View Full Version : A Mizzage from Sophie Bunny

10-09-2001, 11:56 PM
Hi Miz and Misser Pet Talk Peepholes,

My Mom and I r gonna go visitz Gramma and Granpa and Sara Boxer Dawgie and Tinker katz and Clarice katz and Oreo Gurrbil. We will b gonez until Mondayz. Mom sez dat even doz itza short tripz, shez gonna miss everyone.

I like kar tripz cos I git to ridez on Momz shoulder and she singz me da bunny-kar-ridin'-song. It goez, "Ridin' along in my automobile...My bunny beside me at the wheel." Neither one of us knowz da restz o da song, so we jis sing dat a coupla timez.

I like Grammaz houz. She gibz me lotsa fresh veggiez. Oh and derz fishiez der 2. Dey aktually belongz to Mom but Grammaz takin' kare of 'em while Mom finishz skewl. Last time we wuz der, I found one dat had jumped outta da tank. He wuz krispy. I picked it up and chased Mom around with it. She squealedz and ran and madez Gramma take it awayz from mez. Dat wuz funEE fer me!

Sara Boxer Dawgie iz a fraidy pup! Allz I hasta do iz thump my feetz and she runz. I'd likez 2 chase her but Mom won't letz me--she sez itz not polite.

Momz gotta go 2 da doktor while we're der. She sez I might haffa go 2 da vetz and getz my nailz clipped 2. I don't like dat ideaz berry much.

Well, Mom sez I hafta rest up fer da trip so I gotzta git offa here.

So Goodbyez, Miz and Misser Pettalk Peepholes. Mom and I willz talkz 2 u on Mondayz.

Luv, Sophie Bunny

[ October 10, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

10-10-2001, 12:34 AM
Have a safe trip and we will miss you!!

10-10-2001, 01:22 AM
You guys have a good time! Good luck on both of your doctor appointments. We'll miss you too :)

10-10-2001, 09:16 AM
Oh, Sophie, it's me, Hannah, and that song your mom sings sounds like some my mom makes up for me. I just hope your mom sings better than mine duz, oderwise, it'll be a looong trip. You be a good bunny and don't be hopping off anywheres you're not sposed to and be nice to the dawgie too.

Daisy's Mom
10-10-2001, 02:20 PM
Sophie, I hope you are your mom have a great trip. I will miss you!

10-10-2001, 05:47 PM
Precious little Sophie! You have a wonderful, safe trip little bunster!! I know you and your mom are going to have a wonderful time and be spoiled rotten! But hurry back now. We'll miss you! And Sophie, the new picture you posted is simply devine!!! What a glam shot :D Love ya! Sandra, Star and Cody