View Full Version : For all you skin kid mommies... a ??

02-16-2003, 09:27 PM
What do you think are essential baby items? My future SIL asked me to be the godmother of her baby due in April. I want to make sure everything is ready for when the baby comes. Today was her shower. I got her an infant front pack carrier(the thing you strap on to yourself to carry the baby around), a cute baby bouncer that vibrates, and a ton of baby lotion, powder, baby wash, baby shampoo etc.. At the shower she got a stroller, a carseat, portable crib, baby bouncer, clothes, diapers, diaper pail, portable swing, bedding set for the crib, blankies, and more stuff I can't remember right now.

What are baby items that you can never have enough of? Also, I think a lot of people are buying items infant size...should I also get her items that she can use as the baby gets older...like clothes and what else? What am I missing? Can you tell I'm excited? We think it's a girl, but the doctor couldn't tell for sure.

02-17-2003, 12:14 AM
Well, really the only absolutely necessary things are a crib, highchair, stroller and car seat ... and lots and lots of diapers! The swings that you can wind up are nice, as are walkers and baby monitors/intercoms. But too much stuff is really a waste, IMO, as they grow so quickly that a lot of stuff you get at a shower never gets used. I personally hated getting clothes for my son - the majority of them were too small for him to ever wear, and not something I would ever put on him anyway. Fuzzy pajamas with feet in them are always nice, though. Receiving blankets and bibs are useful, too.

02-17-2003, 12:20 AM
Whoo what a fun thread lol!

Well things you can NEVER do without...diapers! You may think she had enough at the shower but NO! You can buy bigger sizes like 3's 4's and even up to 5's and believe me they will come in handy! Another thing are diaper genie refills. Tons of diaper rash ointment. A bath thermometer, music, a glider (oh man do I wish I would have got a glider at my shower!) a bigger careseat like toddler size.

Clothes too! We thought you had a lot of clothes when we had Dylan but you soon find out you don't. You change them abour 6 times a day so the more outfits you have the better. Bigger outfits are always a plus that way they don't have to worry too much when the baby gets bigger.

Nipples on bottles if she is to bottle feed! We lost ours so many times it was ridiculos! I breastfed Dylan til he was 4 months than I went back to work and he was on the bottle/nipple, then I breastfed him again at 6 months and ended for good around 9 months, although he still trys to nuse accasionaly.

A baby wipes warmer. They warm up the diaper wipes so the baby isn't shocked with a very cold wipey on her butt!:p

But what I totally can't live without and always buy over and over and over again are wipes, diapers, sippy cups/bottles when they are younger, diaper genie refills and TONS of food lol. Dylan has a very big apetite.

One thing we found very useful was a power strip cover. If they have a computer this is a must have safety item. Also they need to use different types of outlet plugs besides the round push in kind because there has been a few deaths in infants who has choked on them. If you haven't noticed they fit perfectly in the mouth, are round and very easy to pull out. We use a special kind that you have to take off the old face plate cover and screw in a new one, which can only be opened by pushing in push sides really hard...and beleive me it's a pain, but worse the saefty of my child. A baby gate for the kitchen/bedroom/bathroom. Ours are completely gated off. Lots of sock too...you always lose them especially when they get to the stage where they can take them off themselves, lol.

If it happens to be a boy they should invest in a pair of goggles....boys can shoot PRETTY far!:D :rolleyes:

Oh yes and a camcorder and tons of film!!!!!

02-17-2003, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
Well, really the only absolutely necessary things are a crib, highchair, stroller and car seat ... and lots and lots of diapers! The swings that you can wind up are nice, as are walkers and baby monitors/intercoms. But too much stuff is really a waste, IMO, as they grow so quickly that a lot of stuff you get at a shower never gets used. I personally hated getting clothes for my son - the majority of them were too small for him to ever wear, and not something I would ever put on him anyway. Fuzzy pajamas with feet in them are always nice, though. Receiving blankets and bibs are useful, too.

Actually the wind up swings are a PAIN...the battery operated ones are so much better and you don't have to rewind them every 20 minutes! ;)

02-17-2003, 02:03 AM
Ok, I don't have children but I raised someone elses for 7yrs...including a set of twins. 5 kids all under the age of 6!! DIAPERS many, many, diapers. And Onesies lots of them! As for baby clothes I always bought them bigger and tried to plan ahead as to what the season was going to be like when they would be that size. Pacifiers, bottles, nipples, thermometers, teething toys (3 of the boys cut their first teeth by 3months!) Film for the camera.....Some other really nice stuff is stuff for the Mommie....Babysitting coupons, A trip to a Salon/Spa, Friends cooking dinner for a night, Etc.... And if there are siblings, especially younger it's always nice to include them too, a small gift or outing so that they don't forget they are special too.