View Full Version : clean doggies

02-16-2003, 09:36 PM
Yay!!! We survived two baths last night!! Instead of going over to my husbands work, we did them here. I filled up the tub, and put on my swimsuit, and drug Abbey right in with me. She really seemed to enjoy herself--and the hair--YUCK!!
Then it was Kito's turn--he was really good too!!
I couldn't believe I got out of the tub with no scratches:)
I even pushed my luck and clipped Kito's nails today--not too bad, but he does hate it!!
So now my dogs are so shiny and clean--I'll post pics as soon as I can!!

02-17-2003, 10:12 AM
If I had mastered the digital camera, I'd show you a picture or two of some not so clean doggies!!!! Mine are MUDDY from head to tail!!!!!! :D

02-17-2003, 10:21 AM
Cute :)
Ruby got a bath and toenail clipping yesterday also :) That's a good idea about putting on a swim suit and just getting in with the dog. My clothes get sopping wet every time I give Ruby a bath :rolleyes: