, I still feel too young, and I still want to have my freedom to explore what I want to do in life, after all, I'm still not so sure!
Right now I don't even have time for a dog, so I sure as heck know I don't have time for kids!! Lifestyle and freedom is important for me right now, and I still don't have enough time in a day to do everything I want! :rolleyes: I guess things will fall into place like they should for me in the future, but right now, I'm CBC with ABC!!! LOL (Childless by choice with Animals by choice! LOL LOL ;) )

I hope I haven't offended anyone. That is not my intention. I have respect for both points of view:)

02-21-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

the only way any one could answer this is from their own perspective. Your life WILL change, and if you are not willing to accept those changes, then THAT would be a "down side".

enough said or this thread WILL become controversial

hehe sorry but that wasn't supposed to be interpreted as a quested, just simply my thoughts on children, and believe you me I totally agree with you!!!

I could be happy either way....with a couple kids or tons of pets! You don't loose either way lol.

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-21-2003, 09:00 PM
WOW Karen.....
You totally are living my life on the complete opposite side of the US!;)

Right now I don't even have time for a dog, so I sure as heck know I don't have time for kids!!

HA.... that is so me right now too!!!
I have always wanted a siberian husky soooooooooooooooo bad Eric wants a dog too someday but I have NO time for a dog. Me and Eric both work at Nestle and from April through to December they work me six days a week and Eric seven... ten hour days... and with school too we don't have any time for each other either. One day though I WILL HAVE A DOG.... !!!!!!!!! And neglecting a dog is terrible but even more terrible to neglect children!
Thank God for the less independant animal.... THE CAT!:D :D

02-21-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
But sometimes it is kind of hard on me because family is always asking me when we are going to have kids and it is kind of hurtful but...

Wow, Sara, this could have been me writing this. People don't realize how hurtful the "sideways glances" and the "oh WHEN you have kids" comments really are. I guess it's all about walking a mile in another's shoes...:rolleyes:

02-21-2003, 10:16 PM
What downsides are there of having children?

Hee, hee, hee .... just wait, you'll find out. ;)

You have a fifteen month old? Ahhhh, yes .... all the "downsides" are still to come, believe me!!!!

Not that I would trade my son for everything in the world, but kids can be a pain in the rear when they get older. They get expensive, smart-mouthed and rebellious ..... and I don't even have a true teenager yet! And that's a GOOD kid I'm talking about .... some of them get a LOT worse.

I know, I know ..... you're thinking "Not MY kid! I will NEVER let that happen! He'll be the perfect child." Oooookey, dokey .... let us know in about eleven years, ok? ;) I said the same things, ALL parents did.

Not trying to rain on your parade or anything ... but EVERYTHING in life has a downside. Nothing is perfect. Want a new car? The downside is car payments and higher insurance. Want a new puppy? The downside is housetraining, chewed up couches and vet bills. Want a kid? The downside is the potential for a lot of tears, heartache and problems.

02-21-2003, 10:26 PM
I love kids too, but I don't have any.
as for the traveling, it depends on how you handle it, I have a brother and sister in law that with 2 young children could just pack them and their stuff in a car, and drive 8-10 hours with no problem, the kids had their music, little kids songs on tape that they sang with and then they would sleep most of the way. they had snacks.too.
another brother and his family, it was the total opposite, they would arrive and were so stressed out, the kids were cranky, and they took forever to unpack the car, it looked like they were moving in!
Richard, you ARE a riot! the vlucan touch, LOL
my mom had a certain look, a look that could turn you to stone!
I mean it, once she gave me that look, I KNEW if I didn't stop right then that was IT!
I was a brat, one day when I was around 12, she told me to clean my room or something, and I answered back, well she said oh fine don't then and wait til your father gets home(she did not often say that, especially since my dad spoiled me lol) well I made the near fatal mistake of saying oh ha ha, you have to say wait til dad is home, you can't do anything yourself!
really stupid comment on my part.
1/2 second later I was on the ground getting my mouth slapped!

02-22-2003, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog

, but kids can be a pain in the rear when they get older. They get expensive, smart-mouthed and rebellious ..... and I don't even have a true teenager yet! And that's a GOOD kid I'm talking about .... some of them get a LOT worse.

I know, I know ..... you're thinking "Not MY kid! I will NEVER let that happen! He'll be the perfect child." Oooookey, dokey .... let us know in about eleven years, ok? ;) I said the same things, ALL parents did.

Not trying to rain on your parade or anything ... but EVERYTHING in life has a downside. Nothing is perfect.
I am glad a parent said this !!!!! I wanted to but I'd have been "THAT PERSON WITH NO KIDS".

02-22-2003, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker

Wow, Sara, this could have been me writing this. People don't realize how hurtful the "sideways glances" and the "oh WHEN you have kids" comments really are. I guess it's all about walking a mile in another's shoes...:rolleyes:

I agree! When most people find out I'm getting married, their next question is "so, when are you having children?" !!! Did it ever occur to anyone, that maybe we don't want children right now?! And then if you say no, you get these looks from people and it is hurtful.

02-22-2003, 08:07 AM
I was sixteen and a half when I had my son (unplanned and I was in a whole lot of trouble......long story, for now suffice to say it was 1962 and the so called swinging sixties/free love stuff was not even close to starting in my town!:D) Anyways, do I regret having him? No way? I am so proud of my boy and without him I wouldn`t have the two beautiful grandchildren, who I love very much.

As for people who do not want children I say that I respect and understand how you feel and I totally admire you for not giving in to pressure to have them. Same goes for anyone who wants to wait a while, I think that is so wise, if I do have a regret it is that I had my son at such a young and unsettled age without any security and stability, life would have been a lot easier and happier if.... but there you go, no good dwelling on ifs is there.:)

The people who really tear at my heart are those who so want children and, for whatever reason, cannot. My daughter-in-law took eight years to concieve our Dannielle, my second grandaughter, and no-one could work out the problem. It was breaking her heart, and some people didn`t make it easier by saying how she already had Lianne and so should be grateful, sorry, but it doesn`t work that way.


02-22-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog

Hee, hee, hee .... just wait, you'll find out. ;)

You have a fifteen month old? Ahhhh, yes .... all the "downsides" are still to come, believe me!!!!

Not that I would trade my son for everything in the world, but kids can be a pain in the rear when they get older. They get expensive, smart-mouthed and rebellious ..... and I don't even have a true teenager yet! And that's a GOOD kid I'm talking about .... some of them get a LOT worse.

I know, I know ..... you're thinking "Not MY kid! I will NEVER let that happen! He'll be the perfect child." Oooookey, dokey .... let us know in about eleven years, ok? ;) I said the same things, ALL parents did.

Not trying to rain on your parade or anything ... but EVERYTHING in life has a downside. Nothing is perfect. Want a new car? The downside is car payments and higher insurance. Want a new puppy? The downside is housetraining, chewed up couches and vet bills. Want a kid? The downside is the potential for a lot of tears, heartache and problems.

All of what you said is common sense. I never said he was perfect, nor will he be when he gets older. I raised my brother and sister since I was 9 and believe me they are a MAJOR pain in the arse!!! But I never said nor would I say something like that because it's just not what happens.

Of course I am *hoping* and praying he won't turn out to be a drug dealer or something but every parent wished the best for their child.

He is just now starting to become independent and yes there are many a times when I feel like exploding from constant temper tantrums etc, but he's growing and to me I can't be mad at him because he doesn'tknow what he is doing yet. Once he knows I will start showing my "rath" lol. :p

02-22-2003, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by neko1

I agree! When most people find out I'm getting married, their next question is "so, when are you having children?" !!! Did it ever occur to anyone, that maybe we don't want children right now?! And then if you say no, you get these looks from people and it is hurtful.

Ah yes and even if you already have a child that doesn't stop them! My step dad kept drilling me for another baby only a few weeks after I had DYlan!!!:eek: :rolleyes:

I mean come on, lol!

02-22-2003, 10:54 PM
agree! When most people find out I'm getting married, their next question is "so, when are you having children?" !!! Did it ever occur to anyone, that maybe we don't want children right now?! And then if you say no, you get these looks from people and it is hurtful.
People used to look at me like I had a third eye growing out of my forehead when I would say I didn't want kids. And guys were ok with it when we were 1st dating, but when it got serious, then it changed to maybe we should think about it. NO! My husband and I had to completely agree on this before I would agree to marry him and we've no regrets.
Three years ago I had a hysterectomy and now I don't get those looks anymore like they think I'm a freak.
Now I get the pity looks. I think I hate that even more!:mad:
Then I have to explain that I didn't want any in the first place.
So complicated. :rolleyes:

BTW - I am really enjoying this thread!

02-24-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
well I made the near fatal mistake of saying oh ha ha, you have to say wait til dad is home, you can't do anything yourself!
really stupid comment on my part.
1/2 second later I was on the ground getting my mouth slapped!

and that's what made you the rotten, mean person you are today?;)

my mom told me once (clean it up for the prudes and innocents out there) ......just because you can go to bed with someone and get them pregnant does not make you a parent or a father....

true enough, after seeing some bozos who know that you put 'tab a' into 'slot b' ........it's the truth.

it's a mindset and a devotion of your life towards your kid's life.

getting your ass kicked by your parents isn't the 'crime' that people make it out to be...I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ABUSE...
i'm talking about taking a crack on the keister for being a smart ass, doing something you ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO....

if enough kids learned by the 'once burnt, twice shy' method of parenting, we'd have half the probs in the world today.....

btw.....mary, i like rotten mean women....they are dangerous!;)

02-24-2003, 03:49 PM
But there is a difference between "getting your ass kicked" and being disciplined. I was hit as a child (with implements) and both my parents and I agree that it wasn't the way to go. It created a lot of turmoil in our lives that has taken a while to get over. There are other, more effective ways of disciplining kids than by losing control and hitting them while you're angry.

02-24-2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

getting your ass kicked by your parents isn't the 'crime' that people make it out to be...I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ABUSE...

am i stuttering again?????

02-24-2003, 04:16 PM
No, not stuttering. But I think using the phrase "getting your ass kicked" to be synonymous with reasonable discipline is a bit misleading.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-24-2003, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
I can't be mad at him because he doesn'tknow what he is doing yet. Once he knows I will start showing my "rath" lol. :p

Trust me, start now. DO NOT wait until "he knows." Kids learn real quick even when they're babies, and the earlier you start the easier it will be all around.

Ok, so I'm not a parent, but I've got nephews and a niece and I've seen the results of waiting. Not a pretty site. :(

02-24-2003, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

am i stuttering again?????

remember when you write things use grammar and terms to keep the reader interested in the topic, you have no control over the literal intrepretation or reaction that the reader may attach to your comments. Should the reader make assumptions or is
unable to detect sarcasm or hidden meanings in the topic,
write at their level next time.

Edwina's Secretary
02-24-2003, 04:37 PM
And guys were ok with it when we were 1st dating, but when it got serious, then it changed to maybe we should think about it. NO! My husband and I had to completely agree on this before I would agree to marry him and we've no regrets.

Oh how I remember this! I married a guy who had already had his kids and was not interested in more. That would be one of my questions if I ever went on the Dating Game. Would you have the Big Snip for me? :D :D

02-24-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
That would be one of my questions if I ever went on the Dating Game. Would you have the Big Snip for me? :D :D

BIG SNIP?:eek:

the secret to getting a man to agree to having sharp objects around the area of his genitalia is to make it sound like fun or a sport......

when the doctors explain it they say 'We are going to make two small incisions........." See, small incisions!!!!!! that shames us into
saying, "Small incisions? yea, no problem.....":confused:
we don't want to look like wusses in the dr.s office!

02-24-2003, 05:05 PM
remember when you write things use grammar and terms to keep the reader interested in the topic, you have no control over the literal intrepretation or reaction that the reader may attach to your comments. Should the reader make assumptions or is
unable to detect sarcasm or hidden meanings in the topic,
write at their level next time.

Now, if all that were true, would I have been able to laugh at that post! :)

02-24-2003, 05:07 PM
RICHARD your posts crack me up! Love your sarcasam and quick wit!

My husband and I are CBC. I raised somone else's children for several years. 5 children including a set of twins all UNDER the age of 7yr :eek:!

As far as "Discipline" goes, I was raised by a WONDERFUL Nanny who used the 3 Strike rule with me: 1) I warn you. 2) I warn you again, AND you lose something (i.e., toy, dessert...etc.) 3) Since you didn't get it in the "EAR" (you didn't listen) now you get it on "THE REAR"!

02-24-2003, 05:11 PM
I'm fine with spanking (open hand on butt), but I think it's KEY that the parent not do it while in a rage.

02-24-2003, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou

My husband and I are CBC. I raised somone else's children for several years. 5 children including a set of twins all UNDER the age of 7yr :eek:!

As far as "Discipline" goes, I was raised by a WONDERFUL Nanny who used the 3 Strike rule with me: 1) I warn you. 2) I warn you again, AND you lose something (i.e., toy, dessert...etc.) 3) Since you didn't get it in the "EAR" (you didn't listen) now you get it on "THE REAR"!

hat's off to you (5 kids? you know 4 gets you sainthood!!!)

let's review.
your getting YAK'ed ruined you in what way??

my dad was great (god bless him) he KOA (kicked our ass) with a
belt, and we deserved it when it came our way....funny, Nanny hit you yet you still call her WONDERFUL, are you sure it's not the STOCKHOLM SYNDROME? you know when the hostages start to identify with the hostage takers???;) i have no kids either (can't find a woman crazy or drunk enough to have a go at it...), but i find that people who can't trust or control their emotions should
be CBL (childless by law-sarcasm engaged).........

here's a good one......my nephew was raised by the 'BOARD OF EDUCATION' a long handled pine swatter............

far more frightening when mom has you by the arm and you are on your toes waiting for the smack (psychological threats!) that never comes.

(nobody's listening, how many third strikes did you get? not many, i bet.........)
this kid finished high school, became a marine, got married and
is currently working and taking his last 4 classes, soon to be certified as an EMT.

02-24-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou
Since you didn't get it in the "EAR" now you get it on "THE REAR"!

check it out- A RAPPING NANNY!!!!!!

now i'm scared!

02-24-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
I'm fine with spanking (open hand on butt), but I think it's KEY that the parent not do it while in a rage.

I *SO* agree with you...so many times I have witnessed spanking done in anger. What is left behind is a bewildered kid that is filled with anger. That starts a vicious cycle.

02-24-2003, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

remember when you write things use grammar and terms to keep the reader interested in the topic, you have no control over the literal intrepretation or reaction that the reader may attach to your comments. Should the reader make assumptions or is
unable to detect sarcasm or hidden meanings in the topic,
write at their level next time.

p.s. people with no sense of humor, wit or any of the tools
that allow them latitude in comprehension, can never be changed.

02-24-2003, 07:35 PM
I really like this thread
first I want to say..
Sara-whoever asks you when you are having kids, tell them "just as soon as you learn to mind your own business"!

2nd- as far as hitting or discipline, I think there is a difference, and some parents let it go till the kid goes too far then they really lose their temper...my parents were good at discipline(aside from the 2 or 3 provoked moments with my mom) there was a certain way we were expected to act. thats it, no room for misunderstanding, thats just the way it was. naps were a fact too, not something to be argued with. mymom would say if you arent tired then just rest. because she needed her quiet time for her sanity! (5 kids in my family) if I was being too loud and my dad was on the phone he would snap his fingers, just to signal me, it was not done mean, there was no hint of getting in trouble, just that I had to tone it down.it was just alot of things like that. I broke a window once, by mistake, and was so scared, that the next day when my mother asked me about it I told her what happend but I was really scared, I told her what happend then asked her will it cost alot to replace? she said no(insurance)
and I was not in trouble as long as I admitted it.(oh good lets do it again haha..j/k)
now, 3rd...Richard you really are a riot, I love your humor!:D
and to answer your question, no that is not entirely what made me the mean person I am today... it helped b LOL but I had to learn the lesson again as a teen, 16, I mouthed off to my dad, when he was trying to help me with my homework, then walked down the hall, well I did not see my mother, and as I turned the corner, wham! hard slap to the face!"don't you EVER talk to your father like that again" she was right of course.
Ihave 4 older brothers and they got more discipline from my father, but not daddys little girl and being so much younger...can you say B-R-A-T?

02-24-2003, 07:49 PM
I did , however, get threatend with the BELT several times, but never actually saw THE BELT.
my brothers did a time or two, mostly on vacation when were on car trips and they just got to be too much for my dad, ( long drive, no AC, and 4 loud boys, gee wonder why he got mad...
of course the little darling was up front with mom and dad !
:D :cool:

I also want to say, (whew long winded )
that I think when I kid is like , 2 ,3 or 4 maybe and they say or do something wrong, the I thinnk a light slap on the mouth, or hand, or bottom, depending on what the kid did.. and I mean just a light tap, just to make the point, I think that is enough.
also, you can tell when kid knows it is doing wrong, when they look to see if you are looking, and then do whatever it is. then you know they know its wrong.
times out and being sent to the room is good too for young children.
oh boy I remember one time I was baby sitting my nephew and he had a friend over, and unfortunately he got his aunts mouth, well I was looking for something, said where is it? and he thought he was so funny, he said, maybe its up your....! and then they laughed, they were about 8 or 9, oh he saw his aunts wrath for the first time that day. I froze in place and looked at him, did I hear right? I said UP, in your room NOW (had he been mine he was old enough for hitting) and told the friend to call his mom to pick him up, Daniel is no longer allowed company right now. I made him stay in his room wondering what was going to happen then I told him to call his mother and tell her what he had said to me! so then he had his parents coming home to think about and wait. hehe

02-24-2003, 07:57 PM
As far as "Discipline" goes, I was raised by a WONDERFUL Nanny who used the 3 Strike rule with me: 1) I warn you. 2) I warn you again, AND you lose something (i.e., toy, dessert...etc.) 3) Since you didn't get it in the "EAR" (you didn't listen) now you get it on "THE REAR"!

I was a "nanny" (though we didn't call it that) for two years when I was in college. The little girl was just about to turn 4 when I started, and was almost 6 when she was the flower girl at Paul's and my wedding. She was a very smart child, and knew the rules. Her bedtime routine always consisted of two stories and three songs. If she was naughty, I'd cancel one story, then the second, and so on ... She valued her stories/songs so much that she was never bad enough to jeapordize them TOOO badly. I remember only one day that she got NO stories, but she was never naughty enough for no stories AND no songs! :)

02-24-2003, 08:30 PM
wow, what a nice nammy you were, 2 stories and 3 songs!

02-24-2003, 09:04 PM
"p.s. people with no sense of humor, wit or any of the tools
that allow them latitude in comprehension, can never be changed."

I don't really think this is necessary, Richard. I was just trying to elaborate on a point, not attack your sense of humour.

02-24-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
I'm fine with spanking (open hand on butt), but I think it's KEY that the parent not do it while in a rage.

So who spanks while everybody's happy? I got spanked a few times while my mother was mad at me. I deserved it, and I probably never did whatever it was I did in the first place again. Huh?:confused: I lost myself there. :rolleyes:

02-24-2003, 10:20 PM
Richard is not being nice!

(Soledad, I'm not making fun of you..)

02-24-2003, 10:21 PM
Not happy, Micki, just not out of control.

I don't have fond memories of being hunted down by my dad as he ran with a belt (buckle side awaiting my ass, thank you). And I don't think anyone can benefit from that.

Thanks, Mary.

02-24-2003, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
wow, what a nice nanny you were, 2 stories and 3 songs!

She was a nice kid, and I haven't to this day met a child I couldn't sing to sleep, so the songs worked in my favor as well as made her happy!

02-24-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
Not happy, Micki, just not out of control.

I don't have fond memories of being hunted down by my dad as he ran with a belt (buckle side awaiting my ass, thank you). And I don't think anyone can benefit from that.

Thanks, Mary.

Well, I don't think I'd have fond memories of that either.:(

02-24-2003, 11:28 PM
I understand what you are saying.

the parent should wait til they are in control of their emotions, so as to not overdue the punishment. right?
I also undertand that sometimes a parent will spank a kid while the parent is mad, at the moment so the kid knows what it is for.younger kids tend to forget later on...but Soledad I know what point you are trying to make. each case is different also the age of the child makes a big difference. I would spank a , say 5 year old, 8 year old, but not not a 13 yr old. or a baby. there are just different ways of discipline.

if I had tried to sing to any of the kids I babysat, it would have scared the wits out of them haha
I used to like the babies, because I could sit down and rock them to sleep, the older ones keep trying to make excuses to stay up LOL but I had fun with them too.:)

02-24-2003, 11:49 PM
Yes, Mary, that was EXACTLY what I was saying. :D

02-25-2003, 12:35 AM
I was spanked when I was little. My mom's phrase was "if you don't smarten up I'm gonna spank your butt in front of God and everybody!" The potential embarassment always calmed me down. The threat "wait till dad comes home" always worked, because he was the one who did the spanking. But, the reason I didn't want to get spanked wasn't because of the pain, but because I knew that if I was spanked it meant that I had disappointed my parents and deserved a punishment. When I got older and I had done something bad (don't even remember what it was) I asked if I could create my own punishment. I ended up going to bed at like 8pm (regular bed time was 9pm), no after dinner snack (which was tradition), no bed time reading and no TV until the next day. My dad thought I was too hard on myself, but it sure worked better than whatever they would have given me, because I took responsibility.

As for having kids.. at this point in my life having a kid would drive me insane. I'm too focused on what I want.. basically too selfish to have a kid at this time. It's a future thing.. I doubt I will have kids until I'm at LEAST 30.

02-25-2003, 02:23 AM
I'm sure I went on too much in my posts, and probably went off the subject, but come on you guys, I could not have been the only bratty kid, lets hear some stories??

02-25-2003, 11:20 AM
i have written my local paper, specifically the sports section,
and asked them not to use the word 'beat' or any derivative
there of....
i think it is a problem when the headline says something like,
'the bucs beat the colts' or 'arsenal beats liverpool' .
kids read the sports section and listen to the news broadcasts.

what good does it do to hear that 'tiger woods was badly beaten today at the open'

it serves no purpose for our children to be exposed to such a violent society.

02-25-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD

p.s. people with no sense of humor, wit or any of the tools
that allow them latitude in comprehension, can never be changed.

p.s.s. always go under the impression that the reader has taken a small part of your post, usually one that happens to hit that nerve that makes them go crazy, and will turn it into a huge point of contention. By taking your words out of context with editing or the inability to comprehend the complete text of the message you run the risk of having the respondent become angry, opposed to your point of view, or sadly enough, have their head explode.

02-25-2003, 01:20 PM
For all of us that are tired of people asking "when are you going to have children?"

The last time someone asked me that I said "My husband and I are too ugly, we're not allowed to have children" :D :D :D

02-25-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Tanya&Fritz
For all of us that are tired of people asking "when are you going to have children?"

The last time someone asked me that I said "My husband and I are too ugly, we're not allowed to have children" :D :D :D

the problem my parents had was i was so ugly the doctor punched my mom, dad, grandparents AND the nurses assisting him......

02-25-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Tanya&Fritz
For all of us that are tired of people asking "when are you going to have children?"

The last time someone asked me that I said "My husband and I are too ugly, we're not allowed to have children" :D :D :D

LOL I'm definately gonna use that one next time!

Last time someone asked me when we were going to have kids, I told him that "we'd have kids but we can't figure out where babies come from"! That shut him up!!:D :D :D

02-25-2003, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Tanya&Fritz
For all of us that are tired of people asking "when are you going to have children?"

The last time someone asked me that I said "My husband and I are too ugly, we're not allowed to have children" :D :D :D
hee hee! Too funny!!
I'm so SICK of hearing this question...that I've told everyone we aren't having any, just to shut them up. Do you know that my hubby thought I was serious??? Poor thing!

02-25-2003, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Soledad
I'm fine with spanking (open hand on butt), but I think it's KEY that the parent not do it while in a rage.
My hubby and I took a Child Psychology class together last summer and our teacher (PhD, etc, ect) said that every parent is a potential child abuser. He said that sometimes they can make you so mad...

We don't have any experience with that personally, but I can imagine...he made it a HUGE point to tell people to CALM DOWN before discaplining.

I was spanked when I was little, and believe you me, I sure learned my lessons!! But then, I was the type of kid that if you showed any disappointment in me, I'd cry and do anything to make you not mad at me. :rolleyes:

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-25-2003, 05:08 PM
For all of us that are tired of people asking "when are you going to have children?"
The last time someone asked me that I said "My husband and I are too ugly, we're not allowed to have children"


I'm sure I went on too much in my posts, and probably went off the subject, but come on you guys, I could not have been the only bratty kid, lets hear some stories??

Me and my sister were terrors... to my parents at least. We DID NOT get along when we were younger and got many a spankings for arguing (I am also fine with spanking as discipline I was spanked and not scarred at all from it)

One day me and my mom and sister were driving down the road (my mom made us both sit in the back seat) and we were arguing and my mom got sick of it and pulled over to spank us. We all got out of the car and my mom forgot to put it in park so the car started rolling down the hill... she had to chase the car ... so needless to say we didn't get that spanking! ;)

02-25-2003, 05:45 PM

here we go,

dad loved and collected guns.
he loved to shoot and hunt.
he taught all the kids to shoot and respect guns.
he never taught us to pull the bullets off the casings
spill the gunpowder on a brick and put a match to it..
we kinda figured it out for ourselves.

then one day he caught wind of it and pounded the living crap out of me cause i was the oldest.
( in case you are wondering i use "pounding the living crap out of me" because...
a) it makes my dad seem like he was pure evil
b) come on, we were just playing with live ammunition!
c) no one had their eye put out
d) since we were behaving lately, he needed a chance to
vent some male hormones and show us he was boss.)

the lesson he taught me, my brothers got to watch my dad abuse me so the lesson was not lost on them!!!!

needless to say, we learned our lessons
and all my brothers are very good marksmen!

02-27-2003, 11:49 PM

LOL I can just picture that, someone running after the car and the kids standing there!

anyone else have funny stories to share? or things you got away with, etc, as a kid or teen? anyone ever sneak out of the house?.......ever make any prank phone calls?( I KNOW there has to be some stories out there?..)
just curious..

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-28-2003, 12:01 AM
anyone ever sneak out of the house?.......

o.k..... I gotta funny story about this one too...:o

The first time I ever snuck(sp?!!??!?!) out of the house.....

My friend was going to pick me up with her boyfriend and some guy she wanted me to meet... they said they would ride by my house in (I forget what kind of car) and then they would drive one street over and pick me up there.... well I saw them ride by and I SLOWLY opened my window and crawled out and then SLOWLY closed it back... I went to the next street over... they weren't there and I waited about 5 minutes and finally went back home... when I got back I SLOWLY opened the window and SLOWLY closed it and I heard someone scream at the top of thier lungs..... IT WAS MY MOM.... supposedly my friends got tired of waiting for me and called my mom and asked her if I got home o.k....... well of course my mom did not know I was out ... so she sat in my room in the dark and scared the mess out of me when I got back home... :eek:

02-28-2003, 12:07 AM

LOL oh no, talk about getting caught! :eek:

02-28-2003, 12:23 AM
I never snuck out or anything, but a party at my friends house did have the police show up to "break us up".. but I use the quotes for a reason...

My friend lived in an apartment building. She was on the third floor, and the building was fairly old. The woman who lived below her was a paranoid whacko. Sometimes she would call their house when there was NO ONE home and leave messages on their answering machine like "I know you are home and I know you can hear this message and you better stop stomping around up there!" or when my friend was doing homework at her desk, her sister was laying on the bed reading and their mom was napping, the woman would call and accuse them of making all kind of racket. Anyway, we were having this party, and we were listening to music and laughing and stuff. Then at 11pm, my friend was like "oh we gotta be quiet because of the witch downstairs (her nickname)" so we all sat down and turned on some classical music very quietly. A couple of people had to go home, so we all decided to walk them out to their car, which was parked on the street about half a block away. We all left the apratment (quietly - my friends mom had gone to bed and we didn't want to wake her because her bedroom door was near the front door) and we ALL left the aprtment. We took about 15-20 mins laughing and talking around the car and saying bye, and then the last four of us (who were all sleeping over) went back to her building. We got to the door of the building, and there was a police car.. we said good evening to them and stuff (it was only about 11:45pm) and we asked if there was a problem in the building. They then said, "Yeah we are here to shut down a rowdy party in 302" We looked at them and said, "WE are 302!! And we haven't been in the apt for about 25mins!" So we walked upstairs with the police, and when we walked in the apratment the look on the police officers' faces was priceless.. it was fairly dark, there was soft classical music still playing in the background, and we had to wake my friend's mom up to come talk to the police. The officer says to her mom "you've been here all night??" and she kinda mumbles.. "Yeah.. but I went to bed around 10pm or so" It was hilarious. That's the extent of my badness :rolleyes: :p :D

02-28-2003, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by marysmerrycats
.......ever make any prank phone calls?( I KNOW there has to be some stories out there?..)
just curious..

LOL LOL Good stories everyone! :)

I swear, prank phone calls were a majorly fun thing for my sister and I :rolleyes: I guess it was for the adrenaline rush! :eek: LOL Couldn't get away with it anymore these days, with caller ID and all.
A lot of times, we would just randomly dial a number and give some sort of dumb survey, like what do you like better, Coke or Pepsi?
Or, we would make up some really wierd prize and call people to tell they they won!
Another thing we would do is dial a number and sing a song. I remember one time an older (sounding) lady answered the phone and we sang "you are my sunshine..." and she kept saying "Thank you! Well...Thank you!" hehehehe :p

We did get a couple of people tell us that they would call the police, and of course we would be freaked out and afraid that the police were going to come and get us in the middle of the night for calling somebody and telling them they just won a lifetime supply of pantyhose! :eek: LOL LOL :rolleyes:

02-28-2003, 02:29 PM
After my family moved from Los Angeles to Washington I no longer had a Nanny.... My parents were pre-occupied with their own lives so I caused a lot of trouble....I was responsible for "Forking" peoples lawns(Much cleaner than Toilet Paper)....Eggs in the hallways at the school.....Limburger cheese in a certain teacher's heater.....firecrakers in a bathroom....Fire Dept. call to the Chemistry Lab....Fire Dept. call to the Home Ec. Dept. (Do NOT lock the self-cleaning oven when baking chocolate chip cookies)Fire Dept. call to student parking lot C.W>'s truck was mysteriously a flame(NO ONE HURT).....Used to go to K-Mart and when there was a BlueLight special my friends and I would race to it and load up our carts like we were going to buy it all....cart filled, no more special....then we'd ditch the carts down an aisle. Used to fill unattended grocery baskets with very "odd" items......I was TERRIBLE! I was a VERY UN-SUPERVISED child as my parents weren't around much. Yes, I was T-R-O-U-B-L-E.....:rolleyes: :o :eek: :D

02-28-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou
....I was responsible for "Forking" peoples lawns(Much cleaner than Toilet Paper)....

never heard of THAT one.......

i do remember the police escort you got to the county line the day you left;)

you call up a store and get the booze department, ask if they have prince albert in a can (rolling tobacco)....if they say yes you
answer, 'better let him out before he suffocates'.....click!

02-28-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou
I was responsible for "Forking" peoples lawns(Much cleaner than Toilet Paper)....

Is that what it sounds like?? Actually putting forks in the lawn?? I thought I'd seen or done it all. Guess not.

02-28-2003, 04:03 PM
"Forking the Lawn"....Plastic forks ALL OVER someone's lawn....Spelling innapropiate things with them on the lawn is optional.
I grew up in a small town in the Pacific Northwest named Forks. Seemed fitting and since they measure the rainfall there in "Feet" instead of inches Toilet Paper was a mess to clean up. Hey at least I was thoughtful Vandal... I helped to aerate the lawn!:rolleyes: ;)

Amazinly, RICHARD the Forks PD loved me, so no Police Escort. Must have been someoneelse's "Evil Heathen"....would have been fun. I always wanted play with the siren.;) :D

02-28-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou
Amazinly, RICHARD the Forks PD loved me, so no Police Escort. Must have been someoneelse's "Evil Heathen"....would have been fun. I always wanted play with the siren.;) :D [/B]

actually was trying to keep the look of guilt from my face.....
and for the record......they keep you in the back seat with a nice pair of bracelets on your hands....NOT that i would know


02-28-2003, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou
"Forking the Lawn"....Plastic forks ALL OVER someone's lawn....Spelling innapropiate things with them on the lawn is optional.
I grew up in a small town in the Pacific Northwest named Forks. Seemed fitting and since they measure the rainfall there in "Feet" instead of inches Toilet Paper was a mess to clean up. Hey at least I was thoughtful Vandal... I helped to aerate the lawn!:rolleyes: ;)

Amazinly, RICHARD the Forks PD loved me, so no Police Escort. Must have been someoneelse's "Evil Heathen"....would have been fun. I always wanted play with the siren.;) :D

OMG! OMG!! This is just too too funny! I thought I was the only kid to have ever gone "forking"!! I'll tell people about it, and they just don't seem to understand how funny it is. I guess it's one of those things where you have to be there. LOL :rolleyes:

My friends and I forked the football field when I was in high school. It really made the track people mad, because they would show up early in the morning, and there they'd be....all the forks with their prongs sticking up, spelling out words all over the field! LOL LOL
How funny, a town called Forks! That IS fitting! :D LOL LOL Being from a small town myself, I had to find something to do on a Friday night!! LOL ;)

02-28-2003, 05:30 PM
That is just too funny!!! :D

We used to T.P. peoples houses and bushes....it was a lot of fun. We even once T.P'd our own house to see what my mom would do...we got to clean it up of course! Guess we learned that lesson! Gosh, we were wierd kids! :rolleyes:

Sara luvs her Tinky
02-28-2003, 06:01 PM
HA!! my mom has told me stories of her forking peoples houses!!

I have never rolled anyones house.... BUT... when me and my friend were little we lived in the same apartments.. and we went knocking from door to door telling people that we just moved in and our toilet paper wasn't brought over yet and asked if we could have a roll from them.. we ended up with two garbage bags full of toilet paper..:D :D

02-28-2003, 06:54 PM
Sara luvs her Tinky, That's a funny one:D :D :D :D :D

03-01-2003, 12:32 AM
For all of us that are tired of people asking "when are you going to have children?"
The last time someone asked me that I said "My husband and I are too ugly, we're not allowed to have children

LOL that is hilarious, I'd love to see the look on someones face when told that!:eek: :D
as a kid, a favorite thing to do was go knocking on doors or ring the bell, and then run! of course this had to be done late at night!
I remember one time we (my friend and me) really did not like a certain girl so we picked her house, and we did that about 3 times, about 20 minutes apart. her dad was so mad the last time he walked outside and said, whoever you are you better hope I don't catch you!:D :D and we would ride our bikes around, and anyone who had the mailbox flag up, we would put it down and put other ones up that were down! oh what brats, I bet we really irritated the mailman:D
I never egged anyones house but did toilet paper one house.
I also remember that there was this one store, and they had a window, if you put money in the candy machines, those 1 cent , 5 cent, 25 cent etc. and nothing came out, you could go to the window and they would give you your money back....well we would do that without having PUT the money in! we said we had!
another time at church this lady in front of us had a big hat on, and my friend got some paper and crumbled up several little pieces, about half the size of a pea, then she sprinkled them all over the ladys hat! I didn't do it but I watched:D
also we would call people, random from the phone book, it had to be a couple listed, and the ones where the woman answered, we would try to sound sexy and ask for the guy by name. who are we? well this is ---and he was suposed to be here by now, or we'd say something like that!

03-01-2003, 01:17 AM
My girl friend Janie and I did the prank phone calls too.:( We lived in a small town, so didn't want to call anyone we might know, so we saw a cardboard box with numbers on it and put the towns prefix with it and called. Later when we wanted to call again we had to dig the box out of the trash, to get the number again. Days later. It was an old lady. She thought she knew us. We felt so bad, we had to call later and tell her. Then she didn't belive us and thought we were still her friends pulling a trick on her. My friend Janie did befriend her and stayed friends with this woman untill her death many many years later.

Wonder what makes us do these things:confused:

03-01-2003, 01:23 AM
some punks egged my car while I was driving it. I had to repaint the entire front fender and driver's door. I think that people who are malicious are disgusting about it. I love my car and I had just had it painted, and a couple of pr**ks threw an egg at me. I was SO scared I started to cry.. it was dark and I was afriad I had hit something, because I heard this huge thud. Then I saw a guy in a truck racing by, so I figured he had thrown like a McDonald's cup or something. When I got home, I checked the car, but like I said, it was dark and it was POURING rain... and I couldn't see anything. The next morning when I went out to leave for school I had a crescent shaped chip in the paint with spatters of the corosion all down the driver's side of my car. I just started to bawl.. it was so upsetting.

03-01-2003, 01:32 AM
that was an awful thing he did to your car, and it is waaaaay beyond any kid prank! it was just cruel, you didn't deserve that! my neice was driving back to Phoenix from here, at night and some jerk on an overpass threw a rock, it cracked the windshield and scared her and her little girl! it was really a pathetic thing to do!

03-01-2003, 01:45 AM
Thanks Mary.

I don't know why some pranks are taken so far. It's one thing to not hurt or endanger anyone and have a little fun. It's another to destruct property.

OH I remembered a prank. My friends and I always liked to holler from my friend Missy's apartment (yes, the same one with the police party, but we were only loud during the day). One day, we called these three guys (probly around 14) and we were like, "Hey wait there.. we are coming down to talk" and we went outside. We had them convinced we were in college and we thought they looked way more mature than they were and stuff. They thought they were SO hot after that!! We were only 16, 17 though ourselves.

Then, another thing me and my friend Lisa did. Missy had her bed set up near the window, so I put my feet under the bed for stability and leaned backward out the window, while Lisa put her hands around my neck. I would scream, "NO PLEASE DON'T DO IT" and she was all "I HATE YOU YOU ARE GONNA DIE" then we would wait until someone stopped on the street like, 'gee, should we do something' and then we would stop and wave and smile at them. Mostly people laughed. Some rolled their eyes. It was pretty funny though. I don't know we could get away with something like that now though.. people would think it was real.

03-01-2003, 01:50 AM
oh that is sooooo funny!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-01-2003, 07:18 AM
and we would ride our bikes around, and anyone who had the mailbox flag up, we would put it down and put other ones up that were down! oh what brats, I bet we really irritated the mailman

*HA!! HA!! HA!!*
That was funny!!

I used to LOOOVE to go knocking on peoples doors and run away!! :p

One halloween me and some friends were up late doing that... and you know the old trick where you would get a bag of dog poop and light it on fire ... then knock and run away ... and when the person opens the door they are supposed to stomp it out.... and they get poop on thier shoe... WELL...
We wanted to do that so me and my friend went and scooped out our litterboxes and put the poop in a bag... we put it on our friend's porch and would barely get it to light and knock and run away.. by the time his dad answered the door the fire would be out...and he couldn't see it there cause it was dark.. we even went home and soaked the bag with hairspray and still could not get the bag to stay lit... so we never got that prank to work..OH WELL...:rolleyes:

03-01-2003, 12:09 PM
Sara I remember my dad telling me he had done that poop bag trick as a kid!(now I know where i get my obnoxiousness hehe)
too bad it didn't work for you, it is disappointing huh?
I won't go into details but I will say that I was obnoxious well into my 20's!! you know, for fun!:eek: :D

03-01-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

Trust me, start now. DO NOT wait until "he knows." Kids learn real quick even when they're babies, and the earlier you start the easier it will be all around.

Ok, so I'm not a parent, but I've got nephews and a niece and I've seen the results of waiting. Not a pretty site. :(

I was referring to temper tantrums. At this age it is best to NOT pay attention to them, because they get worse if you do that. He RARELY has temper tantrums, if we don't pay attention to themhe stops right away, if we make a fuss about them he will keep going. If he knows it doesn't effect us he won't do because he won't get anything out of it.

I am not waiting until he knows, it is common sense that NOW of course I will still be teaching him what is appropriate and what is not. So I am not waiting, but there is no need for me to scream and yell at him, I believe there are other ways to discipline and so far myway is working nicely.