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View Full Version : Dog Parks: Do you have any near you, and do you go?

Jasper's Mom
04-27-2001, 08:39 AM
The first no leash dog park in Hawaii is behind Diamond Head, minutes from my house. It started out as a hilly, rocky and barren site, but over time, with a lot of work from some dedicated people, it has grown into a nice place to visit. A posting board for notices near the entrance gate. You can get on a mailing list or visit their web site. Tables and benches scattered around and a good watering area. Lots of grass and poop bags available. They often have events and last year I attended their Halloween Dog Costume Contest. It was lots of fun. The only drawback is that it often is totally unsupervised and uneducated people and undisciplined dogs have sometimes caused problems. I no longer go there. Three times the same Rottie, Apollo, has gone after one of my dogs there, even charging the fence over and over after we had exited and were walking down the sidewalk. Not the fault of the breed nor the dog, but the fault of the owner.

At the end of the street where I live is a huge regular park with only a small section allowing dogs, leash required. The first time this same dog, Apollo, attacked my dog, it was here. It was all this slight build guy could do to hold onto his dog while we departed. Days later, as I approached the same park near my home again, I stopped in my tracks when I noticed this same owner, with Apollo, talking to a lady. She was bent over talking to the dog. All was fine until she straightened up, for then he lunged at her barking wildly. The owner, hanging on with all his might, yelled out to her the same thing he had said to me, "He's never done that before". Right! I turned around and went home. What to do? I now avoid both of these parks.

Since then the Hawaiian Humane Society has opened up a new, tho smaller, dog park on their grounds. It is manned with volunteers and they supervise and intervene in times of trouble. I take my dogs there when I have time. They have a great waterfall and swimming area, which my dogs love. Picnic tables, benches, lots of shade, green grass, a watering area and poop bags too. I've met many nice dog & kitty people there, all with their own stories to tell. I have never seen Apollo there, whew! My dogs finally have a safe and fun park to enjoy.

04-27-2001, 10:57 AM
We have several off-leash parks around here but I'm too scared to take Reece because he's only 7 lbs. He thinks everyone is nice so he'll run up to any dog wanting to play. He likes to run and wrestle with other dogs, which could have awful results if he starts rough housing with a big dog. Even if the big dog means no harm, he could still squish Reece. Whenever I want Reece to run around, I'll take him to these fenced in tennis courts and set him free. Its not quite as good as a park but at least I know he's safe. I wish our humane society had something like you described. It sounds great.

04-27-2001, 03:14 PM
We have a place called Dog's Beach here in San Diego, where the dogs can run free and go in the water, etc. However if we let Daisy or Perry loose they would run with the wind and be in Mexico before we could catch them.
We did visit a Dog Park while vacationing in Palm Springs. There was a larger park for large dogs and within that park was a smaller park for the little dogs. We took Daisy and Perry in there and it did not work out as they wanted to be alpha with every dog in the park, we tried everything to socialize them but they still act like a pack of two. We even took Perry to a dog behaviorist, she said to keep treats with us and when another dog comes along to say nice doggie, nice doggie, and give him a treat.
It doesn't work for him.
We have a big fenced lower yard and we exercise them there or take them to a park during the week on a leash when it's not crowded. I guess there are some dogs who just do not want to socialize and their guardians must be very careful not to subject other people or dogs to their aggresiveness.

04-27-2001, 11:53 PM
We have several dog parks in our area too... off leash parks. Thank goodness too because we live in the city in a townhome with a small and not very "doggy-friendly" backyard. It is hard to go to the one I like on a regular basis with my schedule but I try. We have 3 dogs so I take one each time. There is no way I could handle taking all three at once. I pack up some water and a couple balls (although there are plenty of tennis balls at the park that people bring in and leave there), some treats and a book and I read while my little girls play. You have to be careful and watch them though. Dogs will be dogs and not every one will get along but eventually they settle in and just run and play. No major problems yet but there are usually well educated "dog-park" people there who understand how to handle things. Also, I usually end up going when no one is there anyway.. mid week, early afternoon! It's perfect! Dog parks are a great thing and there definitely should be more of them. Most of ours are somewhat small but good and have bags there so you can pick up after your dog. That is very handy.

Also, I can't remember exactly but I think it was Fort Collins, CO that was mentioned as the doggie friendliest city in the U.S. They have all sorts of places that you and your pets are welcome like ice cream parlors with special "doggie-cones" or something. It would be nice if more cities were like that. Maybe we will just move to CO!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif


04-28-2001, 10:26 AM
As far as I know, there aren't any dog parks close to me. I don't think I would take Carl anyways, because he has a problem with other dogs when they play. He just can't stand the fact that other dogs can have fun! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif He's just a grumpy old man! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

04-30-2001, 11:47 AM
Hi there! we have three in the San Jose/Sunnyvale area. Bug loves them - not for the other dogs but for wide selection of tennis balls and all those two leggers to throw them!
I have also discovered a leash free beach away from the crowds. Bug just loves to swim! she'll keep swimming til her lips turn blue - i never would have believed a brown dog could turn blue....and shivering - just like a kid a t the beach - except she doesn't build sand castles.
www.dogpark.com (http://www.dogpark.com) is a very informative site. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/cool.gif Along with a lot of other good stuff they have a list of dog parks and where they are!


04-30-2001, 12:14 PM
I have several dog parks near me, some are fenced in and some are not...some have lakes for the pooches to swim in and some are more wooded. My aussie mix, Graham has never had a major problem with any of the dogs but my pug, Cassie was attacked by a yellow lab who was very possessive of tennis balls. Cassie had facial trauma, had a couple teeth knocked out, and she had to have strict cage rest for 3 full days because of a nose bleed. I still take the dogs to the dog park but I am so careful when I go, and I only take Cassie when the crouds of dogs are smaller. As nervous as I am at the dog park, it's a good thing for the dogs (usually) as the dogs get to just let loose and be dogs.

Jasper's Mom
04-30-2001, 10:05 PM
Interesting to read about all your dogs, dog parks and experiences, thanks.

It's funny about Reece playing in the tennis courts. Good idea, I did that too. Several years ago, before dog parks, I had a cocker spaniel with problems. Submissive wetter, fear biter, blind by one year of age, dying of many physical problems at 5 years. The only place I could take her where she could safely play and run free was at the local basketball courts, fenced in right next to the tennis courts. It was big and my boys carefully rode their bikes and skateboards around while she ran after them, never once getting hurt. Smell and hearing were her guides, the basketball area her playground.

jackiedaisy 1935:
I'm not surprised at all that treats don't work in a situation with other dogs. My Sandy totally ignored treats in his training program, focusing on the other dogs. Neither one of my dogs responds to treats around other dogs. But at home they are big treat piggies.

I think Germany might be one of the friendly dog countries. A friend visited there and said dogs were allowed in the restaurants, and rested quietly at people's feet as they ate. Amazing. My dogs would be up, smelling everyone's food, waiting for something to drop.

After my Sandy was attacked in two parks, and once in front of my house, he has been less friendly towards other dogs. At times in the dog park he will charge a dog, growling, but pass on by without stopping. He is scolded so doesn't do it often. Besides, he is a big chicken. I watch him so that others do not take offense.

We have no leash free beaches here, but many owners take the liberty to release their dogs. Much discussion has been in the paper lately and they are cracking down on this. I noticed a new warning sign at the beach close to my house. They say dogs are running up and over people, poop being left on the sand, kids being scared. In one area they have a group that watches the beach and now hand out flyers to dog people. If a dog is set free, they personally approach the people. We'll see. Our beaches are probably much smaller here which makes the close interaction harder to control. I remember the wide open beaches in Northern California and Oregon, stretching out in all directions. Back then I had a passel of two-legged ones running on the beach.

Thanks for the link to the dog park web site. Briefly checked it out and will be back there later today.

A vet tech I know told me of some vicious attacks with injuries at the dog park near my house. I don't go there. Got to be careful. Sorry your Cassie got hurt. My two-legged daughter's nickname is Cassie too.

Daisy's Mom
05-01-2001, 10:00 PM
There are no dog parks near me, but we live in a big field and it's Daisy's own personal dog park http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
Also, this is off topic, but Jasper's Mom talking about the dogs in Germany reminded me of this... in Spain, a lot of people have dogs and I saw them out walking them... but about 90% of them don't use leashes! It's amazing, the dogs just walk calmly at their masters' feet. Daisy would do that too, until she saw a cat, dog, squirrel, etc.! I was just very impressed by the obedience.

05-02-2001, 01:24 PM
>> Dog Park Article <<

Hi, All ~ Here's a link to a very informative article in "The Bark" Magazine that deals with Dog Parks in general and gives excellent ideas for anyone who might be thinking of trying to establish a Dog Park in their community.

Enjoy the read! /s/ Phred, the Kids' Dad

/s/ Cinder & Smokey
the Rescued & Adopted
FurKids of *Phred*

Jasper's Mom
05-04-2001, 06:50 AM
Thanks Cinder and Smoke for the fun link to The Bark and info on the dog parks. It's great. Everytime I come on I find many more things I didn't know about.