View Full Version : Air Travel

04-26-2001, 09:53 AM
I have a two year old dog - Bandit who really does not handle traveling well. I am moving in the near future. I know it will take me two days of traveling. I am not really sure of how I am getting him there. I know people bring their dogs on airplanes, but is it safe?


04-26-2001, 12:00 PM
Hi Ericalee, depending on how big your dog is, you may be able to take him or her in a dog travel bag on the plane. This dog travel site has a link to air travel for dogs. http://www.petswelcome.com

[This message has been edited by jackiesdaisy1935 (edited April 26, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by jackiesdaisy1935 (edited April 26, 2001).]

04-26-2001, 12:03 PM
Hi there!! check out www.dogfriendly.com (http://www.dogfriendly.com) there are articles and stuff on air travel on that site - along with a lot of other great and http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/cool.gif stuff for dogs and to do with dogs!

04-26-2001, 10:56 PM
If you fly with your dog, ask the airline lots of questions. When I was 12, I moved across Texas with my labrador. We flew but it was a bad experience. I was too young to know that we should've researched to find the most pet friendly airline. Dessi's crate was in the middle of the baggage claim area UNATTENDED. Anyone could have taken her. I was in tears thinking about the possibilites. Maybe I overreacted but I still feel awful thinking about it. Her water they made us put in there (it was only an hour flight) was all spilled out and soaking her. There were also soggy animal crackers stuck to her. Ugh. I hear there are good airlines for pet traveling though, you just have to ask around and do a little research. Good luck.

karen israel
04-27-2001, 12:45 PM
Check with the airline. There can be freight and kennel charges. Some states have intra state laws. Some require a vet certificate. Most airlines, by law will not transport your dog if the weather is below 45 degress F or above 85. Accidents happen but it's much safer now than years ago. Your vet may give you a mild sedative as well. I'm a trvael agent so I have had clients transport pets. NO FREE TRAVEL ADVISE!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

04-28-2001, 12:14 AM
Hi there,

I work for an airline and ours in particular allows pets on board in the passenger cabin. But they must be small dogs or cats or other animals. There are size charts in our database that tell you exactly how big the carrier can be because it must fit under the seat. Also, there are 3 pets per plane allowed so they do fly standby...with you. You may have a confirmed ticket but if your pet doesn't make the flight because there are already 3 pets on board then you probably don't want to go either. It is usually not a problem... not many pets fly. But, check with all airlines and do your homework. Any airline will require you to get a health certificate from your vet before allowing you and your pet to board. The health cert must be issued within 30 days of your departure date. Make sure you allow enough time to get that. There are generally fees involved as well. Some airlines like ours will allow pets in the passenger cabin and others fly cargo. Our airline doesn't pressurize nor have a large enough cargo facility to enable pets to fly. (true story - a lady tried to sneak her cat into her suitcase one time and checked the suitcase... needless to say, the cargo bin wasn't pressurized and she had a lot more of her poor cat than she started out with when they landed...very messy.)

So, just make sure you get all details and you are aware of all the fees and requirements. On a personal note, I would never send my pet on an airline where they had to ride in a crate in cargo. It just seems really harsh to me. Just an opinion. So, if we move anywhere, my husband, me and my 3 dogs will have a nice long car ride http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif!

Angel http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

04-28-2001, 10:41 PM
Please do be very careful not only during the flight but when you claim your pets.I worked at our airport and more than once chased down scaired animals. One got loose and it took 3 weeks to find him and get him cornered to tranqulize him to save him from the freeway and planes. Don't let them out of carriers till you are in a SMALL confined area with doors closed tight then get leashes on quickly and collars tightly on. I know that sounds harsh. I have just seen too many get away,cuz owners don't take these percautions. You never know how your pet will react. Even the most seasoned travelers can have a bad time and get nuts.